
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ANNUAL REPORT Fiscal Year 2009 Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee Adjutant General 3949 Diamond head Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-4495 (808) 733-4246 / 733-4238 Fax Website: www.hawaii.gov/dod Dear Governor Lingle: It is my privilege to present the State of Hawaii, Department of Defense Annual Report for FY09. The Hawaii Army National Guard performed its federal and state missions to the highest standards during the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team’s deployment to Kuwait and Iraq and during recovery RSHUDWLRQVIROORZLQJÁRRGLQJKHUHDWKRPH The Hawaii Air National Guard moved into new roles and missions, standing up an Air Operations *URXSDQGDQHZ,QWHO6TXDGURQ$LU*XDUGSHUVRQQHODOVRFRQWULEXWHGWRÁRRGUHFRYHU\HIIRUWVDVZHOODV 0HGLFDO,QQRYDWLYH5HDGLQHVVWUDLQLQJEHQHÀWWLQJQHHG\+DZDLLUHVLGHQWV State Civil Defense established the Governor’s Interagency Volcano Task Force to investigate the effects of increased volcanic emissions while continuing to improve the processes for preventing and/or mitigating future disasters. 7KH2IÀFHRI9HWHUDQV6HUYLFHVKHOGLWVDQQXDO9HWHUDQV'D\DQG0HPRULDO'D\FHUHPRQLHVDWWKH Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery, while overseeing the burial and care of more than 3,000 grave sites there. The Youth Challenge Academy graduated two more classes, bringing to more than 2,700 cadets who’ve EHQHÀWWHGIURPWKHSURJUDP ,WKDVEHHQDQKRQRUDQGSULYLOHJHWRKDYHVHUYHGDVWKH6WDWH$GMXWDQW*HQHUDODVZHPRYHLQWRWKHÀQDO year of your administration. Sincerely, ROBERT G.F.LEE Major General Hawaii Army National Guard Adjutant General HAPPY 373RD – Retired Command Sgt. Maj. James Reis, Pfc. Amber Sevidal and Master Sgt. Francis Hapenny representing the retirees, and, the youngest and oldest active Hawaii National Guard members at the 373rd National Guard birthday ball are assisted by Command Chief Master Sgt. Denise M. Jelinski-Hall, the senior enlisted advisor, to cut the birthday cake at the Ihilani Resort on Dec 12, 2009. Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee, the adjutant general. looks on. 6JWVW&ODVV &XUWLV+0DWVXVKLJHSKRWR Department of Defense Organization Mission Youth CHalleNGH$FDGHP\ The State The mission of the State provides youth at risk with an of Hawaii, of Hawaii, Department of RSSRUWXQLW\WRFRPSOHWHWKHLU Department 'HIHQVHZKLFKLQFOXGHVWKH KLJKVFKRROHGXFDWLRQZKLOH of Defense, is Hawaii National Guard (HING) OHDUQLQJGLVFLSOLQHDQGOLIH made up of and State Civil Defense, is to FRSLQJVNLOOV Hawaii assist authorities in providing Army National for the safety, welfare, and Personnel Maj. Gen. Guard GHIHQVHRIWKHSHRSOHRI+DZDLL The Department of Defense Robert G.F. Lee (HIARNG) The department maintains its represents a varied mixture of Hawaii readiness to respond to the IHGHUDOVWDWH$FWLYH*XDUG Air National needs of the people in the event 5HVHUYHDQGGULOOVWDWXV Guard of disasters, either natural or 1DWLRQDO*XDUGPHPEHUV7KLV (HIANG) KXPDQFDXVHG IRUFHWRWDOVDSSUR[LPDWHO\ State Civil 7KH2IÀFHRI9HWHUDQV6HUYLFHV 398 state employees Defense (SCD) 1 serves as the single point of $FWLYH*XDUG5HVHUYH 2IÀFHRI 2 FRQWDFWLQWKHVWDWHJRYHUQPHQW IHGHUDOWHFKQLFLDQV Veterans GULOOVWDWXV$UP\DQG IRUYHWHUDQV·VHUYLFHVSROLFLHV 6HUYLFHV(OVS) Air National Guard members DQGSURJUDPV7KHOVS also Command Chief Hawaii 11RWGRXEOHFRXQWHGDVGULOOVWDWXV Master Sgt. National oversees the Hawaii State 20RVWIHGHUDOWHFKQLFLDQVDUHDOVRGULOO Denise M. Guard Youth 9HWHUDQV&HPHWHU\ status, some are not Jelinski-Hall CHalleNGe The Hawaii National Guard $FDGHP\ (YCA) 2 Website: www.hawaii.gov/dod Department of Defense: Organization chart Governor Senior Senior Army Advisor Air Advisor Advisory Board on 2I¿FHRI 2I¿FHRIWKH Veterans Services Veterans Services1 Adjutant General Youth CHalleNGe State Academy Advisory Civil Defense Committee Advisory Council .H\ &RPPDQGOLQH $VVLJQHGIRUDGPLQLVWUDWLYHSXUSRVHV Hawaii National $GYLVRU\FDSDFLW\ Guard Special Services Board Engineering Adminstrative Human Judge Public Senior Inspector Quality & Contracts Services Resources Advocate Affairs Enlisted General Advisor 2I¿FH 2I¿FH 2I¿FH 2I¿FH 2I¿FH Advisor State State Family Post Selective Personnel Program Mobilization Service3 2I¿FH 2I¿FH State HQ Hawaii State U.S. Property Defense & Fiscal Force Division 2I¿FH2 (Inactive) Adminstrative Internal Purchasing & Public 2I¿FH Review Contracting Affairs Division Division 2I¿FH Data Resource Supply & Processing Management Service Installlation Division Division State Civil Defense Army National Air National Guard HING Youth CHalleNGe Division Guard Division Division Academy 12I¿FHRI9HWHUDQV6HUYLFHVLVDVVLJQHGWRWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVHIRUDGPLQLVWUDWLYHSXUSRVHV VHFWLRQ+DZDLL5HYLVHG6WDWXWHV 863URSHUW\ )LVFDORI¿FHVHUYHVGXDOUROHVDVWKH1DWLRQDO*XDUGUHSUHVHQWDWLYH 3$UP\*XDUGSRVLWLRQVDXWKRUL]HGLQ+DZDLL$UP\1DWLRQDO*XDUG7DEOHRI'LVWULEXWLRQDQG$OORZDQFHVDQG$LU*XDUGSRVLWLRQVDXWKRUL]HGLQWKH+DZDLL $LU1DWLRQDO*XDUG8QLW0DQSRZHU'RFXPHQW+RZHYHUERWKVWDIIVKDYHWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRSURYLGHGLUHFWXSGDWHVWRWKHDGMXWDQWJHQHUDO Adjutant General and Staff Adjutant General, State Civil Defense Director, Homeland Security Director . Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee Deputy Adjutant General . Brig. Gen. Gary M. Ishikawa 863URSHUW\ )LVFDO2I¿FHU . Col. Edward K. Chun Fat +XPDQ5HVRXUFHV2I¿FHU . Col. David C. Snakenburg (QJLQHHULQJ2I¿FHU . Lt. Col. Neal S. Mitsuyoshi 6WDII-XGJH$GYRFDWH2I¿FHU. Lt. Col. Donald G. McKinney 0LOLWDU\3XEOLF$IIDLUV2I¿FHU . Lt. Col. Charles J. Anthony Senior Enlisted Advisor . Command Chief Master Sgt. Denise M. Jelinski-Hall Inspector General . Lt. Col. Tammy L. Stocking State Family Program Coordinator . Lt. Col. Laura S. Wheeler (NGB tour) Army National Guard Commander . Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Chaves Air National Guard Commander . Maj. Gen. Darryll D.M. Wong State Civil Defense Vice Director . Col. (Ret.) Edward T. Teixeira 2I¿FHRI9HWHUDQV6HUYLFHV'LUHFWRU . Maj. (Ret.) Mark S. Moses Youth CHalleNGe Academy Director . Richard W. Campbell Website: www.hawaii.gov/dod 3 Financial summary Department of Defense Summary of expenditures )HGHUDOIXQGVREOLJDWHG Federal Funds Hawaii Army National Guard . $140,641,379 Hawaii Air National Guard . 160,578,535 $362,351,457 Homeland Security . 61,131,543 Total . $362,351,457 6WDWHH[SHQGLWXUHV 95.93% Hawaii Army National Guard . $2,893,195 Hawaii Air National Guard . 940,265 State Civil Defense . 4,138,550 Major disaster . 500,000 Departmental Administration . 4,376,426 2I¿FHRI9HWHUDQV6HUYLFHV . 1,497,519 State Funds Hawaii National Guard Youth CHalleNGe Academy . 1,020,279 4.07% $15,366,234 Total . $15,366,234 Grand total . $377,717,691 Tax revenue of State of Hawaii )HGHUDOFRQWULEXWLRQ $UP\ $LU 7RWDO Civilian payroll . $17,376,073 . $71,505,583 . $88,881,656 Military payroll . 42,246,571 . 45,296,415 . 87,542,986 Supplies, construction, equipment, fuel, travel . 81,018,735 . 43,776,537 . 124,795,982 Total federal contribution . $140,641,379 . $160,578,535 . $301,219,914 Tax revenue generated for state from federal government Sales Tax *HQHUDO([FLVH7D[ . $1,891,562 . $1,825,326 . $3,716,888 State of Hawaii Income Tax . 3,211,479 . 5,291,034 . 8,502,513 7RWDOWD[EHQH¿W to State of Hawaii . $5,103,041 . $7,116,360 . $12,219,401 BEARING GIFTS – Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee, the adjutant general, and Command Chief Denise M. Jelinski-Hall visit the Hawaii Guard troops in Kuwait and Iraq during the holidays, bringing Operation GIFT LIFT goodies from home. 0DM3DPHOD(OOLVRQ photo 4 Website: www.hawaii.gov/dod Joint Forces Headquarters Hawaii 7UDLQLQJ<HDUSURYHG +XUULFDQH5HDGLQHVV5HVSRQVH IXOOFRPSOHPHQWRI$UP\DQG WREHRQHRIWKHPRVWVXFFHVVIXO 3ODQIRUWKH6WDWHRI+DZDLL $LU*XDUGVPHQDFKLHYHGRQHRI and ambitious training years to $FULWLFDOSLHFHRIWKLVHIIRUW the most responsive relief efforts date for the JFHQ+DZDLL:LWK ZDVWKHVLJQLÀFDQWUROHWKH LQWKH1DWLRQVUHFHQWKLVWRU\ a multitude of both Army and Air JFHQVSOD\HGLQUHFHLYLQJDQG 2XUFORVHSDUWQHUVKLSZLWKWKH Guard deployments, there was a SURFHVVLQJ0LVVLRQ$VVLJQPHQWV )HGHUDO(PHUJHQF\0DQDJHPHQW VLJQLÀFDQWPDQSRZHUVKRUWDJH that the Hawaii Guard units $JHQF\FRXSOHGZLWKRXUIDQWDVWLF to sustain the daily operational ZRXOGEHDFWLYDWHGWRVXSSRUW UDSSRUWZLWK863DFLÀF WHPSR+DZDLL·V-RLQW7HDP The lessons learned from this &RPPDQGVHUYHGWRDFFHOHUDWH HIIHFWLYHO\PDQDJHGDQGLQVRPH H[HUFLVHHQKDQFHGWKHUHDGLQHVV our response posture and bring FDVHVDFFHOHUDWHGLW·VRSHUDWLRQDO of both the Joint Staff as well as about immediate humanitarian UHDGLQHVVDFURVVDIXOOVSHFWUXP the HINGXQLWVWKDWSDUWLFLSDWHG UHOLHIWRRXUVWULFNHQ3DFLÀF RIPLVVLRQUHODWHGUHTXLUHPHQWV 7KHLPSRUWDQFHRI0DNDQL3DKLOL SDUWQHULQ$PHULFDQ6DPRDLQ .H\WUDLQLQJHYHQWVFRQWLQXH and the lessons derived from this an effort to alleviate human to keep the JFHQ staff postured H[HUFLVHSOD\HGRXWDV+DZDLL VXIIHULQJDQGPLWLJDWHKD]DUGV WRWDNHRQWKHWKUHDWRI$OO H[SHULHQFHGRQHRIWKHPRVWEXV\ Also of note is Hawaii’s JFHQ +D]DUGV1RRWKHUH[HUFLVHVHWV VWRUPVHDVRQRIUHFHQWPHPRU\LQ LQYROYHPHQWLQWKHRQJRLQJ WKHFRQGLWLRQVIRUWKHFKDOOHQJHV support to Indonesia and the of a disaster like that of Hawaii’s 2IVLJQLÀFDQFHZDVWKH 3KLOLSSLQHVWKURXJKRXU6WDWH PDUTXHHDQQXDO´0DNDQL3DKLOLµ devastating earthquake and 3DUWQHUVKLS3URJUDP 633 KXUULFDQHH[HUFLVHWUDGLWLRQDOO\ VXEVHTXHQWWVXQDPLLQ$PHULFDQ 7KHVHSURJUDPVFRQWLQXHWR KHOGEHIRUHWKHEHJLQQLQJRIHDFK 6DPRDRQ6HSW+RXUV VROLGLI\WKHH[FHOOHQWSDUWQHUVKLS KXUULFDQHVHDVRQLQ0D\7KLV EHIRUHD'LVDVWHU'HFODUDWLRQ the Hawaii Guard enjoys with H[HUFLVHVHUYHVDVWKHVWDQGDUGIRU ZDVDQQRXQFHGE\WKH:KLWH WKHVHWZRLPSRUWDQW3DFLÀF -RLQW,QWHUDJHQF\FROODERUDWLRQ House, the Hawaii Guard and 1DWLRQV,WLVWKURXJKWKHVH IDFLOLWDWLQJDG\QDPLFH[FKDQJH WKH-RLQW6WDIITXLFNO\DVVHPEOHG 3DFLÀFSDUWQHUVKLSVWKDWWKH RIRSHUDWLRQDODFWLYLW\WKDWIRVWHUV
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