WHATDOWEDa Promote human development first for the present crisis is not solely an economic one. By Ani1 Netto viduals or companies facing finan­ cial woes. Salaries of top government mmts­ ters and senior civil sen an~ would be trimmed by 3 -I 0 per cent. though their rat perk were left un­ touched The counu: v.ouJd also try to slash tt ood tmport.<i by boosting local Ood production. Anwar ah ... led do\\ln the offi­ cial foreca'it growth rate for 1998. which 1s now expected to be 4-5 per cent. much lower than the O\erl) opllmtstic 7 per cent he t long last, the Malaysian Some of the bitter medicine was had announced when tabling the government seems to be long overdue, though we have a Budget tn October. Analysts, snapping into reality and couple of reservations. Still. the howe\ er_ expect at best 2 per cent addressing some of our ·second Budget' was a water-shed grm\ th There could e\ en be a WOC!>, a~ the slide in the economy in the government's handling of the rece ton m 1998. continue~ From a broader stand­ economy: with it dawned the point. however. the measures an­ realisation that the boom decade for In ourre\ iew of his 'fin.( October nounced so far do not go far enough Malaysia was well and truly 0\er. Budget, at a time when the ma.m­ in tackling some of the root causes trearn media was <>till l<>udm: 11. THI'SECOND of the present crisis. v. e had said that lower growth rote' BUDGET' \\ ould not be a bad thin,; \\e s:nd On 5 December. Finance Minister Anwar's package included an then that Anwar's Budget d d nor Anwar Ibrahim announced what per cent cut in federal -.pending. go far enough in tacklin., me or has been called a ~econd Budget. with an immediate 10 per cent ,Ja.,h the structural weali.n e~ the with the benefit of hindsight: basi­ across-the-board. He aJ... o ... tre,,ed Malaysian economy. M re lll()(!er­ cally. a package of desperate mea­ that all mega project-. \\ ould be atc growth ratc.s. we argued. 'OOld sures after the October Budget postponed. The government, he allow us to tackle ~·'me ~ ba- failed to hall the slide in the said. would also protect the integ­ -.ic weaknesses. wh•,h nl) country\ capital and tinancial mar­ rity of banks and finanual in,tilu­ economic but aho ' x: .. kets. tions and would not bail out indi- litical. Almm Mmllhlv 1997. 17(11) l'agt':? Accountability And Transparency Corporate Rape ~f.CJ~ Bakun HEP : Enough Is hnougb Fomema & Prlvatisation Ling Hee Ll'Oog Langgar l>erintah 27 Su~e Our Merdeka Stadium 34 Aliran 21st AGM : Rcwlution 38 19 ALIRAN'S HOMEPAGE 30 http://www.malaysia.net/aliran Current Concern.~ 37 lnterview With Oatuk 'ling Pek Khiing 16 l'rfnu:d hy RP Prlntor. Snd. llhd. Sub~cripllon Form 29 611 & 70 JalanAir 1tam Where lias All The Critical Spirit Cone 40 Aliran is a Malay~ian non-governmental organisation listed on th~ roster of the Economic and Soc1al Council of the United Nations. Guid~d hy universal spiritual values. t\liran srrives for gcnuanc unity by promoting Published by Aliran Kesedaran Ncgara (ALIRAN) social justice and human digmty. Membership is open to 12, Jalan Pantal Alizlbrabim. all Malaysian~ alxlve 21 If you nre interested in joining 11900 Pulau PillllnA, \falaysill. (Po:.lal ~ddrrss: Po Box 1M9. Aluao. plea~ contact the Hon Secretary at the addn:s~ 10830 Pulau Pinang. 1\fala)~ia.) shown in this page. ·nol/l'ax : 604-6-115785 ALirwz Mmuflly 1997: 17( //j/•aR<' 3 Aliran welcomes some of the mea­ It would be far better to increase will only lead to higher fees for the sures in Anwar's 'second budget'; rice harvest yields and convert public without a corresponding im­ most of them were in line with what waste land inro fruit and vegetable provement in quality. we have called for over the years. farms. We have to spend more on We have always called for prudence agricultural and fisheries research Savings in government spending in managing the economy and pre­ to boost our output of essential can come from elsewhere. "here serving our resources. We have con­ food. We owe this to future genera­ the 'fat' -and there is plenty of lhat, sistently opposed economically un­ tions of Malaysians. just look al the amount spent on the justifiable mega projects. For lhat, Selangor Mentri Besar's residence we, along with other non-govern­ Aliran also has some reservations - is most obvious, and not from es­ mental organisations, were labelled on the tlat 10 per cent cut in gov­ sential sqcial services. 'anti-development' - wbich we are ernment spending. Spending ones­ not. sential social services should not be The basic flaw in official thinking affected. If anything, it should be on how best to halt the economic We just knew that the country could raised as the lower-income group slide is lhat the government insists not go on spending beyond its is going to be hardest hit by the eco­ on looking at the problem solely means indefinitely. That was plain nomic slowdown, the full impact of as an economic one. It is not. There common sense, which, sadly, was which we will only feel in the next are social, political and moral roots not so common in those euphoric few months. to the woes we arc facing today. 'boom-boom' days when the economy wac; flooded with foreign TRY SOMETHING capital seeking quick profits. Today, DIFFERENT we are saddled with a current ac­ Here are some concrete meac;ures count deficit of about RM13 billion, lhal would imrnediatel> tmprove more than 5 per cent of gross na­ sentiment in the Kuala Lumpur tional product. Stock Exchange and the ring!!it, while boosting overall confidence We have always urged the govern­ in the econom). They may :.eem a ment not to w~'te taxpayers' money little unorlhodox. but" ith the gov­ on uncontrolled spending and ernment seem10gly at a loss for stressed the importance of public fresh ideas.\\ e have nothing to lose accountability. We have often by tf) mg somelhing different. called on the government to boost food production for economic and Indeed. investors· confidence and strategic reasons. business sentiment arc now going to be crucial as negative news from Anwttr"s .\()/ution to our woes ronfined to Asking everyone to grow greens economic.f one nation has a knock-on effect on in their backyards is a symbolic neighbouring countries. How can gesture to stress how important it Already, government spending on we improve confidence in Malay­ is to be self-sufficient in food. health care and education is way too sia as a vibrant, dynamic. civil so­ There are those who say it is far low. Facilities for the disabled and ciety, where investors and citizens more efficient to import the food funds for the poor who need expen­ can engage in productive activity we need if it proves to be cheaper sive surgery are lacking. The qual­ and reap fair returns? than growing it ourselves. But, to ity of education in schools and uni­ them, we say we cannot rely on versities leaves much to be desired. These are the concrete measures others for our food supplies es­ The government bas proposed that Aliran would propose· pecially when the rising world corporatisalion of universities and population will make importing hospitals as the solution and at the Improve transparenc) - <\ ~lisb nations more vulnerable to glo­ same time plans ro cut government the Official Secreb Act nnJ the bal food shortages. spending. But we feel such a move Printing Presse!> diiJ Publications A/iran Monthly 1997: 17(11) Page4 Act and replace them with a Free­ lies to cronies. dom of information Act. Remove where consum­ curbs on media freedom to encour­ ers have to ab­ age independent, investigative jour­ sorb the inevi­ nalism. Investors are looking for table cost of in­ greater transparency tn the efficiency. Exist­ economy and reliable information. ing privutised Eliminate insider trading and cor­ monopolies, porate wheeling-and-dealing on the such as PLUS, Aooli.flltiU! !SA : ntt·d fnr mon• uitical Mllla_nianJ. Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. which stand ro which have hurt many minority make super profits at the expense fessionals, economists. analysts and shareholders and undennined for­ of the consumer. should pay higher sociologists in our midst. many of eign confidence in the local bourse rates of tax. The funds from these whom have had to toe the official (the latest case being the UEM­ higher taxes should go towards pro­ line or risk jeopardistng their ca­ Renong fiasco). Revamp the Secu­ viding basic social services to the reers. Tap their talents and sed. rities Commission to prevent politi­ public. ln this regard the public their ad\ ice immedtately. Quite a cal manipulation in the must be allowed a role in the regu­ number, including scientists and re­ sharemarket. latory process currently denied searcher~. have left the country be­ them. cause they felt their contributions Wipe out corruption and money were not appreciated or recognised politics - for this to happen. it is Enhance public accountability by the authorities. Foreign exper­ important for the Anti-Corruption and the democratic process-pub­ tise - lecturers and consultants - Agency, the Election Commission lic accountability should be the should be imported as long as there and the Attorney-General to be in­ buzzword at all levels of society.
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