JACKSON PH OTOGRAPH Y KAST WEDDINGS CU STOM IZ ED COL L ECTION E N G R A V E T H E COL LECTION SU M M ER 20 21 Every wedding is unique and should be customized to the bride and groom's personality. The PERFECT wedding should represent the couple's love and share that love with their guests. When your loved ones bring their gifts home they should bring your love with them. KAST Wedding concentrates on customizing Want that perfect useful party favor for your your wedding by creating the perfect gifts for guests? Think about what people use your wedding party, guests, and loved ones. everyday in their house. A coaster to set their drink on, a bottle opener for their favorite Planning a wedding takes a lot of time and beverage, or a cutting board for their kitchen. effort. By shopping with KAST, you can Find the perfect gift that fits your guests' life check off several things on your To-Do list in and customize it with your wedding story, so one place. whenever they see it they think of your big day and all of the wonderful memories. Find the perfect groomsman gift for your guy friends that are standing by your side on your Finding the perfect cake topper can be big day. Enjoy drinking beer or hard liquor? difficult, but if you can personalize it in Share a smoke with your groomsmen with anyway that you want, that's pretty simple. customized cigar holders or a personalized Pick your favorite design and customize it humidor. We have the perfect gifts for you with your special date or new name. Need to and your pals. add table numbers? Pick your design and material and add them to your centerpiece. Girlfriends? Need the perfect tumbler to sip on your favorite beverage throughout the big Weddings can be stressful or they can be fun. day? Customize your tumbler so there is no Let KAST take the stress out of the planning confusion on whose drink it is. No more so you enjoy all the fun. sharing germs. Want to add a special touch to the famous dress photo? Add a customized wedding hanger! Y O U R CUSTOMI ZE WEDDI NG KKAASSTT WWeeddddiinngg CCoolllleeccttiioonn Table of Contents 5 ~ Groomsmen Gifts 8 ~ Bridesmaid Gifts 11 ~ Party Favors 13 ~ Cake Toppers/ Table Numbers 15 ~ Contact Information S S GGRROOOMOSMESNM GIEFTNS K K S S A A L L F F AL U M I N U M FL ASK 10 OZ . EN GRAVES SILVER $ 15.0 0 FL ASK GIFT BOX (W ITH FU N N EL ) $ 20 .0 0 L EAT H ERET T E FL ASK EN GRAVIN G COLOR VARIES FL ASK GIFT BOX $ 18 .0 0 (W ITH FU N N EL & SHOT GL ASSES) $ 35.0 0 GGRROOOMOSMESNM GIEFTNS 2 0 OZ . B EER ST EI N S $ 18 .0 0 SH OT GL ASS PU B GL ASS 2OZ . FROSTED EN GRAVIN G 15OZ . FROSTED EN GRAVIN G $ 10 .0 0 $ 15.0 0 BBRRII DDEESSMMAAII DD W H I SK EY STON ES W I T H BAG EN GRAVES FROST W HITE $ 30 .0 0 BAM B OO W H I SK EY STON E SET TOP EN GRAVIN G ON LY $ 35.0 0 STAI N L ESS ST EEL KOOZ I E HOL DS CAN S & BOTTL ES $ 23.0 0 ROSEW OOD H U M I DOR TOP EN GRAVIN G ON LY $ 75.0 0 POCK ET K N I FE CI GAR CASE W I T H H OL DER AVAIL ABL E IN W OOD OR EN GRAVIN G COLOR VARIES BL ACK ALU M IN U M $ 12.0 0 $ 30 .0 0 BBRRII DDEESSMMAAII DD GGII FFTTSS SK I N N Y SH OT GL ASS 2OZ . FROSTED EN GRAVIN G $ 10 .0 0 W I N E T U M B L ERS 12OZ . DRIN K THROU GH L ID $ 20 .0 0 SL I M KOOZ I E HOL DS SL IM CAN S $ 23.0 0 TOW N I E M U G 14OZ . TRAVEL M U G GL I T T ER FL ASK $ 25.0 0 5OZ . STAIN L ESS STEEL $ 23.0 0 W OODEN H AN GER $ 15.0 0 STAN DARD KOOZ I E W I N E GL ASSES HOL DS CAN OR BOTTL E $ 25.0 0 STEM M ED OR STEM L ESS GL ASS 12.0 0 TOW N I E M U G SK I N N Y T U M B L ER 14OZ . TRAVEL M U G 20 OZ . W ITH STRAW $ 25.0 0 $ 25.0 0 PART Y FAVORS L EAT H ERET T E COAST ERS W I T H B OT T L E OPEN ER EN GRAVIN G COLOR VARIES $ 8 .0 0 CORK COAST ERS 4" CIRCL E OR SQUARE- $ 5.0 0 CAR COASTER- $ 3.0 0 L EAT H ERET T E POCK ET K N I FE/ B OT T L E OPEN ER $ 4.0 0 ACRYL I C B OT T L E OPEN ER $ 4.0 0 L EAT H ERET T E K EYCH AI N B OT T L E OPEN ER SAM E COLORS AS POCKET KN IFE ABOVE BAM B OO T RI VET $ 4.0 0 $ 4.0 0 C O N T A C T U S (815) 213-1379 [email protected] www.KASTLaserCreations.com 307 South Orange Street Morrison, Illinois 61270.
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