/ _ / 1%/Ii V5-Frnaluj Pu. 1 l 5 "i&#39; code-clerk at the Soviet Em-| &#39;1-assy to .ftust.ralia. transmitted ao Moscow some of Kislytsirrst L1-.-3 i octet: messages. Mrs. Petrnv;that she ed to join her hus-[man said; "W5 believe this in ti.-i obtained asylum in Aus- .liiR. The Petrov riisclosurcs are if1i$Ppea1&#39;ai1cc of Mrs. Maciean =. iacly to be extremely embar- band in the Soviet Union. [be true." from Switzerland. &#39; wsiiis For the Fofcign Office Petrovs disclosures imply Asked about the statement Kislytsin told Pctrov he was ind the Government here. Both assigned to the Soviet Embassy that the Soviet Union, for many that they fled because they had A-ave maintained they did not at London in 1945 as a code years, had access to secrets of learned they were being in- now the whereabouts oi Bur- the British Foreign Office, in- clerk from the Soviet secret vestigated, the spokesman said: police and for three years wast and McLean after the two cluding secrets entrusted to It is true that MacLean was ocn crossed the English Chan- in close touch with Burgess and this country by the_United grinder active investigation by ::-1 and entered France four States and other Allies. - MacLcan through an intermed- the security authorities. Bur- ary. He. did not Fm:-E me t cars ago. They lend substance to de- gess suitability tor continued The For ither of them. &#39; mands mane in the United foreign service employment States that Washington should .was under investigation and -rofessedeign ltice also has ; Petrov quoted him Saying ignorance of where- withhold from Britain secret he had already been with- matters until the Government personally handled all th .JO_u.§ clMelinda itlaclican, drawn from Washington. W , . _ &#39; _ ti-,4 here eliminated enormous -holesii Petrov, who was head of the maleiiat - mat nulifiq . - 1* 5iw=1w-. 0 &#39;92meric&n-horn wife of Mae- I received brieicascs DU-U E .can. She and her children declared to exist in its security Soviet secret service in Aus- I tralia, said in his account that IForeign Oifice doctiment-Tl1¢:¢ isappearcd from Switzc1&#39;1~andsystem. I Kisyltsin, who had been work- were phntgraphcd at the Ern-} :1 September, 3953, after they i A Foreign Oliice snokesnlan sad been allowed to leave this today conrmed some of ing under him burst into hisibasiiy and quickly 1&#39;9l»m&#39;n3-d mi toPctrovq statements. oice onS@iJt~ T7. M1953. wavin iBr5°5"- The Photigraphs ferii cuntry. Asked wi*.eti1er Petmv was --».- correct in saying that Burgess 2its ,new-spaper come of! at and last, shouting JLISIZ a .mH &#39;351% H2. P0?-T1§H6séigf;P;?__dp.l° I1 __ q l 3etrOv&#39;.s account conrmedand Mac1.ean had heen long- we planned it?" l From Lfi 192l51YL5*" elit-_ Etime Soviet agents, the spokes- Kislvtsin was "starring to thci .i__;...._._____> _ _ _ . -- ln to lioscnur. PH-,:]~5|{Q t vas nut in charge oi a slitfi 1 jseetion of an amazing library; oi foreign intelligence called the top secret archives. Accorrling to Pctrov s ae- count, it was crammed fuil_oi so rot donutnents of the British F reign Office. There was w m ch that 3 great. deal had. n | .ven been translated and d ¬- tributed to the Soviet! minis- teries interested." 9 4» 92 l ..:.:;-;&#39; _._ .. ., _. _ 7 W71 7__ ? -7--______ __-&#39; 7_e Mi __7::- _ _ "&#39; 1&#39;3-19 &#39;2-5&5; . Mr. T013051 Mr. Eiioardmrxn l - §~=&#39;1;:,. Niphnls ..__._._.*..___ Mr. Eielznont m.__.___ ~ Mr." F*?§arhn *______»___... Mr. Mohr: N-....-.....-é..___....._. Mr. E3s1rs~:>ns3 ._m..___..__. ,,..f_ ,92 r&#39;*&#39; I!-&#39;:&#39;Q"f" 0 :- J 4; Mr. Fmsen _____________. {92f924~&#39;-92-3;, §v§,§.*-/»92--i&#39;. MAT. Tumm ._..................._..... ..; 92 V;- - V Mr. Sizes ;.~ ,,... Q. - ,. 92 . .1 __ &#39; Mr. Wlntetwwai ""&#39;""""T""""&#39;!&#39; i92.~:;92 §=.l-~51»-&#39;-i-. "_,u.>~i; Tale. Rcmnl........................ Y "-> Mr. Hollomzxn _.............___. Miss G-and; V_........_...... Ywo ,-,_____ &#39;iDipiorna§s were Agenis - » - X V I I ~* {F4-.-:V&#39;. V.--&#39;-:.-,-,-;-Q- .1 ~. .~ _-»: - 2-*5-. _-1" -I11 ma &#39;92 _V ;_V . _ _ ._-, , V . _ . V" ,_-,_ .~:~¢-.V:V92 .5-.. J3.&#39; - ¢- 1 _}e&#39;_:}- V 3;}; V :55] _§92". .:T>;&#39;>~.; V 1,:-1.:;§ .1.-:_-$4, .V.~92V:qg!;___ "°jf=&#39;-_,; ;j:2a~92,:,_~If:- __:&#39;_;§" * _-Ff V, 92 .-;,¢f&#39;_:&#39;;I:Vj V T-&#39; -&#39;¬_ . &#39;.P&#39;V~"- " _;92{__,-: 1," 92 JV! F: . &;.&#39;; V. 5&#39;1. i?-1?? _.V< }R~ 9292Z92&#39; ax "-5; "1 1v; "3 Fr; G-&#39;" Z ~ &#39;&#39;; V. ;V. &#39;!§j 3 -:1; _ -a-§.:;:< .2;-2 -&#39;_~%=V-- .:~:Va.- {<1 ~*-*vl;_. .<:>~"&#39;¢:.. .-.1 ~TI;=§&#39; .=-+5 V@gs§&#39;7" $;._&#39;.~>_¢.~: » ..r<.V>&#39;=;»» ~ _< E» 43$: 92 > 3-°~VV ,V~ . V, . , ,.. ;V,.-;;,. xii; . _. V. .. r 1 &#39; .=~ &#39;=-fig. :-7. i."""&#39; " &#39;.F¢"-l~&#39; V-:§:i."~3V " * 92 *V=;:==. "" - -.k ~.:a;;&#39; - - -- I ION, Sept. 15% £;P>»»»§Jisc1r:s92.1*:~et}2z1%:::1i$s.ir1g diigmamats {%u,_§&#39;§3.u:*gess 8.¥1{3.D¬_! &#39;1.1f @__,;;::_I..eza.11 were s_uVspecteti Sc;vI.et1 spies t_m1che& off denaantis far a pa1ii:.m1ent:u? m92?éstig&#39;aVi:Vion _in-to Whg-* t*i"my 1-92-&#39;ere 3.11%-~ed to d.i.e=a.pear !&#39;11£=.hi:x the Imtm if-m~m.in. i u; 1*-weigzz }&#39;f.fi§:eannouasQ»;?<;i?"*"""&#39;""""*&"""""" >>>>> ********************** ~ &#39; in. an mffi-::.ia1 si:~zste1&#39;neVv1t. }§u11g>;eess ELIBT1 ;3*&#39;{acI,e:a92n, whn r.l1sa1{&#39;>;1¬<¬i.1"&#39;ed§ A. E"§_:s"Qig11 .@§fi::c sp0.R~::§><:r1.z;~r1 ;$;4.i=:i§ ;fu=u;r ;,=ea.:&#39;s mg-n and are izwievedi "I§z *l3.em1"W53-S U?!{!92:,3;? argwse 92m=-zrzstazi iv tn hm-e gima ber5:nd iize 3.rm15 .zsth>n" at me t.im»ra_ <i¥=">-ii E9292!=§;~f§§=5 i. &#39;92 C:11&#39;t;_a_§;1,_ _92*»<_&:1Afg_*.;_.&:=.1§g:-:;~V;t*¢-red sf being, uit-ah§lit.g; for co11.1m,u<ms- §:J1£~.92Vg§&#39;§0 K, _¢92~,.i1 &#39; $V<z92:iei.- exgeexxis all the "Lime. _ 1 ser>.~i<.§e also was i>¢?ifI§§ 111~<-W 1 ._ W v92_._, 3 . » Tlwe si>1t.&#39;&n112_11t asaiil timm "w-Si m.- ggmeci. &#39;» suiieient ev&#39;1§,ismc¬: ts; w;1:&#39;r:mi: their .=&#39;92skr-ii 92»92&#39;hss$h0z it lmes the; arrest emci the gwernment has aw nwn v.-"esre rig!-gami eff that me-Y ~5"*e; . _. .,, u.n,§u- imV&#39;e$i;Egati0s1 am} haci aiiijfi: .- 3. *&#39;_:&#39;_ r V; _, V1. 7"-7?§ iv-~ . ..;,_;.;: _ _v . _ , their $5m&#39;is2.t cmutact for vsafaa? ms; Va #7" 92 L 0 ~ 1 R - ~ ~ ->:==<?&#39;»5~-. the: .*:»1».VzV.92:.. the spvk-*m-ml E-=1-iii» We! {£1 :§VE&#39;-.;.." --: I ».:V.&#39;:.- &#39; "Y"1"f:.<2Ef-:&#39;:&#39;:=5l&#39; 3.311; :-;-».&#39;i -&#39; . f92 &#39;-V._:¢V;&#39;.&#39;,&#39;5;. !!t:3ie*92-<2: 1"i1;2~.t in be sin. i . --V.92. , " &#39; "-5- -i. V~5-.>.~.VP" I ==:= ;~%<" §;:._~V ~ S*IEA;92!I11i!.&#39; 5 Wcash. Post smri -=92&#39;l&#39;&#39; ~ »=;- " V &#39; .» .- - .~* -- " Bath mm: ¥:Voa1"d§?d M1 F-192§Z3i&#39;V?31 Chamnel si.t~.;=u&#39;ner at F,i<,:=.1tha.rn;>t¢3a1 an Times ?.&#39;¥+;>xVi1id " " &#39;%é"§_&#39; V» vi .. I NEV13; 25, &#39;1$~}E=1., and got off A12 "|£&#39;SI&#39;3¢ N¬W$ ...@._.------V &#39;.1." "§§§"*:*5l&- :=~- =>92. 3; yxrmm, l<can<:@_, um. i.01ls3wir1gi ¢i=92a-"- &#39;.§§- 1. .&#39;- I &#39; &#39; &#39;V Wash. Stu: ____.._».__ V _ &#39; &#39;I*§1e&#39;:n £I:<1&#39;3= 92-&#39;:mislwd. _ 1%.-I:1<:I;,e:,a1:92 was;-s heasi sf ma. :1;rn§::a; N. Y. Herald ..»-»-- V..V- V Q; - V .. ,. can ;ii.f¬:§!"S smzticn. <1-if iiw F<:>1"mgrr- Triimne VR1s:&#39;g&#39;£*,=sa M&eLt:a.n G££%»:¢&#39;:.. }3urgess was fennzc-2" :scw.r:V1&#39;}ri ,92¢»;92..&#39;-11->tzx.1&#39;1V :31; the British. EéI11,*gi¢5-y 1?; N. Y. Mizfror _..........w pa-92w*.:r ts: Mop imam fI&#39;=!3Y&#39;i92 llsavingi vs-1-5; mmm. -1- use L0il!il&#39;Ij!. &#39;1k:@:lr aim.-p1;_=1.e:>.z£..1:92I2£:§ D<1i192,* Walker _~.____.~_&#39;-»-- hmgan am mi the hEg&#39;gs?%t my:sEerEse.~;§ Tha Wdrker &__..........._ 0? ihe lrxiki Wm. The mys.¬.s:s;,,&#39;i sim:V;1 ::wdsvixén Is-Tmr:i..e:1n&#39;:+ £Ih,is:;sg0-1 New Leader My lmm an-"ifs and their iiwree c:}1§1V:.i1"m1; also t!isa.1n1!eam?d. 1 HIERVIANXBS 1 _, , .--.>_; ""&#39;"""""&#39;"&#39;"&#39;f"§fV.""7.: Infvrrnecl :.<;mn<. said 92.s-hoih fem-1 _ ,. .<»"-..>- Esta _..§_§i__.........._.._ sse:~varwee and La%_=oz- rue@&#39;mi>vr1&#39;= wfrl .-92 .-»,-1&#39; * V: l?&#39;m&#39;iiam.&nt.
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