“.i', -:r'j:;^:.-'.;-:-^A-.' ‘ I"--- -jV■ ■•■■:"■.',•■*!, i s^Si.V?,’,';?^-. tf / !•=. ■,. THE WEATBEB Foretept of 0 . 8. Weather Bore. AVERAOB d a i l y dRODLATION Hartford for the Month of March, 198S Oocaelonal rain tonight and prob­ 5,530 ably Saturday morning; not much Member of Audit Bureau change In temperature. of Circulation. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THK CENTS (UaeaUled Advertising on Page IS.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., ^TOETAY, APRIL 8, 1932. yOL. U ., NO. 162. MELLON DENIES Wrecked Plane in Which Capt. Hawks HOOVER DISCUSSES Was Hurt VETERANS AT CAPITOL WARDEBTSflIS «■ ECONOMY PROGRAM SPEOAL WORK WITH BONUS PETITION Takes Up QuesUon At Cabi­ DETECTIVES PROBE New Ambassador Tells Re­ Mutineers Still Hold Marching Behind Bands, Ex net Session— Senate Sug­ EXTORTION PLOT porters In London That Soldiers Deliver 20 Pack­ gests Million Dollar Cpt In He Has No Instructions To Warships of Ecuador ing Cases Filled With Sig­ Foger Cot F n a A m u Dry Law Fund. Discuss Financial Prob- Guayaquil, Ecuador, April 8 There was complete order in the natures of Over Two Mil­ (AP) —The port authorities, acting rest of the country, Hand Sent To Oetdand Yenis of Europe. This afternoon the newspaper El Washington, April 8 — CAP) — under extraordinary powers granted Telegrafo published an extract from lion Persons — Received The drive for slashes in govern­ Man As a Wanung. the government by the Council of a manifesto issued by the rebels at ment expenditures gained addition­ — State at Quito, closed this port to Punta Piedra and intercepted by the By Leaders of Both Par­ ■^Loncton, April 8.— (AP)—Andrew I government. It named Commander al momentum today at the White all traffic today while the Equador- W. M^on, new American ambassa­ ean Navy, manned by mutineers, re­ Mendoza as the leader'of the move- House and Capitol. Cleveland,___ _____ April 8.— (AP) — A dor to Great Britain, took advantage mained in control of the harbor and ment,> and it described the movement ties. President Hoover, at the I ^ extortion "plot in which a fin- as “a revolution in defense of the of the first opportunity that offered Overturned and badly smashed as It crashed Into a stone wall In an fort at Punta Piedra. Yesterday the rebels darted out principles of liberty which are r » i “ 'sert p?.; rer hacked .rcm • itself today to say that he did not attempted take-off, Capt Frank Ha wk’s low-winged monoplane is shown and seized a British oil tanker with threatened by the Conservative Washington, April 8.— (AP) — aration for the meeting tomorrow was placed in the letter box or a come to Europe to solve the repara­ <%-e as it appeared after the famed speed flyer’s close brush with death its cargo and provisions. It was to Party.” Marching behind bands, over a with the special House economy prominent Cleveland man as a ter- tions and war debts problems. at the Worcester, Mass., airport. Hawks, removed unconscious from the prevent a recurrence of raids of The manifesto declared a block­ investigated wreckage, was later reported to be seriously though not critically injured. committee. rorizing \a^raliig, was Hardly were welcoming ceremon­ that kind that the port was ordered ade of the Port of Guayaquil and thousand veterans went to the Capi­ A soggy field was blamed for the aviator’s failure to gain the 70-mile-an- A t the same time, the Senate ap- today b;^^ftecUyes ies at Southampton and London over, closed. announced^, that General Mendoza tol today with a truckload of peti­ proprlstions subcommittee approv* | The___ man who received the hour speed necessary to lift the ton-and-a-half ship off the ground. Wll- before the former secretary of the All traffic bound in past Punta would make his headquarters in the tions urging cash payment of the «d ten ner cent reduction in the I gruesome threat was John B United States Treasury got right to Piedra, where the river is two miles little town of Puna. S124 000^000 supply bUl for the herding, 59, president of two M ld- bonus and were promised by major­ work at the American embassy and wide, will be shunted away in an ef­ The authorities here announced ity spokesmen of the House and 9tate Justice Commerce and Labor ing and loan companies, former one of his first acts was to receive fort to starve the rebels out. that three members of the crew of S rtm en ts neit year. It included member of the London, Ohio prison Senate their plea would receive con­ Departments next jr _____ -nmmission and former chairman British and American correspond­ Yesterday the mutineers seized the Cotopaxi had been hauled out of sideration. a $1,000,000 cut in the prohibition cornmlsslon and former of the Cleveland boxing commis­ ents there. FALSE RUMORS SPREAD the gunboats Cotopaxi and Tarqui the river near Guayaquil. 'They said ’The Veterans of Foreign Wars, enforcement fund, reducing the Then the new envoy called upon they had deserted the rebel force, sion. and steamed out of the harbor as a sponsors of the demonstration, said total to $10,000,000. Accompanying the finger was a Sir John Simon, Great Britain’s sec­ liner put In with General Leonidsis which consisted of only 60 men in there were 2,500,000 signatures on Meanwhile, Chairman McDuffie demand that he pay $3,000 to a retary for foreign affairs, to find out Plaza Gutierrez, former president. the fort. tile petitions delivered in 20 pack­ said the House economy committee messenger of the extortionist. about arrangements for presentation ON AMERICAN FINANCES The authorities thought that the Numerous other members of the ing cases. was-------------- considering _ a retrenchmentw . « I Whether the finger was severed of his credentials to King George. mutiny was inspired by the gener­ gunboat’s crew, they reported, were They were delivered to Represen­ program estimated to save between qj. Uving hand will be Meets Reporters. al’s political opponents although he locked up for refusing to join the tative Rainey of Illinois, the Demo- $175,000,000 and $200,000,O')0 fo igg^ngd after an examination by When the new ambassador sub­ HARDWARE STORES professed to have no political mutiny. They also reported that crELtlc leader; Snell, of New York, presentation to President Hoover ^jjpgj.^g gj Western Reserve Uni- mitted to questions of the corres­ Wall Street Bankers Say motive in returning from San Fran­ General Mendoza had been treated the Republican leader, and Senator tomorrow. „ versity. pondents their queries ranged over MAY SELL DRUGS cisco where he has lived for some by a doctor at Puna smd that he was McNary, of Oregon, the assistant Senator Jones (R., Wash.), author Other Threats his social plans and incidental things time. said to be seriously ill. Republican leader, who were group­ of the "F. e anej Ten" enforcement wilberding received a demand for until a reporter for one of the big They Will Run Down Re­ Restaurant Owners Open Cam­ ed on the Capitol steps with other law, is chairman of the full appro- j2,000 March 29 accompanied by a London dailies told Mr. Mellon that paign to Stop 'Drug Stores members from both brcnches rrf priations committee and of the sub- of death if he failed to corn- Europe regarded him as a special Congress. committee which made the cut in j next day the extortionist ambassador on war debts and repa­ ports That State American from Selling Food. President Hoover a few days ago the four department supply bill. It telephoned to ask if the letter had rations. urged that legislation for payment was one of two the Senate sent tjeen received. “Who did you say invented that Dollar Is Weak In Foreign New York, April 8.— (AP)— SMITH IS CANDIDATE of the bonus be not passed at this back to committee with Instruc- “What letter?” replied Wilber- story?” asked Mr. Mellon quietly. The proposition was advamced time and Henry L. Stevens, National tions to slash ten per cent from the ^jng “I have no special instructions to today to sell drugs in hardware commander of the American Legion, total as passed by the House. “ You are double-crossing me and deal with financial questions.” Majfkets. * stores. HE TELLS CONNECTICUT also has opposed it. Some Exceptions you’ll pay for it” the other man ‘T realize I am fortunate in com­ The purpose would be to The ten per cent reduction was replied, and then hung up the re­ ing here at this time. Relations make pharmacies quit selling VETERANS GA’THER applied rather generally down the ceiver. between our two governments were New York, April 8— (AP) - -Wall sandwiches. Washington, April 8.— (AP) — line. with some exceptions,------- '•*— which I Police said today the finger and never better, smd while we both face Restaurateurs sponsor the Veterans in dress that includeij the secena threatening letter street international bankers said to­ Former New Ywrk Governor were made up by large cuts in a problems of a most serious nature, idea. GERMANY MAY BUY dingy overalls and smart scarlet few cases. reached Wilberding the following arising largely out of the war, these day that they would leave no stone Samuel Rothenberg, presi­ jackets gathered at the foot of are Salaries of judges, which Saturday. probelms are not insoluble and must unturned in their effort to protect dent of the Allied Restaurant Capitol Hill today to march to the Is “Fined" |1,000 Answers Letter Sent Hkn fixed by law, and appropriations for disappear if we approach them the American dollar in foreign Owners Guild which was organ­ doors of Congress and urge cash prisons were excepteo.________ Because you have gone to police ized yesterday, said the Guild FARM BOARD WHEAT payment of the bonus.
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