THE ARCHI Published by Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity Volume XXIX SUMMER, 1951 Number 3 Alpha Rho Chi Medals Awarded for 20th Year John Root, Master Architect, The Alpha Rho Chi Medal has been awarded to 23 seniors, se­ Initiated by A.P.X. in Chicago lected by their faculties from By H. EVERT KINCAID the 1951 architectural graduating classes. The Medal, established in On Friday, May 11, 1951, from Cornell University in 1909 1931, is given annually to "en- John Wellborn Root, F.A.I.A., and a diploma from Ecole des courage professional leadership by was initiated into the membership Beaux Arts, Paris, France, in rewarding student accomplish­ of the Fraternity as its fourth 1913. n1ent; promote ideals of profes­ Master Architect. The initiation Mr. Root inherited his love fot sional service by acknowledging and banquet were held at the architecture from his father, also distinctive contributions to school Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chi- named John Wellborn Root, who life; stimulate professional merit cago immediately after the 83rd was a noted Chicago architect and by commending student qualities -convention of the American Insti- Architect-in-Chief for the Chicago not necessarily pertaining to tute of Architects. Initiation vvas World's Fair until his death in scholarship." conducted in the afternoon by 1891. He began his professional Schools and graduates honored members of Anthemois Chaptel career with Holabird and Roche, are: and the banquet following, spon- Chicago architects, in 1914 and sored by the Chicago Alumni became a member of the firm in Alabama Polytechnic Institute: Chapter, was attended by Alpha 1919. Upon the death of both Fletcher Fort Rush, Augusta, Georgia.., Rho Chi alumni and student mem- William Holabird and William bers and their guests. Roche, son John Holabird formed U ni've'rsity of California: David As in previous instances, the a partnership with John Root in Elmore Arnold, San Francisco. new Master Architect is a man 1928. The untimely death of John Carnegie Institute of Technol­ who has made an outstanding con- Holabird in 1945 left Mr. Root ogy: Andrew Mitropoulos, New tribution to the profession. as the only remaining senior part- York. Born in Chica!Jo ner until, in April, 1948, Joseph Georgia Institute of Technol­ John Wellborn Root, Architect Burgee became a member of the ogy: Jack O. Boyte, Charlotte, and civic leader, was born in Chi- firm, since known as Holabird N.C. cago, Illinois, July 14, 1887. He and Root and Burgee. Columbia University: Russell received a degree in architecture This firm, which is one of the Gifford, N ew York. largest architectural offices Harvard U n i v e r sit y : in the country, has been Walter Irving Tibbetts, J r., commissioned to design many Cleveland, O. important buildings through­ University of Illinois: out the United States, as Richard Edw_ard N evara, well as in several of the Chicago. South American Republics, Iowa State College: Ro­ Japan, Arabia, and Mexico. bert James Sajbel, Pueblo, Outstanding Structures Colorado. Some of the well known Kansas State ColI e g e : structures builtin Chicago ForestA. Phillips, Peoria, are Soldier's Field Stadium, Illinois. Palmer House, the Board of University of Michigan: Trade Building, Palmolive James Allan Fox, Jackson, Building, 333 North Michi­ Michigan. gan Avenue Building, Illi­ University of Minnesota: nois Bell Telephone Com­ Foster W. Dunwiddie, Min­ pany Building, G e n era I neapolis. Electric Building, and the Ohio State U niversitv: Daily News Building. Other Brandt~ Kent Hammond b u i 1 din g s of outstanding Columbus, Ohio. merit are the City Hall in (Continued on page 8) Jobn Wellborn Root (Continued on page 8) Page Two THE ARCHI Summ:er, 1951 Roche, handicapped by a twisted Root Pays Tribute to Associates; spine, had educated himself. He met Holabird while they were both draftsmen at that pioneer Accepts Master Architect's Title office of William Le Baron J en­ At the banquet following his founded in 1882 and of which I ney. William Holabird had a initiation on May 11, Mr. Root have been proud to be a member keen, energetic, virile and force­ spoke about his preparation for for 32 years-the firm of Hola­ ful personality. For him there architecture, his associates, some of bird & Roche, Holabird & Root was only one way to do anything the problems and rewards of an and now Holabird & Root & and that was correctly, whether architectural career, and his hopes Burgee. As the senior representa­ it was construction, poker or for young men entering the pro­ tive of this firm I can assure you casting a trout fly. Martin Roche fession. I am deeply grateful. was an artist, a gentle saint and "You see that I managed to Initiation in Paris one of the most kindly, generous weather the initiation and so can '~l\1y initiation today was quite and sensitive men I have ever greet you as a member of Alpha a contrast to the one I went known. As Holabird & Roche Rho Chi. through when I had completed the firm in addition to a great "Your Toastmaster, Brother my six months period of service volume of creditabie 'work con­ Hammett, together \vith Brothers as a new student at the Atelier ceived such pioneer constructions Ely and Cohagen, and now Deglane which I entered after I as the skeleton frame of the fa­ Brother Ditchy have been far too had passed my exams for admis­ mous Tacoma Building and the generous in their remarks about sion to the Beaux-Arts. The older deep basement of Mandel Broth­ me. I am deeply touched. I do not men knew that one of the ne,v ers. The University Club 'was Mr. Roche's conception, perhaps his. in truth feel that I am entitled students and I could rollerskate­ to the credit they have given me a rare ability in Paris. So they monument as recognized in a. for accomplishment for which my asked us both to strip and give a little inscription in College HalL firm and the men that form part demonstration of the art. To say Joined in 1914 of it have been largely responsible. that I was a bit embarrassed i3 "John Holabird, William Hola­ "To be selected by Alpha Rho putting it mildly. bird's son, and I went to work Chi as Master Architect to suc­ "Holabird & Roche was or­ for the firm in 1914 and after ceed one of the world's greatest ganized by two fine and able the gap of the war ~n 1919 were architectural figures is a tribute men, William Holabird and made Junior Partners-William that I personally do not merit. Martin Roche. William Holabird Holabird, Martin Roche and Ed­ I t represents obviously more than had almost completed his four ward A. Renwick continuing as personal recognition. I am proud years at West Point when some the Senior Partners. Since the to accept this honor as a tribute escapade brought about his resig­ three partners were less and less to the standards, integrity and nation and turned him towards active, the firm from that time performance of the continuing firm architecture and building. Martin on operated largely under the Speakers' Table at Initiation Dinner Honoring Master Architect Mrs. Whitten, Dwight Ely, Mrs. Ditchy, G. Whitten, Mrs. Kampf~ D. Newco'mb, Miss Poole, R. Einsweiler Summer, 1951 THE ARCHI Page Three brilliant leadership and inspira­ this honor to say something about thing he could towards guiding tion of John Holabird's ability, myself. I was lucky in my profes­ the buildings of the Fair in the talent and personality until his sional association. Normally I direction of his convictions. The .death in 1945. After the death should have tried to enter the whole approach as he had con­ ,of William Holabird and Martin great organization then Graham, ceived it was changed when Roche the firm name had been Anderson, Probst and White McKim became Chairman and the changed to Holabird & Root and which had started as Burnham & Classic and Renaissance influence after Mr. Renwick retired a little Root. However, when I graduat­ dominant. The White City with later Holabird and I became sole ed from the Beaux-Arts there only a small group of dissenters, partners. The success that we may was no one there who was in­ Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd have achieved together was made terested in me so I tried my Wright, resulted. possible by the men around us­ friend, John Holabird, who had Many Other Talents Long, Cabeen, Hall, Burgee, Carl­ just started to ,;york with Hola­ Father, besides his genius as an son, Sherrick, Burt, Bartsch, bird & Roche. architect, had many other talents. Sutherland, Gray, Manning and "I do want to say something He was a brilliant conversation­ many others. After John Hola­ no,v about my distinguished fath· alist and a fine, natural musician. bird's death in 1945, Joseph Bur­ er. He died at 40 when I was When he died, my mother, left gee, whose exceptional ability had three and one-half years old. 'with very little money, at great been of increasing influence for 27 Strange to say I still have a fe,;y personal sacrifice, gave my sisters years, and William Holabird, dim memories of him. I remem­ and me the best of educations. I John Holabird's nephew who had ber on'e instance after his death grew up under the aura and in­ been in charge of construction when I received on the stage of spiration of my famous father in superintendence, joined me as the new Auditorium a medal an atmosphere of architecture.
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