— TieWmS ROAR January, 1961 SAVANNAH STATE COLLEGE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Volume 14, Number 4 1076 Register / as Deltas Win National Seliolarsliip Trophy Award Twenty Students Winter Quarter Make Dean's List Enrollineiit Gains Each person whose name is Over Last Year listed here has attained an aver- age of 2.50 or higher on full Tradition wise the Winter a program during the fall quarter Quarter attendance decreases 1960. Each is therefore accorded considerably due to the depar- a place on the Dean's List for ture of many of the Fall Quarter the winter quarter 1961. They students, but it is a different are Julie E. Cheely. 2.61; Yvonne situation this time. Mr. Ben In- L. Harris, 2.61; Rosalie Holmes, gersoll, college Registrar, proudly announces: 2.70; Rudine Holmes. 2.66; Lois Hughes, 2.66; Clyde E. Jenkins, "In comparing the Fall Quar- 2.64; Cornelia R. Johnson, ter total of 1.076 students, one 2.66; Annette C. Kennedy, 2.72; Gladys should be proud because of the Lambert, 2.61; Verdell Lambert. small number of dropouts in 2,56; Erma J. Mack, 2,68; Willie comparison with other years," J, Mazeke, 3.00; Yvonne Mc- However, Mr. Ingersoll warns Glockton, 2.81 ; Virginia A. that there is still room for im- Mercer, provement. 3,00; Melba E, Miles, 2,61; Juanita Moon, 2,65; Jocile Statistics show, also, that the Phillips, 2,66; Cynthia Rhodes. Winter Quarter, one year ago, 1.12: Minnie R. Smith, 3.00; and yielded only 912 students (555 Zelma H, Stevenson, 2,66. women and 357 men) to com- pare with this year's overwhelm- ing Winter Quarter total of 1,(J76 students (624 women and 452 SSC Wins men). Pelican This is a sign of progress, and Tournanienl in the Savannah State College Family is happy to know that it New Orleans is growing. (/^EW ORLEANS. LA.—Savan- nah State College defeated Art Instructor's^/ Grambling College 86-84 and Paintinijs PRESENTS TROPHY: Marguerite Tiggs. president of Delta Nu Chapter of Dalta Sigma Theta Southern University, 91-87, to Are Sorority, presents the Delta National Revolving Scliolarship trophy to Pn-sident W. K. Payne during win the Uth annual Pelican their recent Founders Day program, as members of the sorority look on. The program was held in SLate Basketball Tournament Published in Book Meldrini Auditorium. championship, December 27 at The paintings and drawings of The presentation of a huge Boseman. Soror Willa Ayors famous singer, portrayed by Xavier University gym, New Phillip J. Hampton, assistant silver national scholarship Johnson, a member of the Sa- Soror Carolyn Vinson; the late Orleans, La. professor of fine arts at Savan- trophy which is awarded to the vannah Alumnae Chapter, was Mary McLeod Bethune. educator Redell Walton and Willie nah State College, provide in undergraduate chapter of Delta guest organist. and diplomat, portrayed by Soror Ttate, the Tigers' one-two punch, part a contribution to the latest Sigma Theta Sorority with the Among those honored were Emma Sue McCrory; Mary led a scoring barrage to give the literary work of Cedric Dover of highest average among all the Lena Home. internationally Church Terrell, prominent civic Savannah College the title in its Brentford, Middlesex, England. undergraduate chapters of the leader, portrayed by Soror first appearance in the event. This very recent publication is sorority, highlighted the chapel Drucilla Moore ; Vel Phillips. NEWS BRIEFS Walton, the tournament's most entitled, American Negro Art. program sponsored by Delta Nu Council- woman and attorney, By Alphonso McLean valuable player, and Tate were American Negro Art is pro- Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta portrayed by Soror Yvonne Mc- both named to the all-tourna- fusely illustrated with the works Sorority 19. Glockton; Phillipa on January Make TV Appearances Schuyler, ment team. of Negro artists from various The trophy, awarded to Delta Elise Bryant and Drucilla noted pianist and composer, Tate was the leading scorer eras of this nation's history. It Nu Chapter at the recent na- Moore, both SSC seniors, ap- portrayed by Soror Doris Riggs; against Southern with 34 points. is immediately evident that the tional convention in Chicago, peared on the "March of Dimes and Mattiwllla Dobbs, famed and Walton had 29. Ira Jackson author has been very effective was presented by Miss Mar- Telethon," January 14, on Chan- opera singer, portrayed by Soror hit for 19 Tiger markers. Larry in communicating to the world guerite Tiggs, president. Delta nel 3 television. Marilyn Cole. Bond led the Southern scoring the significant contribution of Nu Chapter, and accepted by Miss Bryant did a comedy skit Stage properties for the pre- attack with 26 points. Negro artists. It is expected that Dr. W. K, Payne, college presi- entitled, "Mary Had a Little sentation included a tree and The game a American Negro Art will satisfy dent. Lamb" and Drucilla danced a six silhouettes. The tree, sym- was nip-and-tuck affair all the the hunger of those who might The program, which closely flashy calypso number. bolizing the theme, "From These way, but the Tigers pulled away in the final have suspected that the Negro approximated the sorority's Roots," was situated in the minutes, and the Southern squad couldn't artist is more than an obscure Founder's Day celebration, had Bnllelin Published center of the stage and flanked make up the difference. contributor to the culture of as its theme, "From These The Faculty Research Edition by the silhouettes of those per- America, hence providing a more Roots." Outstanding Deltas were of the Savannah State College sons honored. complete appreciation of the honored for excellence in their Following the assembly pro- Bulletin, was published Decem- LSupporl the profoundness of art. areas of achievement. The pro- ber, 1960, gram, the trophy was placed on display in the Curriculum (Canliniieil on Page 2} gram was narrated by Soror Eva This bulletin is developed un- Room 1961 iMarch of Dimes der the sponsorship of the Com- of the College Library. mittee on Faculty Research. The President W. K. Payne Delivers Committee seeks to encourage studies relating the institution Savannah Staters Coiich Wright Cited Initial Vesper Address of 1961 to and the fields of special interest For Outstanding of faculty and staff. Achievernents Sees Need of Iniprovemeiit in Education, Cnlliire, The Editorial Committee con- , SarVannah State College's head Family Life and General Living HabiU sisted of Blanton E, Black, W, H. SSC Trio Perforin on TV oasketball Coach Theodore A. M. Bowens. Alflorence Cheatham, Three of Savannah State's "We face a new year which Wright. Sr. was named "S,E,A.C. Dr. Joan L. Gordon, E, J. Josey, musically talented students were brings new problems, new ideas, Basketball Coach of the Year J. Randolph Fisher, Dr. Ganiyu guest performers on the Kitty and new situations," said Dr. W, 1959-60," at the annual confer- A. Jawando, Dr. Calvin L. Kiah. Cope Show January 3, on K, Payne, president of Savannah ence meeting. A trophy was Dr, Paul L, Taylor, and Dr, John channel 11. WSAV television. State College, as he made his awarded to him with the in- L. Wilson, Chairman. Featured on the variety show scription, "For Outstanding initial Vesper address on Janu- was the Bill Campbell Trio, with Achievements in Basketball ary 8, at 6 p.m. He spoke on (he Lee Fluker on Bass, Alex Jenkins, '^Ehoneers" Sing 1959-60; undefeated in confer- topic. -A LOOK TOWARD THE sensational freshman jazz The "Eboneers," a newly ence play and winners of Dis- NEW YEAR." pianist and William "Bill" Camp- formed vocal group, appeared on trict 6-B N.A.I.A. Playoffs." Dr. Payne emphasized the bell on drums. Making their sec- WSOK radio, January 14. in the the Last great need of improvement Members of the group are ond appearance on show season Coach Wright's life, trio played fifteen minutes of cage team the SE.A.C. family education, culture, David Oliver, Joe Williams, won tour- nament; and general habits of living. He Thomas Glover, Richard Ander- modern jazz selections. The went undefeated in stated, today we are expecting son and Charles Carson. group started out with "You're twelve conference games, and the coming forces to bring a so- Mine." "Billie Boy," and the made history by playing in the lution to the problems of our Horace Silver's version of "Soft N,A,I.A. National tournament in Slate Meeting Announced present world. Our main con- Winds." Kansas City. Mo. last March. Cynthia Rhodes, senior educa- cern is, how we can develop peo- William Campbell and Alex The overall record compiled by tion major, announced that the ple to live in the universe which Jenkins are majoring in music last season's team was 27 wins state meeting of the National we have created through mod- and Lee Fluker is majoring in against 4 losses. Education Association iNEA) and ern technology." biology. Future Teachers of America (/Coach Wright came to Savan- "We, as students of today, Each of the artists are cur- (FTA) will be held February 2, nah State College in 1947. after should take on a new role of rently appearing at local night 1961, in Dublin. Georgia. having coached for twenty years conquering the problems in lan- spots. Miss Rhodes, who is state at Xaxier University. New civilization and diplo- guage, president, estimates approxi- Orleans; Howard University, that confronts us in the macy mately 300 college and high Sororities .\i»l ",Alarcli of Washington, D. C; Florida A. year," he said. new school members will attend the Dimes Drive" & M.
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