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NEW MEXICO 87107 • vol. 22 no. 5 • • sept.-oct. 1980 • new mexico architecture On the cover is a photograph of yesterday's inexpensive energy: the power plant at the abandoned Mon­ The Editor's Column 3 tezuma Hotel west of Las Vegas, New Mexico. Will solar energy replace cool and NMA News 7 oil as a major source of power and Conron and Lent Receive Award heat for the future? 1980-81 Lecture Series Page 9 announces a special issue Histo ric Landma rks Survey Unde r Wa y in Albuquerque of New Mexica Architecture which To come in the November/ Decemb er Issue," Energy" discusses th is importa nt issue. Building W ith Earth 10 Lucinda Mar sha ll Advertiser 's Index 18 (Cover - POI Ger plant , Montezuma flotel - Robert N ugent, Photograph er) - Off icial Publication of the New Mexico Society of Architects, A.I. A.- Society Officers Cammissian far NMA Presiden t-Randall L. Kilmer John P. Conron, FAIA/FASID,-Editor President- Elect-Robert J. Strader, Jr . Secreta ry-Trea surer-Dale L. Crawford Director-Wilbur T. Ha rris 0 0 0 Director- Kestutis Germanis Bainbridge Bunting-Editorial Consultant o Director- John P. Conron , FAIA MAGAZINE SUPPORTERS: Director- Willia m L. Burns The NMA staff wishes to thank those Director- Stanley J . French members who have contributed to its Director- Ervin Addy III Mildred Brittell e-Accounting growth. Director- Joh n Moore and Circulation Sponsor: Charles E. Nolan, Jr. Director-Reyna ldo V. Torres Patron: Boehning/Protz & Associates Director- Ed French Director- Beryl Durham Past President- John C. Bla nd Charles E. Nolan, Jr. International Standard Serial Number - 0545-3151 ~£m @~~ ~AZTEC ~ I MEANS... I ONE STOP ~ m~ FLOOR COVERINGS ~ @ @ IMPORTED CERAMIC TILES I:m; Italian . glazed quarry mosiacs. U e and ung lazed quarry ; Another building, CARPETFull line of residential. ~ 8 commercial and kitchen carpe ls - Orlen'lal rugs. another boost ior the 1 run ners and area rugs Trus Joist system. SHEET VINYL Armstrong. Manningto n . Co ngoleum. GAF Baker Construction Co. of Albuquerque is no stranger to Trus Joist. When architect John Reed called on us to MEXICAN TALAVERA AND supply a system for the Geology/Engineering Bldg. for SALTIL LO TIL ES Ranchers Exploration and Development Corp. Les Baker was pleased. Upon completion of the Trus Joist installation he told us: PACIFIC CLAY MINI-BRICK ". .. we found the use of TJI units as efficient and 7/ 16" Alber hill clay bricks that save weight. labor. dollars. economical as ever. As one of the first users of Trus Joist units In this area. we have been. and will continue to be one of their boosters." Ifyou want to see how easy and economical joist appli­ cation can be, see us soon. We've got exactly what you 're looking for. In Albuquerque. call In EI Paso. call McGill Stephens. Inc.. McGill Stephens, Inc.. 300 Virginia SE 4100 Rio Bravo si. TILE and Albuquerque 87108 Suite 320, EI Paso 79902, CARPET Phone (505) / 265-5935 Phone 915/544-4505 SINCE 1960 Tnas Joist stnactural roof and floor sys­ 2520 SAN MATEO N.E. tems distributed by McGill Stephens. Inc•• Albuquerque and EI Paso. PHONE 884-6579 4 September-October 1980 Members: BUILDER 5 New Mex ico Concrete Masonry Associat ion J]3JL(Q)ec~ National Concrete Masonry Associatio n Quality Concrete Masonry Products and many allied building materials. Serving New Mexico and West Texas for over a quarter of a century. P.O. Box 1633 P.O. Drawer FF Telephone Roswell, NM 88201 Las Cruces , NM 88001 EI Paso 505/622-1321 505/524·3633 915/532-9695 A Better Wa~ to Build a Better Wall The Foam-Form" Block Benefits of Feam-Form" Blocks ·FOAM FORM uses ar least 25". less concrete tha n conventi onally formed walls. · FOAM FORM requires minimal installation time and effort and no after the job clean-up . · FOAM FORM has an R-factor of22 + which can reduce the heating and cooling cost of a home or building by 40"•. · FOAM FORM walls give excellent sound insulation for common walls between apartments or when used in the total structure. ·FOAM FORM is versatile. The durability of reinforced concrete makes it possible to build any design including multi-story con­ struction. FOAM FORM blocks are moulded polyslyrene FOAM FORM is a fully approved building system throughout foam in the form ormodular core units intended for use as permanent, the United States with ICBO, FHA and UL approvals. It also iruumlrd Form-WOI"k f CN concrete walls. qualifies for Residential Energy tax credit. SOUTHWEST FOAM-FORM, INC. 1815 Fourth St.. N .W . t Albuquerque . New Mexic o 87102 t (505) 247-1816 Sept ember-O ctober 1980 5 Incaseof fire,head for thenearest brickor blocke t. You'll be safer there. Fire walls built of brick and block won't bum. They won't smoke or smolder. They stop fire from spreading into stair­ wells. They assure you of a flame-free exit for occupants, as well as a way in for firemen. Properly constructed masonry walls are air-tight. too, so they'll also keep smoke from spreading. Masonry stands up to intense heat. It retains its struc­ tural strength in loadbearing buildings while steel loses its loadbearing capacity at tempera­ tures above 1,000 degrees F. Glass and metal curtain walls can shatter and eve n melt in a fire, but not masonry. And masonry stands up to intense water pressure, too, while partitions made of some other materials can collapse under heavy water exposure. No one likes to think of fires breaking out in buildings, but every public and private building owner, designer and contractor has to. So build with masonry, just in case. INTERNATIONAL MASONRY INSTITUTE (The Bricklayers' International Union and the Mason Contracto rs in the U. S. and Canada) 823 Fifteenth SI.. N.\V. Washington. D.C. 20005 2021783 ·3908 III MASON CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF NEW MEXICO 6 Sept ember-October 1980 CONRaN AND LENT Prince; another room has been tribution to the applied practice of RECEIVE AWARD restored to its 1911 days when the city planning. building had been completely Other lectures scheduled during At the annual awards luncheon remodeled into a history and ar­ the 1980 fall semester include: of the American Society of Interior cheology museum by famed Santa - September 29, Designing the Designers, ASID, held last August Fe Archeologist, Jesse Nusbaum. Exquisite, by William Turnbull, in New York City, the Santa Fe ar­ John P. Conron FAIA/FASID, of director and partner in the San chitectural firm of Conron and the Conron and Lent firm accepted Francisco firm of MLTW/Turn­ Lent were presented with a first the award and also gave a slide bull. Turnbull, who has been part place national award for the work presentation on New Mexico of many national honors awards accomplished on the Palace of the preservation at one of the con­ juries, has taught at the University Governors in Santa Fe. The Palace, ference seminar sessions. of California at Berkeley, Stanford as all New Mexicans know, is the University, MIT and other institu­ oldest public building in the United tions. States and one of this nations most 1980·81 LECTURE SERIES - October 27, Energy Conserva­ important historic structures. Issues in Architecture and Plan­ tion Issues in Buildings, by Fred S. The ASID Restoration and ning is the theme of the 1980-81 lec­ Dubin, president of Dubin-Bloome Preservation Awards are sponsored ture series being sponsored by the Associates in New York. An inter­ by the firm of Scalamandre, Inc., University of ew Mexico School of nationally recognized engineer and whose work in providing carefully Architecture and Planning and the energy management consultant, researched restoration fabrics, Albuquerque Chapter of the Dubin's major design projects in­ wallpapers, rugs and carpets for American Institute of Architects. clude the Minnesota Mining and over one hundred of our nations All eight lectures will be given on Manufacturing plant in Min­ historic structures have made them Mondays at 7:30 p.m. in the Kiva neapolis, the Solar Energy world renowned. Auditorium on the UNM campus. Research Institute in Golden, Col­ Conron and Lent, working close­ Admission is free . orado, and the Salk Institute for ly with Michael Weber, Director of The series opened September 15 Biological Studies in La Jolla, the History Division, Museum of with a lecture on The Realities oj California. He is co-author of the New Mexico, and his staff, have City Planning by Allan Jacobs, book, Energy Conservation Stan­ restored and renovated eleven chairperson of the department of dards jor Building Design, Con­ rooms and the two halls in the city and regional planning at the struction and Operation. Palace of Governors. Careful University of California at -November 17, Evaluation: research preceded each restoration Berkeley . Jacobs, who served as Probing the Sins oj Architecture, decision. Nineteenth century win­ planning director for the City of by Clare Cooper-Marcus, professor dow and door trim has been San Francisco for seven years, has of landscape architecture at the restored in rooms where evidence had extensive U.
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