Thursday, 9.10.15 ON THE WEB: www.yankton.net views VIEWS PAGE: [email protected] PAGE 4 PRESS&DAKOTAN The Press Dakotan THE DAKOTAS’ OLDEST NEWSPAPER | FOUndED 1861 Yankton Media, Inc., 319 Walnut St., Yankton, SD 57078 CONTACT US OPINION OTHER VIEWS PHONE: (605) 665-7811 (800) 743-2968 NEWS FAX: Refugees: A (605) 665-1721 ADVERTISING FAX: (605) 665-0288 WEBSITE: Shameful Silence www.yankton.net CHICAGO TRIBUNE (Sept. 9): Munich is some 1,600 miles from ––––– Syria, and far removed from the political and religious disputes that SUBSCRIPTIONS/ have fueled the 4-year-old civil war there. But in recent days, thou- CIRCULATION sands of Syrian refugees have arrived there by train, to be greeted Extension 104 with applause, welcoming signs, tea and food. [email protected] Germans are under no special obligation to help Syrians, but CLASSIFIED ADS the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed to take Extension 116 some 800,000 of them — inspiring some to proclaim the chancellor, [email protected] “Mama Merkel, Mother of Outcasts.” Merkel said, “The fundamental NEWS DEPT. right to asylum does not have a limitation.” Extension 114 It’s an easy sentiment to preach but a hard one to live. Some Donald Trump Proves [email protected] nations, like Germany, have gone to heroic lengths to accommodate SPORTS DEPT. this tragic exodus, which includes some 4 million souls. And some Extension 106 nations have not. [email protected] Conspicuous among them are some of Syria’s wealthiest neigh- ADVERTISING DEPT. bors. “The six Gulf countries — Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Ignorance Doesn’t Matter Extension 122 Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain — have offered zero resettlement places [email protected] to Syrian refugees,” notes Amnesty International. BY LEONARD PITTS JR. presidential readiness. BUSINESS OFFICE These nations are not only physically close but have a great deal Tribune Content Agency There is a straight line from Saran Palin in Extension 119 in common with Syria, particularly in language, religion, culture. 2008 — unable to give coherent answers to [email protected] They feel enough of a connection that some of their governments Our question for the day: Does ignorance questions about the economy, foreign policy NEW MEDIA: have provided money and weapons to groups fighting to remove matter? and her own reading habits — to Herman Cain Our lead exhibit — you will not be shocked hemming and hawing and shifting in his chair Extension 136 Syrian President Bashar Assad. But while Germans (and others) are [email protected] making room for the migrants, the Gulf states are making excuses. to hear this — is Donald Trump. in 2011 when asked about Libya, to Last week, the billionaire real- Trump bristling and pouting because COMPOSING DEPT. They point to the $1 billion contributed by their citizens and charitable organizations to help these Arab brethren. That’s signifi- estate mogul who is seeking the he was quizzed about major figures Extension 129 Republican presidential nomination in Middle East terrorism. [email protected] cant, but it’s only a quarter of humanitarian aid furnished by the United States, the biggest donor. The U.S. has been faulted for agree- stumbled over a question about One is reminded of the old * * * ing to admit so few refugees from the Syrian conflict (1,500 so far), terrorism from conservative radio political axiom that people want a MANAGERS but that’s better than the Gulf nations, which ought to feel a vastly host Hugh Hewitt. Specifically, he president they could imagine hav- greater responsibility, given their proximity and their wealth. The was forced to admit that he could ing a beer with. And that’s fine. But Gary L. Wood not identify the leaders of Hezbollah you’d think they would also want to Publisher average income in Qatar is $143,000; in Saudi Arabia, it’s $52,000. Yet these countries have evaded a burden taken on by poorer and al Qaida, among other terrorist imagine him or her being able to find Michele Schievelbein nations like Lebanon, which has 1.2 million Syrian refugees, and organizations. North Korea on a map. Advertising Director Jordan, which has 630,000. The Gulf countries have grounds to be There is a pattern for how Trump Leonard And, in the last few years, there Jim Gevens wary of large inflows that could upset existing political balances. reacts when cornered, and he was have been some political contend- Circulation Director But the same could be said of Iraq, Egypt and Turkey, which have true to it last week. PITTS ers and pretenders who you suspect stepped up anyway. First, he made the usual vague, could not do it even if you spotted Tonya Schild Another rationalization is that the Gulf states have native grandiose promises about how ef- them a hemisphere. Business Manager populations that are greatly outnumbered by foreigners. In the UAE, fective he will be once in office (“I will be so Since when did running for president Tera Schmidt 88 percent of residents come from elsewhere, mostly to work. In good at the military, your head will spin...I’m become a reality show? How does Trump or Classified Manager Kuwait, the figure is 70 percent. But if they can take in hordes of a delegater...I find absolutely great people and anyone else figure that a presidential candi- Indians and Filipinos to clean houses and bus tables, they should be I’ll find them in our armed services.”) date should not be asked hard questions? And Kelly Hertz Then he attempted to kill the messenger, what does it say about us that fundamental Editor able to absorb Syrians, who are also capable of working. The UAE has 8 million foreigners but can’t take a few thousand Syrians? bashing Hewitt on Twitter as a “very low rat- ignorance about things a president should James D. Cimburek Even people in the Gulf nations are embarrassed by their failure. ings talk-show host” and a “3rd-rate gotcha know does not automatically disqualify you Sports Editor A newspaper columnist in Kuwait lamented, “We’re seeing a silence guy.” from credibly contending for that office? that’s scandalous.” Cartoonists have caustically ridiculed the inac- As has also become part of the pattern, a Perhaps it says that some of us want the Beth Rye gaffe that might have totaled another can- world to be simple, and that they want a Digital Media Director tion. The Washington Post reports, “The Arabic hashtag #Welcom- ing_Syria’s_refugees_is_a_Gulf_duty” was tweeted more than 33,000 didate’s campaign seems to have not even president who will not ask them to think too Kathy Larson times.” scratched the paint on this one. Or, as a deeply, nor proffer any policy prescription too Composing Manager Recently Egyptian telecom magnate Naguib Sawiris offered to Politico headline put it: “Trump Bluffs Past complex to fit on a bumper sticker. buy an island from Greece or Italy to serve as a haven for hundreds Another Crisis.” Indeed, Trump has come to Perhaps it says that some of us embrace of thousands of desperate migrants. California real estate tycoon resemble nothing so much as a real world Se- an extremist resistance to social change and Jason Buzi had earlier proposed founding a new nation for such ex- bastian Shaw — a Marvel Comics supervillain are willing to support whoever promises most * * * iles, so “at least they’d have a place to live in safety and be allowed who gets stronger every time you hit him. loudly to drag the country back to an imag- DAILY STAFF to live and work like everybody else.” After insulting Mexicans, insulting his ined yesterday of purity and strength. Reilly Biel Some of them are lucky enough to have found a place where they rivals and insulting Fox “News” personal- But the world is not simple and never was. Cassandra Brockmoller can find safety and sustenance. Some of them are not. The U.S., it’s ity Megyn Kelly with a tasteless jibe that he And yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone. Brandi Bue fair to say, can do a lot more than it has to shelter these unfortunate claimed wasn’t about menstruation, though it Does ignorance matter? Well, Donald Rob Buckingham souls. But the greater obligation falls on those of Syria’s neighbors transparently was, Trump continues to lead Trump is still the leading contender for the Caryn Chappelear all contenders for the Republican presidential Republican presidential nomination. Randy Dockendorf that have closed their doors. Jeannine Economy nomination. So obviously, it doesn’t matter nearly as Rachel Frederick Nor is the ignorance of world affairs he be- much as it should. Jeremy Hoeck trayed on Hewitt’s show likely to change that. Nicole Myers ABOUT THIS PAGE It’s a fact that speaks volumes about the Leonard Pitts is a columnist for The Miami Robert Nielsen The View page provides a forum for open discussion of issues and interests present state of the Grand Old Party. This is, Herald, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, Fla., 33132. Diana Smallwood affecting our readers. Initialed editorials represent the opinion of the writer, but after all, now the third presidential election Readers may contact him via e-mail at lpitts@ David Stephenson Cathy Sudbeck not necessarily that of the PRESS & DAKOTAN. Bylined columns represent the cycle in a row in which one of its stars has miamiherald.com.) JoAnn Wiebelhaus view of the author. We welcome letters on current topics. Questions regarding the shown himself or herself to be spectacularly © 2015, The Miami Herald Brenda Willcuts Views page should be directed to Kelly Hertz at [email protected]/.
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