
- D.C. Poverty Appalls Senate Tearn WASHINGTON I.fI - A team of. senators out to the end, said tbe Nixon adminis­ ''TIM.. .,"",kln', ... tIllY ami .... u In a'"'ther ....., the commlttM vl,1tt4 traipsed through a series of shabby. smel· tration "wants lo do more." In Mrs. Robinson', kitcbea. one of her tile lin. room baumtn' apartment If Os­ ur B.al, 57, who apends $60 of hi' SIt ly and sparsely furnished apartments But local officials who accompanied children, aged 2, was pronOl1llCed obvi· Tuesday, learning first hand about pov· ously malnouri!bed by Dr. Charles Lowe. montilly Income from public ..sist.nc. '" the group, headed by appointed Mayor ,.."t. erty and hunger In the nation's capital. Walter E. Washlngton, t,id much more a Public Health Service phy.ici8n who "It's appalling," commented Sen. Jac· money is needed. accompanied the 1fOUP. He said be had been told he wal lDelig. ob K. Javits (R·N.Y'> as he stood In B Ible for food stamps, but city ofIiclala "We don't have tht resources to do any. But Mrs. Robinson said abe had no way garbage-strewn alley outside the four· get and me said all public assistance recipient. IU' thing about it except on 8 very minimal to tbat child an older auffer· room residence of Mrs. Dolores Robinson ing from fleas to a free public health c1in. t.:matically qualified lor the stamps. ar.d her 11 children, three suffering from b:.sls," said JuJio.n Dugas. the city's com· ic. "The qbvious fact Is that he hasn't fleas . miSllioner of licenses and Inspection. 101 · ten down lo th~ food stamp center," "There is no doubt in my mind that Besides the senators. II many 88 80 Mrs. RoblnlOll and her cbildren Uve on thousands and ti.ousands of people in the reporters, camel amen, staff aides and $406 a month. but. $80 ,ues for rent and Washington said. adding that "You'll nation's capital are hungry today," Sen . local officials made the tour, which in· another $80 for heat in winter. She dr~ probably find be hasn't made IJI)' fl· Walter F. Mondale (D·Minn.l comment· cluded a food stamP distribution cooter. ped Ott 01 the food stamp program b6- fort." ed. a privately financed lunch program in cause at the biJh cost. $96 for '148 worth But the mayor - and the senators He added. "We should tnd this dls9race an Episcopal church and a school lunch of stam)lS. - agreed that vigorous efforts are need­ ed to find people who should receive aid We'vi I"n hert in the nation's capital." program. Down the strut. Percy WQ interview. rather than wait for them to aai for It. Sen. Charles H. Percy (R·lli.>. the Du,a. compl.ined of a Ilc• m lval air" Ing Mrs. Dora Crowdler who IUpporta • third of the five members of the special about tIh. trip. "Th... art a lot of smil. family including Iix childr!ll1 on $270 • "In each calle." he Hid, "th.. II ID Senate hunger committee who stuck it In. f.ee. heN, II Du", ...eI Npemra. month. inadequacy of funds." oil C1f Iowan Seroing th, Unive1'Ilty IoWtJ aM th, P'op'- of IOWIS City Established in 1B68 10 cents a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 5224G-Wednesday, AprU 16, 19&8 I Demonstration Gets Unruly ,. hIIle" police sergeant and otll.r Ilelmeted offictrl grab a demonstrator during a u.s. Presses Search Effort Wtlf.,. protest at 42nd Street and Ltxlngton Avenue in Manhatlen TuesdlY. Several tIIousand welfart workers, recipients and Iympathinrl wer. prottstln9 state cutl In 1M welf.r. budget. Police mlde 15 .rre,t, .t vlriou, Midtown Mlnhatten Ipo15 dur­ Ing tffortl to quell the demon,trato .., who becamt unruly at timel. - AP Wirephoto For Plane Lost Near Korea TOKX'O "" - u.s. Air Force rescue e North Korea requested a meeting 01 1'hJ. Is about 200 mIlee north 01. wbere planes scoured the Sea of Japan Wednes­ the joint Korean Military Annistice Com· the intelligooce ship Pueblo was captured day for a U.S. reconnaissance plane with mi!lSion Frlday at Panmunjom and oCf the North Korean port 01. Wonsan Jan. Strikers at Harvard Gain 31 men aboard that Nortb Korea claimed SOlll'ces In Seoul speculated It would deal 23. 1968, The North Koreans claimed the it shot down Tuesday, raising fear~ of with the downing of the aircraft. The Pueblo invaded It. waters. Wasblngton a new Pueblo-style Incident. North Koreans gave no reason for callint said she was 25 miles Dlf shore. The In Washington, the Pentagon reported the meeting. Pueblo's 82 surviving crewmen were reo Some Support by Faculty a search plane spotted debris in the area • U.S. and South Korean air force units leased about four months ago . where the plane was believed downed. A in South Korea were put on special alert WIllie the Pent..... did not Immttll.... spokesman said the debris "could be as· By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Including five students, to look Into tbe and Korean naval vessels were ordered Iy confirm til" the North Ker.. n. " .. Slriking studelXl; at Harvard UniVfl'Sity causes of student seizure of a campus sociated with the missing aircraft," but into the search for the missing aircraft. shot clown the plant, Vice Adm. John I. gaiDed a measure of faculty support Tues­ building, lo deeide on all disciplinary ac· "no survi\lQl1S have been reported." • Although defense spokesmen in Wash. Colwell, dtputy cllltf If INnl operation., Gay, while student protesters at Bostoo tion and to reeommen<l a "restructuring" The U.S. 5th Air Forct In Tokyo Itld ington declined to speculate on what ha\>, termed "" plane'. 10... "cI.ar cut C.M University ended their 24-hour occupation of the university. 26 planes were taking part In the ltarch pened lo the plane. reports from Capitol ef In"mation.1 piracy." of a dean's office. Sit-ins continued at The faculty members also approved a from baleS in Japan, GUlim. tile Philip. Hill said two North Korean MlGs shot it South Korean diplomatic sources said Downed Plane Sought Columbia and Stanford and a new demon­ motion of Prof. John Kennetn Galbraith to pines and Okinawi. down while it was L'Onducting electronic the plane WIlS attacked over the high seas stration took place at FlII'dham University. give further attention to the dispute over The downing of the Navy aircraft surveillance aIr the North Korean coast. more than 100 miles forom North Korea's A crOll locate. 'h. are. of tht St. of More than 400 senior members of Har­ abolition of the Reserve Office Training brought these developments : A North Kortl" broedclS' claimed the coast. Jlpan whtr. a , .. rch Is under w.y for vard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences mel. Corps at Harvard. • President Nixon. faced with a severe plane intruct.d cIttp Into its .Ir space .nd U.S. military IOUI'ces in Japan said thI • turvlvors of I U.S. rlConn.ls.ncl pllne and voted tQ select a 15·man committee. Th, ..commendations were viewed II International challenge, met with top ad· a fighter plane shot It from the Iky with • was in easy range of North Korean planes. report.dly Ihot down by North Kor ... beiM9 generally in line with the demands visers and congressmen and planned to Ilnglt shot. U.S. military officials in Japan and The .ret I, 95 milts soulheut of the of Harvard's strike". discuss the matter Wednesday at a pre· The Pentagon said the four-engine pro­ South Korea declined to give details on North Kor.an port of Chongiin, only Estil'na«!s of. those taking part in the viously scheduled meeting of the National peller driven Navy EC·121 reconnaissance the search. on last radio contacts with about 200 mil .. north 0' where the U5S Grad Assistants strike at Harvard, the natioo's oldest Security Council. plane was on a track 50 miles off the the mlssing plane. on poe ible military Pueblo was captured In 1968. university, ranged from 3,000 to 5,000. The North Korean coast. alerts or on whethe.- the United states - AP Wirephoto enrollment at the Ivy League schonl is The search was focussed in an area 01 or the U.N. Command in Korea had con· 15,000, including undergraduares and the Sea of Japan about 95 miles southeast tacled the North ~ellns to discuss the Plan Picket Lines graduate students. Facuity Council of the North Korean port of Chongjin. plane and crew's fate. A balmy day drew hundreds jIto Har· van! 'Yacd. They milled abolPt peacefuUy, U.S. Claims Rout .To Bac~ Demands masking dJe dispute iliat prompted several thousand students to vote MOIlday to ex· Voices Opposition Ray/s Signature to Ease tend tbe olassroom boycott for an addition· T'nt Gl-aduate AssistafJ'ts' Union plans al three days. Of Viet Invaders to carry out picketing of classroom build· The boyoott, which began last Friday, ings tbreateI!ed lalt month in order to was called to protest the use of. police To Tuition Boost emjXlasize its dernaods, the group's presi. force to end a sit·in by about 200 young Renewal Woes in City dent, Schaoht. The Faculty Council unanimously passed John G, Iowa City. an' people at tile university's main adminis· In Border Battle oounoed at a press cooference 'l1uesday. a resolution Tuesday opposing a possible tration building, University Hall.
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