PUBLISHER’S NOTE Graphic novels have spawned a body of literary criti- superhero genre, summarizing plots and analyzing the FLVPVLQFHWKHLUHPHUJHQFHDVDVSHFL¿FFDWHJRU\LQWKH works in terms of their literary integrity and overall con- SXEOLVKLQJ¿HOGDWWDLQLQJDOHYHORIUHVSHFWDQGSHUPD- tribution to the graphic novel landscape. It contains nence in academia previously held by their counterparts works from prominent publishers, as well as leading hero in prose. Salem Press’s Critical Survey of Graphic or superhero titles from alternative and independent pub- Novels series aims to collect the preeminent graphic lishing houses. The entries in this encyclopedic set cover novels and core comics series that form today’s canon a wide range of periods and trends in the heroes and su- for academic coursework and library collection devel- perheroes genre: from the social relevance of Green Lan- opment, offering clear, concise, and accessible analysis tern/Green Arrow during the Bronze Age of Comic of not only the historic and current landscape of the in- Books to the grim satire of Watchmen in the Modern terdisciplinary medium and its consumption, but the Age; from watershed events such as the death of Captain wide range of genres, themes, devices, and techniques America to the trudging narrative and complexity of that the graphic novel medium encompasses. Cerebu; and from the caped and costumed crusaders who The combination of visual images and text, the em- MXVWO\FRQWHVWHYLOZLWKVXSHUQDWXUDODELOLWLHVWRWKHÀDZHG phasis of art over written description, the coupling of and tragic antihero or the unheroic, brooding vigilante mature themes with the comic form—these elements and their moral struggles and complexity. appeal to the graphic novel enthusiast but remain a In writing these essays, contributors worked from source of reluctance to other readers. Designed for both original sources, providing new criticism and content popular and scholarly arenas and collections, the series aimed at deconstructing the centuries-old heroic story SURYLGHVXQLTXHLQVLJKWDQGDQDO\VLVLQWRWKHPRVWLQÀX- and portraying the graphic novel as literature. To that end, ential and widely-read graphic novels with an emphasis essays look beyond the popular-culture aspects of the on establishing the medium as an important academic medium to show the wide range of literary devices and discipline. We hope researchers and the common reader overarching themes and styles used to convey beliefs and alike will gain a deeper understanding of these works, as FRQÀLFWV )XUWKHUPRUH FULWLFDO DWWHQWLRQ ZDV SDLG WR the literary nature is presented in critical format by originators of the graphic novel and the birth of well- OHDGLQJZULWHUVLQWKH¿HOGRIVWXG\ known characters, as well as panel selection and rele- This volume, Heroes and Superheroes, LVWKH¿UVW YDQF\DQGDSDUWLFXODUZRUN¶VLQÀXHQFHRQWKHFUHDWRUV¶ title in the Critical Survey of Graphic Novels series to careers, other graphic novels, or literature as a whole. be updated. The other volumes in this series: Manga; 'XHWRWKHWUHPHQGRXVFRPSOH[LW\WKDWGH¿QHVWKH Independents and Underground Classics; and History, JUDSKLFQRYHOV¿HOGZHDFNQRZOHGJHWKDWVRPHLPSRU- Theme, and Technique will be updated in the following tant works and creators have been omitted from this set. months. Heroes and Superheroes collects the heroic In addition, while the series has an international scope, tales of the super-powered crusader and the exploits of attention has been focused on translated works that have the morally ambiguous or derisive anti-hero that have EHHQLQÀXHQWLDOLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIDVSHFL¿FJUDSKLF become the seminal classics in the graphic novel land- novel tradition. scape. Whether it is the vigilantism of Batman, the doubts of Spider-Man, or the tales of Norse myth in ORGANIZATION AND FORMAT Thor, the techniques and traditions of literature are per- The essays in Heroes and Superheroes appear alpha- petuated in this medium of heroes and superheroes. Sto- betically and are approximately 4 to 5 pages in length. ries from the Silver Age of comics through the current Each essay is heavily formatted and begins with full day have been compiled and dissected to provide view- ready-reference top matter that includes the primary au- points that are easily missed during initial readings. thor or authors; illustrators and other artists who con- WULEXWHG WR WKH ZRUN DQG WKH ¿UVW VHULDO DQG ERRN SCOPE AND COVERAGE publication. This is followed by the main text, which is With 20 brand new essays, this two-volume set covers divided into “Publication History,” “Plot,” “Volumes,” more than 150 well-regarded works of the hero or “Characters,” “Artistic Style,” “Themes,” and “Impact,” xi PUBLISHER’S NOTE Critical Survey of Graphic Novels VHFWLRQVZKLFKDUHIXUWKHUGH¿QHGEHORZ$OLVWRI¿OPV the impact of the creation of new characters or series, and or television series based on the work and a user-friendly focuses on the critical reception of the work or series and bibliography complete the essay. Cross-references di- whether it was atypical for its historical period. rect readers to related topics, and further reading sug- Bibliography lists secondary print sources for fur- gestions accompany all articles. ther study and examination, annotated to assist readers Publication History presents an overview of the in evaluating focus and usefulness. work’s origin and publication chronology. Many graphic QRYHOVZHUH¿UVWVHULDOL]HGLQFRPLFERRNIRUPRIWHQDV APPENDIXES AND OTHER SPECIAL a limited series, and were later collected or republished FEATURES in book format, while other graphic novels were con- Special features help to further distinguish this refer- ceptualized as novelistic works. ence series from other works on graphic novels. This Plot provides an in-depth synopsis of the main story includes: progression and other story arcs. As an aid to students, • Appendixes listing major graphic novel awards this section focuses on the most critically important plot • General bibliography turns in the series or work and why these were important. • 7LPHOLQHGLVFXVVLQJVLJQL¿FDQWHYHQWVDQGLQÀX- Where applicable, Volumes orients the reader or re- ential graphic novel predecessors which spans the searcher to the accepted reading order of the work. For ancient world through the Middle Ages and the series, it lists individual volumes or collections, often Renaissance to the present comprising different story arcs. The year when each col- • Biographical sidebars on an author or illustrator OHFWLRQZDVSXEOLVKHGLVSURYLGHG$OVRLGHQWL¿HGDUH UHODWHGWRWKHZRUNSUR¿OHG the issues that were collected within a volume, a syn- • The two-volume set features nearly 100 photos RSVLVRIWKHYROXPH¶VPDLQIRFXVDQGLWVVLJQL¿FDQFH • Four indexes round out the set: Works by Pub- within the entire collection. lisher; Works by Author; Works by Artist; and Characters present detailed descriptions of major Subject characters in the story, beginning with the main protag- onists and antagonists. The section discusses physical ACKNOWLEDGMENTS GHVFULSWLRQFKDUDFWHUWUDLWVDQGVLJQL¿FDQWFKDUDFWHULV- Many hands went into the creation of this work, and tics, the character’s relationship with others, and the pri- Salem Press is grateful for the effort of all involved. mary role a character plays in advancing the plot of the Names of the original contributors can be found at the work or series. To aid readers, descriptions include “also end of each essay and also in the Contributors List that known as” names and monikers. follows the Introduction. We are indebted to our editors, Artistic Style provides analysis of the work’s visual Bart Beaty, Professor of English at the University of content, especially as it relates to characterization, plot, Calgary, and Stephen Weiner, Director of Maynard and mood; analysis of the illustrative use of color versus Public Library in Maynard, Massachusetts, for their ad- black and white; discussion of any changes in style as vice in selecting works and their writing contributions. the story progresses; and the use of elements and de- %RWKDUHSXEOLVKHGLQWKH¿HOGRIFRPLFVDQGJUDSKLF vices such as dialogue, captions, panels, penciling, novels studies. Beaty is the author of Fredric Wertham inking, and backgrounds. and the Critique of Mass Culture, Unpopular Culture: Themes identify the central themes in the work and Transforming the European Comic Book in the 1990s, how they are expressed—for example, through plot or and David Cronenberg’s “A History of Violence.” layout—and how they relate to characterization and Weiner is the author or co-author of The 101 Best style. It also discusses, when applicable, whether a Graphic Novels, Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: The major thematic point is a chronicle of the author’s per- Rise of the Graphic Novel, The Hellboy Companion, sonal development, or a projection of it, and how this The Will Eisner Companion, and Using Graphic Novels may resonate with readers. in the Classroom. Their efforts in making this resource Impact FRYHUVWKHZRUN¶VLQÀXHQFHRQWKHFUHDWRUV¶FD- a comprehensive and indispensible tool for students, reers, publishing houses, the medium of graphic novels researchers, and general readers alike are gratefully itself, and literature in general. The section also analyzes acknowledged. xii L LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN, THE Author: Moore, Alan Kevin O’Neill Artist: Kevin O’Neill (illustrator); Ben Dimagmaliw (colorist); Todd Klein (letterer); Bill Oakley $QLOOXVWUDWRUZKREHJDQKLVFDUHHULQWKH¶V on British humor titles, Kevin O’Neill made his (letterer) reputation on 2000
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