PSE – PSE GENERAL INDEX ZAIRE Mindola open pit, Rokana mine 9:66s ZEOPHYLLITE Antelope mine 11:316s Mufulira 11:317s Canada Bakwanga district 23:437s Ncganga mine (see Chingola mine) Québec Dikuluwe mine, west of Kolwezi 17:341s, 22:14– Post-colonial political history of region 12:188 Mt. St-Hilaire (minute plates, aggregates) 20h,m,p,g Rokana mine, near Kitwe 9:341–346g,h,m 21:347p From Belgian Congo to Congo to Zaire; vs. ZANAZZIITE Germany Congo Republic 3:147h Brazil Rheinland-Pfalz Kakanda mine 22:393s Minas Gerais Laacher See area, Eifel district (crusts) 8:325 Kakanda or Kambove 20:398s Ilha mine, near Taquaral (newly described) ZEUNERITE Kambove 15:168s 21:413–417h,q,p,c See also Metazeunerite Kamoto (Kamoto-Est, Kamoto-East) mines, west ZAPATALITE Brazil of Kolwezi 20:267m, 20:274–276p,g,m, 20:398s, 22:14m, 22:53s, 23:495s Mexico Bahia 23: 23: Kasolo 2:210–211s, 20:280s, 20:283s Sonora Brumado mine: 276n; 2 cm crystal 432n 7: Kasompi 8:390s, 8:391s Cerro Morita (near) (newly described) 5:40h,q Pedra Preta mine (tabular to 3 cm) 129 Canada Katanga (see Shaba) ZARATITE Kingamyambo mine, west of Kolwezi 22:14m Northwest Territories United States 20: Kipushi mine 21:501s Port Radium (207) Pennsylvania/Maryland England Kivu district 12:81 Line pit, State Line district 12:154–155 Kobokobo, Kivu 11:112s Cornwall 20: Kolwezi mine, west of Kolwezi 7:133s, 8:390s, ZEKTZERITE Roughtor Great Consols 395 France 22:14m Tajikistan (formerly USSR) K.O.V. mine, west of Kolwezi 21:501s, 22:14m Dara-i-Pioz, Tien-Shan (5 cm cleavages) 22:393n Rabéjac quarry, Herault (zeunerite-metazeu- 23: Likasa mine, Panda Hill 22:17h United States nerite, plates to 2 mm) 433n United States Likasi mine 8:517s, 9:113s Washington Locality not specified 18:162s Washington Pass, Okanogan County: 20:(152); Arizona Lueshe mine 8:517s announced; crystals to 37 mm 9:253h,q Grandview mine, Coconino County (and/or metazeunerite; tabular crystals) 2:219, Luiswishi copper mine 20:268h, 20:285s ZEMANNITE 2:221q Lukuni mine 25:46s Mexico Maniema district 12:81, 12:82s Nevada Sonora 16: Manono 8:390s, 9:114s Majuba Hill mine (2 mm crystals) 71c Moctezuma mine: 8:(390); tabular to pris- Zaire Mashamba East mine, west of Kolwezi 21:501s, matic crystals 1:42 20: 22:14m Kamoto mine (KOV extension) 288 Mashamba mine 17:341s, 18:162s, 18:335s, ZEOLITE DEPOSITS ZIESITE 20:69s, 20:146s, 20:267m, 20:485–486s Deccan basalts, Maharashtra, India 7:248–264 El Salvador Mashamba West mine, west of Kolwezi 19:338s,h, Durham quarry, Durham, NC 6:300–301 Izalco volcano 18:(339) 22:13–20h,m,p,g, 22:217s, 22:393s, 23:277s, Færoe Islands (Denmark) (20 localities) 12:5– ZIMBABWE 23:437s 26h,m,p,g M’Fouati 3:200s Flinders area, Australia 19:451–460 Formerly Southern Rhodesia, then Rhodesia Midingi mine 18:207–209s Horseshoe Dam, AZ 14:115–117 Globe and Phoenix mine, Que Que 4:280s Mt. Misobo mine, Maniema 12:82s Iceland (17 localities) 12:5–26h,m,p,g Harare 19:124s Mupine mine, west of Kolwezi 17:147–148s, Ireland 10:173–176 Indarama mine, Sebakwe area, Que Que 13:395s 18:411s, 19:122s, 19:338h, 22:14m Krasnoyarsky Kray, Yakutia 23:433n Jessie mine, Gwanda district 13:395s Musonoi mines, west of Kolwezi 9:114s, 13:33s, Lucky Peak Dam site, east of Boise, ID 23:424n Last Hope mine, Karoi district 17:341s 13:44s, 15:45s, 20:274, 20:275m, 20:279–280s, Malpais Hill, AZ 14:109–113q Lone Hand mine, Gwanda district 13:395s 22:14m, 25:218s New South Wales, Australia 19:389–406 Lost Hope mine, Miami pegmatite fields, Karoi Mutoshi mine, east of Kolwezi 22:14m Northern Ireland 24:52n district 21:256h,s Nzombe, South Kivu 12:86s Palabora mine, Transvaal, South Africa 22:255– Miami 10:179s Post-colonial political history of region 12:188 262 Novello claims, Ft. Victoria 19:271s Prince Leopold mine 7:133s, 8:517s Pandulena Hill, near Nasik, India 13:305–309 Nyanda (formerly Fort Victoria) 11:316s Ruwe mine 20:285s Paterson, NJ, area 9:157–179 Port Victoria area 18:148s Shaba (formerly Katanga): 9:32g,h, 20:146s, Philip Island, Australia 19:451–460 St. Anne’s mine 19:122s, 20:147s 20:398s; special issue 20:#4 Puu o Ehu quarry, HI 15:95–97 ZINCALUMINITE Shinkolobwe district 2:235s, 15:38s Santa Lages (south of), Santa Catarina, Brazil Greece Shinkolobwe mine 8:390s, 9:32–33h,g, 9:114s, 2:13 Kamaréza mine, Laurium (crusts) 7:123n 20: 20: 20: 3: 268h, 269p, 271–273m,h,g Skookumchuck Dam, WA 30–34 ZINCITE Star of the Congo mine 15:45s South Island, New Zealand 14:49–50 Status of various mines (1981) 12:188 Table Mountain, CO 19:153–184 Gemmy, attributed to Poland or to Tuscany, Italy, Swambo mine 20:267m, 20:273–274p,g,h, 20:281s Victoria, Australia (micro) 12:107–108 proved synthetic 24:236 Violence impedes exporting 23:495h Yellowstone National Park, WY 12:29–38 Poland Olkusz mine: 22:478c,q; clear, acicular, prob. ZAKHAROVITE Zeolites of the World. Rudy Tchernich 23:410– 411b post-mining, “from the Great Mine Fire” Canada 22:391 ZEOLITE GROUP Québec United States Mt. St-Hilaire (formerly UK#38; minute See also names of individual species; Zeolite New Jersey flakes) 24:388n Deposits Franklin/Sterling Hill 19:273n Russia (formerly USSR) Italy Sterling Hill mine (micro flat twins) 10:45– Kola Peninsula 24:(389) Sicily (east coast) 17:(205) 47p ZAMBIA United States Zambia Nevada Formerly Northern Rhodesia Broken Hill 12:(394) Julie claim, Mineral County (massive, with Balachardra, Malawi (west of) 23:437s ZINC-MELANTERITE epidote; tentative id) 16:79 Broken Hill mine, near Kabwe 5:263–264h,s, Greece 9:113s, 11:319, 11:339–348h,p,g,m, 12:394s Kamaréza mine, Laurium (powdery) 7:123n Chingola (formerly Nchanga) mine 4:246–247 Kasola Hill uranium mine, southwest of Kambove 5:264g,h 254 The Mineralogical Record Index—Volumes 1–25 GENERAL INDEX PSE – PUB ZINCOBOTRYOGEN Córrego Frio mine, near Linópolis (color- Trentino Alto-Adige United States less) 14:233 Sterzinger Hütte, Pfitschertal (red; fades in Arizona Jaguaraçu pegmatite (groups to 15 cm) light, returns in darkness) 10:87 Bisbee 24:435n 25:167p, 25:170 Tuscany Zé Pinto mine, Conselheiro Pena (tiny tan Elba (pale green micro) 16:359–360 ZINCROSASITE euhedral) 21:408n Madagascar Australia São Paulo Tranomaro 19:337n New South Wales Jacupiranga mine 15:269 Malawi Kintore opencut, Broken Hill (rosasite-zinc- Canada Mt. Malosa region (various habits to 1 cm) rosasite) 19:432 British Columbia 25:33p, 25:38c “ZINC-STOTTITE” Ice River complex (lavender 1 mm euhedral) Moon See Stottite 12:224 Minute grains 1:22 Ontario Norway ZINKENITE Bancroft area (5 localities) (“cyrtolite”) Alta, Finnmark: 13:181n, 13:184p; crystals to 5 Keeleyite discredited as 5:35h 10:158p cm, some gemmy 13:51 Bolivia Canadian Beryllium Mines and Alloys Ltd. Gjerdingen, Nordmarka region (bastnäsite af- Oruro district (felted masses) 6:134 properties, Renfrew County 13:85n ter) 11:88n San José mine, Oruro district: acicular 14:389; Cardiff mine, near Wilberforce (“cyrtolite”) Seiland Island, Altafjord: 19:271n, 20:397; end crystals to 5 cm 6:134 13:81–82p of collecting 22:47; red 17:341n Canada Davis Hill (equant to 1 cm) 21:245 Pakistan Ontario Davis quarry, near Bancroft (large masses in Bulbin, Northern Areas (2 cm crystals) 25:218 Taylor farm, near Madoc 13:(80) parallel growth) 13:86n Locality not specified 20:146 France Foymont 19:334 Stak Nala (near), Gilgit Division (yellowish- Saint-Pons (near), Haute-Provence (cuprifer- Golding-Keene quarry, near Bancroft 13:86n green) 16:407c, 16:410p ous; thick needles) 24:43 Highway 62 roadcut north of Bancroft Russia (formerly USSR) Italy 13:(111) Lovozero, Kola Peninsula (red-brown) 17:341n, Tuscany J. G. Gole quarry, Renfrew County 13:85n 21:173n Calagio quarries 18:278q Lake Clear-Kuehl Lake area, Renfrew Ural Mountains 1:(86) United States County: 13:201–202; crystals to 30 cm Sri Lanka Colorado 13:81n; twins 13:210–212c,p,d Ambilipitiya, near Kataragama 25:57n Brobdignag prospect, San Juan County (some MacDonald mine, Hastings County: 13:85; United States id as guettardite) 7:275 “cyrtolite” 13:199–200 Arizona Silverton district, San Juan County 10:359n McKay property, near Gooderham (“cyrto- New Cornelia mine, Pima County 14:297 ZINNWALDITE lite”) 13:86n Northwest of Bisbee 12:315 McLaren mine, Lanark County 13:81n Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County Brazil Princess sodalite mine, near Bancroft 13:(227) 19:143 Minas Gerais Saranac mine, near Tory Hill 13:85n, 13:(111) California Virgem da Lapa pegmatites (15 cm anhedral) Silver Crater mine, near Bancroft 13:76p, Himalaya dike system, San Diego County 13: 28 13:81n (euhedral to 1 cm; some uranian) 8:471 Greenland Silver Queen mine, Lanark County 13:81n Jensen quarry, Riverside County (brown, 5: Narssârssuk (prob. id) 123 Smart mine, Renfrew County: 13:201–202, amber, green; xenotime epitaxial on some) Italy 13:211–212c,d, 19:(334); twins to 10 cm 15:286–287d,c Lombardy 13:81n Little Three pegmatites, San Diego County 14: Baveno area (7 cm crystals) 165–166 Smith-Lacey mine, near Sydenham 13:81n 20:(106) Madagascar Tory Hill (near) 13:81p Colorado 20: Anjanabonoina 200 Verona (near), Frontenac County 13:81n Eureka tunnel, El Paso County: 5:187n; some United States Westmeath Township, Renfrew County gemmy 16:229–230n Colorado (“cyrtolite”) 13:81n Little Patsy quarry, Jefferson County (“cyrto- 16: Crystal Peak, Park County 224n Wilberforce (near): 13:81; brown to 10 cm lite”) 21:429n 22: Harris Park (west of), Park County 382 21:485n Mt.
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