THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1966 I «i fire fighters. j tailored to what council consider t0 ' I "Jn addition. UJA funds must help i The three third floor occuptinls. j hu the governmental requirements of ! absorb hundreds of thousands of Apartment j the town. UJA I earlier nrriviils who arc .still not in- j Taylor. L,.*e and Gee, escaped before I loyruU'd inlo Israel's way* and econ- 1 Continued from page 11 I arrival of fire fighters by jumping I (Continued from page 1' I uniy." Mi'. Sioanc sUiU'd. "U-IA remained on thu scene until inid-aft- ] from the first fluor r<x>f. No injuries j "J! is not too much to ask that I vvure reported. Capt. Pierce Wins ! funds must also help nearly 400,001) • tj'noon. j the American Jewish community Jvw ish men. women and children in I mukc up fur these drastic cuts." I The owner of the building is Carl dtsperaie .straits in 30 other coun- I Vilki.ie of Iil2 Salter PI. AF Air Medal Mr. Sloarie continued. "The people tries, particularly in Europe, North J Firemen receiving minor injuries Council of Israel are making every sacri- Africa and the Middle East." Capt. William N. Pierce Jr., soi 1 fic«j lu finance the absorption of the were: Capt. Lawrence Palmer, cuts; (Continued from page 1 > A number of representatives of deputy chief George Skrba, bnck in- of Mr. and Mrs. William Neil Piem ! new arrivals and to keep their doors I he local UJA campaign and their Mayor Mulreany in a statement of 7(33 Kimball Ave.. has gniiiuah J ! open to all newcomers, whether jury; fire-man (Ju.stave Buonanno. wives will at lend !h<> UJA's annual back; fin-man Lawrence I.yrkin. prefacing the introduction of tho with honors from technical training { younj; and strong or infirm and old. national conference banquet Satur- ordinance liust nighl. referred to the in communications at Goodk'ilov Israels cilizsms are taxing them- cuts and burns on hand: firemfin day evening. Dec. 10 at the New Itichard Moncur. injured knee; fire- efforts made several years ago by Air Fores Base, San Angela, Tcxa^ selves to the limit, but they cannot York Hilton. Th<; guest speakers for man Herman Nolle, back; fireman, the Charter Study Commission. The He was awarded the Air Medal win. bear the brunt of this great finan- the banquet will be the Hon. Hubert Albert Simone, back; fireman Wil- CojYimission recommended the adop- the following citation on his return cial burden alone." H. Humphrey, vice president of I he liam Pfaehler, fate burns; fireman tion by the voters of Plan "F" of from duly in Frankfurt, Germany: One area of acute need in Israel the Faulkner Act. which the voters United Stales; His Excellency Abba Frank Gary, bock: volunteer fire- "Capt. William N. Pierce Jr. dis. is in Hie absorption of 200,000 immi- S. Ebun, foreign minister. Stale of man Kobert Kallio. face burns, and spurned at the polls. grants, eh icily irom backward North Israel: and Louis Pincus, chairman, tinguished himself by meritorious volunteer Frank Kennedy, knee. In charging the Laws and Rules achievement while participating in African and Asian lands, who have Jewish Agency for Israel. General Buck and log injuries mostly occur- been settled in 21 new development Committee of Council to make a new sustained aerial flight as a naviga chairman of the National United red in falls on the ice which inhibit- study, the mayor asked that the com- towns which have been built during Jewish Appeal is Max M. fisher tor in Europe and adjacent geo- the pus! U*n years to house the over- of Detroit, Mich. mittee re-study the Commission's graphical areas from July 25, 1962 to flow population of newcomers. Be- report and the objections expressed Feb. 20, 1966. Throughout this pe- EI.KS ilOKO"i:i)—Tin- (ranford Klks Ciul) was honored last week by One family met the Fitches while throughout the town to the end that cause sufficient funds are lacking to riod Captain Pierce flew missions magnitude hiti reprcBfiitalivrs of Ilic Nrw Jersey Association for Retarded Children making a recording for their son steps might be taken to correct rec- improve conditions for these penni- of great value and significance to measurably t« fc for tin- club's interest in mid s|MiiiM>rkhi|> of .1 new troop nf Cub Scouts. serviiiK overseas at Red Cross head- ognized deficiencies in the present Shown, Jc-it to riRhi. frunt raw. are Hcceic ICIISKIH. K;iy VUII JaeckH, less immigrants, they desperately Red Cross quarters. When they heard of their the United States under the most a" mission of need training in modern jolj skills, form of government. At the same crucial conditions. Despite great professional abilit, Exulted Killer of (.'ranloi-d K)ks, Hack row. same order, Wayne IJavid- loss, they returned home, collected time, he suggested that consideration blm and Htev4-n <',vi>ih;jhlk, Ctibmustrr. enough schooling to help their chil- (Continued from pape 1) clothing for all and delivered it to personal risk, flying in hazardous aerial accomliw PI. All three men have been out- be given to eliminating some of the t'nb Seoul I'ack 20C is a pi lot proj dren compete with the more ad- them. areas and often under marginal vanced immigrants from Kuropean fitted by the Red Cross. objectionable features of Plan "P" ei't and 11 now conci'pl in .scouiinj. Home or no home, tho Fitches as proposed by the Commission. weather conditions, Captain Pierce Elks Scouting Aid j-iiiL-f il i* I he first ]HHI< sel up in backgrounds, adequate homes in Contributions have come in from plan to return to tlieir mrmal rou- executed his exacting duties with Ilii1 United SUMes exclusively for which to raise (heir large families, individuals and from the lornl chap- tine tomorrow, tl,c children to study The mayor in his remarks stressed outstanding skill and precision. By decent wages to live on and a few at Columbus School and Mrs. Fitch that the proposed Charter is not one aad Mrs. ediieahU; n-lurded and physically ter of Catholic Daughters of Amer- successfully completing 216 such sor- Texas hr nit nei M Hailed By Stale handicapped hoys. of tlio amenities that make life bear- ica under the direction of Mrs. F. to her night shift job at Fibro Fac- of the various plans available under ties during which he flew 1740 hours, able irc these frontier towns. J. Smollen. tory in Clark. the Faulkner Act, but is specifically Ihe Security Seryfett Since its ho^iimin^ !lirec» years he performed a service of great Force liase, Ta Retarded Unit ago, HUTU have been IS more packs 'jliii'ti'd across Hie country. -+*—* The New Jersey Association for Thi' pack iiii'els ul flic; Cranford nWarded Children, represented by Klks Building, 951 E. Lincoln Arc, Mrs. David Harrington, vice presi- ivory Saturday morning. Under Hie dent. comincmoruiinK National Re- pal lent und skillful leadership 0/ tarded Children's Week, pri'sente'l these men, the boys have developed TREASURE CHEST Steve ('yml).iluk und Sir. Ifaynionci skills, mature attitudes, self confi- VanJaeckol, of the t'lanford Klks dence and a spirit of fellowship, KEY CARD wilh un award for their uulslunriiiic, work in scouting. In a .short time, five of the boys John Franks WINNER OF SIX v. ill have completed their cub scout work ;ind will advance inlo a new E. MOAD ST* WES3WBD MANHATTAN SHIRTS boy scout troop to be formed. TRANSFERRED? No. 3436S Shelter Homerica, Inc. will nelp (Continued from page 1) OWN MONDAY * WIDNtSOAY Till 9 P.M. • FREE METER PARKING AFTER 6 you find your next home hours. During Ihe hours when school nnywhere in the United is not in session, the community shelter managers will govern the States without charge. shelters. They will be in charge OBJECTIVES: To help you find of setting up programs within each your next home with a mini- shelter insofar us assignment of dut- mum of effort, time and ex- ies and responsibilities are concern- panse. If you plan to move to ed. an unfamiliar city, or fust to The first task of those men is to relocate near your present see. that the water containers in the shelter areas ore filled. During the home, HOMERICA, INC. will past week Lincoln, Grant, Columbus help you find the right house, and Wilson schools have completed in the right neighborhood, at the task of filling the containers. the new areal The Hoy Scouts of Troop 171 under the leadership of W. J. Lamb were SCOPEi Operation throughout instrumental in accomplishing this the United States enables work. At Franklin School and Holy Homerica to furnish you with Trinity School the Boy Scouts were detailed information on also employed in filling water con- houses which fit your require- tainers, ments even before your first Tlio Weslfield Jaycees a-e pres- visit to the new areal ently selling up a project to help REMEMBER: Homerica works wilh tho.i^k of filling of the water only for YOU I All of their containers,- Itichard FuKmann has efforts— research, reports and been appointed chairman of the advice — are exclusively on project. behalf of the prospective buyer. They have no connec- tion with the seller. II is their Hatficld responsibility to guard YOUR interests. (Continued from page 1) field, "Yvonne," and Truman To- br further details call the l.-ind of Mountainside, "Devil's Hole, homerica representative in the N.Y." tyeslfield, Mountai iside, Scotch Homer Hill of New Providence, Hains, Fanwood area.
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