6A » Tuesday, November 8, 2016 » KITSAPSUN MONEY LIFE MONDAY MARKETS GOOD DAYFOR LORDE FANS INDEX CLOSE CHG DowJones Industrial Avg. 18,260 x 371.32 On the eve of her 20th birthday,the Nasdaq composite 5,166.17 x 119.80 pop idol offered asmall gift to fans: S&P 500 2,131.52 x 46.34 The promise of new music. “I want you T-note,10-year yield 1.83% x 0.06 Oil, light sweet crude $44.89 x 0.82 to see the album cover,poreover the Euro(dollarsper euro) $1.1040 y 0.0077 lyrics (the best I’ve written in my life), Yenper dollar 104.58 x 1.45 touch the merch, experiencethe live SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM show,” Lorde wrote in an open letter vAmericasMarkets.usatoday.com KEVIN WINTER/GETTY IMAGES published late Sunday. Nation &World Watch JanetReno,firstfemale From Gannett and wirereports vCushing, Okla.: Quake US attorneygeneral, dies damages 40-50 buildings Dozens of buildings sustained “sub- stantial damage” after a5.0-magnitude earthquakestruck an Oklahoma town ‘Fiercely independent’ leader headed Justice through tough times that’shome to one of the world’skey oil hubs,but officials said Mondaythat no Jane Onyanga-Omara damagewas reported at the oil terminal. and Kevin Johnson Cushing City Manager SteveSpears said 40 to 50 buildings were damaged in USA TODAY Sunday’searthquake, which wasthe third in Oklahoma this year with amag- JanetReno,the firstwoman nitude of 5.0orgreater.Oklahoma has to serveasU.S.attorney gener- had thousands of earthquakes in recent al, whose tenure spanned some years,with nearly all traced to the under- of the mosttumultuous periods ground injection of wastewater left over in American life, has died. She from oil and gas production. was78. Hergoddaughter,Gabrielle vWashington: President’s D’Alemberte, told the Associat- temporary picks in doubt ed Press that she died early Mondayfrom complications re- The Supreme Court raised doubts lated to Parkinson’sdisease. Mondayabout the temporary appoint- Reno arrived in Washington ment of aformer labor official in acase in 1993 as arelatively unknown that could limit the president’spower to prosecutor from Miami —new- fill top government posts. ly elected President Bill Clin- The justices considered whether Lafe ton’sthird choice to lead the Solomon wasallowed to serveasacting sprawling Justice Department general counsel of the National Labor —whose apolitical waysand Relations Board while he wasatthe hulking physical stature both same time nominated to fill that role endeared her to supporters and permanently.The outcome of the case made her aperennial target of could affect the nextadministration if administration critics. the new president and the Senate remain The second-longest-serving at odds overnominations to agencies at attorney general in history,Re- the center of partisan political fights. no headed aJustice Depart- AFP/GETTY IMAGES At issue is a1998 lawthat seeks to pre- ment that wasthrustinto a JanetReno speaks in the White House Rose Garden on Feb. 11, 1993,after President Bill vent the president from using temporary nearly unending series of tests, Clinton named her to be the nation’sattorneygeneral. Reno died early Mondayatage 78. appointments to bypass the Senate’sad- from the government’sdeadly vise-and-consent role. raid on the Branch Davidian domestic terrorism to fair com- sault on the Branch Davidian as attorney general, she called compound near Waco,Texas, petition in the emerging tech- sect, which the new attorney the moment an “extraordinary vCape Canaveral, Fla.: and the firstWorld Trade Cen- nology sector.Inmeeting these general helped oversee, left 80 experience, and Ihope Idothe Astronaut casts ballot ter attack investigation, to the challenges,she wasguided by people dead in asmoldering women of America proud.” The lone American off the planethas bombing of the Oklahoma City one simple test: to do what the ruin. She wasfamed for telling re- casthis votefrom space, keeping with federal building and the inter- lawand the facts required..” The botched operation, porters that “I don’tdospin” NASA’s mottoof“Vote while you float.” national custody battle for a Former Attorney General Er- which Reno would later de- and often told the public that NASA said Mondaythat astronaut Cuban boynamed Elian ic Holder,who served as Reno’s scribe as her worstmoment in “the buck stops with me.” Shane Kimbrough filed his ballotin Gonzalez. top deputy during part of her office, brought calls for her res- Myron Marlin, aformer Jus- Tuesday’spresidential election from the Herimprobable political sur- tenure, said she “stood out as a ignation, which she offered, tice spokesman who served International Space Station sometime vival during agrueling eight person of integrity and endur- though it wasrejected by during some of the roughest overthe pastfew days.Hearrived at the years in office, while also bat- ing values.” Clinton. moments of Reno’stenure, de- orbiting lab in mid-October. tling Parkinson’sdisease, may “JanetReno wasmycol- The stunning bombing of the scribed her as “a truly remark- Before launching on afour-month be the moststriking aspect of league, my inspiration and my Alfred P. Murrah Federal Build- able woman.” mission, Kimbrough said it wasgoing to her tenure. dear friend,”Holder said. “Hers ing in Oklahoma City,then the “Fiercely independent, hon- be special, being able to say,“Ivoted Attorney General Loretta wasauniquely American life deadliestterroristattack on U.S. est, above politics,smart, tough from space.” Lynch, the firstAfrican-Ameri- and waswell lived.” soil, would followtwo years lat- as nails,” Marlin said. By the time he’sback on Earth in Feb- can woman to serveasthe na- The daughter of Miami er,plunging the nation into an She walked to work and of- ruary,America will have anew com- tion’schief lawenforcement newspaper reporters,Reno was examination of alargely unseen ten did so before dawn, trailed mander in chief. Astronauts are “pretty officer,said Reno served as “an plucked from the trenches of threat from an anti-govern- by FBI bodyguards.She accept- much apolitical,”hetold reporters last inspiration and atrailblazer for Florida’scriminal justice sys- ment movement roiling within ed the fact that advancing Par- month. “And I’ll be glad to welcome the so manywomen serving in law tem only after Clinton’sfirst the country. kinson’sdisease had caused her new president, whoever that is.” enforcement and government, two candidates for the job as Born in 1938 in Miami, Reno to lose control of her hands at The previous U.S. space station resi- including me.” the nation’schief lawenforce- earned abachelor’s degree from times,and she didn’tcare if that dent, Kate Rubins,also castanabsentee Aportrait of Reno hangs in ment officer —corporate law- Cornell University in 1960 be- made anyone uncomfortable. ballotfrom up there, before returning to Lynch’sfifth-floor conference yerZoe Baird and federal Judge fore attending Harvard Law Herquiet, no-nonsense man- Earth aweek ago, according to NASA. room. KimbaWood —were upended School. ner ultimately wascelebrated “The Department of Justice by questions about payments to Reno said she wanted to be- with aregular parody on “Sat- vVatican City: Pope taps has lostone of the mosteffec- nannies. come alawyer “because Ididn’t urdayNight Live,”called “Janet newcardinal for Newark tive, decisiveand well-respect- She wasunanimously con- want people to tell me what to Reno’sDance Party.” The skit ed leaders in its proud history,” firmed by the Senate in a98-0 do.” featured Will Ferrell, dressed in Pope Francis is pressing his campaign Lynchsaid. “She led the depart- vote, yetquestions about her She served as prosecutor for aReno standard royal blue to remakethe U.S. church more in his ment in atime of turmoil and ownreadiness for the task came Dade County,Florida, from dress and pearls.She embraced likeness,tapping one of his new cardi- change, confronting issues just38daysinto her tenure, 1978 to 1993. the parody and joined the cast nals,Joseph Tobin, to replace the New- ranging from international and when thegovernment’sfinal as- After winning confirmation to share in the fun. ark archbishop criticized for mishandling sex abuse cases and spend- ing lavishly on his retirement home. word of anew FBI investigation The Vatican announced Mondaythat FBI chief Comey’sactions and an erroneous report on Fox Tobin would replace Archbishop John Newstoargue that Clinton was Myers,who reached the mandatory re- about to be indicted. tirement ageof75inJuly.Tobin, cur- changed race irreversibly Down the ballot, the contro- rently archbishop of Indianapolis,isone versyprompted Democratic of three Americans whom Francis will strategists to lower their calcu- formally elevate as cardinal Nov. 19.His Second letter can’t tion of Hillary Clinton’semails Americans lations on the number of House new assignment marks atransition away and then concluded, basically: castearly and Senate seats their candi- from an archbishop focused on drawing cancel out effect of never mind. ballots. dates were likely to pick up. hard lines about Catholic orthodoxy. unparalleled first That hasn’thappened before. Forone And it plunged the FBI into vIraq: Kurds advance The closestparallel might be thing, it the sort of partisan furor that the announcement four days stanched this year has also eroded public as mass gravefound Susan Page before the 1992election that Clinton’sris- faith in the newsmedia, the two Iraqi Kurdish fighters exchanged USA TODAY former Defense Secretary Cas- ing momen- major political parties and the heavy fire with militants Mondayasthey par Weinberger wasbeing in- tum, causing election process itself. entered atownheld by the Islamic State Forayear,the 2016 presi- dicted in the Iran-contra affair, James Comey enough con- Imagine, for instance, the eastofMosul, while troops advancing dential campaign has sparked astep that enraged the embat- cern that she firstmeeting between the FBI south of the city discovered amass grave the use of the word “unprece- tled GeorgeH.W.
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