.'“I*'- »ir‘*„ t ” PAGE FMITY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Wed., Dec. 6, 1972 Columbia WORLD ALM^ Bolton Schools On Safety Honor Roll Today^s State ________________ WCCTS Elementary school principal To qualify for the recognition, a regular basis; and have had good safety education Douglas fir, and Scotch pine Lottery Winner near, very cold toni^t, low in George Patros has announced both schools have adopted a regubur safety inspections of program.” trees will be sold nightly at the Two Boards Seek 63850 low teens. Goudy, cold Friday, that both the elementary and policy statement on safety, buildings and grounds to firdMuse beginning Dec. IS. iiattrIjFatFr fontng HbralS chance of snow late in day, center schools have recently have initiated a student acci­ eliminate hazards and to insure Hours will be announced later. Planning Unity been placed on the National dent reporting system; have that they are complying with all Christmas Trees likely changing to rain. High in School Safety Honor Roll of the The Bolton Volunteer The Christian Education ,, mid 30s. established a student safety state and local fire regnlaticHis. ^lANCHESTER, (X)NN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1972 VOL. XCH, No. 57 MANCHESTER — A C ity o f Village CHartn National Safety Council. committee; have had an Commenting on the award, Firemen wish to advise Committee o f St. George’s Episcopal Church will meet THIRTY-SIX PAGES — TWO SEXHIONS P M C E FIF T E E N CENTS VIRGINIA CARLSON ment the Inland Wetland Act. This is the third year for the average of one fire drill per Patros said, “ We are townspeople that they will be Gomapondent This was in response to a elementary school and the fifth month simulating actual fire encouraged by the recommen­ selling Ouistmas trees again Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the t ^ year to raise funds. Spruce, Tflr?28i9224 request from the CC to join year that the center school has conditions; have had safety dation of our efforts to build a parish hall. the Conservation Commis­ forces in the implementation. received the honor. exhibits and bulletin boards on sion (CC) and the Pianning and Ihe town meetipg would be Zoning Ccnnmission (PZC) met decisjve factor, however, as to OP recoitiy to set up guideiines so which commission will handle fir s t practical steamboat trip on the. Clermont when the two boards could work the Act. together in harmony for the it left New York on Aug. Bradford said he is waiting 17, 1807, a n d r e a c h e d betterment of the town, accor­ for some state guidelines to Albany, 150 miles driver, ding to Austin Doscher, Apollo 17 draw up regulations on the Act in 32 hours. T h e W o r l d dialnnan of the CC. since PZC members “ certainly Almanac says. Previous to Doscher said other towns do not have the legal expertise” “Fulton’s Folly” there had such as Marlbwough, Coventry to do so now. The towns must been some 16 other steam­ and Mansfield work with both draw up regulations before 1974 boats constructed, but the cmnmissions, espMially where or-the state will step in and It ubllc had failed to accept subdivisions are concerned. for them, he said. Slem as a practical method The CC asked, for suggestions o f travel. En Route from the PZC on its ideas for a conservation plan for the town. The CC can itemise natural features such as the town’s SAVE WITH SHUItflNE unique streams, members ad­ at PInehurst vised-the PZC. Grocery Phone 643^711 To Include Your Business Dr. Bruce Bradford, ShurHtn Shurfinn To Moon chairman of the PZC, said both Ytilow Cling Froxm In the Herald^s Christmas Gift Guide! groups have the same ideas in By PAUL REGER "Guess who else is,” said a plan to outwit the confused mind, the town and the proper PEACHES ORANGE JlflCE AP Aerospace Wrter happy Jack Schmitt, a Harvard- computer. The new system planning and growth o f it. I Pn-Hqllday Special Purchaae! SPACE CENTER, Houston trained geologist who became worked and Apollo 17 blazed Bryant Andrews of the PZC 12-n. OPENTMS (AP) — The men of Apollo 17 the first American scientist in into space at 12:33 a.m. EST, la t H a I Fm IIvr Dining pointed out the soning part of N O ., TMRS., streaked toward the moon space. less than an hour before the the PZC is interpreting BM ins With IFM.IITEStl today, leaving behind the cares After the launch, the first ever-changing position of sun, regulations and said the CC Dining Room of a cranky computer that ever in darkness, the astronauts earth and moon would have could be helpful in the planning SHURFIE SUGAR ................................... 5 lbs. 69( ValuM from delayed their journey for nearly orbited earth twice and then forced a 24-hour, or, perhaps as end. SHUmf nnZEH cut c o r n ...............................2 phgs. 43$ Blau Furnitura three hours. They left on man's were propelled on a path long as a month’s He added there are large SN U m E nOZEN LEAF SPMAGH.......................2 pkss. 35o last planned 20th century lunar toward the moon, where they postponement. areas where the two groups You’ll soo dining voyage with a liftoff lighUhow hope to find the missing links in Despite the countdown, the should work together and could Cnmpbill’t Shurtinn rooms In Colonial, which turned earth’s night to man’s knowledge of lunar launch was smooth and be effective, however he said it MUSHROOM STMWBEmY Contemporary, noon. evolution. spectacular. would be redundant for the two Provinolal, Spanish^ “ Good show, babe! Little The flight is the last of the 11- While hundreds of thousands groups to approve a SOUP lEU Y and Maditerranoan * late, but good show!” cried a misslon Apollo series, the of persons watched from Cape subdivision. In atock for holiday relieved and elated commander climax of a rush toward a lan­ Kennedy viewing areas, the 36- Andrews said there seems to dollvary. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Eugene A. Cernan as he and ding on the moon ^hich began story Saturn 5 rocket lifted crewmates Dr. Harrison H. be “ hangup” between the two The Most Wanted Christmas Gift! in the early 1960s with a slowly, majestically from its “ Jack” Schmitt and Ronald E. challenge to the nation by com m issioas in that the CC COLONIAL MAPLE 7-Piece Choose from the Best: • RoyakOlympia • Olivetti Pathway To The Moon nest of concrete and steel, Pine Rd. Table with -1 Evans rocketed away from President John F. Kennedy. climbing into a nearly clear, wants to duplicate what the 36x48” DINETTE Underwood • Smith-Corona • Remington-Rand.from ] Leaf and 4 large Cape Kennedy. From the current president, black Florida sky. PZC already does. Shurtinn OVALTABLE Includes: 6 beautifully $54.95 • Sales-Service-Rentals (Adding and Calculating | Apollo 17, riding on a flaming Saturn V rocket, cuts a white-hot swath matcbing Mate’i space center m useum . The A pollo 17 is headed fo r the m oon and w ill be “ We had to work at it,” said Richard M. Nixon, the The CC members said they chain. With 4 Matching styledbigh back Machines, too!) across the night sky over Cape Kennedy, Fla., early today after a delay For more than six minutes, Mate's Chain. Naugahyde Ouln. the last mission in the Apollo series. Mission Control. "Glad we astronauts received wishes of the rocket’s 2,200-foot tall, of wanted to work jointly with the BOOK MATCHES 2 * , 3 5 ‘ in liftoff, niis view shows a display of lunar lander and rockets at the PZC on planning. Dorcher said <349 $ 1 3 0 8 8 <138“ made it.” “ luck and Godspeed.” flame burned away the be felt tte CC would have a lot Shurtlnt Regularly HM.«5 “ Those who come after will darkness and lighted the sand I1W.95 Value |1«.W Value to offer. stand on the shoulders of the fiats and Atlantic beaches iRInO^ men of Apollo and their where the awed crowds Andrews said he felt perhaps POPCORN 2 . 3 5 « Your Gift Store for runlly lad Bomel a subcommittee within the two Shurtinn DOWNTOWN MAIN S1REET, MANCHESTER dedicated support team,” watched. OPEN TODAY ’til 5:30 P.M. l,j Free Pumtll Parklng-Marter Charge Cerda Accc)^! Charter Revision Group Survey Reveals Veilings Nixon said in a statement Gathering speed and gulping commissions m i^t be the best way to handle the matter. serving C onnecticut homnnijiV*'- , since 1909 IkMRSEEkj ^ relayed to newsmen at his thousands of gallons of fuel per The two groups agreed to TOMATO CATSUP OGLETHORPE, Ga. (AP) - tinted their hair, 38 per cent Camp David, Md. retreat. second, the gleaming white GENTLE A report from the Macon keep closer contact with each wore wigs, 80 per cent wore rocket climbed like an ascen­ County Extension Office says: The smooth flight was other so both commissions rouge, 98 per cent wore lipstick, ding comet and sped away. TERMS! “ A survey of women 25 per cent wore eyeshadow, 22 blemished by only two small, would know what the other is The fiery birth of the last V i blau Ponders Many Proposals attending a meeting to protest per cent wore falw eyelashes, nagging, but not serious ADAM’S Apollo mission could be seen 11 I doing. furniture stores • CASH problems. An alarm system in deceptive packaging revealed and 93 per cent wore nail for hundreds of milds. Bradford said that at present •CHARGE the cabin of the spacecraft was 3-16 0606 ^ 5300 6-13 '1159 APPLE the following — 15 per cent polish.” Residents in Miami Beach, he would be against anyone • BUDGET By SOL R.
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