Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 9-25-1991 UA11/1 On Campus, Vol. 1, No. 13 WKU University Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Astrophysics and Astronomy Commons, European History Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, International Relations Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Political History Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, and the Speech and Rhetorical Studies Commons Recommended Citation WKU University Relations, "UA11/1 On Campus, Vol. 1, No. 13" (1991). WKU Archives Records. Paper 4295. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/4295 This Transcription is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 1 No 13 September 25, 1991 • A Publication for Faculty and Staff ·w·..... WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Where Are We Going? Where Have We Been? Fifth Women's Studies Conference Opens The WKU Fifth Annual Women's last year, and focused on the roles Meredith will host luncheon speaker lages," by Penny Sisto Thursday Studies Conference begins tomor­ that women are forced into when Dr. Dorothy Redford in Garrett at 3:30 p.m. in Ivan Wilson Fine row, and the program, which lasts their nation goes to war." Conference Center Ballroom. The Arts Center, Room 425. through Saturday, features special­ noon President topic will be "I Want to See Things "Other sessions will include ists from 24 states, as well as South Whole: Weaving the Past with the topics such as detective fiction, Africa, presenting papers on every­ Present to Make the Future." Tickets women's biographies and autobi­ thing from sexual harassment to are $8 ,and seating will be available ographies and problems in social refonTI. for those who wish to only attend parenting," Ward said. According to Catherine Ward, the lecture. The advance registration fee is English professor and a program According to Ward, Redford, in $10 for the general public, $5 for coordinator,"The general purpose of her book "Somerset Homecoming," Western faculty and staff and free the conference is to provide an presents a history of the slave for senior citizens and Western exchange of ideas among women's population of the Somerset planta­ students. Participants may scholars, including some presenta­ tion in North Carolina. register tomorrow in the Garrett tions that would be of general "Her book, which has an introduc­ Conference Center for $15 start­ interest to the public," Ward says. tion by Alex Haley, emphasizes the ing at 8 a.m. Among the major lectures will be importance on knowirtg our past," Conference coordinators in­ a session on "Mothers Against the Ward said. clude Saundra Ardrey, Nancy State" by Dr. Jean Elshtain, political Minnie Bruce Pratt will present a Baird, Erica Brady, Mary Bricker­ science professor at Vanderbilt poetry reading at 10 a.m. Saturday Jenkins, Charles Bussey, Lou-Ann University. Funded by the Univer­ in Garrett Conference Center. Pratt Crouther, Carol Crowe-Carraco, sity Lecture Series, she'll speak won the Lamont Poetry Prize in 1989 Susan Knight Gore, Steve Groce, tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in Garrett for "Crimes Against Nature." Her Patricia Lockett, Mary Ellen Conference Center, Room 103. other works include "The Sound of Miller, Elizabeth Oakes, Ward "Dr. Eshtain's area of expertise is One Fork" and "We Say We Love and Michael Ann Williams. political science, and she has pub­ Each Othef." Conference phone number lished a number of books," Ward Vanderbilt University, Also, the Department of Art will is 4554. said. "Her latest book was pub­ speak s tomorrow III 7:30 p.m. i/1 Gllrrett 103 sponsor a slide show, "Threads of lished before the Persian Gulf War on ~Mothers Against the Stale~. Compassion, Fabric Art and Col- Planetarium What's Show Features Inside WKU •Begins 'Sun's Children' Reaccreditation Process Page 2 Hardin Planetarium wiU present Sun's Children, a pictOrial tour of the nine known worlds of the Sun, Oct. 1 through Nov. 31. The Russia• Coup Topics will include the fOnTIation of the Solar System and current facts about each planet. Show times are Tuesday and Thursday Page 3 evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Doors open 15 minutes before show time and shows are free. AnJnterview• with For more details, call the Planetarium at "Jim Wayne Miller 4044. pgs.4&5 On Campus Western Kentucky University September 25, 1991 President Meredith I Appointed to Council President Thomas C. Meredith Voss said the subcommittees will serve on the Constitutional will be meeting until November, • Improvement Policy Council of the when the full committee will meet. Kentucky Center for Public Issu es. A publiC symposium will be held Dr. Meredith will serve on the in early December, she said. local government subcommittee, The Kentucky Center for Public one of four subcommittees that will Issues is a non-profit research and be looking at Kentucky's Constitu­ education organization estab­ tion and recommending changes to lished in 1989 to identify and the General Assembly, according to analyze key issues in Kentucky, Executive Director Laura Voss. Voss said. Western is a member of Other subcommittees will be the Center and the dean of the looking at the corporation article, University's Ogden College of the executive article and merit Science, Technology and Health, judicial plan selection, she said. Dr. Charles KupcheUa, serves on the Center's board of directors. WKUToBegin Reaccreditation Process The University is in the process of completed and in place, the forming the steering committee University should be in an advan­ which will oversee the tageous pOSition," Alexander said, reaccreditation process by the adding, "But this doesn't meaD- we Southern Association of Colleges won't do a self-study; it simply and Schools (SACS). means we will be able to use Chairing the committee is Dr. much of the same infonnation and Livingston Alexander, associate data." vice preSident for academic affairs. Western and Murray State Directing the self-study is Dr. University are on simultaneous Joseph Glaser, professor of English. schedules for the process. "As soon as the committee mem­ The University of Louisville, bers are in place, they will present a Morehead State and Kentucky timetable for the process," said Dr. State have ju~recently completed Shuttle ~us Driver Pam Oglevie is the /illest recipient of $50 and a artifiadt from President Alexander, explaining the entire the process. Thomas Mueditl! for an Idea for Efficiency. She suggested reducing the number of Shuttle staps process takes about two years, with Alexander said WKU has met to increo.5e efficiency. President Meredith initillted Ideas for Efficiency to allow persons to ~ve a the 1991-92 school year set as the with University of Louisville voice in I1IJIking the University nHl more efficiently. Send ideas to the Office of the President, intense year of self-study. officials regarding the process, Wetherby Administration Building. All SACS member institutions, and that collaboration with the which include schools in 11 south­ other schools will probably also ern states and in Latin America, occur. must undergo the accreditation "The process is to be very PHONATHON UPDATE process every ten years. complete, very comprehensive. It "This is to allow some collabora­ is also a good way all of the tion of the various publics in differ­ schools can collaborate," Students Raise $48,715 First Week of ent states to assure that members Alexander said. Alumni Fund Student Phonathon meet the minimum level of qual­ "We want to produce a quality ity," says Alexander. dorument." Western's self-study will be The Alumni Annual Fund-Student Phonathon finished its first week comprehensive, and will include with $48,715 in pledges. input from studenfs, faculty and WKU students are usingJ2 phones to contact alumni from 6:30 p.m. staff. to 9 p.m. Sundays throughThursdays to solicit support for the Univer­ "Every aspect of the institution is sity during the 12th annual Phonathon which runs through Oct. 10. examined," Alexander said. This year's goal is $160,000. Last year, students raised a record "With the Western XXI document $143,500. 2 On Olmpus Western Kentucky University September 25, 1991 Russia's Coup; A Historical Perspective By Hugh Phillips People with some grasp of the supposed to enforce the seizure of overall history of Russia know that power: in the streets the tanks were the country has a rich tradition of manned by raw recruits, teenagers. political intrigue, palace coups and Where, everyone wondered, are the revolutions. In the 18th century the elite KGB units and the Interior palace Guards Regiments made Ministry's dreaded Black Berets? and unmade rulers with a rapidity Quickly there ensued the"Revolt of that bewildered even the most the Babushkas." jaded Russians. In 1741, the infant "Babushka" is Russian for Emperor Ivan VI Hruled"for about a "grandmother,H but that is a poor month before a conspiracy sent him translation for this powerful insti­ into solitary confinement. There he tution. Babushkas are revered, languished for a quarter-century. feared, respected and irrepressibly failing, understandably, to develop outspoken. When they took to the mentally or emotionally. In 1764, streets, wagging their fingers and this pathetic human, described by scolding the bewildered young one historian as "virtually subhu­ soldiers, veteran Russian-watchers man," was finally murdered. sensed the coup now was doomed. Only two years earlier, Emperor Dr. HwgIt Phillips Phofo by Rsldtel Griffith And so it proved, although not Peter III had met a similar (ate.
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