ERGON ENERGY ANNUAL STAKEHOLDER REPORT ANNUAL STAKEHOLDER REPORT 2010/11 “Our storm season response... is one of the clearest examples in the company’s history of our people truly demonstrating their commitment to our vision of 2010/11 being a world-class, customer-driven energy business.” Ian McLeod Chief Executive ANNUAL STAKEHOLDER REPORT responsive. resourceful. ready. 2010/11 Customer Service 13 10 46 7.00am – 6.30pm, Monday to Friday Faults Only 13 22 96 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Life-Threatening Emergencies Only Triple zero (000) or 13 16 70 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Offi ce of the Customer Advocate Customer Advocate PO Box 15107 Brisbane QLD 4002 [email protected] Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd Cover: Dalby’s Chris Mandall works ABN 11 121 177 802 on repairing connections on a pole in Andrew Street, Kurrimine Beach, one of ergon.com.au the areas hardest hit by Cyclone Yasi. ERGON ENERGY ANNUAL STAKEHOLDER REPORT ANNUAL STAKEHOLDER REPORT 2010/11 “Our storm season response... is one of the clearest examples in the company’s history of our people truly demonstrating their commitment to our vision of 2010/11 being a world-class, customer-driven energy business.” Ian McLeod Chief Executive ANNUAL STAKEHOLDER REPORT responsive. resourceful. ready. 2010/11 Customer Service 13 10 46 7.00am – 6.30pm, Monday to Friday Faults Only 13 22 96 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Life-Threatening Emergencies Only Triple zero (000) or 13 16 70 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Offi ce of the Customer Advocate Customer Advocate PO Box 15107 Brisbane QLD 4002 [email protected] Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd Cover: Dalby’s Chris Mandall works ABN 11 121 177 802 on repairing connections on a pole in Andrew Street, Kurrimine Beach, one of ergon.com.au the areas hardest hit by Cyclone Yasi. readyready for for a record a record summer summer season season COMMONCOMMON INDUSTRY INDUSTRY UNITS UNITS OF MEASUREOF MEASURE 32,21032,210 FloodingFlooding hampers hampers SAIDI SAIDI LTIDR LTIDR kV kV kilovolt – onekilovolt kV equals – one kV1,000 equals volts 1,000 volts customerscustomers System AverageSystem interruption Average interruption Duration Duration Lost Time LostInjury Time Duration Injury Rate. Duration Total Rate. Total networknetwork repairs repairs Index. NetworkIndex. reliability Network reliabilityperformance performance days lost duedays to lost injuries due to per injuries million per millionW W watt – a measurewatt – a ofmeasure the power of thepresent power present contact Ergoncontact Ergon index, indicatingindex, indicatingthe total minutes, the total on minutes, on hours workedhours over worked the 12 over month the 12 month Energy forEnergy for along thealong Cassowary the Cassowary when a currentwhen ofa currentone ampere of one fl owsampere fl ows average, thataverage, customers that customers are without are without reporting reportingperiod. Lost period. Time LostInjuries Time Injuries under a pressureunder a ofpressure one volt of one volt informationinformation on onCoast. Coast. electricityelectricity during the during relevant the relevant ProgressiveProgressive Days Lost Daysx 1, 000, Lost 000 x 1, / 000, 000 / the fi rst theday. fi rst day. period (minutes).period (minutes). Exposure HoursExposure Hours kW kW kilowatt – kilowattone kW equals– one kW 1,000 equals watts 1,000 watts SAIFI SAIFI System AverageSystem Interruption Average Interruption DEEFR DEEFR Dangerous Dangerous Electrical ElectricalEvent Frequency Event Frequency MW MW megawatt megawatt– one MW –equals one MW equals FloodingFlooding throughout throughout 3 FEBRUARY3 FEBRUARY 1,3401,340 FrequencyFrequency Index. Network Index. reliability Network reliability Rate. A safeRate. work A safepractice work measure practice measure 1,000 kilowatts1,000 kilowatts performanceperformance index, indicating index, indicatingthe the that tracksthat Dangerous tracks Dangerous Electrical Electrical Annual SummerAnnual Summer kWh kWh kilowatt hour kilowatt – the hour standard – the ‘unit’standard ‘unit’ the Souththe East South and East and fi eld personnelfi eld personnel average numberaverage of number occasions of occasions each each Events (DEEs)Events associated (DEEs) associated with work with work of electricity of electricity which represents which represents the the PreparednessPreparedness The monsoonalThe monsoonal South West.South West. from acrossfrom across 7.6m7.6m customer customeris interrupted is interrupted during the during the done by ourdone employees by our employees (DEEs x million (DEEs x million consumptionconsumption of electrical of electricalenergy at energy at Plan deliveredPlan delivered to to trough remainstrough remains AustraliaAustralia are on are on Bungil CreekBungil in Creek in relevant periodrelevant (interruptions). period (interruptions). / exposure/ hours).exposure Dangerous hours). Dangerous the rate ofthe one rate kilowatt of one over kilowatt a period over a period ensure weensure are we are stationarystationary over land over land the groundthe as ground part as part Roma peaks,Roma peaks, CustomerCustomer Customer Customerminutes is minutes a measure is a measure Electrical ElectricalEvents (DEE) Events x 1, 000,(DEE) 000 x 1, / 000, 000 / of one hourof one hour Exposure ExposureHours Hours of the response.of the response. causing morecausing more Minutes Minutes of the number of the of number customers of customers interrupted interrupted MWh MWh megawatt megawatthour – one hour MWh – equalsone MWh equals . CYCLONECYCLONE for a numberfor a number of days of days READYREADY localisedlocalised multipliedmultiplied by the duration by the of duration a power of a powerV V volt – the unitvolt of– thepotential unit of or potential or 1,000 kilowatt1,000 hours kilowatt hours deliveringdelivering heavy rain heavy rain outage or outageoutages, or incorporating outages, incorporating any any electrical electricalpressure pressure TASHATASHA 12 FEBRUARY12 FEBRUARY fl ooding.fl ooding. GWh GWhgigawatt hourgigawatt – one hour GWh – equalsone GWh equals 1 DECEMBER1 DECEMBER staged restoration.staged restoration. VA VA volt amperevolt – voltampere amperes – volt areamperes the are the The CategoryThe Category 1 across1 theacross state. the state. 1,000 megawatt1,000 megawatt hours or one hours million or one million AIFR AIFR All Injury Frequency All Injury Frequency Rate – measured Rate – measured ‘apparent ‘apparentpower’ and power’ are the and product are the product 19 APRIL 19 APRIL kilowatt hourskilowatt hours system crossessystem crosses as numberas of number injuries ofper injuries million per hours million hours of the voltageof the applied voltage to appliedthe equipment to the equipment CYCLONECYCLONE HV HV high voltage high – alternatingvoltage – alternating current current around around DisasterDisaster declared declared worked. Lostworked. Time LostInjuries Time (LTI) Injuries + (LTI) + times the currenttimes the drawn current by thedrawn by the above 1,000Vabove 1,000V in Dalby inand Dalby and equipment.equipment. The VA rating The isVA limited rating byis limited by GordonvaleGordonvale on on YASI YASI Ergon Energy’sErgon Energy’s Medical TreatmentMedical Treatment Injuries (MTI) Injuries x 1, (MTI) x 1, Theodore,Theodore, and and 000, 000 / 000,Exposure 000 / ExposureHours Hours the maximumthe maximum permissible permissible current, and current, LV and LV low voltagelow – alternatingvoltage – alternating current current ChristmasChristmas Day Day The CategoryThe Category 5 5 220220 incident incidentresponse response then in Emerald,then in Emerald, the watt ratingthe watt by the rating power-handling by the power-handling above 32Vabove and not 32V exceeding and not exceeding 1,000V 1,000V and movesand inland moves inland system reachessystem reaches mobile mobile team forteam Cyclone for Cyclone LTIFR LTIFR Lost Time LostInjury Time Frequency Injury Frequency Rate. Rate. Bundaberg,Bundaberg, Number ofNumber lost-time of injurieslost-time per injuries per capacity ofcapacity the device of the device tCO2 -e tCO2 tonnes -e of carbon tonnes ofdioxide carbon equivalents dioxide equivalents to Ravenshoe.to Ravenshoe. the Cassowarythe Cassowary 601,942601,942generatorsgenerators on on Yasi standsYasi down stands down Control roomControl room Central Central Flash fl oodingFlash fl ooding personnelpersonnel and and million hoursmillion worked hours over worked the over the kVA kVA kilovolt amperekilovolt – oneampere kVA – one kVA 120mm120mm Coast andCoast and square square hand duringhand the during the followingfollowing the the Around Around 12 month reporting12 month reportingperiod. Lost period. Time Lost Time equals 1,000equals VA 1,000 VA Highlands,Highlands, North North occurs inoccurs in fi eld crewsfi eld are crews are 8,5008,500 crosses crosses kilometreskilometres of our of ourresponse response effort. effort. completioncompletion of of Injuries (LTI)Injuries x 1, 000, (LTI) 000 x 1, / 000,Exposure 000 / Exposure rain in Emerald.rain in Emerald. Burnett andBurnett and ToowoombaToowoomba MVA MVAmegavolt amperemegavolt – oneampere MVA – one MVA homes andhomes and overnight.overnight. service areaservice has area hasThat’s 70MVA.That’s 70MVA. fi nal assetfi nal asset again makingagain making Hours Hours Woorabinda.Woorabinda. and downand the down the 520,000520,000 equals 1,000equals kVA 1,000 kVA Fitzroy RiverFitzroy River been impactedbeen impacted by by inspections.inspections. disconnectionsdisconnections
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