205 Old Grassy Hill Road ∙ Orange, CT 06477 ∙ 203-799-2341 March– April 2016 www.orshalomct.org Adar l– Adar ll—Nisan 5776 What’s Inside: THE CATCHER WAS A SPY! The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg Milestones……………………………..Page 2 SPEAKER: Nicholas Dawidoff In Memoriam………………………...Page 2 ANNUAL LANDWIRTH MEMORIAL LECTURE From the Rabbi…….……………….Page 3 Sunday, April 3rd - 2pm Congregation Or-Shalom From the President …..………….Page 4 Moe Berg, son of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants, was a Sisterhood……………………………..Page 5 professional baseball player in the 1930’s. He played as a back-up catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, Chicago Men’s Club…………………………….Page 5 White Sox, Cleveland Indians, and Boston Red Youth Group………………………….Page 5 Sox. However, Berg’s true claim to fame derived from another aspect of his life: He was a spy for the American Social Action………………………….Page 6 Government. Berg was a brilliant linguist who had March Calendar…………………….Page 8 graduated from Princeton University Magna Cum Laude. And thus, while playing exhibition baseball in Japan with the likes April Calendar……………………….Page 9 of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, Berg was asked by the U.S. military to sur- reptitiously film Japanese industrial facilities. The footage he brought back Contributions……………............Page 11 proved to be invaluable in America's war effort in the Pacific, following the B’ nai Mitzvahs……………………Page 13 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. During the war, Moe Berg performed a variety of missions in Europe as well. One of his assignments involved a Shabbat Across America……Page 14 trip to neutral Switzerland, where he was to attend a lecture given by Advertisements…………………..Page 15 prominent German physicist, Werner Heisenberg. Berg's orders were to determine if Heisenberg’s nuclear research indicted that the Germans were Please visit our new close to developing an atomic bomb. If they were, Berg's orders were to kill website at him. Moe Berg attended the lecture, armed with a pistol and… the rest will www.orshalomct.org be revealed by our guest speaker, Nicholas Dawidoff! This year’s annual Landwirth Memorial Lecture at Congregation Or-Shalom will feature noted writer Nicholas Dawidoff, author of the best seller, The Catcher Was A Spy. Mr. Dawidoff has also au- thored a number of acclaimed books, one of which was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in Biography. He is the author of many articles that have appeared in The March 20, 2016 New Yorker and The New York Times. A 10:30 am (after the Purim spiel) Branford Fellow at Yale University, Mr $5.00 entry fee gets you games Dawidoff resides in New Haven. and fun. Food for sale. All Are Welcome! 1 Congregation Or Shalom’s Todah Rabah Guiding Principles: To Robin Fox and Dara Brosler for the To serve as a vibrant center for the practice and beautiful Shabbat dinner. teaching of Conservative Judaism; to create a spiritual and social atmosphere in which congregants feel part of a larger synagogue MILESTONES IN OUR COMMUNITY family. Laurie & Richard Feldman are pleased to announce the engagement of their son, Rabbi’s Office Hours Alexander to Karen Levush Barring emergencies, the Rabbi keeps office hours on Mondays from 8:30 am to noon, 4:00 From Virginia pm—6:00 pm and on Thursdays from 8:30 am until noon. However, please feel free to schedule I am looking toward the future, on my retirement, an appointment with him during any hours of the with anticipation. week except Thursday afternoon. He will also be However I will greatly available other times during the week, as needed. miss the many associ- To schedule an appointment, you can contact him ates and friends that I at the office at 203-799-2341, on his personal have made at Or Sha- phone number at 203-795-9815 or via email at lom along these past 17 [email protected]. years. I would like to thank the Synagogue and the Members for Lighting Shabbat Candles my A Peaceful Way to Usher in the Sabbath Retirement Brunch and the leaf for the Tree of Life, It is customary to light candles Friday evening in the home which was a great tribute for me. I will miss you all. for Shabbat approximately 18 minutes prior to sunset. Here are candle lighting times for March– April 2016 in Greater Virginia Lombardi New Haven: March 4 5:29 pm Welcome Home from Israel March 11 5:37 pm March 18 5:45 pm Dara and Royce Brosler & Family March 25 6:52 pm April 1 7:00 pm April 8 7:07 pm April 15 7:15 pm April 22 7:22 pm April 29 7:30 pm IN MEMORIAM The entire Congregation wishes to extend its heartfelt condolences to the families of: Or Shalom Office Hours Monday through Thursday Jeanne Jackson Siegel beloved wife of Alan Siegel 10:00 am—4:00 pm Adele Eckhouse beloved sister of Carl Russell Friday 10:00 am—3:00 pm Melvin Natter beloved husband of Susan Natter 2 From the Rabbi… blessing is uttered, because there is no Mitzvah to eat Matzah during the remaining days of Passover. That is to “RABBI…IS THIS TRUE?” Passover Myths & Facts say, during the rest of Passover we eat Matzah only when we feel like it! (Contrastingly, for example, on Hanukah The explosion of accessible in- we are commanded to light candles throughout the Holi- formation we call the “Internet” day; and on Sukkot, we are commanded to eat in the Suk- has undoubtedly improved our kah throughout the Holiday.) lives. But to my mind, it hasn’t been a total blessing. For the Age Now let’s turn to a couple of popular myths about Passo- of Google has also facilitated the ver foods: spreading of untruths and half- MYTH: Traditional Jews abstain from eating rice during truths on a scale unseen before in Passover. human history. Interestingly, this problem has pre- FACT: Only Ashkenazi Jews refrain from partaking of sented teachers in all areas of learning with a new role: rice (and beans, and corn, and peanuts, and buckwheat, that of “internet-rumor debunker”. Indeed, over the and peas, and seeds, and…) during Passover. The Bible, past few years, I’ve increasingly come across rumors however, informs us that we are only to abstain from about Judaism in conversations that began with words leavened grains on Pesach – i.e., wheat, oats, spelt, bar- such as: “Rabbi… I saw something on the Internet… ley and rye. It was the Ashkenazi rabbis of the Middle Is it true?” Below, are some popular misconceptions Ages who added a list of foods they called “Kitniyos” to about the holiday of Pesach that came to my attention the original Biblical Commandment. (Note: Sephardic this way. rabbis permit rice on Pesach, only if it was checked 3 I’ll begin with a couple of myths about Matzah: times to ensure that no grain kernels have mixed with MYTH: “Shmurah Matzah” is Matzah that has been the rice.) blessed by a rabbi. MYTH: Serving roasted lamb at the Seder is a time- FACT: Shmurah Matzah, which usually appears as honored way of recalling the Pesach (Paschal) Lamb. round and hand-made, means literally, “Guarded Mat- FACT: This is only true for our Sephardic cousins, who zah” – i.e., Matzah that was guarded to ensure that its do indeed serve lamb at the Seder in remembrance of the grains never came into contact with water until the Paschal Lamb. Ashkenazi Jews, however, do not. Ashke- moment before they were baked. Shmurah Matzah, nazi rabbis were very concerned that we might mistaken- therefore, means Matzah that is absolutely guaranteed ly equate any lamb eaten at the Seder with the true Pas- to be unleavened bread. Thus, the day chosen for the chal Lamb that was prepared exclusively in the Temple harvesting of Shmurah-wheat is always dry and cloud- of Jerusalem. Thus, when the Temple will be rebuilt (G- less. The harvested Shmurah-stalks are then carefully d willing), with the coming of the Messiah (G-d willing), guarded as they are transported to the mill. Rabbis we’ll enjoy lamb at our Seder once again. Indeed, to pre- carefully inspect the mill to ensure that every piece of vent us from even thinking that we might be living in its equipment is absolutely dry. Lastly, the Shmurah- Temple times, many Ashkenazi Jews eliminate lamb flour is guarded en route to the Matzah bakery. from the menu during the entire holiday of Passover. MYTH: The Jewish religion expects us to eat Matzah And speaking of lamb. all week of Passover. MYTH: We place a Mezuzah on our doorposts in remem- FACT: The Mitzvah of eating Matzah pertains only to brance of the lamb’s-blood our ancestors placed on their the first nights of Passover - i.e., the Seder nights. doorposts the night G-d “passed over” their homes dur- Therefore, on those nights alone do we recite the spe- ing the plague of the first-born. cial blessing: “Blessed are You… who commanded us to eat Matzah”. During the rest of the week, no such (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) 3 From the President... Spring is here and you know and such wonderful ways to shake off the doldrums what that means! Matzo balls of the winter. and hamantaschen! Yay! This spring, as we hold seders for Passover and send Not only is the Spring the fa- shalach manot to friends and family for Purim, we vorite season for many of us commemorate our people’s survival with religious because of the arrival of traditions and special foods, but with gestures of love crocuses and tulips, warblers and affection to our fellow man.
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