4536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 23, Christian Association of Allentown, Pa., for the passage of a bill transfer the tier of counties from Madison to Duval, inclusive, gidng prohibition to our new possessions, and favoring the anti­ from the southern to the northern district; which were referred canteen law-to the Committee on Military Affairs. to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HAMILTON: Petition of David Oaks Post, No. 135, of Mr. CULLOM presented a petition of the Retail Merchants' Centerville, Mich., Grand Army of the Republic, in favor of a Association Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Illinois, praying bill locating a Branch Soldiers' Home near Johnson City, Tenn.­ for the enactment of legislation to secure protection in the use of to the Committee on Military Affairs. adulterated food products; which was referred to the Committee By Mr. MANN: Petition of citizens of Chicago, Ill., for the pas­ on Manufactures. sage of a bill to forbid liquor selling in canteens and in the Army, He also presented a petition of the Illinois Manufacturers' As­ Navy, and Soldiers' Homes-to the Committee on Military Affairs. sociation, of Chicago, Ill., praying for the enactment of legisla­ Also, petition of employees of the Chicago (Ill.) post-office, tion providing for a revision of the war-revenue tax; which was Hyde Park and Lawn stations, urging the passage of House bill referred to the Committee on Finance. No. 9565, for the retirement of civil employees of the Government He also presented the petition of W. M. Benton and 15 other after long service and infirmity-to the Committee on Reform in citizens of Peoria, Ill., praying for the repeal of the stamp tax the Civil Service. upon proprietary medicines, perfumeries, and cosmetics; which By Mr. MERCER: Resolution of North Platte Commercial was referred to the Committee on Finance. Club, urging adequate appropriation for hydrographic survey in He also presented a petition of the Cattle Association of Elke arid regions-to the Committee on Appropriations. County, Nev., praying for the adoption of certain amendments to By Mr. NEEDHAM: Resolutions of the San Francisco Cham­ the interstate-commerce law; which was referred to the Committee ber of Commerce, favoring the passage of House bill No. 4346, to on Interstate Commerce. place Lake Tahoe Forest Reservation under the control of the Mr. McBRIDE presented a memorial.of 12 citizens of Creswell, University of California-to the Committee on the Public Lands. Oreg., remonstrating against the passage of the so-called Loud Also, resolutions of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce~ bill, relating to second-class mail matter; which was referred to favoring the improvement of Oakland Harbor under direction of the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. board of United States engineers appointed by the Secretary of He also presented a petition of the congregation of the Meth­ War-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. odist Episcopal Church; of the Methodist Episcopal Working So­ ~y Mr. RIDGELY: Petition of New Albany Post, No. 119, De­ ciety; of the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church; partment of Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic, in favor of the of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union; of the J.B. :Mat­ establishment of a Branch Soldiers' Home near Johnson City, thews Woman's Relief Corps, No. 11; of the Congregational Tenn.-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Ladies' Working Society; of the congregation of the Christian By Mr. THOMAS of North Carolina: Petition of J. H. Ander­ Church;, of Holly Cixcle, No. 185, Women of Woodcraft; of the son and others, for the reestablishment of the United States Ar­ Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian Church, and of the Christian senal at Fayetteville, N. C.-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Endeavor Society of the Christian Church, all of Forest Grove, in the State of Oregon, praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the importation, manufacture, and sale of intoxicating liquors and opium in Hawaii; which was ordered to lie on the SEN.A.TEO table. MONDAY, April 23, 1900. He also presented a petition of the congregation of the Metho­ dist' Episcopal Church; of the J.B. Matthews Woman's Relief Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. Uorps,No.11; of the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceedings Church; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union; of the of Saturday last, when, on request of Mr. RAWLINS, and by unan­ Congregational Ladies' Working Society; of Holly Circle, No. imous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. 185, Women of Woodcraft; of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Chris­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the Jour­ tian Church; of the Methodist Episcopal Church Working So­ nal stands approved. ciety, and of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian GROVES OF BIG TREES IN CALIFORNIA. Church, all of Forest Grove, in the State of Oregon, praying for The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair presents quite a the enactment of legislation to prohibit the sale of intoxicating lengthy communication from the Secretary of the Interior in rela­ liquors in the newly acquired possessions of the United States, tion to the proposed preservation of the Mammoth Tree Grove in etc.; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. California. The Chair iB unce11iain where it should go. Mr. McCOMAS presented a. petition of sundry citizens of Mid­ Mr. COCKRELL. To the Committee on Agriculture and For­ land, Md., praying for the Government ownership and operation estry. of railways, as well as telegraphs and telephones, etc.; which was The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair is informed that referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. the Committee on Public Lands has recently had charge of it. Mr.WARREN presented the petition of J. Jackson and sundry Mr. COCKRELL. That committee would have jurisdiction other stockmen of Laramie County, Wyo., praying for a continu­ of it.. ance of the free Clistribution by the Department of Agriculture of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The communication and blackleg vaccine; which was referred to the Committee on Agri­ accompanying papers will be referred tothe Committee on Public culture and Forestry. Lands and printed. Mr. FRYE presented the petition of Samuel F. Haskell and 6 other citizens of Auburn, Me., praying for the enactment of leg­ :MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. islation granting an increase of pension to soldiers who have lost A message from the Honse of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. an arm or a leg; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. BROWNING, its Chief Clerk. announced that the House had passed He also presented a petition of the American Philosophical So­ the following bills; in which it i·equested the concurrence of the ciety, praying for the establishment of a national standards bu­ Senate: reau, in connection with the United States Office of Standard A bill (H. R. 9566) authorizing the establishment of a light and Weights and Measures; which was referred to the Committee on fog signal on the new breakwater, harbor of refuge, Delaware Mines and Mining. Bay; . Mr. GEAR presented sundry papers to accompany the bill (S. A bill (H. R. 10450) making appropriations for the naval service 1220) for the relief of John A. Spielman; which were referred to for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, and for other purposes; the Committee on Militarv Affairs. A bill (H. R. 10840) providing compensation to United States He also presented sundry papers to accompany the bill (S. 3799Y commissioners in Chinese deportation cases; and to remove the charge of desertion from the military record of A bill (H. R. 10097) to authorize the Atlantic and Gulf Short Herman C. Colby; which were referred to the Committee on Mili­ Line Railroad Company to build, construct, and maintain rail­ tary Affairs. way bridges across the Ocmulgee and Oconee rivers within the OSAGE TRUST FUNDS. boundary lines of Irwin, Wilcox, Telfair, and Montgomery coun­ ties, in the State of Georgia. Mr. COCKRELL. I present a letter addressed to myself, in the The message also announced that the House had passed resolu­ nature of a memorial, signed by John F. Palmer, an Osage Indian, tions commemorative of the life, character, and public services remonstrating against the payment of any portion of the princi.. of the Hon. EVAN E. SETTLE, late a memberof the Honse of Rep­ pal of their trust funds. I move that the memorial be printed as resentatives from the State of Kentucky. a document and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. The motion was agreed to. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Mr. TALIAFERRO presentedmemorial.B of sundry members of EA.STERN CHEROKEE FUND. the bar of Alachua County, Brevard County, Madison County, and Mr. COCKRELL. I present a supplemental paper, being ape­ Suwanee County, all in the State of Florida, remonstrating tition of the Eastern or Emigrant Cherokees, so called, praying f01r against the enactment of legislation proposing to change the boun­ the payment to them, per capita, oftheftmd appropriated to them daries of the United States judicial distncts oi Florida and to J nly 2, 1836, and pledged to them by the ninth article of the treaty / 1900. , CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 4537 of 1846, and found due by the award of the executive department tana Senatorfal election case, bound in cloth. of which iOO shall be for the use of the Honse, 200 for the use of the Senate, and 100 for the nse of the Senate of the United States under authority of the act of Congress of Committee on Privileges and Elections.
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