NATIONAL ASSEM BLY SECRETARIAT ORDERS OF THE DAY for the meeting of the National Assembly to be held on Thursday, the 4th March, 2O2L at 11.00 a.m. 1. Tilowot, Hodith, Naot and national anthem. UESTIONS 2. Questions entered in a separate list to be asked and answers given. CALLI NG ATTENTION NOTICE 3. MR. FAHEEM KHAN to invite attention of the Minister for Narcotics Control to a matter of urgent public importance regarding increasing trend of drug addiction amongst youth in Karachi, causing grave concern amongst the public. ORDINANCES TO BE LAID BEFORE THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 4. SHEIKH RASHID AHMED, Minister for lnterior to lay the Capital Development Authority (Amendnrent) Ordinan ce, 2021(Ord. No. I of 2021,1before the National Assembly as required by clause (2) of Article 89 of the Constitution of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan. 5. DR. MUHAMMAD FAROGH NASEEM, Minister for Law and Justice to lay the National Accountability (Amendment) Ordinance, 2O2L (Ord. No. V of 2O2t\ before the National Assembly as required by clause (2)of Article 89 of the Constitution of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan. 5. DR. ABDUL HAFEEZ SHAIKH, Minister for Finance and Revenue to lay the Tax Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021. (Ord. No. Vl of 20271before the National Assembly as required by clause (2) of Article 89 of the Constitution of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan. MOTION UNDER RULE 259 7. Further discussion on the following motion moved by MALIK MUHAMMAD AMIR DOGER on 19th February, 2O2!:- "This House may discuss increasing inflation specially food inflation, price hike in Petroleum products, gas arrd electricity." MOTION 8. MR. RIAZ FATYANA, Chairman Standing Committee on Law and Justice to move that the delay in the presentation of the report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to provide for the establishment of the Whistleblower Protection and Vigilance Commission [The Whistleblower Protection and Vigilance Commission Bill, 20191 (Ord. No. XXlll of 20191, tilltoday be condoned. REPORT OF THE STANDING CCM.MITTEE-PRESENTATION OF: 9. MR. RIAZ FATYANA, Chairman Standing Committee on Law and Justice to present the report of the Standing Committee on the Bill to provide for the establishnrent of the Whistleblower Protection and Vigilance Comrnission [The Whistleblorryer Protection and Vigilance Commission Bill, 201-9] (Ord. No. XXlll of 2019). f,t j l,lil -. 't -- LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS 10. Further consideration of the ioilowinp; mctroil rrioved oy Dr. Muirammad Farogh Naseem, Minister for Law and Justice on 3'd February, 20'21.:- "That the Bill furtlrer to amend the Constitution of the lslamic Republic of Pakista,rr [The Constitr,rtion (twenty-sixth Amendment) Bill, 20201, as reported by the Standing Commitl-ee, be taken into consideration at once." [Amendments entered in a separate list to be movedj 11. MR. ZAHEER-UD-DIN BABAR AWAN, AcJviser to the Prime Minister on Parliamentary All'airs to move that the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (twenty-sixth Amendmernt) Bill, 2020), be passed. t2. MR. SHAFQAT MAHMOOD, Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, trlational Heritage and Culture to move that the Bill to reconstitute National College of Arts [The National College of Arts lnstitute Bill, '2A201, as reported by the Standing Committee, be taken into consideration at once. 13. MR. SHAFQAT MAHMOOD, Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, r\lational Heritage and Culture to move that the Bill to reconstitute National College of Arts [The National C,rllege of Arts lnstitute Bill, 202011, be passed. t4. DR. SHIREEN M. MAZARI, Minister for !-Juman Rights to move that the Bill to provide for the well-being, comfort and dignity of the senior citizens resirJing in the lslarnabad Capital Territory [The lslamabad Capital Territory Senior Citizens Bill, 202C], as reported by the S;tanding Committee, be taken into consideration at once. 15. DR. SHIREEN M. MAZARI, Minister for Human Rights to move that the Bill to prc'vide for the well-being, comfort and dignity of the senior citizens residing in the lslamabad Capital Territory [The lslamabad Capital Territory Senior Citizens Bill, 20201, be passed. 16. DR. SHIREEN M. MAZARI, Minister for Human Rights to mr:ve that the Bill to est;rblish an effective system of protection, relief and rehabilitation of women, children, elders and any vulnerable person against domestic violence [The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill, 2O2O), as reported by the Standing Committee, be taken into consideration at once. t7. DR. SHIREEN M. MAZAR!, Minister for Human Rights to move that the Bill to establish an effective systern of protection, relief and rehabilitation of women, children, eiders ;:nd any vulnerable person against domestic violence [The Domestic Vioience (Prevention and Protection) Bill,2020l, be passed. PAPERS TO BE LAID BEFORE THE NATIONAT ASSEMBLY: 18. SYED SHIBLI FARAZ, Minister for lnformation and Broadcasting to lay before the National Assembly the Annual Report of Pakistan lnformatior': Commission for the period 1't Januery,zAir-O to 30th November, 2020, as required by section 19(2)(c) of the Right of Access to lnformation Act, 2}t1j . -:3:- PERIODICAL REPORTS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES. PRESENTATION OF: 19. RANA TANVEER HUSSAIN, Chairman Standing Committee on Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to present the Periodical Report of the Committee for the period 1't July, 2019 to 31't December, 2019, as required by rule 234-A of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the NationalAssembly, 2007. 20. RANA TANVEER HUSSAIN, Chairrnan Standing Committee on Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to present the Periodical Report of the Committee for the period 1't January,2O2O to 30th June, 2020, as required by rule 234-A of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2007. 2L. NAWAB MUHAMMAD YOUSUF TALPUR, Chairman Standing Committee on Water Resources to present the Periodical Report of the Committee for the period January - June, 2O2O as required by rule 234-A of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2OO7. 22. MR. ALI KHAN JADOON, Chairman Standing Committee on lnformation Technology and Telecommunication to present the Periodical Report of the Standing Committee for the period July - December, 2A20, as required by rule 234-A of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2OO7 . MqTroN oF THANKS 23. Discussion on the following motion moved by MR. ZAHEER-UD-DIN BABAR AWAN, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Pariiamentary Affairs on L" February, 2027:- "This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both Houses assembled together on 20th August, 2020." MATTERS OTHER THAN POINTS OF ORDER 24. Raising matters under Rule L8 which are not Points of Order. lArLrNG ATTENTTON NO 25. MR. MURTAZA JAVED ABBASI MR. MUHAMMAD AFZAL KHOKHAR CHOUDHARY FAQIR AiJIVIAD M5. MARYAM AURANGZAIB MR. MUHAMMAD SAJJAD to invite attention of the Minister for Energy (Power Division) to a matter of urgent public imp<;rtance regarding increase in cost of electricity under the head of fuel price adjustment, causing grave concern amongst the public. lslamabad, the TAHIR HUSSAIN 3'd Marqh;?QZl Secretary.
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