EL PREGONERO Summer 2015 Department of Hispanic Studies at the University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Inside this issue: Two New Latin Americanists Focus on Faculty 2-7 Join Hispanic Studies Front Page 8 In the Fall 2014 semester, UK’s Hispanic Studies ductive and well-regarded.” Her vison for the Stories Department was priviledged to welcome two future of that program includes contributing to the continued new faculty members specializing in different growth of the Latin American area by adding her areas of Latin American Studies. expertise to the existing curriculum. She also looks to “show students that the areas of Peninsu- lar and Latin American literatures and cultures, Dr. Mónica Díaz joined us as and Linguistics, complement each other.” She has Graduate 9 - 10 an Associate Professor. She spent the past several months in Mexico on re- Studies News area of specialization is Coloni- search leave as part of a Fulbright Award, but re- al Latin American Studies. Her research focuses on native turns for the Fall 2015. culture and women's cultural history and literature, particu- Dr. Matt Losada is the newest larly of eighteenth-century Assistant Professor to join the Sigma Delta Pi 11 Mexico. She now serves as the department, his research fo- Photo by Brian Director of Latin American cusing on the intersection of Conners Manke Studies for UK and is also affili- Latin American film and litera- ated with the History Department here, an ture. He was drawn to His- association that incorporates her additional PhD panic Studies here at UK not in Latin American History. Her decision to join only for its reputation but also the faculty here stemmed from the collegiality for “the really interesting work Alumni and 11 Photo by Brian she witnessed among HS professors, as well as written by its faculty members.” Conners Manke Emeriti News the fact that UK’s program is both “really pro- He looks forward to enriching the department’s offerings in Latin American film Five From Hispanic Studies Receive Teaching Awards in 2015 Undergraduate 12-13 Once again, the excellence in dedication to students and to tions to her field. Studies News teaching at the undergraduate the Graduate program as a Associate Professor and Direc- and graduate levels in Hispanic tor of Graduate Studies Moisés whole. Studies, a hallmark of the depart- Castillo (center) was recognized ment for many years, has been Dr,. Ruth Brown, Lecturer and with the College of Arts and recognized by both the College Academic Coordinator for the Sciences Outstanding Teaching of Arts and Sciences and by the department, won the Innovative Award in the Humanities for his Departmental 14– 17 Provost’s Office. A total of five Teaching Award from the cont’d. on page 8 News and educators from HS garnered Events Teaching Awards this academic year. Professor and former Chair Ana From left: Rueda (far left in the photo) re- Ana Rueda, Remembering 18 ceived the prestigious Distin- Heather Dr. Alberta guished Professor Award from Campbell-Speltz, Moisés Castillo, Wilson Server the College of Arts and Sciences. Ruth Brown and She was lauded for her ex- Adriana Rivera peritise, insights, mentoring and unflagging professional contribu- Page 2 Focus on Faculty El Pregonero Anibal A. Focus on Faculty Hispanic World Biglieri topic, and he is working on an (University of Maryland, 2014). arcle La leyenda de la condesa He also taught a seminar on Dr. Biglieri published two ar- traidora to be included in a Classical tradion and recep- cles this year: “Avila y Granada volume on the Medieval Spa- on studies in Lan America at en Impresiones y paisajes de nish epic. the Universidad Nacional de La Federico García Lorca.” Giralda He delivered papers at these Plata (2014). (Bolen del Instuto Iberoame- conferences: Greeks and Ro- ricano de Estudios Andalusíes) mans on the Lan American Please Note: For more de- 2 (2014): 15-26 and “Nueva Stage (University College, Lon- tailed informaon on any of mirada al medievalismo hispá- don, 2014) and The Muses of the faculty members, plea- nico (segunda parte).” Gramma the Land: The Recepon of se click on the individual’s 53 (2014): 165-90. He finished Greece and Rome in the name to be directed to her/ an arcle on Caslla to be his faculty website. published in a volume on this Antonio in November, 2014. As second round of data collec- Alan Brown part of the volume's publicaon on recently took place at both a one-day symposium was held schools in May of 2015. Profes- Dr. Alan Brown recently pub- at Harvard University and Dr. sor Brown and Dr. Greg lished a chapter in the annual Brown was invited as a discus- Thompson submied a pro- volume (2014) of the American sant on a 4-member pan- posal and sample chapters to Associaon of University Super- el tasked with responding to Dr. Georgetown University Press visors and Coordinators John Norris' plenary. Dr. Brown for a book that will address (AAUSC), which focused on recently presented at the Amer- 21st Century challenges and innovaon and accountability ican Associaon for Applied opportunies for post- in language program evalua- Linguiscs (AAAL) in Toronto secondary Spanish language on, using data he collected preliminary data he and Dr. programs and curricula given with UK Spanish 210 and 211 Stayc DuBravac collected with the rise of Spanish as a second classes. Dr. Brown's analysis of the Spanish Immersion Pro- language in many areas of the grade-based course pre- gram students at Liberty Ele- U.S. Dr. Brown recently com- requisites from 73 research- mentary and Bryan Staon High pleted his first sabbacal dur- intensive public universi- Dr. Alan Brown with Adria- School. This research examines ing Spring 2015 and looks for- na Rivera at ACTFL 2014 es was facilitated by UK His- the relaonship between met- ward to transforming each of panic Studies graduate student alinguisc awareness, levels of these research projects under- Adriana Rivera. She and Dr. bilingualism, and other cogni- taken during sabbacal to pol- Brown presented their findings ve and social factors between ished, publishable products in at the annual convenon of the the Spanish Immersion and the the near future. American Council on the Teach- English-only students. A ing of Foreign Languages in San College of Arts and Sciences 2015 Teaching Award Winners From left to right: Ana Rueda (Arts and Sciences Distin- guished Professor for 2014- 15), Moisés Castillo ( A&S Outstanding Teaching), Yanira Paz (former A&S Teaching Award winner and Hispanic Studies Department Chair) and Ruth Brown (A&S Innovative Teaching) Summer 2015 Focus on Faculty Page 3 in recognion for her work visual slide design in the World Ruth Brown with online learning, service- Language classroom during her learning curriculum develop- talk “Increasing Student En- This academic year, Dr. Brown ment, and mul-model com- gagement Through Effecve has connued her work with municaon acvies. Many of Visual Slide Design” as part of service-learning curricular de- these innovaons have been the department’s Graduate velopment by expanding the inspired by her parcipaon in Student Professional Develop- department’s community part- two funded professional devel- ment Series and as an e-poster nerships and teaching two opment programs sponsored tled “Asseron-Evidence Slide service-learning courses: His- through the University: The Design in the World Language panic Kentucky and Advanced Faculty Fellows program and Classroom” at The Teaching Spanish Through Service- the eLii Online Learning Faculty Professor Conference in Atlan- Dr. Brown with Learning. In all, students from Development Program. As part ta. Addionally, she presented SPA 480 student these two courses completed of eLii, Ruth parcipated in a her research tled “Performing Brandi Moore approximately 850 hours of faculty cohort for on-line learn- the Illusion of Migrant Success work with local tutoring pro- ing and will be traveling to in Mexican Films of the Early grams and community advoca- Oaxaca, Mexico in August to 21st Century” at the XXI Annual cy agencies. In May, Ruth re- film interviews to supplement Bruce-Novoa Mexican Studies ceived the Arts and Sciences our online Spanish for Health Conference at the University of award for Innovave Teaching Professionals curriculum. Ruth California Irvine. has presented her research on Heather Campbell-Speltz Dr. Campbell (at right) with Dr. Chico at the Dr. Campbell has been working gram at UK. In addion to her Solanas” at the XV Congreso de Provost Award Ceremony on a number of different pro- parcipaon in faculty devel- Literatura Hispánica in Angua, jects this academic year, includ- opment at UK, she completed Guatemala, supported in part ing the revamping of Introduc- the University of Arizona’s by a $1200 CRAA award. on to Spanish Translaon to Foundaons of Court Inter- Dr. Campbell was awarded the meet the new University com- preng Training Instute in 2015 Provost Outstanding municaon requirements. She January and earned a Gradu- Teaching Award in April. Next parcipated for the second ate Cerficate in Translaon at year she will be developing the year in the Faculty Fellows the University of Louisville in department’s first course in program to improve mulmod- May. In March, she presented Interpreng, as well as working al instrucon in the classroom, “Ningún remake de El Doctor X toward establishing an Under- and was selected for the sec- contra la almeja asesina: Trans- graduate Cerficate in Transla- ond cohort of the eLii Online lang Humor and Sexuality in 2 on and Interpreng for stu- and Hybrid course design pro- monologue plays by Charo dents across disciplines. Fundación Cervanna de Méxi- promote Spanish literacy in Moisés Castillo co y Centro de Estudios Cervan- their homes.
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