Ess NEWS Aruba 11, No. 21 PUBLISHED BY THE LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO. LTD. OCTOBER 13, 1950 ontest Over! 909 Entries és To Comp ete for 101 Prizes VA | The Cost Reduction E , Contest ended October 4, and judges are now reading the 909 entries sent in. As soon as their job is finished, Organization names of the 101 prizewinners - who will share in the Fls. 10,000 prize money - will be announced in the Aruba Esso News. Changes The Contest ran for one month, from the time y number 1 was received (from Herbert Daniel, Marine Office) until number 909 Kenneth Springer was promoted to arrived at the Esso News office (number 909, incidentally, came from the position of Proce Foreman in C. D. Sexton, Jr., of TSD). During the Light Oils Finishing Department that month, employees throughout effective October 1, replacing T. V. the refinery showed that they are | Leonard on the Watch for the Winners thinking - and putting into practice - | latter’s retire- aaa good ways to cut costs on their jobs, ment. ese Yo, the results of the Essay Con- On a departmental basis, the Mr. Springer Lake Tanker representatives and members of the Marine Shore Staff at test aren’t known now - nor will | largest number of essays came from Lago on joined they be tomorrow. But they will be the largest department: M&C. With the annual Committee banquet pose for their picture. October 1 1 announced as soon as the judges 3 entries, it had a strong lead Representantenan di Lake Tanker y miembronan di Marine Shore Staff na as an operator have read the 909 e and select- r the Process Department, which un banquete di Comité anual, ta propone pa nan portret. After se ed the 101 prize-winners. was second with 163 essays. Trail- shift brez |ing closely behind was the Industrial fo- nd shift Eleven teams of judges are now Relations Department, with 161. reman at various Unity and reading the 909 essays. Before the Success is Toast times, he was na- Of the other departments, Colony ults can be announced, each Service had 66; Technical Service med acting Pro- 1y must receive close attention - 63; Marine, 62; Accounting, cess Foreman on 34; of 1950 Lake Fleet Banquet th good points of each must be | Medical, Lago Police, 10; and December 19 1949 weighed carefully against those of Executive, five. Until his pr sent all the othe Eventually, the jud- "During the past year cordial relations have again been maintain- permanent c Six different languages were re- ige, Kenneth Springer ges will have narrowed their choices ed between the Unlicens d Personnel of the Lake Fleet and Marine he has been ser- down to perhaps 200 e s that presented in the entries that came ving as shift foreman. they consider the best. And that in. There were 759 in English, and Management. We look forward to the continued success of the Lake group will have to be narrowed 136 in Papiamento. Seven were in Tankermen’s Committee.” Addressing fi y representatives from the Spanish, five in Dutch, one in Por- down even further to the 101 that ships of the Lake Fleet and memb- Unidad y Succes will finally be judged the prize- (Turn to page 3, column 1) ers of the Marine Shore Staff, Mar- winning essays. ine Manager J. Andreae thus key- ta Brinda di 1950 noted the Lake Tankermen’s Comm- To consider each essay fairly and ittee Dinner held on September 21. Lake Fleet Banquete carefully, the judges must work Speaking for the Committee, Lead- thoroughly and without undue haste. | ing Representative D. L. van Put- » Durante e anja pasa relacion sin- Selecting the 101 best essays out of ten said, "We are very grate- cero tabata mantené entre e Pi the 909 turned in will be no easy ful to Management for the close nal sin Permiso y Manejo di Marine job. 101 employ are going to share unity that existed between us for Department. Nos ta wak e continuo in the ten thousand guilder prize this, another year, We can now lcok bon resultado di e Lake Tankermen’s money, and the judges are as anxi- back with pride on the achieve- Comité”. Papiando cu cincuenta re- ous as everybody else that that ments made over the past.” presentantenan di vapornan di Lake money go to the 101 best essays. So This banquet, held yearly, cele- Fleet y miembronan di Marine Shore it is plain that careful selection of brated another anniversary of the Staff, Marine Manager J. Andreae 2 the best is going to take time. Lake Tankermen’s Committee which alegra e Lake Tankerman’s Comité represents the unlicensed personnel Banquete teni na September 21. The winners of the Contest will of the Lake Fleet vessels in settling apiando pa e comité, Principal be announced in an early ue of matters of mutual interest with Representante D. L. Van Putten a the Aruba Esso News. Posters will management. bisa, ,,Nos...... ta masha agradecido go up before that issue telling you Master of ceremonies was Captain na Manejo pa e bon unidad cu a exis- to be on the lookout for the names W. E. Porter, who kept the evening ti entre nos pa esaki, un otro anja. of the winners. So watch for further | lively by introducing a number of Awor nos por waak patras cu orgul- | announcement of the winning essays extemporaneous speakers. An ex- lo riba tur cu nos a logra den anja- | - your name may head the list. cellent banquet was prepared by the nan cu a pasa.” | staff of the Esso Heights Dining Hall. (Continud 7 . , na pagina 3) | Also announced at the banquet was the appointment of H. H. Seraus as acting leading representative re- SWAMPED WITH ESSAYS, Mrs. Jeannette Faucett and Miss Stella Jones placing D. L. van Putten during his (at the far desk) rae st the clock to keep up with the last minute vacation. flood of cost contest entr Mrs. Faucett is numbering and sorting the essi ys for distribution to the judging teams, while M Jones is translating Installments Reduced Papiamento entries into English. PANTANOSO CU AYS, Senora Jeannette Faucett y Senorita Stella For Medical Bills Jones (na e otro e: rit ) ta pusta cu orloshi pa caba e ultimo diluvio di To better spread out medical pay- entradanan di concurso di costo. Senora Faucett ta separa y pone numeronan ments and to cause less financial na sSaynan pa distribucién pa partido-nan juzga, mientras Senorita Jones burden to employees on any one pay ta traduci e entradanan di papiamentu na Ingles. day, the Company has announced changes in the way medical charges will be deducted from pay. The changes, which are the result of dis- cussions with the Special Problems Instalacidnnan Rebahda Lago Ta Duna Club Advisory Committee, went into ef- fect late last week. pa Cuentanan Médico Na Padvindernan The SPAC had previously pointed out Un regaldo pa yuda a incremento that an employee would under- Pa mehor saca pagonan médico y go financial actividadnan di Padvinder na Aruba hardship if his medical pa causa menos peso monetario pa bill happened to tabata haci Dia Sabra, September 30, be large and was empleadonan den un dia di pago com- deducted in one pay period. It would pania a anuncia cambionan di ma- ora cu Lago a contribui un Club na N.P.V. (Sociedad di Padvindernan ecially be hard on him if he had nera encargadonan lo worde deduci several other unusual Holandez, Districto San Nicolas). expenses for di pago. E cambionan, cual resul- the same period. ) edificio tabata oficina di un bar- To eliminate undue tado di un discucién cu e Special Pro- hardship racks-temporal a worde dedica na | on employees, payments blems Advisory Comité, a bai den were liberalized. movimiento di padvindernan aki ser- efecto siman pasa. Under the new tem, the maxi- THREE PRETTY CREOLE EMPLOY ca Lt. Gob. Dr. L. C. Kwartsz, kende EES, Miss Ascension Saavedra, Laura 1 SPAC a munstra cu previo un mum deduction for any one pay Garcia, and Helena Lopez, represen a munstra cu actividad di ivinder- t the Lago Community Council and empleado lo sufri penalidad mone- period from Regular employees’ hand over a check for Fls. 500 towards nan por ta un parti fundamental di pay the relief of the El Tocuyo earth- tario si sosode cu su cuenta médico for medical quake victims. At the time charg will be in in- of the di aster, ( the Community Cour rushed ta hopi y a worde deduci den un pago bida comunidad. the check to Creole, stallments of Fls. 15. The maximum asking that it be given to the relief periodo. Un rasgo den programa di e atar- ea or nizations as- Lo ta masha duro pe espe- deduction for any one pay period sisting the victin cial si e tin otro gasto extraordir di cu no a worde anuncié tabata from the pay of monthly-paid em- Receiving the money is Carlos Barrientos, simbolo mérito cu B. Teagle a ricibi, ht, sub-treasurer of Creole, pa e mes periodo ey. Pa elimina pe- ployees will be in installments of who later delivered directeur di Public Relations, na re- it to its proper destination. nalidad indebido pa empleadonan, 40 per pay period. conocimiento di su servicio na Pad- TRES EMPLEADO CREOLE BUNIT A, pagonan a worde liberaliza. Before, such deductions were made Seforita Asension Saavedra, Laura vindernan. Un certificado firma sere: Ga y Helena ena Lop Li z, ta representa Lago Bao di e tema nobo, e deduccién in installments of 20 per pay Communit pe aun check di HRH Prins Bernhard, Fils.
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