International Sociological Association - Association Internationale de Sociologie Secretariat: Oude Boogstraat 24, 1012 CE Amsterdam, Tbe Netherlands Phone: (3120) 5253584, (3120) 5253589. Cable address: ISAGRAM AMSTERDAM AUTUMN 1984 •rsa bulletin 36 national sociolo ical reglóna individual scholars 1 organlzatlons an aneous membershl IDternational Sociological AssociatioD - AssociatioD Inter.oationale de Sociologie Secretariat: Oude Hoogstraat 211, 1012 CE Amsterdam, The Hetherlands Phone: (3120) 52535811, (3120) 5253589. Cable address: ISAGRAH AHSTERDAH EXECUTlVE COMHITTEE S.C. Dube Hembership and Finance ICSSR, New Delhi, India COIIIIIlittee: Khatchik Momdjan, Chairperson President: Wilfried Dumon Niko Yahiel (Bulgaria) Fernando H. Cardoso University of Leuven, Belgium Kurt Jonassohn (Canada) CEBRAP Enzo Mingione (Italy) Rua Morgado de Mateus 615 Salvador Giner Erwin Scheuch (FRG) 04015 Sao Paulo, S.P. Brunel University, England Brazil Anne-Marie Guillemard PublicatioDs COIIIIIlittee: Vice-President, ChairpersoD, Centre d'Etude des Mouvements Margaret Archer, Chairperson Research Council: Sociaux, Paris, France James Beckford, Editor: Jacques Dofny CURRENT SOCIOLOGY Département de Sociologie Melvin Kohn Céline Saint-Pierre, Editor: Université de Montréal National Institute of Mental SAGE STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL C.P. 6128, Succ. "A" Health, Washington, USA SOCIOLOGY Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7 Erik Allardt (Finland) Canada Philip M. Mbithi Fernando H. Cardoso (Brazil) University of Nairobi, Kenya Leo P. Chall (USA) Vice-President, ChairpersoD, Issam EI-Zaim (Syria) Hembership & Finance Artur Meier Orlando Fals Borda (Colombia) Coamittee: Academy of Educational Marie Haug (USA) Khatchik Momdjan Sciences, Berlin, GDR Kurt Jonassohn (Canada) Soviet Sociological Assoc. Shogo Koyano (Japan) Krzhizhanovskogo 24/35-5 Enzo Mingione Artur Meier (GDR) 117259 Moscow, USSR University of Messina, Italy Andrée Michel (France) Gennadi Osipov (USSR) Vice-President, ChairpersoD, Else 0yen Program Committee: University of Bergen, Norway Joji Watanuki Program Comm1ttee: Naka-Cho 2-12-11-606 Erwin Scheuch Joji Watanuki, Chairperson Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180 University of Koln, FRG Akinsola Akiwowo (Nigeria) Japan Margaret Archer (England) Igor Bestuzhev-Lada (USSR) Past President 1978-1982: Executive Secretary: Fernando H. Cardoso (Brazil) Ulf Himmelstrand Felix Geyer Alessandro Cavalli (Italy) Institute of Sociology Deputy Executive Secretaries: Jacques Dofny (Canada) Uppsala University Izabela Barlinska and S.C. Dube (India) Box 513 Peter Reinsch Issam EI-Zaim (Syria) S-751 20 Uppsala Ulf Himmelstrand (Sweden) Sweden SUB-COHMITTEES : Elizabeth Jelin (Argentina) Melvin Kohn (USA) Hembers: Research Coordinating Artur Meier (GDR) Erik Allardt Comm1ttee: Khatchik Momdjan (USSR) University of Helsinki, Jacques Dofny, Chairperson Else 0yen (Norway) Finland Erik Allardt (RC 18) Stella R. Quah (Singapore) Margaret Archer (RC 04) Erwin Scheuch (FRG) Margaret Archer Wilfried Dumon (RC 06) Magdalena Sokolowska (Poland) University of Warwick, UK Anne-Marie Guillemard (RC 11) Rodolfo Stavenhagen (Mexico) Enzo Mingione (RC 21) Alain Touraine (France) Alessandro Cavalli Else 0yen (RC 19) Ralph Turner (USA) University of Pavia, Italy John Rex (RC 05) The ISA BULLETIN is the official publication of the Secretariat of the International Sociological Association. Editor: Izabela Barlinska. Cover design: John Lioni. Three issues per year appear in Spring, Summer and Autumn with an average printing of 6000 copies. The ISA BULLETIN is distributed free of charge to members of the ISA. Deadlines for submission of items of interest to our members are: Spring issue: January 1 Surnmer issue: June 1 Autumn issue: October Published by the International Sociological Association under the auspices of the ISSC and with the financial assistance of UNESCO. UNESCO subvention 1984-85/DG/7.6.2/SUB.16 (SHS) Printed by de Boer-Cuperus Ltd., Utrecht, The Netherlands. organizations affiliated to the ISA) - maximum 2 sessions; XI VORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY AUGUST 18-23, 1986 - NEV DELHI, INDIA DEADLINES: January 31, 1985 Research Committee and Working Group session REMINDERS: topics and the names of session organizers should be received by the ISA Secretariat for The XI World Congress of Sociology will be held publication in the Spring 1985 issue of the ISA August 18-23, 1986, in Nev Delbi, India. Bulletin. The official theme of the Congress is: "SOCIAL CHANGE: PROBLBMS ANO PERSPECTIVES". October 1, 1985 Eu lL information on each session should be PRE- and LATE-REGlSTRAUON FKES, with June 15, received by the ISA Secretariat. This should 1986 serving as preregistration deadline are: list: - title of the sessions - authors (discussants, etc.) before after - title of their papers 15 June'86 15 June'86 - address of each author ISA members $ 100 $ 150 Anything received later than this date may not non-ISA members $ 125 $ 175 be printed in the Congress Programme. student ISA members $ 25 $ 35 student non-ISA members Harch 1, 1986 & accompanying persons $ 35 $ 45 Abstracts of papers should be received by the ISA Secretaria t. Forms and instructions for submitting abstracts will be sent from the ISA Pre-registration forms will be printed in the Secretariat to session organizers. Anything Spring 1985 issue of the ISA Bulletin. received after this date cannot be printed in the "Sociological Abstracts" issue included in the Congress kit. TBE PROGRAH of the XI World Congress of Sociology will consist of: - Presidential session AD HOC GROuPS ANO OTBER INTERNATIONAL" to be organized entirely by the ISA President, ORGANIZAUONS. Fernando H. Cardoso (Monday, August 18, 1986, 09:00 -12:00) Ad Hoc Groups are similar to Research Commi ttees -Sil< Symposia in that they cover specialized areas of sociology, to be organized by the Program Committee. Four but they do not have officially established place s sessions of each of these six symposia will run in the continuing organization of the ISA. In 1984 simultaneously from Tuesday (August 19) through the Research Coordinating Committee granted Ad Hoc Friday (August 22), 09:00-12:00; fifth sessions Group status to the following six applicants who of Symposia II, IV, V will be held in the may in the future become Research Commit tees as evening, 20:00-22:00, on days still to be international interest and collaboration in their determined. specialties grows: - Research Committees' sessions Sociology of Agriculture (Chairman: L. Busch) will be allotted up to ten time slots of two Clinical Sociology (Chairman: R. Sévigny) hours ea ch , 14:00-16:00 and 16:30-18:30, from Sociology of Population (Chairman: F. Yusuf) Monday (August 19) through Friday (August 22). Sociocybernetics & Social Systems Theory When two or more Research Committees plan a joint (Chairman: F. Parra-Luna) session, an additional period of two hours will Labor Movemen ts in the Indus trial and Sta te be allotted for that purpose. Arenas (Chairman: M. Regini) - Vorking Groups Social Indicators (Chairman: R. Andorka) will have the same time slots available as the These six Ad Hoc Groups are allotted up to 5 Research Committees; sessions in the program, while new applicants will - other sessions be allotted up to 2 sessions. will be held in the evening, 20:00-22:00, from To qualify for a place in the program, the po- Monday (August 18) through Friday (August 22); tential ad hoc group must consist of: (a) a sub- Ad Hoc Groups recognized by the Research stantial number of sociologists, (b) from several Council - maximum 5 sessions; other Ad Hoc Groups - maximum 2 sessions; SSO (special sessions by international (continued page 2) TABLE OF CONTENTS page 1 XI World Congress of Sociology: reminders page 20 From the Vienna Centre page 3 News from the Research Committees page 21 New Publications page 5 Histories of the Research Committees: page 22 Calendar of Future Events - RC 22 page 23 Annual Review of Sociology page 8 - RC 27 page 25 Publications of the ISA page 10 Reports from the Collective Members - SSIS Series of the ISA - CURRENT SOCIOLOGY countries, (c) who have already engaged in some Coordinator: Joji Watanuki (Naka-Cho 2-12-11- collaboration, and (d) whose special interest 606, Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180, does not properly fit within the field of an Japan) established Research Committee. Subthemes: Positive and negative impacts of Other international organizations (affiliated scientific and technological developments on to the ISA) may be granted up to 2 sessions for society; Problems of controlling scientific and programs that promise to be distinctive and to technological development; The information and have wide international appeal to participants in communication revolution and its impact on the World Congress. Those sessions are called SSO national and international power structures; (special sessions by other international organiz- Science, technology and changes in social values. ations). Symposium IV S o c i a 1 A s p e c t s o f E con o m i e Harch 31, 1985 is the deadline for receipt of Development applications by the Program Committee Chairman, Coordinator: Erwin Scheuch (Inst. für Angewandte Professor Joji Watanuki (Naka-Cho 2-12-11-606, Sozialforschung, Universitat zu Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180, Japan) and by the ISA Koln, Grienstrasse 2, D-5000 Koln Secretariat. Applica tion forms can be obtained 41, FRG) from the ISA Secretariat. Applications will be Subthemes: The sociological meaning of economic reviewed by the Program Commit tee at its Spring crisis; The victims of economic
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