Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly FRIDAY, 12 OCTOBER 1945 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Supply. [ 12 OC'J~OBER.] Questions. 809 FRIDAY, 12 OCTOBER, 1945. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. S. J. Brassington, Fortitude Valley) took the chair at 11 a.m. AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPOR'l'. Jllr. SPEAKER announced the receipt from the Auditor-General of his report on the operations of the various loans Binking funds of the State for the ye.u 1944-Hl45. Ordere<1 to he printed. QUESTIONS. LOC.\.L AT.i'l'HORIT!ES AND vVA1"ER CONSERVA';'[ON. Jllr. ED"VYARDS (Nanango) asked the Treasurer- '' 1. What is the usual financial assist­ ance made available to loca] authorities fo·r water conservation schemes~ "2. Do the Commonwealth Govern­ ment provide financial aid in cases where such schemes are used for irrigation pur­ poses? If so, what is the nature of such aid?'' Hon. E. Jli. HANLON (Ithaca) replied- '' 1. Under the State subsidy scheme subsidy towards approved water conserva­ tion and irrigation projects is on the following basis:-(a) Headworks: A cash subsidy of 50 per cent. increased by 75 per cent. of the estimated net annual deficit on operations of the undertaking. (b) J_,ocal weirs and reticulation: A cash ~ubsidy of 25 per cent. increased by 75 per cent. of the estimated net annual deficit as for headwo·rks to a maximum of 50 per cent. So far as town water supply schemes arc concerned, there is a minimum subsidy 810 Papers. [ASSE~IBLY.] Children's Protection, &c.,Bill. of 20 per cent. of capital cost or of the Order in Council under tht> State annual loan charges increased by 75 per Development and Public Works Organisa­ cent. of the estimated net annual deficit tion Acts, 1938 to 1940 (Octo·ber 4, of the undertaking to a maximum of 33! 1945). per cent. "2. No." MINISTERIAL EXPENSES, 1944-45. IMPORTATION OF STUD STOCK. RETURN TO ORDER. Mr. SPARKES (Aubigny) asked the Act­ The following paper was laid on the ing Premier- table:- " In view of the decision of the New Return to an Order made by the House on South Wales Government to send a: dele­ 21 August last, on the motion of Mr. gation to Engla11d to import stud stock, Y eates, showing in the usual form the will he give consideration to a simila1· expenses of Ministers for 1944-45. delegation being sent from Queensland~'' Hon. E. M. HANLON (Ithaca) replied- STATE HOUSINIG BILL. '' The matter referred to in the hon. INITIATION. member's question is being submitted to the Hon. the Secretary for Agriculture and Hon. H. A. BRUCE !The Tableland­ Stock for consideration.'' Secretary for Public Works): I move- D.D.T. INSECTICIDE. '' That the House will, at its present sitting, resolve iwelf into a Committee of Mr. PATERSON (Bowen) asked the the Whole to consider of the desirableness Secretary for Agriculture and Stock- of introducing a Bill to make better pro­ vision for housing and improving the '' 1. Is he aware that advertisements housing requirements and conditions in the ;have been published recently in the Press State of Queensland, to provide for the offering for sale insecticides alleged to constitution of and powers and authorities contain D.D.T. ~ of a State Housing Commission, to provide '' 2. Have any of these insecticides been for advances for housing, and for other analysed, and, if so, with what results~ purposes.'' "3. What steps have been taken to Motion agreed to. prevent the fraudulent use of the name 'D.D. T.' in advertisements or in any other practice designed to induce people to buy HOSPITAL BENEFITS AGREEMENT BILL. such products~'' INITIATION. Hon. T. L. WILLIAMS (Port Curtis) replied- Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Normanby-Secre­ " 1. Yes. tary for Health and Home Affairs): I move- '' 2 and 3. The advertisements referred '' That the House will, at it£ present to by the hon. member apparently relate to sitting resolve itself into a Committee of the sale for domestic use of an insectidde the Whole to consider of the desirableness alleged to contain D.D.T. Therefore, I of introducing a Bill to authorise the execu­ suggest he direct his inquiries to the Hon. tion by the State of Queensland of an the Minister fo'r Health and Home Affairs, agreement between the Commonwealth of who, I understand, has already taken Australia and the State of Queensland certain action in the matter." relating to hospital benefits, and for other incidental purposes.'' Motion agreed to. PAPERS. The following papers were laid on the table and ordered to be printed:- CHILDREN'S PROTECTION ACT AMENDMENT BILL. Report of the Public Service Superannua­ tion Board for the year 1944-1945. , INITIATION. Report of the Commissioner of Taxes on Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Normauby-Secre­ the operation of the Land Tax Act tary for Health and Home Affairs): I of 1915 for the year 1944-1945. move- RepOTt of the Commissioner of Police for '' That the House will at its present the year 1944-1945. sitting resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider of the desirable­ The following papers were laid on the ness of introducing a Bill to amend the table:- Children's Protection Act, 1896, in certain Regulation under the Motor Vehicles particulars.'' Insurance Acts, 1936 to 1943 (October 4, 1945). Motion agreed to. Supply. (12 OCTOBER.] Supply. 811 SUPPLY. months of this financial year and during t.hat time £167,000 has been spent. On that basis COMMI'ITEiF!--FINANCIAL ;ST'A'l"EMENT­ alone, seeing that the tempo of house con­ RESUMPTION OF DEBATE. struction is increasing week by week, and ('I' he C1mirman of Committees, Mr. J\Iann, that more and more mE'n arc becoming avail­ Brisbane, in the chair.) a'ble, it is obvious that over £1,000,000 will be spent this year. If the tempo mcreases Debate resumed from 11 October (see p. as we expect we hope to spend the £2,000,000. 809) on Mr. Hanlon 's motion- However, the target is £2,000,000. '' That there be granted to His MajBsty :ilir. Pie: The target and the demand, too. for the service of the year 1945-46 a sum not exceeding £300 to defray the salary of :ilir. HANLON: The demand would the Aide-de-Camp to His Exeellenc;· the not be satisfied probably by £5,000,000 or Governor.'' £10,000,000, because even when the actual shortage of accommodation has been o>-el'­ Hon. E. JU. HANLON (Ithaca-Treasurer) taken there \Yill still be the task of getting ( 11.1:1 a.m.), in reply: The debate that is rid of much of the sub-st<Lndanl housing, just concluding has been characterised by something that we find it impossible to do expressions of general satisfaction by hon. today, because nothing is to be grlined by members opposite with the Financial State­ turning somebody out of a home while yon ment. A number of hon. members have destroy existing sub-stanclar_d houses. We are taken advantage of the opportunity offered hoping that the result w1ll be £2,000,000 in such an open debate to use a good worth of work this year. If it is thought deal of the time at their disposal to speak advisable the Budget estimate may be on matters that are entirely outside the reviewed.' IN e may be sitting again early ambit of the Budget, in order that they in the next calendar year, a period approach­ might have a political crack at the Federal ing the end of the financial year, and if fm­ Lnhour Government. Much of the time was ther provision is required, Pnl'liament can clc>·oted to charges of maladministration and easily make it. neglect by the Federal authorities in matters There has been a great deal of comment on•r which the Government of Queensland on the action of the Government in adopting h~n· 110 control whatsoever. In the great the day-labour system in the construction of majority of cases, however, the Budget, so houses. V{e found that that \Yas necessary, f:t1' ns 1t was dealt with generally, \Yas and I shall have more to say about it later rcceiw<1 very favourably indeed. Of eourse, on. It wns also said that pre-fabricated I suppose it would lw impossible for any steel houses were going to help solve our Treasurer ever to bring before the CommHtee housing problem. Let us hope that thE'y will, a Bndget that did not leave some loophole but I do not think that the information at that enabled hon. members of the Opposition our disposal justifies us in ceasing om present to find some fault with it or charge the svstem of construction. 'rhe pre-farnicatccl Treasurer with some sin of omission or com- ):{onse will br in addition to our existing pro­ 111JSSl011. It would be impossible for hon. gramme. \Ye haw hrlcl experience of pre­ members of the Opposition not to find some fabricated jobs in the South, \Yhere Sir Harold l'Pason for complaint. Many of the matters Cla'pp, under the direction of the Common­ put forward were constructive and worthy of wealth Go\ ernment, set out to carry out the consideration. In many other instances, how­ pre-fabrication of railway workshops in the ever, advantage was taken of the oppor­ form of a T, from which lw woulr1 d0liver tunity offered by the debate merely to all tlH• locomoti.-rs required to meet 1var insinuate evil motives on the part of the traffic, Ko\Y \Ye haw arrived at the stage Uowrnment with respect to various matters that rlll the surplus locomotives we have arc or to read into the Budget things which 20 Ga:rratt engines.
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