USOO7747643B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,747,643 B2 Gosain (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 29, 2010 (54) INSTALLED BASE DATA HUB 7,478,058 B2 * 1/2009 Byrne ......................... 705/26 2003/0097330 A1* 5/2003 Hillmer et al. ................ 705/38 (75) Inventor: Sunny Hemant Gosain, Redwood City, 2007/0239858 A1* 10/2007 Banerji et al. ............... TO9.220 CA (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: Oracle International Corporation Oracle, Oracle Installed Base Concepts and Procedures, Release 11 i. Redwood Shores, CA (US) s Apr. 2000. ck * cited by examiner (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner Cheryl Lewis patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 596 days (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Townsend and Townsend and M YW- y yS. Crew LLP (21) Appl. No.: 11/775.425 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Jul. 10, 2007 An installed base data hub for centrally managing informa O O tion about the installed customer base of an enterprise is (65) Prior Publication Data disclosed. According to one embodiment, an installed base US 2009/OO19434 A1 Jan 15, 2009 data hub comprises a data repository configured to store s installed base data, the installed base data including first (51) Int. Cl. 1nOrmat1Oninf ion reprepresentative ive Ofof at 1leaSt One CuStOmer Off theth G06F 7/30 (2006.01) enterprise and second information representative of one or (52) U.S. Cl. ................ 707/781, 707/813. 707/E17.032 more products purchased by the customer. The hub further (58) Field of Classification Search s 707/781 includes a data librarian configured to cleanse the installed 707/813.999.02,999.00.999,206.70571423. base data, a security module configured to manage access to 70s/14526,336 the data repository, a Subscription interface configured to See application file for complete search history s enable one or more of a plurality of spoke systems to read data from the repository, and a publication interface configured to 56 Refeferences CitedCite enableb1 one or more off the plurality of spokespok systems to write data into the repository. In various embodiments, at least one U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS of the spoke systems is external to the enterprise. 6,014,641 A * 1/2000 Loeb et al. .................... TOS/34 7,343,006 B2* 3/2008 Klearman et al. 379,114.19 16 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets 106 Service s Contractor Y wa n / M Accounting? Product Mfg. N M Billing (SAP) N A (Oracle ERP) \ A f V W Installed Base Data Hub Intra-Enterprise W f V A M A w M 104Ya n N ComeraS Y Y 1.108 a. (Siebel CRM) 1 Service Reselling Contractor Extra-Enterprise Partner U.S. Patent Jun. 29, 2010 Sheet 1 of 5 US 7,747,643 B2 106 Service COntractor 10 - - - N 112 / 1. N M / Actag Product Mfg. N N M (Oracle ERP) 102 (SAP) y / / V I \ Installed Base Data Hub V Intra-Enterprise I V / V 114 M N M N / N N Customer / / 104 Y Sales 1 108 Y (Siebel CRM) 1 s Service Reselling Contractor Extra-Enterprise Partner F.G. 1 U.S. Patent Jun. 29, 2010 Sheet 2 of 5 US 7,747,643 B2 210 102 212 Subscription/Publication Administrative Module Interfaces 208 Security Module 2O6 Data Librarian MOCule 204 Installed Base Data Repository FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Jun. 29, 2010 Sheet 3 of 5 US 7,747,643 B2 COnSolidate installed base data from internal/external Systems Cleanse COnSOlidated data Define security rules, roles, and users to control access to the hub 306 FIG. 3 U.S. Patent US 7,747,643 B2 U.S. Patent Jun. 29, 2010 Sheet 5 of 5 US 7,747,643 B2 500 510 2 Computer Readable Storage Media 502 504 506 508 Computer Input Output Storage Readable CPU(S) Device(s) Device(s) Device(s) Storage Media Reader 512 524 - - - - - - - - COmmunications Processing Working System ACCeleration Memory - - - - - - - - 514 516 Operating System Other COce (Programs) 518 FIG. 5 US 7,747,643 B2 1. 2 INSTALLED BASE DATA HUB made. Further, a point-to-point interface is specific to the particular partner for which it is developed, and thus cannot BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION be leveraged by all external partners interested in accessing and updating the manufacturers installed base data. Embodiments of the present invention generally relate to 5 data management, and more particularly relate to an installed BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION base data hub for centrally managing information about the installed customer base of a business or enterprise. Embodiments of the present invention address the forego A data hub, or master data management (MDM) solu ing and other such problems by providing an installed base tion, is a collection of Software and/or hardware components 10 data hub that can interoperate with multiple, heterogeneous that enables a business or enterprise (i.e., Source enterprise) to systems (i.e., "spoke systems) and thus serve as a centralized maintain a single, “master Source of data that is accessible data source for all parties (i.e., “partners’) interested in the across multiple, heterogeneous information management installed customer base data of a source enterprise. In various systems. Currently, Software vendors such as Oracle Corpo embodiments, the spoke systems that interface with the hub ration and IBM offer two types of data hubs: a “Customer 15 may be operated by partners that are internal or external to the hub and a “Product hub. These hubs provide a centralized Source enterprise. view of a source enterprise's customer and product data As used herein, “installed base data' or “installed customer respectively. However, the software industry has thus far base data” refers to information about product (or service) failed to provide a solution for centrally managing the inter units purchased by customers of a source enterprise. For section of information between customers and products—in 20 example, installed base data may include (but is not limited other words, the installed customer base. The management of installed base data has become to) customer code, customer location, product code/model/ increasingly important in recent years as companies have serial number, product attributes (e.g., size, color, etc.), war moved to out-sourcing various customer-related business ranty terms, and other Such information. functions (e.g., product service, sales, etc.) to third-party 25 In one set of embodiments, an installed base data hub partners. In many instances, these partners rely on installed includes a central data repository/dictionary, a data librarian, base information to carry out their jobs. For example, a prod a security module, a set of programmatic Subscription/publi uct manufacturer may employ a number of external contrac cation interfaces, and an administrative module. The central tors to provide warranty service for the different types and data repository is configured to store installed base master configurations of products that it sells. The contractors may, 30 data. The data librarian is a software and/or hardware module in turn, employ a number of Subcontractors to provide service that is configured to “cleanse' data that is imported or pub for specific subcomponents of a product. Each contractor or lished into the data repository. Data “cleansing may include Subcontractor in this multi-tiered network needs access to resolving data conflicts, removing duplicate data entries, and consistent and up-to-date installed base information (e.g., augmenting incoming data with new fields or categorizations. customer names, addresses, warranty terms, part/model/se- 35 The security module is configured to define and enforce Secu rial numbers of products sold/deployed/installed, etc.) to rity rules (e.g., read-only, write, read and write, etc.) associ properly service the manufacturer's customers. ated with spoke systems that interact with the hub. The pro A manufacturer may also work with a number of reselling grammatic Subscription/publication interfaces provide a partners to sell its products through various retail channels. In mechanism for spoke systems to read (i. e., Subscribe) and this case, the reselling partners may wish to leverage installed 40 write (i.e., publish) information to the central data repository. base information to accurately identify the demographics of In one embodiment, the subscription/publication interfaces the manufacturers installed customer base and target mar are implemented as Web Services. And the administrative keting and/or up-selling campaigns accordingly. module provides an interface for managing aspects of the data To address the foregoing needs, many external partners repository, data librarian, and security module. maintain a mirrored copy of a manufacturers installed base 45 In various embodiments, an installed base data hub may be data in their own information management systems. How deployed by first consolidating all installed base information ever, this approach is problematic for several reasons. First, it for a source enterprise from various internal and/or external is inefficient because it doubles the amount of processing and data systems (e.g., product manufacturing, accounting/bill memory resources required to maintain a single set of data ing, customer relationship management ("CRM), etc.). This (i.e., the installed base data). Second, it is cumbersome 50 consolidation may be performed through a data loader pro because it requires a partner to synchronize it’s mirrored gram or manual entry. The incoming data may then be installed base data with the manufacturer's master data on a cleansed, either in a streaming or batch fashion, to remove periodic basis. Even with frequent synchronizations, there redundant data, resolve data conflicts, and augment the data may be situations where the partner's mirrored data is stale, as described previously. Finally, security rules that manage possibly leading to processing errors and a degraded quality 55 access to the hub may be defined.
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