Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 3-7-1988 Columbia Chronicle (03/07/1988) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (03/7/1988)" (March 7, 1988). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Petition voices demand for a student government By Victoria Pierce collected. negotiations with Dean of improvements in facilities or extra-cur· Student Services Hermann Conaway. ricular activities. More than 500 students, saying they can begin as to exactly how the new stu­ "We have the right to know." said are tired of having no voice in the dent government will interact between one student. school, have signed a petition in an at­ the students and the administration. tempt to set up a student government. One of the main complaints students In the open forum discussion. stu­ had was the lack of help available. espe­ "Columbia is doing us wrong and we dents aired grievances about registra­ cially for new and transfer students. have to do something now." said tion problems. lack of computerization .. I have never been to a school that Rhonda Jackson, an organizer at the and lack of help for out-of-state stu· has no student government ... said one proposal meeting attended by about 50 dents. The need for new typewriters transfer student. students last Thur.;day. throughout the school and not having a Another student recalled a counselor The signatures of 2,000 students say about where the $10 activity fee telling him about all the programs and must be collected before the administra­ goes are other issues the students were activities Columbia has for its students. tion will recognize and stan negotiating concerned about. When he moved to Chicago from the with any type of student government. Students also want to know where South. he was "very disappointed" in _Jackson said. their rising tuition and class fees are go­ Continued on Page 3 Once all 2,000 signatures have been ing in the school since they see no new Jobs offered at career fair By Penny Mateck From Monday thro~gh Thur.;day, re­ the various disciplines coming," she cruite"' from area companies will be sit­ said. "Those who will be here throu~h ­ Students looking for employment af­ uated throughout the school so students out the week include Ravinia Festivals. ter graduation or just a job to get them can meet with them , fill out forms and Casual Corner. United Parcel Serv ices. through the summer should check out find out what job opponunities and sal­ the Chicago Board of Trade. Scars. the this week's Career Challenges '88. aries arc available. Chicago Dance Coalition and many The five-day program, sponsored by " It's like a mini interview," Grayless others." the Office of Career Services, is de­ said. Recruiting will occur from II a.m. to signed to prepare students for the work­ According to Career Services Direc­ 2 p.m. daily in the Hokin Center. the ingworid. Wish you w~re here tor Kate McGovern, four to five recruit­ sixth noor of the Michigan Avenue "There's a whole variety of opponu­ ers per day will be avai lable for students building and the third noor of the lith nities that we're presenting on campus Imagine romping on the bot tropical sands somewhere this spring break. It at all locations. Street campus. a>ukl happen if you pick the right package. The Chronicle reviews vacation to students," Monica Grayless, career " We've got a variety of people from packages from Acapulco to St. Thomas on Pages. services coordinator said. Continued on Page 3 Presidential race localized as spok~sme_n lecture class .... { l., ByCee Bey bemocrat Rev. Jesse Jackson talked to given the limitations of the individuals' Local representatives of four U.S. the same class on Wednesday. ability to come to the school, I would presidential hopefuls gave their candi­ Spokespersons were limited to hope their representatives would renect dates' views to students in a U.S. For­ speaking on foreign policy issues, their views as accurately as possible." eign Policies class here last week. namely U.S.-Soviet relations, defense, All the spokespersons focused on the Proxies for Democratic candidates and Central America. Central America issue, which continues Gov. Michael Dukakis and Sen. Paul "I think it's imponant that students to make news, with added concern for Dukakis spokesman Nick Avgerinos Robertson spokesman Larry Saska Simon spoke to the Monday class, be directly exposed to the candidates as some since President Reagan's latest while spokespersons for Republican close as Possible," said Dr. Ron package for military aid to the contras Sen. Simon's n(presentative, tols Jackson's Central American poli­ candidate Rev. Pat Robensoo and who teaches the class. "And was turned down in Congress last month. Adrienne Goodman, said little on Si­ cies in the February issue he brought to "The primary enemy is not the gov­ mon's proposed policy in that area, but class, said the U.S.' large defense ernment," NickJ. Avgerinos, from the said the candidate would not send budget is the root of the country's prob­ Dukakis campaign said of the area's troops to El Salvador and would not lems here and abroad. leadership. "Although we may not suppon coven action in the area. " How many people have VCRs?" he agree with them, the governments were Candidate Robenson would send asked the class. "Americans don't elected by the people. The main prob­ troops to Central America, his spokes­ make VCRs. Now how many people lem is poveny and injustice." man Larry Saska said, and would con­ own an MX missle? We' re producing Avgerinos said Dukakis would cease tinue U.S. involvement there. products no one wishes to buy." aid to the U .S.-backed Nicaraguan con­ All candidates were against South Douthit also blasted American mili· tras, but would give "economic sup­ Africa's apanhied policy with Good­ tarization abroad, the country's anti­ pon" to those in that country who sup­ man saying Simon was the first legisla­ Communist stand and linked the con­ pon U.S. ideology. tor to vote to withdraw funds from tras to the drug trudc . Evan Douthit from the Jackson cam­ South Africa. "I can't believe some of the things paign, said America should simply pull "And he led the fight in Congress I've been hearing." Saska said. " I think out of Central America, paniculariy with !Mass. Sen.J Ted Kennedy when nobody believes the U.S. is the big bad Nicaragua. Reagan's sanctions did nothing," she wolf and all the Soviets want is peace "This country is being bankrupt rap­ added. and the contras are drug dealers. The idly by the course we are taking," Douthit, editor and publisher of Cen­ Nicaraguan President !Daniel Onega! Douthit said. tral American News Update which ex- Continued on Page 3 I'A<.r 2 \tm h ;, l<JBB COLUMBIA CHRONICLE ' 1 " ' Weisman deadline nears as ~ews _Briefs Auditions begin soon for Grant Park Symphony '87s winners display projects Chorus By Marian Williams Applications may be submitted by an Scholarship winners will receive: Singers in all voice categories are invited to audition for the Grant Parle individual or a group working together • Grants up to $1,000 to help com­ Symphony Chorus. Applicants must be able to sight read music and should be Stan getting your projects together for the annual Weisman Scholarship on a project by Jan. I , 1989. plete projects in all fields of com- ' prepared to sing one aria or art song in English or another foreign language. The Weisman Scholarships· are munication Audition deadline is March 31. program. Applications,due April I, are availa­ funded by Chicago Communications - • Oppo~ to work with lead­ For more infonnation, call Mary Watkins at 294-2327 between 9 a.m. and 4 (CC), founded in 1975 in remembrance ing professionals in Chicago's p.m. weekdays. ble now in the Public Relations office, roomW300. of Albert P. Weisman, a trustee and ~unica~n industty The scholarships are for students and teacher at Columbia. An initial fun­ draising luncheon was so successful • Recognition at a special reception Slide lecture to discuss German artist's work teaching assistants who are currently and the annual Chicago Conunun- enrolled in the fall and spring terms and that the organizations decided to estab­ i.;tion~~,IIcon . .. A slide lecture by critic Donald Kuspit on the work ofGennan artist Joseph must have at least 16 credit hours in the lish CC and planned an annuitlluncheon Beuys will be held in the Arthur Rubloff Auditorium of the Art Institute of two terms combined to apply. to foster communications among spon­ According to contest rules, scbolar­ Chicago, Columbus Drive near Monroe Street, on Thesday, March 29, at 5:30 "Scholarships have been given to soring groups. _ _ .. __ ship amountS will not exceed 50 percent p.m. projects in many fields including crea­ - The sc~larship was established to of the total cost of the project. For more infonnation. contact the school at 44.3-3700.
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