STJOHNS NEWS Volume V.—No. 18, ST.JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 26. 1893. Whole No . 226 Hteam Prlntlnir House. Genuine bargniiiH in .lewelery and Op ­ Editor Vaughan was in Detroit Satur­ Miss Kate Burke spent Christmas in Business Locals . tical Goods. Eyes tested Erw at day. M uir. THE NEWS Kkkpph , DeWitt & Go ’s. Ray Lotting is sp(Midivg a wi^ek’s va­ IjOuis B. Allison is home from Owosso Itnyiiig 76 cent* for 31) cents. An Indepeadent Newspaper, cation ill St. Joiiii.s. for the holidays. That is exactly what you are doing IVX: WH W . when you buy our 75 cent dress goods PnbliHhed every Tueedav from the Entee E, 11, Usgood and wife were in Milan, Block Corner of State and Spring Street*, by Mrs. Dr. Stroud, of Douglas, is visiting for 31) cents. Perhajis this is just what her sister, Mrs, Will Fields. Mich., (Jiristmas. you want, call and see. Our -Hi) cent list HOLLIS CORHIN, M. A. Kniffin wasin Detroit Wedm^sdny. Dr. Kiiapj) and family sjient Christmas comjirises goiids worth from 50 cents to P^ditor and Proprietor, Miss Maude Fitzgerald is home for Mr*. .1. E. Litfell and Mrs. V<mburgui-e 75 cents, .loHN Hicks. At 76 cents n Tear strictly in Advance. isiting relatives in Detroit. with Ovid relatives, Christinas. f»re Our Card* of thanke 'Ji% cent* eacli. Miss lioa Hathaway, of Detroit, is vis­ A. C. Ely, wife mid son, are visiting Leifal NotleeH at ntntute raten. Geo. II. .ludd and family spent Christ ­ fJne of Mufflnrs. Wilson & Son . MarrlaKe and Death notleeM free. iting relatives in St. Johns. relatives in Corunna. mas in Flint. Mackintonhen. BuHineHH localH .5 cente per line each time. E.D. Clark, of Morenci, sjient Christ ­ BiisiueMH Directory card* $1 a line per year. Sherrill Holt sjient Cliristmas with his Miss Anna Tr(*adwell is visiting her Fine line at John Hicks'. Tranelent advertlelnK payable In advance. mas with his wife in St. Johns. Yearly advertleliiK rate* made known on sisters in Lansing. sister, Mrs. King, in St. Louis. Application. Chas. Moore mid wife sjient (Jiristmas F. E. .Aldrich & Go. are headquarters AnonyinouH communication* will never re­ Rodney Beebe, of Albion College, is Frank Durfi'e and wife ore sjsaiding for books, stationery and all leading ceive notice. ihristmas with rePKives in Bath. with their daughter in Owosso. periodiacls. Local* amonf; reading matter 10 cent* per home for the holidays. line each InHertion. Miss .Marie Olcott is visiting her sister, H. V. WiH'den and wife ate turkey with Obituary poetry or reHolutlon* will po*!- Mrs. Frank Perkins spent Tuesday and The “Grown of St. Johns ” is the best tlvely not be Ineerted unie** paid for at 5 Wednesday in Bancroft. Mrs. Al. Larnbie, in Grand fx,*dge. friends in Owosso Christmas day. lOc cigar now on the market. 'I’ry it. cent* per line. Manufactured by Hf.llku & Spiuo . Addre** all communication* to Prol. Tinkham is attending the state Miss Gertie Mead, who is teaching at Tlie St. Jolius Manufacturing Sliojihas ST. JOHNS NEWS, St. Johns, Mich, teachers m(?eting at Lansing. B(‘llevue, is home for the holidays. shut down for an indefinite jieriod. Wanted. TjiVerne Hesson, of I'ecumsi'h, sjient The ladies and gentlemen to call and Man scraped the snow off “liailey” hill, Miss Lillian Holton is sjiending the investigate the latest method of dress Business Directory . dame nature scraped the ice. holidays with her brother in fletroit. Cliristmas with Thos. Ilojie and family. cutting. The only jierfect system before Miss L. Margree Taller is spending the Lewis Ban ngardner, of Olive, is visit­ Miss .Maude Fitzg»*rald entertained a the jmblic to day. Call at Hotel St. .ATTORNEYS. Johns. holidays with Detroit relatives, ing relatives in Fr<*emont, Mich., during few friends with a jiedro jiarty last night, Carpet .Sweeper*. INKHAM ft CLARK, Attorney* atl.aw, Mrs. E. Stephenson visited lust week the holidays. Tim Kings Dauirhters took in about St. John*. Oftice In Opera Houhc Block. An elegant line for the Ghristmns trade T Miss Pearl Ring and Miss P.ertlia i7r> at tlieir Fair Friday and Saturday. with her daughter, Hattie, jn Jackson. At John Hicks ’. LEWIS SEVERANCE, Auctlonv'er. M. Livsey was called to Ovid Saturday riiomoH, of Albion college, are liomo for Mr.mid Mrs. '•'iimuerCollins, of('Ihieago, the holidavH. are visiting her jiareips, Mr. and Afrs. J. School .Siipplle*. ALRRIOOE ft OSBORN. Office over to attend severaJ sick hoi-ses for .1. E. Of every descTijition at AIUhou ’* Jewelry store, St. John*. M. Dodge. W Hill. Mr. and Mrs. G<‘o, W. Reynolds spent F. E. Aliihich & Go ’s. Christmas with the family of .lohn Arcliie Beebe, of .New York state, is orton * WEIMKR. Officeln proHecut- Miss Belle Mooi-^;, of Chicago, is visit­ Roberts, near Ovid. We have found the right thing in N injc attorney'* office at court houne. ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard learning dentistry of lii.s uncle, Dr. A. H. Ladies Kid Gloves, it is called Heimretta. Moore. Miss May Morelnnd and Miss Moggie Kenyon. C.hapin & Go. TON ft IlOOLING, Attorney* at Law, St. John*. 123 Kinmond are visiting Kev. W. C. Allen Dr. .f. ,1. Travis rejiorts the griji as be- A new series of 8tock will be started in Tfie St. .Tohns Boquet is tlie best hand the building and loan association Janu ­ and wife at Dowagim:, iig unusually jirevelant during the jiast M. H. CASTLE, Attorney and Monev made Havana filled cigar for 5c. on the W Loaner, St. John*.' ary Ist. James Fitzpatrick and wife, of Grand two weeks. market. Harry Coleman, “Graoe Hunt and Leah Ropids, are visiting friends and relatives Wm.Schauck started for Montirorency Gomjilete line of 181)4 Di.’irie^ nt EDEWA ft WALHRIIMiE, Attorney* in St. Johns and vicinity. F at I,.aw. Office over Corner Drujf Store. Fowler are home from Ann Arbor for the county, Thursday, where he has lumber ­ F. E. .Aliihk II A: Go's. holidays. C. E. Knapp, jiriucipal of tlieMockinac ing interests. Mandkerehlef* anrl Muffier*. "YJ^ILL H. BRUNSON, Attorney at Law, Island schools, HurpriHe<i his parents and St. John*. 124 Miss Cornelia Zimmerman is at home Mrs. Dr. Myers and cbildren, of Fret^ Big line for (’lirihtmas at .loii.v fiicxs ’. friends with a holiday visit. with her parents in Three Oaks for the mont, are visiting her jiareiits. Mr. and .Special Offer f<ir January. ewis severance , a . B., Attorney, M?-h . (j. I'L VaiiSiekle was called to Pe- .Nfrs. (’. T. Caruss. Opera IlouHe Block. holidays. For Sfo 1 will give you one dozen of my L wamo Friday b.y a telegram announcing Mrs. O, G. Wickes and Miss Kate best ciihiiiets and a three ijiiarfers life James Prine, of Jerome, Mich., visited size (,'ra.von INa-trait in frame, oak or the serious illness of her sister. Wickes sjientChristmaswith Dean Wickes MONEY LOANING. his daughter, Mrs. F.R. Jackson,thetirst gilt. I will make erayoM Iroiii any pic ­ of last week. Drs. Arthur and Eugene Hart returned and wife, in Owosso. ture you wuii t eojiied, I iatyjies Had siiiiill ichigan mortgage company . 1 from the Detroit Medical College Friday Mr. and Mrs. .A,,I. Baldwin entertained jihotos 25 cents extra. 'I'liese Crayons (Limited.) Capital $75,000. Corner of Miss Jennie .Maxam is enjoying her are bust style, gooil work and an* giiar- MWalker and Sprinjf street*, St. John*. Mon ­ and will spend the holidays attheirlioiiie friends last evening in honor of Prof. holiday vacation with her i)arentM in ant(vd to be aliseaessof t heoicturemade ey to loan, inveatinentn made, mortgage* for in Eureka. ■ale. A few piece* of land for Bale. 1 Waterford, Mich. Butler and wife, of Alma. from. (). (1. Plu .nkktt . St. Johns. Vernon J. Willey^ of the state blind Miss Ali(x* Redfern and Miss ICtta Mr. and Mrs. Will Murray, of Detroit, PnYSICIAN.S. school, Lansing, sf)ent Christmas with Anuis, of Essex, visited at the home of sjient Christmas with the latter’s parents, Wood Cutter* Wanted. St. Johns friends. Mrs. Wni. Schauck the latter part of last Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner. To buy the celebrated Victor lanoe W. POLLARD, M.D., Physician and tooth saw and Gold Coin axes at • Surgeon. .Specialtie*: diHeaseHof women week. Mrs. Catharine Strouser died nt her Jand children. Oculist, Aurist, l.aryngologlHt.Mrs. Matilda Shaver and son, Ben. are Spaulding & Go ’s. Office over Wilson ft .Son ’s store. spending the holidays with her sister, Dr. Fred Leland starteii on Tuesday home in Greiuibush, December 2;j, of Great Itargain*. Mrs. G. S. Corbit, morning last on a recuperating trip in phneuinonia, aged 04 years. R. A. «I. WIGGINS, Physician and Sur­ the South. He will visit friends at Jjiird Our large holiday trade has left us with D geon. Office over Sullivan ’s Clothing W. B, Smith and wife are spending the Mr. and Mrs, John Hicks and Mrs. Ida but a small supjily of albums and p ’ush Store 48tf and Newport, Kentucky. holidays with relatives in Britton, Len ­ H. Rawson left this morning for Mt. fancy goods which we will close out at lyreatly reduced prices. M. POST M. I>. Physician, Surgeon and awee county, Mich. Ivan McKeeby, an employee of the Dora, Florida, to spend the winter. s. I Notary Public. Office east side of main Manufacturing Co., ran a long sliver into F. E. .Aldiuch & Go. St., Eureka, Mich. Chas. Babcock and wife, of Crow Agency Appropriate and curiously enough bis right hand, at the base of the thumb, God ’e promise*, the rainbow, appeared di­ Muffs, Muffs, Muffs.
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