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Kohn Publications Co•• ittee Johns Hopkins University Artur Meier, Chairperson President Baltimore, USA International Sociology: Margaret Archer Martin Albrow, Editor Department of Sociology T.K. Oommen Jacques Coenen-Huther, Switzerland University of Warwick Jawaharlal Nehru University Salvador Giner, Spain Coventry CV4 7AL New Delhi, India Lyuben Nickolov, Bulgaria United Kingdom Current Sociology: Gennady V. Osipov James Beckford, Editor Vice-President, Research Council Institut for Sociological Research Maria Carrilho, Portugal Else 0yen Moscow, USSR Velichko Dobrianov, Bulgaria Health & Social Policy Studies Kurt Jonassohn, Canada University of Bergen D.M. Pestonjee Sociological Abstracts: Fastings Minde Indian Institute of Management Leo P. Chall, Editor 5014 Bergen, Norway Ahmedabad, India Sage Studies in International Sociology: Vice-President, Membership and Céline Saint-Pierre Wilfried Dumon, Editor Finance COMMittee Université du Québec a Montréal Orlando Fals Borda, Colombia Wi lfried Dumon Canada Marie Haug, USA Department of Sociology Jan Toschenko, USSR Catholic University Neil J. Smelser Executive Committee E. van Evenstraat 2b University of California Representatives: 3000 Leuven Berkeley, USA Melvin L. Kohn, USA Belgium Céline Saint-Pierre, Canada Otoyori Tahara Research Coordinating Committee Vice-President, Program and Tohoku Gakuin University Representative: Publications Co•• ittees Sendai, Japan D.M. Pestonjee, India Artur Meier Observer: Institute of Sociology Steven Barr, Sage Publications Humboldt University Hans-Loch-Str. 349 Executive Secretary Progra. Co•• ittee 1136 Berlin, GDR Izabela Barlinska Artur Meier, Chairperson Members to be selected Past President 1982-1986 Business Manager Fernando H. Cardoso Luis Moreno Representatives to ISSC-uNESCO CEBRAP, Sao Paulo, Brazil Delegates: EIse 0yen Jacques Dofny l1IHIbers SUB-cott11TTEES Alternates: Daniel Bertaux Simi A. Afonja Deniz Kandiyoti University of Ife, Nigeria Research Coordinating Co•• ittee Else 0yen, Chairperson Representative to ICSSID-lJIESCO Paolo Ammassari Elizabeth Jelin (EC representative) James 8eckford, U.K. University of Rome, Italy Simi A. Afonja (RC 36) Daniel Bertaux (RC 38) Representatives to UN Daniel Bertaux Deniz Kandiyoti (RC 32) New York: Else 0yen C.N.R.S., Paris, France Manfred Kuechler (RC 33) Melvin Kohn (alterna~e) Petar E. Mitev (RC 34) Vienna: Paolo Ammassari Salvador Giner D.M. Pestonjee (RC 35) Max Haller (alternate) University of Barcelona, Spain Neil Smelser (RC 02) Geneva: Daniel Bertaux Jacques Coenen-Huther Elizabeth Jelin Me.bership & Finance Co•• ittee (alternate) CEDES, Buenos Aires, Argentina Wilfried Dumon, Chairperson T.K. Oommen, India Representatives to WHO Deniz Kandiyoti Gennady Osipov,USSR Hans Ulrich Deppe, FRG Richmond College, U.K. Peter Q. Reinsch, The Netherlands Philippe Lehmann, Switzerland The ISA BULLETIN is the official publication of the Secretariat of the International Sociological Association. Editor: Izabela Barlinska Three issues per year appear in Spring, Summer and Autumn with an average printing of 5000 copies. The ISA BULLETIN is distributed free of charge to members of the ISA. Deadlines for submission of items of interest to our members are: Spring issue: January 1, Summer issues: May 15, Autumn issue: October l. Published by the International Sociological Association under the auspices of the ISSC and with the financial assistance of UNESCO.UNESCO subvention 1986-87/DG/7.6.2/SUB.16(SHS) Printed by Fareso, S.A., Madrid, Spain. Depósito legal: M.25.817-1987 elaborate statutes to no statutes at all. Another matter to be discussed is the financial situation of lSA RESEARCH COUNCIL AT WORK the Research Committees and what can be learned by comparing notes. Also on the agenda will be the arrangement of regional meetings, cooperation across by Else 0yen, ISA Vice-President, Chair of the Research Commi ttee boundaries, integration of Research Council graduate students in the work of Research Committees and a discussion on the future of the Research The Research Council is a forum established to Council. represent the interests of the Research Committees. It meets during the World Congresses and once between Allocation of newsletter grants will be decided upon the Congresses. Each Research Committee in good in Ljubljana. See below for the detailed announcement standing is entitled to send a delegate to the on the application procedure. Council meetings. These are chaired by one of the ISA vice-presidents. In order to avoid the confusion of the last minute nomination of candidates which was experienced at the The mid-congress meeting of the Research Council will World Congress in New Delhi, 1 have asked that a be he Id in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, September 1-4, 1988 Nominating Committee be appointed by the Research Council at the Ljubljana meeting. The Gommittee shall The Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and prepare well in advance of the 1990 elections a slate Journalism, and The Institute of Sociology of the of candidates, supplied with bibliographic data about Edvard Kardelj University in Ljubljana, have the candidates. generously offered to host the Research Council. Professor Zdravko Mlinar has taken the initiative to It is vital to the ISA that the Research Council as br the Research Council members to Yugoslavia and well as other fora be kept for new initiatives and wi. organize the visito critique of present malfunctions. Therefore, all members of the ISA are herewith invited to put According to decisions made at the 1984 meeting of forward suggestions, complaints or any other matter the Research Council, three of the four days will be of relevance to the Research Council. This can be devoted to academic deliberations, while one day will done in writing to me or the Executive Secretary. be earmarked for administrative matters. The delegates are asked to present a paper on one of the following two topics: (1) Cross-cul tural and 1988 BRANTS FOR RE6EARCH COtI'IITIEES international research: theory, method, project and NEWSLETTERS organization, or (2) Centralization vs. decentralization. Every Research Committee is entitled to apply for a grant for the production and distribution of its The delegates are also asked to prepare a short newsletter, once between two World Congresses. 10 report on the activities of their Research Committee grants, $ 800 each, will be allocated by the Research in order to familiarize all the delegates with the Coordinating Committee at its August 1988 meeting. richness and variation of the many ongoing academic Applications have to be received by the ISA Executive pursuits in the ISA. Secretary before June 1st, 1988. In your application, please answer the following points: Deadline for both the papers and the activity reports (1) When did (does) your Newsletter start, and how is May 15, 1988, and the addressee is the ISA many issues have already been produced? Secretariat in Madrid. (2) How many issues do you plan for 1988, with roughly how many pages each? Among the business matters to be discussed in (3) How many subscribers do you have in each Lj jana is a review of the Research Committee continent, and how many of these (per continent) have st es. A working group headed by Professor Petar an exemption of dues? Mitev is preparing a report to be put before the (4) How much do you receive per year in membership Research Council. Voices have been raised for a fees, and what part of this amount is reserved for better coordination of the regulatory framework of producing and mailing your Newsletter? the Research Committees which now ranges from very (5) Is your Newsletter subsidized in any way already? TABLEOF CONTENTS page Research Council at Work Back inside cover: 1988 Grants for Research Special offer from Committees Newsletters "Annual Review of Sociology" 2 "International Sociology" Editorial Meeting Inlay: ISA Membership Dues 1988-1991 2 Reflections on the 1987 ASA Convention ISA Publications: 5 Reports from the Collective -"Current Sociology" Members of the ISA: - "International Sociology" - Category "A" - "Sage Studies in International 12 - Ca t eqorv "8" Sociology" 14 - Category "E" - "Sociological Abstracts" 16 Calendar of Future Events of keeping abreast of sociologicai research don by our colleagues in other countries. Yet, in my opinion, we are still a bit paroch1al. INTERNATIONALSOCIOLOGY EDITORIAL MEETING The time is ripe to impress upon U.S. sociology - not just on the area specialists and those already engaged in cross-national research, but upon U.S. by ELizabeth King, Editorial Assistant sociology in general - the value of cross-national research and of seeing our country in comparative A few members of the Editorial Board of the perspective. As Chair of the 1987 ASA Program "International Sociology" had an opportunity to meet Committee, I wanted the 1987 ASA Convention to in Geneva on September 3, 1988. They were Martin contribute to accomplishing this purpose and I Albrow, Editor,Elizabeth King, Editorial Assistant, therefore selected "Cross-National Research in and two Associate Editors: Jacques Coenen-Huther and Sociology" as the convention theme. T,K. Oommen. Regrettably neither Lyuben Nickolov nor My intent, and the intent of the other members of Salvador Giner were able to attend.
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