WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1968 P4IGBD FORTY-FOUR EtiTning H^raUi Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock . Idas Elisabeth A.’ House, i About Town daughter of Judge and Mrs. MHA Told It Can Proceed Average Daily Net Press Run Charles S. House of 180 West- For The Week Ended aiMoutlva board of the land St., recently received The Weather May 4, IMS Ju d d r Wbmen’e Club of Man- recognition for excellence In With North End Drawings MosUy cloudy tonight. Low in ohwtor will meet tomorrow at scholarship at an Honors Day BOs. Considerable cloudiness to­ • :15 pjn. at the home of Mrs. Convocation at Wellesley A meeting of the Manchester ready for submission no later She Serves the iiaiirlfpfitpr luptttng BpraUi morrow. High 88 to 70. Barry Noonan, M Clinton Dr., (Mass.) College. Housing Authority was sur­ than June 14. 15,070 Wanpiiif. Approval for the schematics Hanehe*ter— A C it y of Viilage Charm rounded with an air of good might be construed as a good There wUl be a special meet­ spirits last night after a letter, The executive board of St. ing of the combined member­ hint of funding approval for the VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 187 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—’TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1968 (dailfteJ AdverUaiag on Page 31) PRICE ’TEN CENTS Bartholomew’a Ladles OuUd will ship and advertising commit­ authorizing the authority to one million dollar-plus develop­ meat tonight at 8 at St. Bar- tees of the Manchester Prop­ proceed with the arohiteot’s ment program to be located on Coffee, Tea, Milk. tholomew School. erty Owners Protective As­ schematic drawings for the Parcel 4 in Manchester’s North sociation tonight at 7:80 In the town’s North End houslng-for- End renewal area. ‘circuit courtroom at the Po­ the-elderly project, was road by In other business, the authori­ Leon Enderlln executive direc­ lice Station. ty accepted a bid of $802 from tor. the 0*H Paving and Construc­ She teiute to all your little creature (ximforts. No, she’s not the stew­ The letter signed by Herman tion Co. of Bolton as the lowest FUvt OhMS Officers and directors of Omar ardess, she’s your mother and just because she has to keep her feet Cong Press D. Hillman, New Toilc asslatant of three bids for the construction Shoe Bepalrlng Shrine Club will meet tonight at Top Hanoi Envoy Of The Better A d ! regional administrator for HUp of a black top sidewalk to run on the ground all day doesn’t mean she wouldn’t really toVe to be taken 8 at the home of the club secre- (Federal Housing and Urban between the town’s two already QUALITY WORK Urx, Herbert R. Kingsbury, in Development Agency), gave completed houslng-for-the-elder- out to eat Sunday, MOTHER’S DAY. Indulge this understandable a t Union. the authority the green light to ly projects, saving senior RtA SO N A BLE have architects Lewis J. Drakos citizens some valuable steps be­ feminine whimsy next Sunday, but save on all the other meals of the Saigon Drive St. Mcuy's Elpiscopal Guild and Associates of Hartford pro­ tween visits to one another. PM CESi will sponsor a tea tomorrow ceed with schematic drawings week by shopping at Pinehurst. from 2 to 4 p.m. at NeiU Hall of the proposed 76-unit project. Arrives in Paris SHOE BBPAIB8 Stone Yield*- 500 Gem* SAIGON (AP) — The wrecked two launching pads OHlUD-C-WAITt of the church. The event is open Hillman also requested that enemy struck hard at Sai­ loaded with rockets less than a to the public. the authority submit a tentative RIO DE JANEIRO — Nearly PARIS (AP) — North order to settle with the Ameri­ the peoples of the world,” he gon from three sides today mile from the city. said. SAM YUYLES date for the filing of the com­ BOO Jewels have been cut from A third enemy drive rolled up Vietnam’s chief delegate to can side the unconditional ces­ t t OAK STREET The ways and means commit­ pleted schematlca as soon as a 88-pound dark blue aquama­ but a U.S. spokesman said peace contacts with the sation of the bombings and all Thuy said that for a solution And ScHf# on thosu two Johnson & Johnson Itoms northwest of Saigon, sweeping of the war the Hanoi govern­ A few steps from Main tee of the Women’s Fellowship possible. rine crystal found in Brazil. American forces had aside two U.S. companies In the United States arrived to­ other American acts of war IMablUied 19111 of Second Congregational Enderlln reported today that Seven gems, totaling 123 carats, which art handy to hovo in any mothor's modicino cablnot. smashed a Viet Cong drive big push which officials believe day, and his American against the Democratic Republ­ ment has put forth a four-point Church will meet tomorrow at 8 the architectural firm has were cut from it for a Mideast to push into the capital Is designed to bolster North counterpart was due to- ic of Vietnam and then to dis­ program and the National Lib­ p.m. In the church parlor. agreed to have the drawings monarch. from the south and east. Vietnam’s hand at Paris. cuss other problems of Interest eration F’ront of the Viet Oong JSJ Hm C/a in. by 160 inJ ni^t for talks starting in South Vietnam has outlined a On the eve of Paris peace The 9th Division infantrymen, Friday. to both sides.” talks, however, the enemy political program. known as the "Old Reliables,” A crowd of 300, Vietna­ He asserted that public opin­ ’"Ihese are reasonable, logi­ drove closer to the center of SSl- reported klUIng 131 enemy in a ion in the United States and in DERMICEL gon than at any time since the mese and Frenchmen, car­ cal and very Judicious docu­ day-long battle that was still rying flags and a banner, the world wants a rapid end to ments,” he added. new offensive was launched going on at nightfall. “the war provoked by the SH O W HER H O W M UCH YO U Sunday. greeted Kuan Thuy, the After making hls statement, FIRST AID TAPE “For the third consecuUve Hanoi delegate, as his plane American government In Viet­ Thuy declined to answer ques­ U.S. military spokesmen said day, the enemy was repulsed nam.” HOUSE M fg. suggested price 59^ 2,(XX) American infantrymen touched down after stops tions and, still smiling, was trying to enter Saigon from the "So far as the Vietnam side Is CARE WITH GIFTS BY from the 9th Division, armored in Peking and Moscow rushed by French plalnclothes- south,” an officer said. “More Among the welcoming group concerned, we will do our best men through the crowd to the personnel carriers, helicopter than 486 enemy have been killed with a serious attitude in the of­ gunships and dive Ambers Rad at Le Bourget Airport were So­ automobile waiting for him out­ Pinohurst Prico in the last three days.” ficial conversations with the side the airport building. 7 / 8 - o l broken up—at least (or the time viet Ambassador Valerian Zorin J&J Tube The U.S. Command an­ and Communist Chinese Charge representative erf the govern­ ’Thuy, 88 and a former North being—-the drive from the south nounced 2,840 enemy soldiers ment of the United States to sat­ and east. d’Affaires Su-<Jhlh. Vietnamese foreign minister, is isfy the desire of the Viet­ a member of the secretariat of GOSSARD-ARTEMIS MEDICATED Helicopter gunships also (Bee Page Ten) The Vietnamese and French- namese people and the wish of nam. Others held up a banner (See Page Twelve) HALE starred red flags of North Viet­ the American people and of all CREAM nam. Others heidu p a banner saying: “Welcome to the dele­ ii Mfg. suggested price 59c. gation of the Vietnamese Peo­ LADIES' NYLON TRICOT ples Republic.” Tak^ Hard Line Group to Probe U.S. officials are predicting long, hard bargaining with the Most Mothers Have North Vietnamese as the Ameri­ Very Low Price on can negotiators also headed for Confidence In The Qualify Qf An Old Favorite the French capital with a man­ Thieu Reiterates ‘High’ M16 Prices date from President Johnson to Pinehurst's Better Meats wainrs sound out Hanoi’s representa­ 20-01. iar WASHINGTON (AP) — A spe­ "I believe the public is enti­ tives on peace prospects. cial House Armed Services sub­ tled to a full explanation of the On departing Washington, South Viet Stand This Wook the Featured Item wiH bo Sirioin Ambassador W. Averell Harri- GRAPE lE U Y committee that Investigated the matter and we intend to exam­ munists to emphasize political Tip Roasts, along with Bonoloss Stnokod Pork M16 rifle a year ago will recon­ ine the whole matter in detail,” man, the chief U.S. negotiator, SAIGON (AP) — President Nylon tricot slips elegantly matched with a border of cadled on the North Vietnamese Nguyen Van Thieu declared to­ warfare. He added that new po­ nylon lace. shades cf jonquil a..d pure white. Butts (formerly called Daisy Hams) vene to examine what Its chair­ Ichord said. litical fronts had been set up to man caUs “unrealistically high” The subcommittee, which to match the Americans in “a day he will never agree to a 32 to 36 short; 23 to 40 average. Our Meat Manager wiH offer a limited supply spirit of hope, sincerity and complete halt In the bombing of try to turn the people against prices In two new procurement charged in its report last Octo­ the government and mentioned of Pinehurst TENDERCURE Loan Chuck CuM contracts.
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