:':>l^^fppgt^^^fe^#;^li^^^^^^^#;^Mi^^^g^^P^P^I%^^:^'gg:^^iggi^ \-4 .1/. A MAN'S BEST FRIEND IS HIS SPORTCOAT . and you'll find many friends at the Campus Shop. Come in and see our big selection of fine, comfortable Ivy league sport coats in tweed, Shetland, flannel and other .popular imported and domestic fabrics — in stripes, checks, plaids, and novelty weaves. You'll like their natural shoulders, nar­ row lapels, less padding, greater com­ fort. See them tomorrow. ^ILBERrS On the Campus—Notre Dame *.') ^ILBERrS CHARGE IT-^ THE CAMPUS SHOP WAY PAY PAY FEB APR lio Carrying Charge At the Campus Shop you will find a complete selection of na­ tionally famous suits, topcoats, sport coats and furnishings . and a convenient charge account with which to buy. If you're on a budget — like most college men are — why not charge what you need the Campus Shop way. Simply get what you need now and pay one-third in Februaiy, one-third in March and one-third in April. It's that simple — and, of course, there is no carrying charge. Use your Campus charge account tomorrow! DRESS RIGHT —You can't afford not to! ON THE CAMPUS —NOTRE DAME December 13, 1957 "ROLLER FREIGHT" ENDS THE NO. 1 CAUSE OF FREIGHT TRAIN DELAYS VERY year, over 125,000 freight trains have to E stop en route and drop cars for repairs. All for the same reason. Hot boxes—railroaders' term for overheated friction bearings. But the railroads are winning the battle against this No. 1 cause of freight train delays. They're going "Roller Freight"—mounting freight cars on Timken® tapered roller bearings. "Roller Freight" speeds trains through terminals, too. You inspect Timken bearings just by touching them—save 90% of the time. That's Better-ness. The result of an American conviction that "good enough" isn't. With "Roller Freight", America's railroads will save an estimated $224,000,000 annually. Earn 22% on their "Roller Freight" investment. "Roller Freight" brings Better-ness to all America by helping the railroads speed service. WANT TO HELP CREATE BETTER-ness.? Are you looking for a bright future with a big and grow­ ing company—one that rewards ability and imagi­ nation.' Then send for our free booklet, "Career Opportunities at the Timken Company". It tells all about the fine opportunities we offer college graduates. The Timken Roller Bearing Company, Canton 6, Ohio. 61 railroads and other/reight car owners now have over 24,500 "Roller Freight" cars in service or on order. This is BETTBR-ness America is fm- it and bearings help you get it mm Football Review Only ViceroY gives you 20,000 FILTER TRAPS FOR THAT SMOOTHER TASTE '•^^^m?± _-- w • • , j« ••••••• — ^••••••••~ ---- ra««««*««*« ... , .V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.N F« • ••-•-•-•-w.v.v.v.v.• • « • v ••••••••••••^ -•-•-•-•-•-•-,».V.«.".V.*.V.".•.•.•.•.•.v.v.'.-.v.' v ---••••••• • • • • • ^ • • • • • •_•_•_•_•_•_• w • • • • • • • • • mj^ • •• C.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.Vr AN ORDINARY FILTER THE VICEROY FILTER Half as many filter traps in These simplified drawings the other two largest-selling show the difference... show filter brands! In Viceroy, that Viceroy's 20,000 filter 20,000 filter traps... twice as traps are actually twice as many... for smoother taste! Actual photomicrograph many as the ordinary filter! Actual photomicrosraph of ordinary filler section. of Viceroy filter section. K1 Twice as many -filter traps as the other two teW^IPTf- largest-selling filter brands! Compare! Only Viceroy gives you 20,000 filter traps—nv/ce as many as the other two largest- x selling filter brands—for that smoother taste! M P/i/5—finest-quality leaf to­ bacco, Deep-Cured for extra VteEROY smoothness! filter ^^ Get Viceroy! 20,000 filter traps, for the smoothest taste of all! CIGARETTES Look! Viceroy gives you only golden brown tobacco, ) 19B7, Brown & WllUamson Tobacco Corp. Deep-Cured through and through for extra smoothness! FAMILIAR PACK OR CRUSH-PROOF BOX. December 13, 1957 The Notre Dame Parker-ffiDterrowd Scholastic Inc. TAILORS-CLOTHIERS Vol. 99 December 13, 1957 No. 10 11572-1171/2 No. Main St. Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus UPSTAIRS Founded 1867 Phone CE 3-6318 Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized WILBUK JUST WOKE UP TO June 23, 1918. JHB FACT THAT HE'S IN CLASS! MIKE FITZPATRICK KEEP ALERT rOR A Football Review Editor BETTER POINT AVERAGE! TOM EDWARDS Assistant Editor Don't let that "drowsy feel­ ing" cramp your style in class ED ROHRBACH ... or when you're "hitting Assistant Editor the books". Take a N0D02 TED THOMPSON Awakener! In a few minutes, you'll be your normal best... Assistant Editor wide awake . alert! Your GAMES: Dave Kubal. Bob Early. John Glaviii. doaor will tell you—^NoDoz John McMahon. Ed Roliibach, Joe Bride. Tom Ed- waids. Greg Roger.s. Jack Grady, Ted Thompson. Awakeners are safe as coffee. FE.ATURES: Tim O'Reilly. Biuce Knot, .Joe Bride. Keep a pack handy! Jack Dolan. Dick Donovan. Mike Mathews, Joe 15 TABLETS, 35c Doyle. Tom Bates. George Clement.';. PHOTOGRAPHY: Bob Eaily. Bernic Cooper. Ed 35 tablets Sliay. Jack Barthcl, The Associated Pi ess. Tom Ed­ b handy tin NOpOZ wards. «9c AWAKENERS \ SporU Staff: Bob Briggs, Jim Brogan, Dave Cole, Jack Dolan, John Koch, Bob Miller, Mike Murphy, Tim O'Reilly, Bob Schaefer. JIM STEINTRAGER Editor Have a WORLO 0f mi DAVID L. KUBAL Travel with tITA Associate Editor Unbelleyable low Cost JOHN GLAVIN Associate Editor Europe tnci •t«am*f from $585 GEORGE CLEMENTS News Editor HARRY McKEE Copy Editor BOB EARLY Features Editor Orient BOB WILLIAMS Photography from $998 LORAN SHEFFER Business Manager Many fours include college credit Complete service to all Air Force, MIKE KURAS Assistant Business JOE DEZELAN Circulation Manager Also low-cost trips to Mexico Army, Navy, and Marine Per­ $149 up. South America $699 up, TOM BANCHOFF Assistant News Hawaii Study Tour $498 up and sonnel. Uniforms, Caps, and WALT RUDGE Assistant News Around the World $1398 up. accessories — entire ready - to- JIM YOCH Assistant News Ask Your Travel Agent wear or tailor made to measure. STEVE ROAKE Assistant Copy 332 So. Michigan Ave. You may pay when you receive JIM SGHUH Assistant Copy .. INC. Caiicago 4, HA 7-2557 your Government allov/once. TOM LAMONT Assistant Features BOB SEDLACK Assistant Features Placing your order early Business Staff: Bernie Dobranski, Pete Hasbrook, Bob Horn, Bob Pruett. means better service. Member of Catholic School Press Association and o^'ltWTURBOW Associated Collegiate Press. Represented for na­ VPPTOMCTRIST tional advertising by National Advertising Ser^^ce, Parker-Winterrowd Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. OPTICAL REPAIRS Inc. THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly during the Frames Repaired, Replaced school year, except during vacation and examina­ Broken Lenses Duplicated TAILORS-CLOTHIERS tion periods, at the University of Notre Dame. Subscription rate, $4.00 a year. Address all manu­ "Bring in the Pieces" 115V2-117V2 No. Main St. scripts to the Editor, Box 183, Notre Dame, Indiana. EYES EXAMINED UPSTAIRS Phone CE 3-6318 207 W. Washington Prinfcrs Oliver Hotel Phone CE A-5777 Publishers Football Review HEADQUARTERS FOR MAGNIFICENT GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Our displays are so arranged as to make shopping and gift selecting an easy and a convenient chore. We package, giftwrap and ship at no extra cost. 1958 and 1959 NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL Vacation Tours Ill SO. MICHIGAN 1958 CALIFORNIA Open a Convenient Charge Account vs. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES "Make Cyr's your headquarters for haircufs." SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1958 Coll CE 3-0678 for appointment 7 7-Day All Expense Tour LEAVE CHICAGO NOVEMBER 24th. 1958 RETURN CHICAGO DECEMBER 3rd. 1958 PALM SPRINGS (3 days) CYR'S BARBER SHOP LOS ANGELES (3 days), DISNEYLAND- LAS VEGAS, NEV. (overnite) South Bend's Leading Wrife for furfher informafion Barber Shop * * * 100-102 S. MAIN St. PLAN NOW FOR 1959 W. E. CYR, Prop. 21-DAY ALL EXPENSE TOUR TO HAWAIIAN ISLANDS PAUL'S SHOE SHOP Paradise of fhe Pacific Catering to Students and Faculty Leave September 23rd, return October 13th, 1959 SHOE REPAIRS and also see Heeis and Soles SHOE ACCESSORIES Laces and Pads VS. CALIFORNIA QUICK and COURTEOUS SERVICE AT BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA In Rear of Administration Building SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10th. 1959 •••lllllttlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllMllllllt. HANDBAGS LUGGAGE I Join now our FOOTBALL SAVING CLUB. Available at the | I American Trust Co.. member of F.D.I.C. Save weekly. For i HANSARlNTZSCH i information write Redden Travel Bureau. South Bend. Ind. i *j|lllllllllllllllllll>llllllll**><llllllll>llll>*lllll"l*IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl<lllllll*l*IMIIIIll**IHIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllltlf? 2-5881 PHONE CE dedden ^nxiiuel Runeau 2-5882 MICHIGAN AT COLFAX 1671 Lincolnway East South Bend, Indiana LEATHER GOODS GIFTS December 13, 1957 Congratulations to. TERRY BRENNAN AND HIS 1957 FIGHTING IRISH FOUR YEARS of TRIALS TRIBULATIONS and SUCCESS TOGETHER • • • SENIOR CLASS of '58 IirritEDlE...lt!iCoachennil Teams Terry Brennan of Notre Dame $2.25 Notre Dame—100 Years .$4.00 JCnute Rockne, All-American $1.50 Notre Dame Story .$3.00 V. Frank Leahy and The Fighting Irish-.„$3.95 Rockne—The Four Winners. .$2.00 NOTRE DAME BOOKSTORE SBHO FOR YOUR NOTRE DAME, INDIANA Enclosed is $ for: COPY NOW .... I j Terr>' Brennan of I I Frank Leahy and Notre Dame Stor\- —' Notre Dame — The Fighting Irish n I I Knute Rockne. Notre Dame- rn Rockne—The — All-American D 100 Years Four Winners Notre Dame Bookstore Name Street address Notre Dame, Indiana City State. Football Review than Notre Dame, then Brennan will say so. If he believes COVER STORY his team should have won, that fact will be pointed out.
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