Greenfield, Alloa, Scotland, FK10 2AD (Tel.01259-450000) Enterprise and Environment Committee Thursday 30 January 2014 at 10.00 am Venue: Council Chamber, Greenfield, Alloa, FK10 2AD Contact Finance and Corporate Services, Clackmannanshire Council, Greenfield, Alloa, FK10 2AD Phone: 01259 452106/452004/2008 Fax: 01259 452230 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.clacksweb.org.uk Date Time 1 ENTERPRISE AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE To determine policies for the promotion of regeneration and enterprise in Clackmannanshire within the strategic policy framework approved by the Council in relation to the following: • roads and transportation • regulatory services • development planning • facilities management • economic development To develop strategies, plans and projects in those areas and work with officers and partners to implement them. With the exception of those matters reserved to Council or delegated to a Committee or an officer, the functions, powers and duties of the Council as planning authority including the preparation of a Development Plan To set standards for service delivery. To secure best value in the provision of services. To consider valid petitions submitted which relate to the areas covered by the Committee To monitor performance in the delivery of services including consideration of: • quarterly service performance reports • inspection or other similar reports • financial performance To keep under review the impact of the Committee’s policies on Clackmannanshire To hear representations on petitions which have been accepted by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services as valid in accordance with the council policy and criteria. The Committee shall report on every petition in respect of which it has heard representations to Council with its recommendations on how the petition should be disposed of, which may include a recommendation that no action be taken. 2 22 January 2014 A MEETING of the ENTERPRISE AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held within the Council Chamber, Greenfield, Alloa, FK10 2AD, on THURSDAY 30 JANUARY 2014 at 10.00 am. NIKKI BRIDLE Director of Finance and Corporate Services B U S I N E S S Presentation of Awards: APSE Best Performer Categories: APSE Best Improver Category: • Building Maintenance • Building Maintenance • Education • Street Lighting Page No. 1. Apologies -- 2. Declaration of Interests -- Elected Members are reminded of their obligation to declare any financial or non-financial interest which they may have in any item on this agenda in accordance with the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. A Declaration of Interest form should be completed and passed to the Committee Officer. 3. Confirm Minutes of Meeting held on 7 November 2013 05 (Copy herewith) 4. Facilities Management Performance - to end November 2013 - 09 report by Head of Facilities Management (Copy herewith) 5. Environmental Projects and Partnership Working - report by the 51 Development Services Manager (Copy herewith) 6. Lands Asset Management Plan (Draft) - report by the 107 Head of Facilities Management (Copy herewith) 7. Litter and Dog Fouling - report by the Environment Manager 159 and Regulatory Services Manager (Copy herewith) Contact Finance and Corporate Services, Clackmannanshire Council, Greenfield, Alloa FK10 2AD Tel 01259 452106/452004 Fax 01259 452230 Email [email protected] www.clacksweb.org.uk 3 ENTERPRISE AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE – MEMBERS Councillors Wards Councillor Donald Balsillie (Convenor) 2 Clackmannanshire North SNP Councillor Irene Hamilton (Vice Convenor) 5 Clackmannanshire East SNP Councillor Gary Womersley (Ex officio; non-voting) 3 Clackmannanshire Central SNP Councillor Les Sharp 1 Clackmannanshire West SNP Councillor Derek Stewart 3 Clackmannanshire Central LAB Councillor Graham Watt 3 Clackmannanshire Central LAB Councillor Kenneth Earle 4 Clackmannanshire South LAB Councillor Ellen Forson 4 Clackmannanshire South SNP Councillor Alastair Campbell 5 Clackmannanshire East CONS Co-opted Members Mr Mike Mulraney Representing Clackmannanshire Business Mr Malcolm McArdle Representing Clackmannanshire Business Mr Robert Marshall Representing Clackmannanshire Business Mr Graham Struthers Representing the Federation of Small Businesses 4 THIS PAPER RELATES TO ITEM 3 ON THE AGENDA MINUTE OF MEETING of the ENTERPRISE AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE held within the Council Chamber, Greenfield, Alloa, FK10 2AD, on THURSDAY 7 NOVEMBER 2013 at 10.00 am. PRESENT Councillor Donald Balsillie, Convenor (In the Chair) Councillor Alastair Campbell Councillor Kenneth Earle Councillor Ellen Forson Councillor Les Sharp Councillor Derek Stewart Councillor Graham Watt Councillor Gary Womersley (S) Malcolm McArdle (Co-opted Representative) Michael Mulraney (Co-opted Representative) Robert Marshall (Co-opted Representative) IN ATTENDANCE Garry Dallas, Director of Services to Communities Stephen Crawford, Head of Facilities Management Graeme Cunningham, Environment Manager Julie Hamilton, Development Services Manager Charlie Norman, Team Leader, - Roads Ian Fraser, Strategic Policy Manager Andrew Wyse, Solicitor, Clerk to the Committee Councillor Archie Drummond (Ward 2, Clackmannanshire North) Item 4 Presentation of Awards - Finalist in the APSE Housing and Building Apprentice of the Year Award 2013 and Excellence in Training Standards Before the start of business, on behalf of the Committee the Convenor congratulated Lewis Rennie, Finalist in the APSE Housing and Building Apprentice of the Year 2013 and James Dobbie, dedication to training Modern Apprentices and presented them with their awards. Lewis was also presented with a £50 Beatsons voucher for tools. The Convenor welcomed Robert Marshall to the Committee as a new Co-opted Representative EEC.55 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Irene Hamilton and Graham Struthers, Co-opted Representative. Councillor Gary Womersley attended as substitute for Councillor Hamilton. Councillor Womersley was present today as a substitute for Councillor Hamilton and was not present in his capacity as a non-voting ex-officio member. As a substitute member, Councillor Womersley was eligible to vote. 5 EEC.56 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. EEC.57 MINUTES OF MEETING: 5 SEPTEMBER 2013 The minutes of the meeting of the Enterprise and Environment Committee held on Thursday 5 September 2013 were submitted for approval. Councillor Watt pointed out that the paragraph in the Minute regarding Members addressing specific questions for the Head of Facilities Management through the Councillor Enquiry System was a statement by the Convenor and not a Committee decision. Moved by Councillor Donald Balsillie. Seconded by Councillor Gary Womersley. Decision Subject to the above clarification, the minutes of the meeting of the Enterprise and Environment Committee held on Thursday 5 September 2013 were agreed as a correct record of proceedings and signed by the Convenor. EEC.58 COMMUNITY AND REGULATORY SERVICES PERFORMANCE - MID YEAR REPORT A report which updated the Committee on performance for Community and Regulatory Services during the first 6 months of 2013/14 was submitted by the Director of Services to Communities. Performance reported relates to the Service's Business Plan for 2013/14. The report also highlighted key service activity, achievements, opportunities and challenges facing the Service. The Convenor exercised his right under Standing Order 9.22 and advised that Councillor Drummond would be afforded five minutes to address the Committee on the section of the report relating to Tillicoultry Glen. Motion That the Committee notes the report while commenting on and challenging the performance of Community and Regulatory Services as appropriate. Moved by Councillor Donald Balsillie. Seconded by Councillor Les Sharp. Decision The Committee agreed unanimously to note the report, as supplemented by the answers to Members' questions. EEC.59 COMMUNITY AND REGULATORY SERVICES - FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE - MID YEAR REPORT A report which apprised the Committee on the financial performance of Community and Regulatory Services in respect of both revenue and capital spend for the financial year, 2013/14, based on activity to date up to the end of June 2013 was submitted by the Director of Services to Communities. Projected outturns up to March 2014 were also set out in the report. 6 Motion That the Committee notes the report while commenting on and challenging the current financial position. Moved by Councillor Donald Balsillie. Seconded by Councillor Ellen Forson. Decision The Committee agreed unanimously to note the report, as supplemented by the answers to Members' questions.. EEC.60 WINTER SERVICE ROADS AND FOOTWAYS A report which provided the Committee with the outcome of a review of the previous winter service provision was submitted by the Roads and Transportation Manager. Minor revisions had been made to the Policy and Procedures Document. It was planned to carry to carry out an in-depth review over the coming winter and a report would be brought to Council early next summer so that any revised policy could be implemented for the winter 2014/15. Motion That the Committee approves the Winter Service Policy and Procedures for 2013 and notes the proposal to pursue an in-depth review. Moved by Councillor Donald Balsillie. Seconded by Councillor Les Sharp. Decision The Committee agreed unanimously to approve the Winter Service Policy and Procedures for 2013 and noted the proposal to pursue an in-depth review. Action Roads and Transportation Manager EEC.61
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