TIDE TABLE FOR JULY Date High Water Low Water Sun- Sun­ Aat P.M. A.M. P.M. Mae set L1GHTING-UP TIME 19 -iftifr 2.25 8.14 8.34 .8.18 859 11 2.40 32$ 9.03 9.39 6.19 8.29 8.59 p,m. m 3.39 4.29 9.57 10.49 6.19 829 MONDAY-rmOAY 4D PKR COPY VOL. IP—Nd.'.es HAMILTON.'BERMUDA THURSDAY JULY 10, 1947 SATURDAY - - - - 6D pan COPY PRINCESS EUZABETtf S BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED OPENING NIGHT PARADE CONSTRUCTIVE POLICY IN RUSH FOR CARS HAS NOW TO MARRY FORMER GREEK PRINCE WHO HAS FOR OPEN AIR PLAYS YOUTH WORK NEEDED SUBSIDED, AGENTS STATE Shakespeare Cast To March Criticism Of Lack Of Slow Turnover Seen From BECOME ENGLISH "COMMONER"; WEDDING IS Through City To Theatre Recreational Facilities Now; Waiting Lists Wiped Out THREE-NIGHfRUN FOR EACH GOVERNMENT ACTION URGED SS5 PRIVATriEHICLES ON LIKELY TO TAKE PLACE DURING OCTOBER OF THREE DRAMAS PUNNED AT LIONS CLUB LUNCH REGISTER OF THE T.C.B. LONDON, July 9 (AP) and (Reuter).—The King and Queen The Colony's Shakespeare Festival, A straight from the shoulder criti­ Bermuda's rush for motor cars, tonight announced the long-forecast betrothal of Princess Eliza­ to be held by the Catholic Flayers cism of the youth of Bermuda and whioh reached fever pitch 18 months beth, 21 year old heir to the throne, to Lieutenant Philip Mount­ late next month, will be ushered in the deplorable lack of recreational ago when "general use" no longer batten, a former Prince of Greece and Denmark. An announce­ with a colourful parade on opening facilities for young people was made was barred, now seems to be over, night when all the members of the by the Education Department's for the demand has dropped at a ment from Buckingham Palace made in the Court Circular said: cast of "Midsummer Night's Dream" director of physical education, Mr. rapid rate during the last few "It is with the greatest pleasure that the King and Queen announce will inarch through Hamilton to D. J. Williams, at a meeting of the months. the betrothal of their deafly beloved daughter. Princess Elizabeth, their outdoor natural stage at the Lions Club yesterday. Though cars have come to stay fo Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, R.N., son of the late Prince And­ Agricultural Station grounds. Introducing the speaker, Mr. W. F. their novelty is outworn. A sure rew of Greece and Princess Andrew (Princess Alice of Battenberg) i While the entire cast has not yet Hayward said that Mr. Williams was sign that one can think of writing to which union the King has gladly given his consent." been chosen, 46 members have been a former Saltus School Grammar "fints" to what has been called a Lt. Mountbatten isitiie great full communion with the church announced. Taking the leading School boy who won a Bermuda "childish craze for oars" is to be is communion parts to the 16th Century comedy seen to the fact that Hamilton mo­ great grandson of Queen Victoria, scholarship to England and then of his new country. are Mr. Gregory Gordon, director, won the Oxford Rhodes Scholarship. tor agents no longer have waiting who was Princess Elizabeth's great WILL RECEIVE DUKEDOM who will play the fairy king, Oberon, Later, Mr. Williams went to Den­ lists of scores of wouM-be car own­ great grandmother. while Mrs. Jean Hannant will play mark to attend a physical education ers. In fact, agents agree that the He recently became a British sub­ It was thought that Philip, now Titania. school and returned to Bermuda in motor market in Bermuda Is quick­ plain "Mr." apart from his naval ject a*"! renounced his title of Young Derek Oatway will play the 1939. ly reaching its present saturation Prince of Greece and Denmark. rank, would be made a duke with a point — some even believe that that seat ih the House of Lords, and that mischievous Puck, while Betsy Curtis He joined the B.V.R.O. and later IBs father, Prince Andrew of will be Hermia and Betty Tatem, took over the physical'training of point Is reached already. Greece, was a younger son of Prince he would receive an' allowance of Helena. Frank Cooper is scheduled the regiment, also teaching the' re­ PREFERENCE SATISFIED "William of Denmark, who accepted his own in keeping with the posi­ as Lysander, and Wilburt Smith as cruits command tactics. the Greek throne as George I in tion he will have to maintain. Royal Bottom. Arthur DeSilva will be The preference of Bermudians for 1863. dukedoms vacant include Inverness, Opening his speech with a refer­ the petrol-driven rather than the Snout, Mrs. Dorothy Moss Hyppol- ence to the behaviour of young The wedding date has not been Clarence, Sussex, Cambridge, and ita, and John' Austin the Duke of horse-drawn, for four-cylinder speed fixed but it is reported unofficially Connaught. people to the Colony Mr. Williams rather than landau elegance, has Athens. said: "There has been * lot of talk, it Will probably be to ©etober and Tradition suggests that far their been satisfied by the frequent ar­ During the parade the cast will about juvenile delinquency and rival of freighters from English is almost certain to be held at West­ honeymoon the couple would not be in costume and decorative floats minster Abbey. Lt. Mountbatten hooliganism to Bermuda. Something ports carrying to their holds the leave the British Isles, and the royal Soviet Bloc Declpie To will add to the colour. The parade Is to be done about it to the cor­ gave Princess Elizabeth an engage­ estates at Balmoral, Scotland, or at latest small-powered products of the will lead patrons to the site of the rective field — the police are to biggest assembly lines ta the TJnited ment ring of diamonds and platin­ Wtodsarjjmjthe River Thames, may theatre, and the show will begin 30 um with one large diamond and Attend Paris TalkwThree tighten their measures, the church Kingdom. be chosen. minutes after arrival at tbe Agricul­ is to preach against raucous be­ two smaller stones at the side. The possibility of a trip to Den­ tural station. Approximately 150 Hillman coupes haviour and the Government is to and saloons now ride the Colony's The King has yet formally to give mark, whose King, Frederick IX, is SEATS FOR 500 appoint a Children's Officer and to the Privy Council his consent to a second cousin of Philip, or to the Scandinavian States Accept roads, and about 130 Fords. The The outdoor theatre will seat 500, finance a home for children — but Austin, Morris, Standard aad Vaux­ the marriage. These formalities are French Riviera, where Lady Mil- and the stage will have no front what Is needed even more is a con­ expeoted soon, however, with an ford Haven, Philip's aunt, has a vil­ PARIS, July 9 (ff).— Poland and hall share similar popularity. Nearly Yugoslavia joined Russia and two curtain and no artificial settings. structive policy to youth work. 300 of the vehicles are taxis. order-to-council setting forth the la, was not excluded. But, Princess NEW BID FOR SETTLEMENT CORRECTIVE METHODS sovereign's consent. Louis Wulff, Elizabeth and Lt. Mountbatten, like other nations in the Soviet orbit Each of the three Shakespearian But motor agents who gave their court correspondent of the British' all Britons, are subject to the pres­ OF BALKAN DISORDERS tonight to rejecting the Anglo- plays will be shown three nights, "Bermuda's present-day methods views to a Royal Gazette reporter Press Association, said the Privy ent currency law which prohibits French invitation to participate in and an extra night is planned for of dealing with its youth are mostly believe that the clamour for their the Paris conference on the Mar­ in the event of rain. corrective," Mr. Williams said, add­ vehicles is almost silenced and that Council session, one of the most im­ Continued a* Page 3 portant historically to years, will be France & Colombia Approach shall plan. Earlier, Rumania and Including ballet and chorus, each ing, "I am convinced that if we took to the future lt will be nothing like attended by Empire representatives, Bulgaria rejected the invitation thus play will boast a cast of 100. Chore­ proper precautions before young as vociferous as during last year U.S. With Compromise Plan leaving Czechoslovakia as the only members of the Government and U.S. SENATORS WANT UJR. ography for the ballets is being done people went wrong, and looked after and the early part of this: They be­ Opposition leaders. Central European state of Slav com­ Continued on Pace 6 our youth, we would not have this lieve that the days are over when By LARRY HAUCK plexion to be a probable participant. O problem confronting us today. wheel-hungry citizens thronged the RECEIVE CONGRATULATIONS CHARTER TO BE REVISED Mr. W. Clayton, U.S. Under-Secre­ "Boys and girls leaving school at quayside of Hamilton Harbour LAKE SUCCESS, July 9 (ff£* — It Bermuda Represented At the age of 13 are finding it impos­ watching the polished bodies of 70 Princess Elizabeth fingered the WASHINGTON, July 9 .Reuter).— is learned authoritatively that tary of State, attended a lucheon sparkling diamond and platinum given to his honour today by Pre­ sible to spend their leisure hours to or 80 cars lowered to the ground A resolution calling upon President France and Colombia have ap­ Empire T.B. Conference a worth-while way. They hang from cargo holds.
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