• I, y" > i 0:\_[ f)j-; •'• K'| '- ?-:V :"'*4>v J S \ *1"> ••••v.<:, ;i,, ^ , -f ; » Ifciiteiiifc&^W f""*- *'•*• •<'•••' $^1''%^ lV' ^ ' l EVENING EDITIQJf GRAND FOJRKS HEK&LD, SATURDAY, Kansas City. May 8—K*nto City ! z made • runsln the fifth • itmlng «1 ; yeaferdayj ump with -Milwaukee —-* won 10 to S. Scovc: >» ' - , ' j Milwaukee .. 0»0 fiOO M2— S 10 6 . 5mrwi I Kansas! City 001 «»o 00*—1ft 18 1 Howard, Trentman and ^ Gaetorn j V y "L- , .A,,-1!,. .... ROOMS ;For ijgwy . Woodard and Brock. OR 8 UNlPURNISHED •'ROOMS—7M Louisville-Indianapolis earAe post*- 3rd" Ave.1 STARS poned—rain. siwrvwa. FURNISHED >ROOM FOR LOCAL TEAM BASEBALL RESULTS t;$f. N. 6th. MAN WHO WW FROM Th* today: Subsequently week end coyerle Minneapolis^ grain markets. FURNISHED ROOM FOR PE^-, |WA3^mM^ with TSfcto wc««ttlar act-: shorts nearly overcame the, effect* hi, ^2»68j.:'i;' • • ., -A-.- MIKE OVOWD IS Qu0tmUpn8 VAtnl/, «•»«.,« varied iBtortty wfthta; the, early weakness, but th* uplurna, -Ca8h. , 1 ROOM^ FOP RENT—71i"; BELMONT .. ,..r.. k>3EI*®' Players are expected to report NATIONAL LEAGUE' " Il/UIYG ITALIAN trs-cvhvnfc* >n>»w*1s.. "Sin# fvw . fated to last. The close was heavy,- Woi 1 daric no!Mern...$3.SQ ©3.36. _ Ave.yy • heye Monday tor the Grand. Forks tions grade oil^U i-a to 2 cents net low«Sr, with Johr ' To arrive ..... 03.36 ,K ®8.i45 ! X nots><^ Which, poee two j17i j-s to 1.71 3-8 and Septem" * northern* ..... .... i.20Jrs.so W^Tm-foR REN». pgONg 'Ua.T. $ baseball team which opens Its playing Long Hitting. Boston. 1 season Sunday, May 16, with a con- May 8.—Johnny Wilsd», i points Ratts $i.6i 1-4 to 1.61 3-8. To arrive.:... ....3.20s^3.25 ; -j». -v'w1"—rrm-'• •i test %lth Winnipeg to be staged here. ' Pittsburg, Pa., May 8<yChlcago " * ton«. tut! -v •' — ' 1 red 8pcinig.. ... s.o» '@8.1,0/: 1 aubstan-; . .v . ^ v CASB -iSAliBS. SANCTARUn^, ©il^l i / , Lee Fftirchild, former Western defeated .Pittsburgh yepteroay, 6 to' 1 3 dark northern .. 3.25 @3.40;, _ I •••<»"* i. 4, in a game featured by long hitting. - „ _ , . , —- — .— - V'niwO?'i»d:' Fruit beingjbeing f. chlcaieo. May 8»•.—Persistent " . 1>eavy 2 .... 8.16 @3.25 ltiaftue 'stari who is expected to be one 6 kvituv&a. of 4thtntir>.. ... n.. ^ a. muu northern v.. A PRIVATE HOME FOR THE SICIC i>t the mainstays of the twirling staff, The home team played loosely in the ISfL? wS * n<me is John Francis tvflteM Iwo.vjihjss . Atlantic j ^eiung on the. |>art of a house, with 2 red "spiYlng' . .V ..,. 2.95 ®3.0r * for imatemity '• arrivedFriday and will begin getting early ptirt of the gam(e and was weak t *° Boston si* <3«"!t International. 1 Eastern conrtftctlftiia ,tended today to 8 dark, northern es under the manageme*tw>f a trained- ./» . ; at the'bat until the last three innings,: ago *r®m N^w.Yort*;,- where he, motors hard-^j the * corn - rtiarket. BeaHsh ..3.05 ,@8.20 nurse. '•^ Phone 1668. — J.'-A'i,? Into shape for the contest. a is .. northern . •• y,-,V •••• • - - - , ( '•'" George Reed, playing manager of when it scoredowicu a.iiall 01of 119its iruns una oilun si*sixj . .# * AAl ; ~ ® *vrecord wtsl titbit, t»lf #<(ur> • j forecasts of thy gOvemment croo re- 3 red spring, ... 2.90 ®8.'00, the team, will devote his energies dur­ hits, one of them^a home run, a triple,! ^ 42. being won by port were also effective. in lowering 1 dark hard nt.).. 8»15. v ' ing t)ie next week to getting his men two doubles and two singles. Score: decisions. He! « /* (quotations. • Furthermore, -there'Seas To arrive -• • 8.10 .' ; -j SHOE R. H. E. I ha^ ,0#lt battles by decisions' N^»" Xvs-ti Mw S.—Butter Jr™";apparently a disposition-'to anticipate In/shape for the first contest. an<l n 1 hard Montanatana;,,.. • •, • ?.0« Chicago 003 001 011—6 12 l '*ver has been knocked out. • R«s>-trw gradual improvement in ^railway traf- 1*0 arrive Mil: s.oo THl SHOE HOSPITAL. Tl.* largest and, Pittsburgh ....000 000 121^—4 8 2 ;«• ti>*« Vxt^s. W extra t'J tic conditions. Opening_ _ _ prices, .which 1 amber <durum'1 : ' .3.00 Ail ©^'.<1 3.80 «A most up-te-date shoe-: T t sk w :e 95 Grand Forks; Best of , ;TOENTY TWOFINE Alexander and Killifer; Carlson, DISORDER PREVENTS . \ . W <^8 to 81 score)* aS rangedj-anged from 1 3-8 decline to 1-4 ad- To arrive! . .. 2.-S8 ®3.08 vlc^. Parcel post j^ai Meador and {Jchmidt. oa -o.> v»nce, with July 31.71v#-4 to 1.T2 1-4 brand". ; rrroituiAr receipts 1 durum ' . 2.4)0 @8.00 Solland, 5th era. For)Mk . HORSES ENTERED IN TAKING OF VOTE ON and September $1.61 3-4 to $1.62^V;4- To arrive .....' . 2.90 @2.'95 Loose Played Extra. oss=f^ ^ i»cted «tta fl«t iS. were followed by^byisi ' decided,'* setback . 2 amber durum . 2.97 @^.00 SHOES REPAIRED ' NEATLY; postage KENTUCKY DERBY j. -rs5 treshtr h gathered ? and then something of a &td one way. No prices lower. In. city; • New York, May 8.—New lYork -won WITTS CABINET ^ ^ n around, and 2 durum ... 2.92 @$.97. r. Kamplln, Kittson Av.. Orand iForka. >v&U" an exciting eleven inning game from txxrat Srs«c*s «:#«: do first 44@46j44@4t> • rarally-.llv. , ;- . 2.92 ' @2.97 S 1 r; tjouisvllle, Ky.,' May- 8.—With 3 amber durum . Brooklyn yesterday, 7 to6. After OatstS paralleled1 the action of corn".Y 8 durum . 2.89 @2.94 SMITH SHOE SHOP—PARCEL >OST . ' ^ twenty-two thoroughbred three-year- Brooklyn took the lead in the 9th by Rome, May 7.—Disorders were receipts 1.013 boxes. I Af^ 0Mhfn^ ^4 *to T"3-8c"ofL in^ No. 8 white corn 1.95 paid one way. Grand Forks. N.' D. i old horses entered for the forty-sixth scoring three runs on Benton, a poor todaveduHn^wamber»v°f depulics ^ lor5d 'eluding July at #2 3-4 to 92 7-8, the No.| 3 yellow corn . 1.92 @1.95 renewal of the Kentucky derby at fielding play by Olson permitted New menta „°n l?e r0ver.I .^ market sagged further before begin- v ments foreign policy and pre\-entfd svtrs^,- 3*13 state whole milk „ react To arrive .... 1.90 N SITUATIONS WANTED Churchill Downs this afternoon, it York to tie in its half. The Dodgers nin . 1.89 @1.80 \ • whs the unanimous opinion of turf V f .4 yellow corn . then took the lead by scoring two In P^wvL*. °w °. white and color-, -Advances.in hog values gave only 5 yellow corn ... 1.82 @1.85 MAN WITH FAMILY—WANTS WORK 'ff '' • followers today that the $30,000 add- runs in the eleventh, only to have in Premier NUU a-cabinet. ^ s do average xruu; transient strength to provisions. 4 . mixed corn .. .- 1.85 @1.86 on farm. Has good experience and Mpt money classic would be the great- New York come back with three Negotiations conducted by the good referppce. gepap" houseWaiit- ; Grain weakness was aa offset. •. 5, mixed corn 1.80 1.-82 • ' est and most open race ever run. scores on triples by Lear and Kelly, premier at the SanfRemo conference. a2iv#. steady. express •W_._ ed. Write, 869 Heral< . I especially relative to the Adriatic ^v/vr: . fowls 36 @37; j 1 dther grades corn....-1.55 @1.57 Should more than Bixteen horses. a pass to Burns, Young's single and . CASH SAMS. \ . 3^4nixed corni.'....... 1.90, @ 1.92 . RO to the post, it will be a record for Schmandt's fumble on Fletcher^ The question were. made the basis tor J*; turkeys 25. Drv-setl. i Chicago, May 6.—rWheat, NtS. 2 red, YOUNG LADY DESIRES A POSITION: the derby. The previous largest/field sharp criticism by Deputies Feder- TtscStasged. 2 Whlte -oats' <Mont>).. lJ7 [email protected] • in a store in a small town. One'year'a latter play, coming with two out, let *oni. Nationalist, and Di Cesare. s< |$3.05; No. !•. northern ^spring,. 88.30; S'white oats lTpiS @1.08' experience. Address,. Box 191', Iiankin; , was. in 1916, when Regret was re- in the winning run. Score: • follower ot Baron Sonino, foreign j No. 2 mixed, $3.00. -To arrive .^..... 1.08 *©1..04 jf./D. •. s corded the only filly ever to win the R H, E UKKRTY BONDS. Corn—No. 2 mixed; $2.04; No.- ;;2 minister In the Orlando cabinet. Tori Mav S.—Finallal prices to- 1 vellow, $2.05. 4 White oats 1.04'i® 1.06 V WA/ANTED—AS STENOG" V;t coveted classic. Ethel Gray, by Hes- Brooklyn ..000 100 008 02—6 15 2 Other speakers joined in the attack. Barley, choice to fancy 1.74 ' @1<80 POSITION 'slan-Sweet Marjoriam, a/id Cleo- New York..000 011 011' 03—7 11 4 I-i*?;. 91.S6: first *'s-!' Oats—No.' 2 Vhite, $1.14 @1.15; No. r.aplier tby ' Itedy who; has. sftm^jex? Sfc'-'f: Marquard, Mitchell. ' Grimes and which gradually changed into criti­ Barley, m^d. to good/. 1.64, @1,73, -.perience.e. Call 408-W^or- ^rrlte, ©ox • patra, a chestnut filly belonging to cism of the whole policv of the gov­ Barley, lower grade... 1.48 @1.63 664.
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