Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/quipscranks1954davi Haste thee, Nymph, and bring with thee Jest and youthful Jollity, Quips and Cranks and wanton Wiles, Nods and Becks and wreathed Smiles. 4P Published by the Senior Class of DAVIDSON COLLEGE DAVIDSON. NORTH CAROLINA WILLIAM B. HOOD, JR Editor SEDDON GOODE, JR. Business Manager ...to DR. JOHn ROOD cunninGHRfTi /j deciicatecl the ^cs^ulps and L^ranhd of 1954 \\ 1 liiul it <iui unK|iK' |iii\ \\vsH.- to ilo lioiinr w Iktc il is cliic In ck'clic.itiiu^ this miIuiik' in llif I'lcsicknt ol (iiir C olk'LjL'. \t't till' hdiKiis wliicli D.niclsiin can Ix' stow upon I )r. C iimiiii^JKim .iic insi^nilicaiit w Ikii com [XI reel with those he luis I'capcil lor the institution. Diirinu hi^ ihirleeii \eais ol sei\ ice heie I )i C unninu- liam lias heen iiistiunK'ntai in plaein'^ the C ollei;e hi'^h in the ranks ol education. In recognition ol his pronii nence ainoni; the educators ol tiie nation, he was this past \ear iiiaile Presitlent ol the /Association n| .\mcrican C oilci^cs. \liire than this, I )r. C unnin^ham has set a clistinctixe exaiii|")le in his |iersonal mode ol lile. I le is one who has successlullv combined the c|ualities ol (.greatness and humilitv: he is trulv the personilication ol the Davidson Cientleman. >.>.. ' t<J ^^„ :«>t^^«. ^•-s 2V '•V* SjU [IRD I hilt Davidson S/'/r;/ sonictliini; u> t.ilk .ilioiit lor till' rest (il our lives. \o oik' lias c\cr succcsslullv tic scrilx'tl this cliisixL' (.|iialitv tli.it pornicatcs ilic atiiit.s plitTc oi our campus, lor it is too closcK hoinicl up in tlic multi|ilicit\ ol things thai comprise Daxiilsou. Aiul \ct c>ich ol us is aware that it exists, .md th.it we our selves have coiitrihuteil to the Sxnthesis. It is we who are its proud creators and sustainers, and we who in our march aloni; Front campus shall glance I ack in woiuler at the W a\ ol I ile we have shared. Weary hours spent in the hhrarv, aheinatelv dozing and eramming, cramming and dozing . long con- \'ersations o\er a cofiee cup, wliere tlie [problems ot l)a\idson and the whole world were soKed with pre- cision and lucidity . tense moments at a tight con- test—an ear-piercing yell and pandemonium when time ran out in our hu'or . campus dri\es that hurt, some physically, others BnancialK— hut all ot which left us in a sympathetic partnership with those with whom we had shared . Vespers, and a unique opportunity to tithe time, talents, and resources in the way our reli- gious tenets prescribe . note-filled sessions with our tutors—men whose eccentricities we both reyeled in and revered; men yvho were creating keen impressions w ith lliiii I(.vIhiii|iks . I)r.iii) s|)littiii*; ix.iinin.iliiiiis, l.iilli liilK ircoiik'il III liiiMdi IxHiiul iLulilKin iipmi iiiiiuiii ()| , ii.iMi- liiiii; wliiti' slutls niilr |i.i|)(.r . (.(iinniilsoiA- (.li.ipil .1 sluiK III ^K'lip pssclioloj^v and iiilim,iir l),m tir Ih'Ivmvii iIk' urimp .iiul its c-lcrtcd IcmcIlt spivLK iil.ir tl.iiKvs, .iCLdinp.iiiud l)\ .m iinjcciisloiiKil w.ilt ol |K'iliiiiK' .iiiil riistli.' (il silk tli.il w.is Idiii; anln.i|).it(.'tl, Imii; ii.-iiK'mlH'n.'tl. All ui iIksc .III' hut uprcMiuatiM' liauimnls ol mii (.ollt^f \\\v. lull il is in Ifiins ol siicli small slices tlial tiiL' Intanuihk' liiuls (.•xpassiiiii. W (.' shall siniKHlav i\,ul. aiul think hack, .iiul ic.ili/c th.it tlusc inciilcnts .irc nidlilfil intti .1 C oncc'in ol i;r,iiul pidportions; .1 C oiucpt that cm he recognized onl\ .is -//;<(/ Daiuht))! Sj'iril. Contents Classes . Sketches from the life of a Davidson Scholar . Page 16 Activities . Gleanings from his extracurriculars Page 86 Athletics . A glimpse of his sporting spirit Page 122 Fraternities . A share in his moments of brotherhood . Page 154 Board of Trustees liiv. J. MiDowi 1 I. I\u MAUDS I'residenI Mr. j. A. Cannon \'ice Presidctii I Mn. IJiANK P. I I.M . Jii Secretary Mil I) (.1111 n MvnriN Treasurer TRUSTEES Mr. J. v. Booth Mn. Scott Candler Riv. J. II. Carter Col. J. C. Copper Mr. George S. Crouch Rev. C. Grier Davis Juix:e S. J. Ervin Rev. C. M. Gibbs Rev. Alton H. Glasuhe Mr. Robert W. Gorbell .Mr. Thomas F.. (Jbay Mr. R. D. Grier Rev. VN'arneb L. Mall Rev. T. H. Hamilton Mr. James C. Harper Dr. James P. Hindbix Mr. Ralph M. Holt Rev. S. E. Howie Rev. James A. Iones Mr. R. S. Kelly Rev. Albert J. Kisslimc Mr. D. R. LaFar, Jr. Rev. C. U. Leach Mr. J. Spencer Love Rev. M. C. MacQueen 'f% il Dr. Frank McCutciian Dr. Hamilton W. McKay Mr. E. T. McKeithen Mr. J. Harold McKeithen Rev. a. a. McLean Mr. Harvey W. Mcmire Mr. W. Olin Nisbet, Jr. Rev. p. D. Patrick Rev. T. H. Patterson Mr. Cloyd a. Potts Rev. John A. Redhead Rev. Kelsey Recen Mr. John I. Smith Dr. Tho.mas D. Sparrow -a Rev. Fred R. Stair. Jr. - Mr. Ivey W. Stewart vr ..^ Rev. VV. T. Thompson i^j^ Rev. J. Harry W'hitmore Mr. C. R. Wilcox .Mr. Charles J. Willia.ms Rev. M. R. Williamson Rev. E. D. Witherspoon Rev. D. C. Young Rd ministration Faculty (.lOIU.I I AVMII M I AlllltNl IIIV, A.n. (Itiuk;»'ll . M \ (CMH-rlm . I'h.l). (Mkliin.m). {'rofesyor oj I'liiloMifiliy. lliNiiY AiiiiiuH I)a(imann, A.I). ( I laniiviT ), li.l). (Loimn AU-rnetliv \ /\s!ii;i(im( I'rojfutir C'fTcek uml liiblc. illc Si'iiiiiLirv ), of Bdununn B.MIV 1 ii.NKsr AiiiiHT HiiATV. A.B. (Davidson). M.A. (Smiili Carolina 1. .\I.A. (C.iluml)ia ). H.I). (C.lunil.ia llu l.ii;ical Sciiiin.irv , I'mlcwm o/ / iiliii ii«./ (.'<thi<iii. l.iii.N Moiu.AN BivAN. 15.1)., M.A.. I'll.!). (Diikc. A^ \isliml I'rulciiur of I'iychulofiy. WM.Tin I'ahks liLANKiN. C'apt.. Arniv "I the United Bcvan Slatc-s. U.S. ( \iirlli Clfiiri-ia C'olioyi-). Assislaiit I'rojes l!l..nion Mir i>l \li/il.in Siifmi- uml l\iclks. Brown. C . K. (.1111 KiN.Niiii ISitowN. A.I!. iDaviclscm), M.A., I'li.l). (.LInivcrsilv nl Nnrth Carolina ). /'mfcssor uf licoiiuniics. I 1 MEii Evans Uhown, A.B. (Davidson i. Ph.D. rC'orncll K I'rofeisur of Bioloi^y. Brown. E. E. I IK Roy Bhown, C'apt.. United States Armv. (dordon Brown. I, R. Militarv College). /\ssis(iiiit Profeaor of Mililtiry Science Buell iiii;J / iietic's. I'nwiN Clyde Buell, B.S.. M.S. (North Te.\as State C"ol lege). Assislatit Professor of Political Science. JA.MEs YouNc: C'Aiisiv. ,\.B. (Vircinia). M.A. (llnivcrsiiv of North Carolina). I'li.D. (V\'isconsin). Professor of Sfuinish. C ausev JAioB Daniel C'ouriher. Jr., B.S. (Bowling Green). Cxirrihcr .M.B.A. (Indiana). AssislanI Professor of Business. Crawford CiEi:RGE William Crawford, B.S. (Davidson), M.S. (Universitv of North Carolina). Assistant Professor of rinsics. William Patterson Cummin<;, A.B. (Davidson). M.A.. Ph.D. (Princeton), Professor of Engfish. C umming Daggv I iioMAs Daccv. A.B. (Earlham). M.S.. Ph.D. (North western). Associate Professor of Biology. Davis Ernest Homer Davis, Lt. Col., United States Armv. B.S. (Universitv of Kentuckv). Professor of Mililary Science atul Tactics. C^iiARLEs Richard Eueriiardt. B.S. (New York). S.T.B.. S.T..\I. (Biblical Seminarv in New York). Ph.D. Eberhardt (Drew). F.R.C.S., fames Spruni Professor of Bible. Erwin French Edward Icines Erwin. A.B.. M.A. (Davidson). Professor of EniitisU. I lowARD Preston French, Jr., A.B. (Swarthmore). M.;\.. Ph.D. (Indiana), Associate Professor of Cerniati. I li NRY Emmett Fulcher, B.S.. M.S. (Virginia), /nines Biicliiiiiiiit Duke Professor of Physics and Aslroiiomy. Fulcher Clallent John Bryant Gallent, B.S. (Davidson), M.S., Ph.D. Ciehring (LIniversitv of North Carolina). Professor of Chemistry. Philip Klepfer Gehrinc, A.B.. B.M. (Oberlin), Assist- ant Professor of Aliisic. /'iige Thirteen John Thomas Kimuhouch, B.S. (Davidson^, .M.S. (Chicago), Professor of \hilhenialks. George Labban, Jr., A.B., M.A., Ph.D. (University ol Te.\as), Assistant Professor of Greek. Howard Henry Lamar, Jr., Capt., United States Armv. B.S. (Davidson), Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Henry Tracy Lilly, A.B. (Davidson), M.A. (Prince ton), Professor of English. Thomas Swindall Logan, B.S., M.S. (Emory), Ph.D. The lacultv ExccutJNc Committee, better knuwn about (Johns Hopkins), Professor of Chemistry. than knuun. and arbiters ut student relation progress and problems. Buddy Lamon and Charlie Johnson make a John Wilson McCutchan, A.B. (Davidson), M.A., case for diploma change in the much-ballyhooed midyear Ph.D. (Virginia), Professor of Engjish. issue. William Gillespie McGavock, A.B. (Davidson), M.A.. Ph.D. (Duke), Professor of Mathematics. AuGUSTiN Victor Goldiere, A.B. (Dartmouth), M.A.. John Alexander McGeachy, Jr., A.B. (Davidson), M.A. Ph.D. (Yale), Professor of French. (University of North Carolina), Ph.D. (Chicago). Professor of History. Arthur Gwynn Griffin, A.B., M.A. (University ot North Carolina), (C.L.U.), Professor of Economics and William Nelson Mebane, Jr., B.S. (Davidson y. M.A. Business. (Cornell), Professor of Mathematics. Edward Owings Guerrant, A.B.
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