S13524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2007 (4) urges ASEAN to ensure that all mem- SEC. 12. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON INTER- Immigration and Nationality Act, as amend- bers live up to their membership obligations NATIONAL ARMS SALES TO BURMA. ed: Now, therefore, be it and adhere to the core principles of ASEAN, It is the sense of Congress that the United Resolved, That the Senate— including respect for, and commitment to, States should lead efforts in the United Na- (1) reiterates its strong support for the human rights; and tions Security Council to impose a manda- strategic alliance between the United States (5) would welcome a decision by ASEAN, tory international arms embargo on Burma, and Turkey; consistent with its core documents and its curtailing all sales of weapons, ammunition, (2) urges Prime Minister Recep Tayyip new charter, to review Burma’s membership military vehicles, and military aircraft to Erdogan of Turkey to communicate the con- in ASEAN and consider appropriate discipli- Burma until the SPDC releases all political tinuing support of the Senate and of the peo- nary measures, including suspension, until prisoners, restores constitutional rule, and ple of the United States to the people of Tur- such time as the Government of Burma has holds free and fair elections to establish a key; demonstrated an improved respect for, and new government. (3) condemns the violent attacks conducted by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party over the commitment to, human rights. f SEC. 9. SUPPORT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOC- last 2 decades; RACY IN BURMA. SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS (4) urges Kurdish leaders in Iraq to deny (a) IN GENERAL.—The President is author- safe harbor for terrorists and to recognize bi- ized to assist Burmese democracy activists lateral agreements between Iraq and Turkey who are dedicated to nonviolent opposition SENATE RESOLUTION 358—EX- for cooperation against terrorism; to the SPDC in their efforts to promote free- (5) encourages the Government of Turkey PRESSING THE IMPORTANCE OF and the Government of Iraq to continue to dom, democracy, and human rights in FRIENDSHIP AND COOPERATION Burma. work together to end the threat of terrorism; (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES and There are authorized to be appropriated AND TURKEY (6) thanks Prime Minister Erdogan and the $10,000,000 to the Secretary of State for each Mr. SMITH (for himself and Mr. people and Government of Turkey for— of the fiscal years 2008 and 2009 to— (A) assuming command of the Inter- BYRD) submitted the following resolu- national Security Assistance Force in Kabul, (1) provide aid to democracy activists in tion; which was referred to the Com- Burma; Afghanistan from July 2002 to January 2003, (2) provide aid to individuals and groups mittee on Foreign Relations: and from February 2005 to August 2005; conducting democracy programming outside S. RES. 358 (B) providing humanitarian and medical of Burma targeted at a peaceful transition to Whereas the United States and Turkey assistance in Afghanistan and in Iraq; constitutional democracy inside Burma; and share common ideals and a clear vision for (C) their willingness to contribute to inter- (3) expand radio and television broad- the 21st century, in which freedom and de- national peace, stability, and prosperity, es- casting into Burma. mocracy are the foundation of peace, pros- pecially in the greater Middle East region; and SEC. 10. SUPPORT FOR NONGOVERNMENTAL OR- perity, and security; GANIZATIONS ADDRESSING THE HU- Whereas Turkey is a strong example of a (D) their continued discussions with offi- MANITARIAN NEEDS OF THE BUR- predominantly Muslim country with a true cials in the United States and Iraq regarding MESE PEOPLE. representative democratic government; constructive stabilization efforts in northern (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of Whereas for more than 50 years a strategic Iraq. Congress that the international community partnership has existed between the United Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, today should increase support for nongovernmental States and Turkey, both bilaterally and marks the 84th anniversary of the organizations attempting to meet the urgent through the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- founding of the Republic of Turkey. It humanitarian needs of the Burmese people. tion, which has been of enormous political, is an auspicious occasion to commemo- (b) LICENSES FOR HUMANITARIAN OR RELI- economic, cultural, and strategic benefit to rate the abiding and enduring partner- GIOUS ACTIVITIES IN BURMA.—Section 5 of the both countries; ship between two great nations. Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 Whereas the Government of Turkey has (50 U.S.C. 1701) is amended— In 1923, following the collapse of the demonstrated its opposition to terrorism 600-year-old Ottoman Empire and a 3- (1) by inserting ‘‘(a) OPPOSITION TO ASSIST- throughout the world, and has called for the ANCE TO BURMA’’ before ‘‘The Secretary’’; international community to unite against year war of independence, a Turkish and this threat; World War I hero, Mustafa Kemal, (2) by adding at the end the following: Whereas Turkey maintains an important helped found the Republic of Turkey. ‘‘(b) LICENSES FOR HUMANITARIAN OR RELI- bilateral relationship with Israel and seeks Kemal, who was later given the name GIOUS ACTIVITIES IN BURMA.—Notwith- to play a constructive role in Middle East Ataturk, meaning ‘‘father of the standing any other provision of law, the Sec- peace negotiations; Turks,’’ rejected the crumbling struc- retary of the Treasury is authorized to issue Whereas Operation Enduring Freedom en- tures and outdated modes of empire multi-year licenses for humanitarian or reli- tered its 6th year on October 7th, 2007; and embraced instead a platform of re- gious activities in Burma. Licenses issued Whereas Turkey commanded the Inter- pursuant to this section shall be subject to form and modernization, a legacy that national Security Assistance Force in Af- continues in Turkey to this day and to annual review.’’. ghanistan twice, from July 2002 to January (c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— 2003, and from February 2005 to August 2005; this hour. There are authorized to be appropriated Whereas Turkey has provided humani- Today Turkey is the most successful $20,000,000 to the Secretary of State for each tarian and medical assistance in Afghanistan example in the Muslim world of a sec- of the fiscal years 2008 and 2009 to support and in Iraq; ular representative democracy. Tur- operations by nongovernmental organiza- Whereas the Government of Turkey has key’s economy has grown at a record tions designed to address the humanitarian made its base in Incirlik available for United pace in recent years to become the needs of the Burmese people inside Burma States missions in Iraq and Afghanistan; world’s 19th largest. Literacy and edu- and in refugee camps in neighboring coun- Whereas Secretary of Defense Robert Gates cation rates continue to climb, as life tries. credits United States air bases in Turkey expectancy has improved and poverty SEC. 11. REPORT ON MILITARY AID TO BURMA. with handling 70 percent of all air cargo de- rates have declined. Turkey stands as (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days ployed into Iraq; after the date of the enactment of this Act, Whereas 95 percent of the Mine-Resistant an inspiration to reformers in the the Secretary of State shall submit a report Ambush-Protective vehicles (MRAPs) de- greater Middle East and throughout to the appropriate congressional committees ployed into Iraq transit through air bases in the world. that— Turkey; Turkey has been a consistent and (1) contains a list of countries that provide Whereas MRAPs protect coalition forces loyal ally of the people of the United military aid to Burma; and from improvised explosive devices and road- States. From World War II, when Tur- (2) describes the military aid provided by side bombs; key entered the fight on the side of the each of the countries described in paragraph Whereas the people of Turkey have been allies, to the cementing of the United (1). victims of terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda on States-Turkish alliance in the 1947 (b) MILITARY AID DEFINED.—In this section, November 15, 2003, and November 20, 2003; Truman doctrine to Turkey’s accession the term ‘‘military aid’’ includes— Whereas the United States supports Tur- to the North American Treaty Organi- (1) the provision of weapons, military vehi- key’s bid for membership in the European cles, and military aircraft; Union; and zation in 1952, Turkey has been a friend (2) the provision of military training; and Whereas the Secretary of State has listed of the American people. (3) conducting joint military exercises. the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which has During the long Cold War, Turkey (c) FORM.—The report required under sub- taken up arms against Turkey since its was a bulwark on the edge of the Iron section (a) shall be submitted in unclassified founding, as a Foreign Terrorist Organiza- Curtain, and it was a critical ally. Tur- form and may include a classified annex. tion in accordance with section 219 of the key later helped the United States to VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:43 Oct 30, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.018 S29OCPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with SENATE October 29, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S13525 patrol the no-fly zones over Iraq after process. However, the young govern- Whereas the 2007 Red Sox world champion- the first Persian Gulf war and aided ment is facing
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