TEMPLE B ETH A HM Y ISRAEL VOL. XLXV NO. 8 MAY 2015 Iyar — Sivan 5775 Rabbinic Reflections Are We Torah Jews? tinue to guide us in how to live a Judaically And, our Shavuot Calendar enriched life. Sometimes that means we re- turn to the basis of the Torah. For example, a This month we celebrate the Festival of Sha- Responsa (a response to a Halakhic question vuot, known as Z`man Matan Torahataynu – brought to the CLS) was issued in 1954, the the time when we received our Torah . Ac- Mark Mallach topic of which was the relevance of maintain- cording to our Torah, this event took place six ing a separate liturgical calendar for the three Senior Rabbi weeks after the exodus from Egypt when the pilgrimage festivals (Pesah, Shavuot and Suk- Israelites reached Mt. Sinai and Moses as- [email protected] kot) as mandated by the Palestinian (ancient cended to the top of the mountain and eventu- Israeli) Rabbinate for Jews living outside of ally came down carrying the tablets of the Ten Cecelia Beyer Israel. In the Torah and in Israel today, the Commandments (first set) carved in stone. festivals of Pesah, Shavuot and Sukkot are Associate Rabbi observed for 7, 7 and 1 day respectively. For We also learned that during this period Moses [email protected] Jews living outside of Israel, and as a power received both the Written Law, which became move by the declining Palestinian rabbinate in the Torah, and the Oral Law, which became Richard Nadel response to the growing dominance by the the Mishnah (but did not become transcribed Babylonia Rabbinate, it was mandated that Cantor Emeritus into written form until around 200 CE). Unlike we add in the Diaspora one extra day to each the Ten Commandments, the Written and Oral of those three festivals. Law were not written in stone, and the evolu- Susan Blanco tion of how we observe and live a Jewish life The CLS has decided that a community’s lo- President continues until today. Indeed, even in the To- cal rabbi may now revert to the Israeli liturgi- [email protected] rah that Moses brought down there were legal cal calendar. We did try this for one year sev- topics that were not addressed. Moses had to eral years ago, but it became confusing and ask God what to do in such situations! Tracey Shenker complicated to many, especially during Pesah. Therefore, in our next attempt to unite Executive Director It would be inaccurate even to say that those ourselves with Israel, we are going to try [email protected] who call themselves Orthodox Jews observe adopting the Israeli Liturgical calendar, but in Judaism strictly based on the Oral and Written a modified, graduated manner. Hence, we Law. One example: if they did so, then the Julie Bernstein will observe only one day of Yom Tov for Sha- concept of a Shabbat elevator would not exist. vuot and not two this year and evaluate from Early Childhood Director Over the ensuing centuries, the interpretation there. Please see elsewhere in this Bulletin [email protected] and evolution of Halakha has always taken the schedule for Shavuot. place guided by specific rules and proce- dures. In the Conservative movement we Beth Sandweiss Rabbi Mark Mallach have our Committee on Laws and Standards JFS Social Worker (CLS) that continuously follows the ancient Todah Rabbah to all those who made a [email protected] methods for interpreting Halakha in every contribution for the sale of hametz for generation. Pesah. A contribution of $500 was made to Dana Langerman Mazon, A Jewish Response To Hunger . So, are we then Torah Jews ? My response is Bookkeeper yes, as long as we allow our Torah to con- [email protected] Ro Dobkin TEMPLE B ETH A HM Y ISRAEL MINYANIM Administrative Assistant Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael needs you to help assure our commitment to provide a Daily Minyan, every day, twice each day, 365 days a year. [email protected] Monday-Friday 7:00 am* Our minyan policy is that TBAY members are asked to Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Saturday 9:30 am attend daily minyan, morning and evening, on the date 60 Temple Drive Sunday 8:55 am of their birthday each month, meaning you would be at Springfield, NJ 07081 *Legal Holidays 9:00 am minyan 12 days/year. Having a minyan allows mem- Sunday-Thursday 7:45 pm Phone 973-376-0539 Saturday 10 minutes past bers the opportunity to say kaddish for their loved ones. Fax 973-376-5478 candle-lighting There is no dress code for minyan—come as you are, www.tbaynj.org Friday 6:30 pm or 8:00 pm but PLEASE COME! Page 2 OFFICERS 2015—2016 President Susan Blanco 973-379-1744 From Our President Exec. Vice President Lesley Brooks 973-902-5176 One of my goals as president was to start • Sarah Lieberman for lending her pro- Vice President Brian Margulies 973-768-3993 holding an annual Volunteer Appreciation fessional expertise as chair of the Vice President Nate RaJs Shabbat. I realize how important our volun- Building and Grounds committee 973-229-5755 Vice President Mark Ross teers are to our community and wanted to when we needed her most this winter. 973-985-2311 make sure that you all were recognized • Leslie Glass, for not only stepping up Vice President Lois Kaish 973-379-9402 and appreciated. My intentions were good, to chair and rebuild our youth groups, Financial Secretary Keith Biebelberg but unfortunately this event will need to but also taking on the Purim Carnival 908-277-6992 Treasurer Andy Schuyler move to the list of goals for next year. while we hired a new Kadima and 908-578-4949 USY leader. Recording Secretary Ilene Shewitz 973-376-7418 That said, as I look back at this past year I • David Glass for running our brick Corresponding Sec’y Andrea Wohl can’t help but feel gratitude to everyone fundraising campaign. 973-467-8642 who gave their time and talents. So instead • Lisa Glass for chairing our executive TRUSTEES 2015—2016 of a Volunteer Shabbat, welcome to the director search committee (and help- Aaron Adler 973-912-9925 Volunteer Recognition edition of the Presi- ing me find Tracey). David Biebelberg 973-564-9120 Debbie Rogut-Chait 908-608-1541 dent’s Bulletin article. • Debbie Nadel for agreeing to be the Douglas Chester 908-688-5388 Barbara Eglow 908-687-0106 “Calendar Czar.” Howard Gerber 973-379-4524 Of course I am always hesitant to name Matthew Glass 973-258-9001 • Leah RaJs for organizing and cooking Eugene Gorrin 908-686-7686 specific people at the risk omitting others. our delicious Culinary Institute din- Larry Greenberg 973-218-0977 So in advance, PLEASE forgive me if I do Seymour Greer** 973-376-3797 ners. not mention you below as I name a number Beth Hersh*** 973-564-8130 • Faith Racusin for organizing another Logan Himmel*** 973-232-6823 of highlights that could not have happened Linda Lieb** 973-376-7632 great year of adult education events. Elliot Merkin*** 973-467-8453 without these folks either offering their Fay Miller*** 973-379-9294 • David Graber for arranging inspiring help, or saying “yes” to the “ask.” These Debra Neher 973-258-1404 and educational speakers as part of Janice Reznick 908-654-3117 individuals caught my attention, as for Tracy Smith 908-219-4792 the Holocaust Education Committee. Steve Taub 908-354-1936 many of them, they were volunteering for • Howie Gerber for coordinating our Paul Teller 908-233-0092 the first time or doing something new. Glenn Wohl 973-467-8642 Hanukkah Party and Passover Seder. Sally Zuckerman 908-687-3375 Without the efforts of those below, this year • Lesley Brooks and Cheryl Greenwald **Honorary Board Member would have been a lot tougher. for coordinating our Guess Who’s ***Ex-Officio Coming to Shabbas? program. So thank you to: • Debbie Chait for revitalizing our Mem- PAST PRESIDENTS bership Committee. Esther Avnet Dorothea Kushner • All of our lay leaders, especially those • Both our Women’s League and Men’s Joseph Babrowsky Bernard Lyons* who helped fill in while Rabbi Mallach Samuel Bauman* Steven Mauer Club for supporting the activities of Meyer Biddelman* Rosalie Millman* was on leave. Abraham Cohen* Ira Perlman our synagogue and engaging our • April Modlinger, Karen Levine and the Harold Dennis* Paul Peyser members. Alvin Eglow Simon Rosenbach Caring Committee, who do such im- Arthur Falkin* Jerome Rosenberg Richard Falkin Mark Ross portant and inspirational work. William Feldman* Howard Schapiro* And to EVERYONE else who serves on a • Glenn Wohl for leading the Website Marilyn Garlen Robert Schultz committee, attended a service or an event David Glass Richard Schuricht* Committee. The new website is up Jack Goldberg* Barry Segal or volunteers their time and efforts in so Jack Goldman Robert Shapiro and running - make sure you go to many different ways. You all inspired me Sheldon Goldner Martin Shindler* TBAYnJ.org and check it out! Samuel Goldstein* Robert Steinhart* this past year with your enthusiasm and David Harris* Phillip Wasserman* • Marc Miller for agreeing to chair Ca- Reuben Hochberg* Samuel Weinstein* willingness to step up. I am looking forward Lawrence Horwitz Milton Wildman* sino Night on such short notice, and to seeing what you all will accomplish in Milton Kappstatter* Stanley Wolfowitz along with his committee, holding Mary Koltenuk* Scott Zinberg the next year. Pam Kornspan Michael Zuckerman such a successful event. Harold Kugel* *Deceased Sue Blanco Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael 9 7 3 - 3 7 6 - 0539 tbaynj.org Page 3 From Our Associate Rabbi It’s Happening Gratitude.
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