Good·.·lillish 'Music- Revue" ~~:-::Winsidegrapplefstal<esixtl1 wayn"'~fMiai;iltrScl1oolyouttf"­ '-atNeb..a:skil Stilt~Tourney stageaU-studfantmuslcal" .. SportslPage 6A . ;Page4B. THE WA.Y.E·· HERALD WA.YNE, NE 1>8787 THURSDAY, FEB. 7.7, 1997. - 111>TH YEAR - NO. 40 THIS ISSUE - 7. SECTIONS, 18 PAGES LOCAL DELIVERY 7.S¢ - NEWSSTAND .ts< At a Glance---------.· Program at WSC WAYNE - An environmental awareness program will be held at Wayne State Thursday, Feb: 27 at 4 p. m. in the Student Cen­ ter. The public is invited to at· tend. Featured speaker is Dr. Sidney S. Mirvish. He will present the program "Groundwater and Ni­ trates in Nebraska.' Weather Itllth.,., Taber, 7 Ikes meet Wa1"o CIty School WAYNE - The Wayne Izaak Extended Weather Forecast: Waltons will hold their monthly Friday through Sunday; dry meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, and mild, hlghs;mid-50s to March 2 in the fourth floor meet­ lower-60s; lows, 30s. ing room of the city office build­ _....il)g,_ Pancake feed set In Dixon this Sunday DIXON - The annual pancake breakfast for the Dixon Fire and Res­ cue team will be held Sunday, March 1 at the Dixon Auditorium. Sl!rv­ ing will run from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. A free will offering will be accept­ ed for the breakfast. Proceeds from the benefit go to help the Dixon Fire and Rescue team. City to hold monthly slreif:>'tests on Friday WAYNE - The City of Wayne will conduct its monthly tests of the A moment for a champion civil defense outdoor warning system at 11 :4S a.m. Friday, Feb. 28. IT TOOK TREVOR TOPP OF WINSIDE (photo left) only 1:26 In his final match at the Nebraska State Wrestling Tourna­ All signals will be tested in the silent mode with the exception of ment to become a state champion. As a referee holds Topp's hand high In the air, (photo rlgbt) Winside supporters the hi/lo siren, which will be allowed to run in each location for ap- put their cameras In motion. Celebrating the moment of victory are Mlck Topp, Georgia' Janssen and Sue Topp. Mlck proximately 15 seconds. Immediately following the tests of the outdoor system, the city will and Sue are the proud parents of Winside's 1992 state champ.. test the cablevision emergency alert system. This will mean a disrup­ tion of both the audio and visual programming for approximately 15 seconds. Many posts up for. grabs Rural school holds affiliation meeting WAYNE - Atl parents and landowners in School District 57 are invit­ A number of candidates have (excluding Ponca) and District 4 is three were running unopposed. ed to attend the school board meeting Tuesday, March 3 at 8 p.m. filed for offices in -Dixon County, in the Concord and Dixon areas. Seeking add·ltional terms on the at the school house. ranging from positions on the Concord Village Board are Ray The purpose of the meeting is to discuss district affiliation. Public in­ county board of supervisors and IN THE CITY of Wakefield, Stohler, Victor Carlson and Steve put is needed. school -<:Jistricts-tovlllage anddty someinteiesting races appear to 'Martindale" all ·incumbents·.. ,By boards. be taking shape. In Ward One, in­ Tuesday, all three were running Wayne schools plan teacher recognition Shaping up to be one of the cumbent Alfred Benson will be unopposed. AREA . Tuesday, March 3 is teacher appreciation day in all the most contested races in the county squaring off against non-incumbent Wayne Herald coverage area schools. On that day, parents and stu­ ...appears to be for supervisor of the larry D. Murfin. ON THE Wakefield School dents are encouraged to'recognize teachers in some small way. sixth district, which is the City of In Ward Two, Ted Helberg, and Board, there are thr~e openings. On that day, teachers are also invited to a continental breakfast at Wakefield in the' Wakefield Sidney D. Preston., both non:,"­ Incumbents Sanford K. Otte and the middle school library at 7:45 a.m. At that time, they will be hon­ precinct. In that district, incumbent cumbent candidates, will.square off Michael Salmon are incumbent ored by the district and longevity awards will be presented. Dale Anderson will 'be challenged for the position currently held by candidates and Richard l. Puis is a by Alfred B. Benson and Deloy E. Fred Salmon, who has yet to file non-incumbent. Benne, both of Wakefield. for re-election. On the Allen School Board, in­ Donald L1edman By Tuesday, incumbent candi­ Running to represent the Village cumbents Diane M. Blohm and dates Palmer lund in District 2 and of Allen are Tim Hill, Richard Bupp Myrna McGrath are seeking re­ Wayne State organization Dorothy Mattes in the fourth dis­ and Dwight Johnson, ail non-in­ election. However, there are three trict were running unopposed to cumbents. By Tuesday, they were openings for the board and by condu'cts survey for Herald Area man retain their seats on the county running unopposed for three Tuesday, only two candidates had board of supervisors. No other fil­ openings. filed. Members of the Wayne State determine how we might best ings had been registered with the Running to represent the Village The filing deadline for incum­ College Communications Club are serve the community," said Wayne plxon County Clerk's office for of Dixon are leRoy Bathke, Marvin bents is today (Thursday) and the currently conducting a survey of Herald Publisher Les Mann. He said takes run he wants to make any changes in county positions. District 2 is in the Nelson and leo Garvin, all incum­ filing deadline for non-incumbents Wayne area residents on behalf of New.castle and Ponca areas bent candidates. By Tuesday, all is March 13. the Wayne Herald. the paper from a basis of The students will be conducting knowledge about what the people for office phone interviews with residents to in the community want. • determine what changes they Kochenash said he and the 20 students conducting the surveys Long-time Carroll farmer Donald would like to see made in their Chief lists activity In 1991 community newspaper. appreciate the cooperation of the Liedman has filed to seek the Dis· "We are anxious to assist in a people who will be contacted by trlct 19 Legislative seat held by re­ During an annual report deliv­ uary. For that, the department de­ hours of service. project to help a community phone. tiring Sen. Elroy Hefner, R-Co· "This is the community's news­ leridge. ered to the Wayne City Council ployed 84 plus man hours of aid. 'While there were damages business and to provide students Tuesday night, Wayne Fire Chief and losses for 1991, it would be in: with practicai experience in paper and we are very interested Liedman, 50, is a native of the in learning what exactly the Randolph-Carroll area, where he Dutch Sitzmann had a chance to DURING 1991, fire loss and teresting to know how much prop­ marketing research" said Dr. Tony show his pride in the Wayne damage amounted to $324,810. erty was saved,' Sitzmann said. Kochenash, WSC business pro­ people in the community want has engaged In farming and live­ their paper to be," said Mann. stock feeding all his life. He is a Volunteer Fire Department. Major losses included the Golf 'Unfortunately, no dollar amount is fessor who is coordinating the In 1991, the WVFD responded Course Club House fire early in the possible to estimate.' project with Dave Ogden, a The survey results will be pub­ graduate of Randolph High School lished In the newspaper after the and he attended the University of to 38 fires, which accounted for year, estimated at $4S,OOO and At the conclu~ion of ilis report, professor in the communications 1,743 plus man hours. During the the Geno's Steakhouse Fire to­ Sitzmann said the department's department. interview responses are tabulated NebraSka college of agriculture. sometime in March, Kochenash Liedman, a Republican, has September fire at Geno's Steak­ talling $240,000. The department manpower is composed of 40 vol­ 'It is a natural for us to use the said. been active in the community. He house, the department received also battled the Wiseman's unteers. resources of the college to served as a 4-H leader for 11 years, 146 plus man hours of mutual aid. bunkhouse fire totalling $11,500. and 16 years as assistant livestock The department also responded The department's extrication superintendent in charge of the to mutual aid In a call to Wakefield team responded to five car acci­ Wayne County 4-H beef show. He for the Big Red Farms fire in Jan- dents, accounting for 62 plus man was a member of the local school board, and he has served as presi­ dent of the Wayne County Farm B.u.fea.Y •.. He .was.!m.th.e.... Farm....6.u, Two ln~iJ.mbgtJt$lile reau's board of directors from 1984 to 1991. He currently serves on the papers for re-election Wayne Area Chamber of Com­ merce Agricultur.e Committee. The Wayne County' Clerk's of­ for the fourth ward in Wayne. If re­ fice has received two more filings elected, she will serve a four year THE DISTRICT 19 candidate for re-election to public office. term. was voted the Wayne County The second filing is from Dwaine Jaycees Outstanding Young Farmer Jane O'Leary, who is finishing Rethwisch, who filed for re-election for 1973 and took runner-up hon­ her first term as a member of the Friday, Feb.
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