4 • .• • ..• . .• • • ..• • ,, . SERVING THE NEWPORT - MESA C~UNITIES SINCE 1907 . FRIDAY; JANUARY 29, 1999 ..• ..• ,,• • • • .. .• Former Down ut not out As embly Speaktfr . C urt EU')t: Gt h squashed,• Pringle sa.td ·r·ve had rnany set­ Pringle is R~publican Party bdcks and the funny thing about 1t is, I don't running a Dr:i1 Piiot view that last elertion dS one.· . faithful are not hree months after losing his bid for The former Garden Grove planmng com­ public writing off state treasurer, former Assembly missioner's state-level political career began relations T Speaker Curt Pringle is back in in 1988 when he won a seat in the state firm a fter farmer Assembly Orange County nurturing a new public rela­ Assembly m an election tainted by a poll a len gthy tions business and serving as an Orange guard controversy. He lost a re-election bid career in Speaker Curt County Fair board member. in 1990 to Tom Umberg, but won a seat in a p oll tics, Pringle's political career, however, i!-. far different district in 1992. He served until ldst which , b e Pringle's political from being snuffed out. Jn fact, it might just November, when he was forced to retire says, m ay .futur e despite his be a pilot light waiting to burst into flame, because ot term limits . not be some observers say. Pringle himseU said he In 1996, he was elected speaker of the over " loss in the state doesn't view the loss in November as a major Assembly. Long-regarded Wlthin his party as blow to his career. an up and comer, Pringle exceeded expecta- quite ~el. treasurer's race "Over my poligcal life, I've jumped. for­ ward JUSt as many times as I've been SEE PRINGLE PAGE 7 ! . Police link A knockOut Visitor ' . tNOFX teens to break~ins • Two boys arrested on suspicion of burglary is the latest in a string of charges against group members. G1u <. llL;;U'\1, Dolt fib NEWPORT BEACH - Two teens Wtt.h be~ to a group called NOFX are racng burglary charges m connection w1th a stnng of br dk­ ms at a local apartment comple.,x. Chnstopht>r Schuette, 18, of Cusln Me~d appeared dt l larbor Justice Centru on Thurs­ day to an~wcr to several coun~ of burglary. Police c;ay he and a 16-y ar-oJd N wport Har­ bor High School .student tole \'aluable from Oakwood Apartmenl!i m the 800 block of lrvme Avenue during a two-month J>enod Schuette, a Corona de! Mar High sc.hool student, has pleaded mnocent to the charges and remams m Oran~e County Jrul m lJeu of $25,000 ball. His prelurunary heanng is et for Monday. The 1uvenilc wa... detained in .the county'!> Juvenile Hall · Police arrested the two teen-. Jan 14 after SEE BURGLARY PAGE 6 Attendance at West Side events 'disappointing' · • Officials said turnout for dialogue l')('N Lf AC H I OAJtV PILOT meetings was lower than expected. Boxer Francois Botha greets studen'ts Thursday at Andersen Elementary School, where Botha and his family were guests for Star ot the Week in • Carol Jewell's third-grade classroom. Botha. who recently. fought Mike Tyson, fielded que lions on subjects from traveling. to cooking. Gm , H1 u:-.:c. nir COSTA MESA -Alt~ndancc at a s"n, of Boxer gives son's classmates a lesson in rolling with ~he punches neighborhood d1aloque" on the future of tqe West Side was lov.:er lh<tn expect d, llut otv . H U.'IEIN MAsHNT about their careers and interests. up to and including his Jan. 16 match stcrotd. Botha !'aid he had l>ecn usmg planners and consultants< re hoping mo ... peo­ Thursday was 9-year-old M arcel against ~tike Tyson. prcscnption mL•(hc-ation for an lnJW)'. ple Wlll partiapate m the conunurutyw1de ~Pb Botha's tum to introduce his family, "I started when I was 7 years old,• He brought h1 belt and champi­ Plannmg Fau chedulcd for Saturday. F b 6 hen he first entered a boxing which included his father; his mother, he said "It was an amateur program onshlp ring to the dasc;, which h e The dialogues wcr h ld Tucsda} nd ring, Francois Botha, 30, was Els1e~ and his 6-year-old sister, Cecil­ for kids to get in the ring. I lost my first allowed students to hold. I ie also Wednc day to cQllcct c.omtnenls from \\e.... t W yQUDger than most of the ia, who attends kindergarten 11 t seven fights. But I hdd a d~tcmtina· brought in hi:, trudemark white butfa­ Side resident... to use m "h µ1119 the d1 cu · \ons students in 1us son's third-grade class, Andersen. The Bothas emigrated tion: lo skin, which he had 8-year·old at next Saturdar· workshop. which he visited Thursday. Crom their native South Afn ca five That determindtion earned him to Jonathan Gormly try on. In all, about 35 people attend oo th hve A5 part of the Star of the Week pro­ years ago and live m Newport Beach. the top of his sport, when he became Rut what wa!t on mo t students' meetings, ho t" and faohlator a1d One gram at Andersen Elementary School Marcel's classmates sat transfixed the heavyweight champ1on of the mmds was his bout w1th Tyson. Botha meeting for Spc.trush·. ( ~ttkmg rcstd<'.nt was in Newport Beach, teacher Carol Jew­ as his husky-voiced father, whose International Boxing Federation in Sdid he thought he performed cancel<?d be<'ause ol la<'k or attendann:• ell tries to have a different family nickn ame is the White Buffalo, 1995. The federation stripped him of •we wcr" a little dt appointed," ~tel Mlk come to the class to talk with students described his experiences in the ring the title after he tested posibve for a SEE' BOTHA PAGE 7 SEE WEST SIDE PAGE 6 MlllENNIUM MOMENT 72 ••••• City manager kept Newport A quick tour <>f the weelaend Beach financially healthy 1n 1992, after 20 years of service, Robert Wynn retired a city manag ~ , of Newport Beach . The ldttho ndtive was long admin ..'<1 for his no-non­ sense management 5lyle and his abil­ ity to keep the city fma.nctally healthy. A devout Mormon who drinks rrulk with hi'I meals, he wa honored as •Newport Beach Citizen of the Year• in 1979 anct 1981. At the very end of his tenure, his• squeaky-cle.n reputation Robert Wynn was tarnished somewhat when one of his moat trusted department heads wa found to have stOleli more than St mlllion from oty c:often. Wynn now WOrks as a private consultant. \; . Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily PilJ 2 Friday, January 29, 1999 date book ~.C H E C I I I 0 U T . -Take charge of - your career with - · _library help Corona del Mar arti~t and daughter of Gil Ferguson exhibits he~ multilayered, Italian-influenced art at Mondavi Food & Wine Center hcther you're moVUlg up, down or sideways along your }O\'tt S<.. HF.RJ R career path, you'll need an W here is no easy way to desaibe chl·cuve employment plan. For the task, Rhonda Priestley's bold, yet ethe­ Newport libraries offer numerous real, artwork on exhibit at Robert · 1e'>ources Mondavi Wine and Food Center • WHIR£: Robert Mondcivi Wine For both recent college grads and 0in Costa Mesa. Sunp~ ~d, the and Food Center, 1.570 Sceonic Ave., ~et1soned professionals,· the annually pieces, which are steeped m Italian cul­ updated • 1999 What Color Is Your Para­ Costa Mesa ture, are mixed media created through • WHEN: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. chu te? ~ is among the most complete a complex process that combines non­ Monday through Friday through silver photo prints, oils on wood and Cdteer guides in pnnt. Aimed at anyone March 15 Jookmg for a paid position, this classic acrylic on canvas. · • + PH<>t.IE: (714) 979·7662 hds msightful advice for identifying and •Tue process starts with a photo· marketing your skills, plus tips for net- graph and the rest is done with paint­ working, resume ing,• said Priestley, a Corona del Mar resident and daughter of former Stale She developed a passion for the Ital­ wnti.ng and effective Assemblyman Gil Ferguson (R-New­ ian culture, which influences all ber art­ interviewing. .port Bl?ach). "The proce ss of layering work, on her lir'St visit to Italy in 1Q78 According to images and colors gives each piece its Smee then, she hds made yearly tnps to •Reinventing Your own personality and originality which the country to shoot pictures of the sub­ Career,• there are can't be duplicated.• . jects that will be used m her pieces. five paths to career Also included in the exhibit are a • Whi>n my feet hit the ground m fulfillment Figure series of pieces reflectin~ the neoclas, Italy, it felt moie like home than m uny out which is right for sical era i.n Italy, done with acrylic on place I had lived,• Priestley said "For you - corporate solvent transfers and giclee prints. the hrst tune, I was able to look al "The French term giclee, meaning of cldssical art while r•- climbe r, new entre- pieces standing preneur, super con­ spraying of ink, is often used to two inches away." sultdnt, turnaround specialist or facilita­ describe these prints,• Priestley said. While refutlng her work as an arti~l.
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