n C tU A T , OOrOBBK 28, X8B8. AVBRAOB DAILT OnOHtATlON Adjutant William Valentthe of the for the Month ot September, 19S5 THE WlBATmCR Salvation Army will be the guest CHARITY COMMITTEE VoreoaM of D. 8, Weather Borena, ABOUTTOWN speaker at the meeting of the Everyman’s Bible class, Sunday at HaMord 9:30 a. m. at the Second Congrega­ WILL MEET TONIGHT 5,571 ^fntynatea ot lOia lIMjorl* Ue- tional church. His subject will be SATURDAY-^LAST DAY OF HALE’S Member ot the Audit PnrUy dondy tmd onghtly eoMer <lftugtiter of Mr. ftnd Mri. 1 ^ ’’Christ and the Laboring Man.” He Bnreaa of Clrcntatlono tonight imd Sunday. licM aan of 179 Main atreet were will sing a solo accompanied by one To Disenss Plans for Year With iianrliffitpr antertalned at a party given at her of the bandsmen, who will furnish G. H. Waddell, Superintend­ Ik« 1 6 Wedneaday evening, the occa> instrumental music. All men of ■Icai being her llth birthday. Be- anv church affiliation arc welcome ent o f Charity Department. VOL. LV~ NO. 23. (ClaaolSed AdvedUIng on Page 10.) oauae of the season the affair took to’ atend these gatherings. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS the form of a Hallowe'en party, The members of the new charity prises being awarded for the clever­ sub-committee of the Board of Se­ est costumes. Games were played lectmen will meet tonight with Char­ and refreshments were served. TOWN TO BE CHARGED ity Superintendent George H. Wad- Schultz’s Escape From Justice del] to {H.SCU8.S plans for the depart­ ment this year. CONNOR TO ENFORCE ir - COT RED TAPE Adonlram Council. No. 14. R. and FOR CARE OF INMATE Chairman Sherwood O. Bowers of ii. M., will hold lU regular convoca­ the board l.s ex-offlclo member of the BRITAIN LOSING HOPE tion In the Masonic Temple in Rock­ commlttct*. The other selectmen TO MAKE WORKS ville tonight. Important business matters will be transai ted and the Cost Assessed Against Man­ elected to the charity committee this NEW AUTO TAX U W year arc Joseph G. Hero and Harold Royal Master degree will be con­ chester After lleing I*aid ferred. Refreshments will be served. M. Kccd. REUEFJ»ERATE the Stale 21 Years. In accordance with plans Of the OF ENDING THE WAR selectmen, the charity committee The Junior choir of the Center will care for most of the depart­ State Motor V ehiclr C o n i-ENGINEER OF FERA ehurch will meet tomorrow at five State Comptroller Charles C. ment's problems, in an attempt to Hopkins to Give Freer Hand o*clock, an hour earlier than usual. Swartz Is making a survey of the relieve the entire board of much of Mrs. Motley would like to have a ll, its routine work. missioner Seizes License GIVEN TESTIMONIAL London Believes Sialemaite members and new members present. Inmates of state Institution.*! with to WPA State Administra the expectation that cases for which The charity department, next to Italy's Next Objective schools, spend the most money of Plates in Danbnry As He ___ Has Been Reached in Girl Scouts of Troop 11, Captain the state or to^^'na are paying now any town department. Last year tors in Selecting Projects Dorothy Carr, held a Hallowe’en should be charged to relatives of the the gross expenditure was $165,000. party in the social roonw Of the Y. DRESSES inmate.*". Laonches His Campaign. Workers Present Brief Case Occupation ofMakale Peace Negotiations; Fman- M. C. A. last evening. The girls Manchester was visited this week ADVERTIREMENT— . As Program Lags. came In costume. Miss Blanche by an Investigator iaterosted in an You will enthuse just as much as we did Snow, drc.ssed ns a Dutch girl, was inmate of the State Haspital in Mid­ Chris' white dresses for Holy Com­ Hartford, Oct. 26.— (AP) — Six to Hayden L. Griswold Rome, Oct. 20— (AP) —Tlic gov­ cial Sanctions Agaipst awarded first prize. The second munion Sizes 10 to 10. $2.95. ‘•The chicf.s and Important resi­ dletown whose cost has been l>orn w'hen you see these new dresses we secured I delinquent auto taxpayers In Dan­ ernment ajinounced today that na­ dents of the district already have prize was W'on by Mt.ss Mildred Kiihlnows. Washington, Oct. 26— (A P ) — tive Eritrean troops under Italian by the state since 1D04. for this Saturday selling. They look ebury know today that Motor Vehi­ Transferred to Hartford. submitted and affirm that the popul Italy to Be Soon Placed Sheldon who appeared as a colonial The investigation developed that Decentralized methods Isorrowed command wen* moving forward to -ation awaits our occupation with guard. Appropriate games were while the woman ha.s no relntlvc.s worth twice the money. Every one of cles Commissioner Michael A. Con­ from the old Civil Works Adminis­ occupy the valley of the Fnraa Mai anxiety. played and rcfre.shments served. nor Intends to carry out a mandate river. living, she is a citizen of this coun­ J tration .are being adopted by Harry "Submissions of Tlgre chieftains in Operation try and that a portion of the expense ATLANTIC them has been picked for their individual «- of the 1935 General Assembly. Hayden L. Griswold, local super­ The operation waa regarded here . The six have forfeited their li­ vising engineer for the FERA who L. Hopkins in his drive to create continue, yesterday the followfng Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spencer of of keeping her in the hospital must as foreshailowlng an advance on presented themselves within our Mineola. L. I., and .Mrs. P. M. No. 2 FURNACE OIL charm and style features. Specially cense paltes seized by Inspector has Just been appointed senior engi­ more than 2,000,000 work relief Jobs Makale, since the river flows ap­ be paid .by the town. The charge lines: Degiac (provincial governor) London, Oct. 26.— (A P )—Autboiv O'NeiU of New York City are Uie to the town la three dollars a week. 6c per gallon Chester Delaney and thdy cannot neer of the WPA for Hartford In the next few weeks. proximately south from Adowa to priced at put their cars back on road until Atzchaha Abraha. chief of Tzelllm guests of Mrs. Kleanor McCann of The Hurv'cy Includes investigations County, was greatly surprised and With the November 1 deadline for what is generally believed to be the and Biet; Fltaurarl (local governor) Itative sources said today that a 14 Church street. * of the 00 Manchester pfprsons in In­ they show a receipt ^ payment of pleased yesterday when the FERA liqiddatlng the "dole” moved ahead northern army'a next objeertive, 70 Gabrl Sellaisie Negussic, son of stalemate had been reached In ef­ L. T. WOOD CO. MILLINERY taxes from the local fax collector. miles south of Adowa. sane asylum.M and may ro.sult in some laborers met at the town garage for a month because of delays In the Degiac Negussic, and Ligg 2kirea forts to end the Italo-Ethloplan war The first sitting in the tourney of “The campaign w enforce collec­ their pay, to receive from them an $4,000,000,000 Jobs program, Hop­ An official comnutnlquc said in­ of the cost of their rare pre\1o»jsly*^ Don’t let this week-end pass without getting formation from the native chtefa in Bruuch, along with Fltaurarl and that there were no hopes for an five bridge and setback parties will borne by the town helng charged tion of this propeCTy tax Is now un­ unusually handsome brief case. In­ kins has given state Works Progress Tcdla Schalu and a large following. a new hat. Our new displays this week-end In­ der way,” Chief iClerk John W. Say­ the region Indicated the population early cessation of hoattllUes. be given by the Manchester Green against relatives. clude New Velours, New Felts and Velvet Tur­ scribed with his initials. Accom­ Administrators the widest latitude "Also in the Tzellemtl region, ers of the department, said today. panying It was a paper signed with was "anxlouHly ’ awaiting Ibe Ital­ At the same time, the treasury Community club tonight. Thanks­ During the term of John S. Rlslcy bans that arc just tOo tricky for words. in selecting the projects to be car­ situated on the left bank of the giving turkeys or the equivalent In ‘'Danbury I s ^ ly the beginning. Six 212 names, underneath the follow­ ried out. ian occupation. department ordered that Great as charity commissioner, such a For Q uality Italian aviators have made Takkaze river, chiefs leading the In­ money to a ten-pound turkey will be sets of Itc^sc plates have already ing sentence: "To Mr. Hayden L. Britain's financial sanctiona affalnst case was discovered and back pay­ been seized by the department and Their authority will not be as reconnnlHflnncc flights over the habitants are beginning to present given to the player making the Griswold, from the workers In the great as under CWA, when local thcmsclvca. Italy be placed In operation nest highest score for the scries in each ments were made to the town by Inspectoi/ Delaney haa about 1,000 Aussa region but the government relatives. FERA, In appreciation of your con­ administrators were simply given so stated they have discovered noth­ "Also yesterday Grasmacc (com­ Tuesday. •ectlon. Playing tonight will begin RANGE more ^ take In Danbury. The tact and understanding during your only Way these car owners can save much money and told to have a cer- ing.
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