r:he IRISh orncncccc No. 84 January - February 1998 I R£J.SO THE IRISH ORIENTEER ADDRESS LIST 1998 ') The Irish Oriente(i\ )}allailable from all Irish orienteering clubs AJAX ORIENTEERS che lRlsh oracnceec Brendan O'Connor, 31 Moyglare Abbey, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. or bll direct subscription from Ph. 086 2419428, e-mail [email protected] the Editor: John McCullough. 9 No.84 Februaru - March 1998 ATHLONE RTC ORIENTEERS Nigel Foley-Fisher, RTC, Dublin Rd .. Athlone, Co. Westmeath (0902-2M65) Arran Road. Dublin 9 BISHOPSTOWN OC Ted Lucey, Kilpadder, Dromahane, Mallow, Co. Cork (022- (e-mail [email protected]). A Good Year For The Race 47300) BLACKWATER VALLEY OC John Geary, Marshalstown, Milchelstown, Co. Cork (022-25306) CORK ORIENTEERS Miriam nl Choitir, 6 Ashton Pork, Blackrock, Cork (021-319838) Annual subscription costs paraphrase Richard Kavanagh. "The next CURRAGH-NMS ORIENTEERS John Colclough, 28 The Villoge, Newbrldge, Co. Kildare (045- IRfl,50 for 6 issues including World Cup race In the entire universe Is going 432267) postage, DEFENCE FORCES ORIENTEERS Comdt. Denis Reidy, Adj. Genoral's Branch, Parkgale, Dublin 8 o be In Kerry". 1998 has the potential to be a DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ORIENTEERS The Secretary. DU Orienteers, House 27, TCD, Dublin 2. great year for hish orienteering. For the first time we FERMANAGH ORIENTEERS Bill Regan, 9 Floraville, Enniskilien, Co. Fermanogh BT74 6AP (08- NEXT COPY DATE have World Cup races In Ireland. an opportunity 01365-326213) 15th March 1998 FINGAL ORIENTEERS lillian Quill. 640 Collins Ave .. Dublin 9 (01·8376506). which we have to grasp and get as much from as we FORESTWARRIORS OC Tom Conlon, Curratrench. Ballyfarnon, Bayle. Co. Roscommon can, On the positive Side It could re-launch (078-47055) CONTENTS News 4 orienteering In Ireland as an attractive sport. on the FORMERUCCO Tony Joyce. Undlsfarne, Bishopstown. Cork (021-541246). World Cup UpdcJre 10 down side the financial and organisational burdens GALWAY ORIENTEERS Frank Ryan, SI. Mary's, Bollinfoyle, Galway (091-753829), Holldull Evtnrs 12 GALWAY RTC ORIENTEERS TheSecrelary, P.E. Depl, RTC, Dublin Rood, Galway (091-753161- of the event could both bankrupt the lOA and wear leiters pcJU, 14 2213) out the organisers to the extent that they won't ever 10F NelliS IS GREAT EASTERN NAVIGATORS Noro Lalor, 6 Knocksinna Grove, Foxrock, Dublin 18 (01-2893497) Comdr. W.A.Mulllgon 19 get Involved In anything like It again, KERRY ORIENTEERS Rory Costello, 14 Manor Court, Manor Village, Tralee, Co. Kerry. COcJchlnll & Club News 20 (066-25532) The lOA has taken on the event and the 110n's Elterronlc Punching report 21 LAGAN VALLEY ORIENTEERS Geaff Somerville, 6 The Hili, Queensway, Derryiaghy, BT 17 9EY Resulrs 27 share of the work Is being done by Cork Orlenteers. (08-01232-612284) FlxlUres - Mounraln RcJclng 33 The rest of us have our part to play too: every club LEEORIENTEERS Clore NuHall, 4 Upr. Panorama Tce .. Sunday's Well, Cork (021- 300373) FlxlUres - Orrtnlterlng 34 has been asked to help: to work on starts. finishes. MIDLAND NAVIGATORS Barbara Foley-Fisher, Holly Cottage. Glosson, Alhlone, Co. results. whatever needs doing. Please volunteer to Weslmealh (0902-85306) COlier photo: NIOA Chairman & help. Ken Griffin. the main organtser, has written a NORTH WEST OC Maureen Loughery, 39 Moyola Ave .. Castle Dawson, Co. Derry Irish WOC team member Steven (08-01648-68602). report and an appeal for help In this Issue. Unton (NWOC), (flO is paid for SETANTA ORIENTEERS Jocelyn Calhalin, 36 Toney Rood, Dundrum, Dublin 14 (01- On a related topic. the selectors have named a 2985799) the couer photo, Get going!) squad of about 30 men and women from which SOUTHERN ORIENTEERS Kevin 0' Dwyer, 2 Welling Ion Villas, Military HIli, Cork (021-506740) THOMOND ORIENTEERS International teams will be chosen. This Is a very Michael Meade, 7 Cedar Court. Kennedy Pork, limerick Printed bll Denton Print. (0610412104) welcome step. because without an Identifiable pool of Dundrum. Dublin 14. THREE ROCK OC M6ire Walsh. Moorpark, Kilmacanogue, Co. Wlcklow (01- orienteers It Is difficult to motivate and develop the 2868871) younger competitors. to organise training for squad UCC ORIENTEERS The Secretary, PE Office, UCC. College Rood, Cork. Results and articles are UCD ORIENTEERS The Secretory, Box 55, library Building, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4. members. to raise money for the team. Let's hope the particularlll welcome on 3 112 UCG ORIENTEERS The Secretory, c/o Porter's Desk, Concourse, University College, up and coming Juniors will keep the older ones on Galway. inch f10PPlldisks or bll e-mail their toes. WATERFORD ORIENTEERS Veronica Purcell. Lodge's Lane. Newtown Hili, Irornore, Co. with a printed version as back Waterford. up, Pleasekeep the formatting Going back further In time. the lOA Is trying to IRISH O-ASSOCIATION c/o Yvonne Begley, AFAS, House ot Sport, Longmile Road, reinvigorate schools orienteering. The re-negotiated Dublin 12. (01-4509845, fox 4502805). lOA Secretary: Ken Griffin, simple! TlO is produced in the 12 Island Way, Muskerry Estate, Ballincollig, Co. Cork (021- Editor's attic on an Apple Mac lOA Insurance policy will have provision for schools 870338), e-mail [email protected] using MS Word and Quark participation and with some thought and hard work NORTHERN IRELAND OA Steven linlon, 39 Prince Edward Drive, Belfast BT9 5GB (08- orienteering could be put back on the sports 01232-665439) http://www.askip.demon.co.uk/nioo/nioo.html Xpress. CONNACHTOA Padraig Higgins, 24 Alverno Ave, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. curriculum where It belongs. We should be looking at LEINSTEROA Vera Murtagh, 19 The Cloisters, Terenure, Dublin 6W (01-4908237) ISSN 0790-1/94 other successful sports In schools: why do they MUNSTEROA John Muckian, 13 Elmvale Close. Wilton, Cork (021-343384) succeed? Should the events be midweek rather than IRISH-O STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Allbhe Creedon, Iovio, Mount Prospect. Douglas, Co. Cork (021- at weekends? Is transport a major problem? Should 361824). For 24-hour orIenteerIng BRITISH O-FEDERATION Riversdale, Dole Rood North, Darley Daie, Mal1ock, Derbyshire InformatIon rIng {OJ}- there be team competitions? What can we do to DE4 2HX (0044-1629-734042, FAX 0044-1629-733769). restore orienteering. starting at the roots? Look at all 4569099 (lOA) INTERNATIONAL O-FEDERATION Sec. Gen.: Barbro Ronnberg. Rodiokatu 20, FI-00093 SLU. Finland or the qualified coaches and Instructors we now have: (00358-40585 380 1, tax 00358-93481 3113. e-mail (0044)-l399-873281 [email protected] let's tum them loose on an unsuspecting world I (NIOA). 2 Vte Irish Orienteer The Irjsh Qrjenleer INTER-CLUB CHALLENGE based on the JK (both in("1ua1 days) and the only have a negati\i)ffect. I am not aware of any ODDS '0' ENDS '0' ODDS CHANGE Irish Championships elite c...sses. similar situations occurring with 'proper' * This year's Connacht Cbampionships Selection for the Senior and Veteran Home orienteering events and certainly in any events sbould be quite interesting. not just because the GEN Chairman Paul Nolan writes: International teams will be based on the Irish that I have been involved with in the past any weekend includes a run in the splendid drumlins "Regrettably Ballinastoe forest has once again Championships, four Provincial Championships, overdue competitors have always been located of Knockbarron. Wby else? Well, neither event is been closed to orienteering at short notice. As a Interprovincial and the Shamrock O-Ringen. by the organisers rather than requiring a callout in Connacht: both events are in Leinster, result this year's Inter-Club Challenge will take The selectors may also take other results into of the Mountain Rescue. although the Individual at Golden Grove is place at the Pine Forest, Rathfambam, Co. account in selecting teams. Ifyou have had recent Dublin on the same date. February 1st 1998. within spitting distance of Munster. Who says results whicb might support your selection. you With the state of Irisb orienteering (particularly The competition will be the same 4-course orienteering doesn't improve your geography? are strongly recommended to send in a brief in Leinster) can we afford the negative publicity format as last year but with some of the more • "4000 orienteers made less mess in a week resume to Ole selectors. of this kind of incident. Should we allow groups senior classes running up a course compared to than 400 school pupils make in an hour" Janitor The World Cup Classic qualification race in of uncertain experience access to our maps last time. ar Breadalbane Academy, Scottish 6-Day event Killarney will also serve as the qualification race (maybe these events weren't run using Ovmaps)? Centre (from Score, the Scottish O·Newsletter) Please come along and support this event, for the British World Cup Classic race a week Anyway Ijust Lhought this might be of interest. • The Geological Survey has produced a Leinster's only club versus club competition. later, so if two Irish runners make it to the A final Geological Guide to the Wicklow Way. It's in the Run for your club, run for fun l" in Ireland. the Irish team will have two runners in TIO TROPHY '98 form of five sheets in a plastic envelope. each the same final in the Lake District. SQUADS NAMED The date for the 1998 Irish Orienteer Trophy bas devoted to a day's walk. It's available free from been set: this year's competition will be on the the GSI, Beggar's Bush. Dublin 4. The Irish Selectors have named the squads from The squad members listed above are being firsL Sunday in October, that's the 4th. Make a * Danish World Champs team member which the team will be chosen for the World Cup written to individually to inform them of the note of it now and run for your club on the day.
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