3820 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 6, 1995 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS GOOD BUMPER STICKER SLOGANS teaching our children. His approach to teach­ Coronado and Mia Medrano; and his four DO NOT MEAN GOOD GOVERNMENT ing is innovative, refreshing, and continually grandchildren. changing with the demands of the workplace. Mike Hall, president of Pancho Medrano, HON. BOB m.NER Alan's future curriculum includes such ideas Jr.'s UAW Local accurately described him: OF CALIFORNIA as, establishing business internships for teach­ "Pancho was the kind of person who never ers so they can learn more about the work­ met a stranger. He was always on the cam­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES place and improve the School-to-Work Pro­ paign trail for someone. He was a friend of the Monday, February 6, 1995 gram. Kennedys in the 1960's and a personal friend Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker and colleagues, I Mr. Speaker, I ask our colleagues to join me of Bill Clinton today." rise in strong opposition to H.R. 2, the Line in congratulating Alan Nelms on his award. I Whether they were Presidents or union Item Veto Act. I urge us to think very clearly know all of us thank Alan for his dedication, members or a neighbor down the street, about the important mechanism of checks and professionalism, and selfless service to his Pancho Medrano was a good and loyal friend, balances that I believe will be irreparably dam­ students. who will be missed from the White House to aged if we accept the line item veto. the houses of those of us who lived and Article I of the U.S. Constitution-the only worked with him. contract we really have with America--ad­ A TRIBUTE TO F.F. "PANCHO" dresses the duties of Congress. The Founding MEDRANO, JR. Fathers gave the power of the purse to Con­ WALTER B. JONES FEDERAL gress, and not to the President. Why, in their HON. JOHN BRYANT BUILDING wisdom, did they do so? Constitutionalists will OF TEXAS tell us the answer lies in the old saying, "the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON.JAMFSA. TRAF1CANT,JR. President proposes, the Congress disposes." Monday, February 6, 1995 OF OHIO It is the legislative branch that is charged IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BRYANT of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Texas with dealing with the details that are so impor­ Monday, February 6, 1995 tant to every piece of legislation that we see lost a leading citizen and active advocate for in this, the "people's Chamber." It is tedious the working people of Texas with the sudden Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, this week I and often thankless, but it is part of our agree­ death on January 18, 1995, of F.F. "Pancho" reintroduced legislation to designate the Fed­ ment with each and every American who cast Medrano, Jr. eral building and U.S. courthouse located at their votes for us every 2 years. A member of a politically active family com­ 215 South Evans Street in Greenville, NC, as We hear so much talk these days about mitted to advancing the cause of organized the "Walter B. Jones Federal Building and term limits and how much better they would labor and the election of progressive Demo­ U.S. Courthouse." The late Walter B. Jones make our legislative process. The President cratic candidates, Pancho Medrano, Jr., has was a dear friend, and one of the most re­ already has term limits. Combine that with this left an important legacy of community partici­ spected and accomplished members ever to line item veto, and what the American people pation. have served in this august body. will get is a chief executive with unlimited, un­ Pancho Medrano, Jr., was devoted to his Walter Beaman Jones was born in Fayette­ checked power to unilaterally pick and choose family, his community, the well-being of the ville, NC, on August 19, 1913. He attended projects to reject. working men and women he so ably rep­ Fayetteville public schools and the Elise Acad­ This should not be construed as an attack resented, and improvement of society through emy in Hemp, NC. In 1934, he graduated from against the judgment of the current President. the electoral process. North Carolina State University and entered On this issue, I am strictly nonpartisan. Noth­ His une:.:pected death at the age of :J3 de­ the office r.upply business. ing should interfere with the balance of power prived Dallas, TX, and the Nation of an impor­ In 1949, Walter Jones began what would between the executive and legislative tant and influential voice. prove to be an illustrious and historic career branches of Government. I caution us to resist For 28 years-more than half his all too as a public servant when he was elected the the temptation of bumper sticker politics. brief life-Pancho Medrano, Jr., was an aero­ mayor of Farmville, NC. He served for 4 years space employee of Vought Aircraft Corp. in as mayor of Farmville. In 1955 he was elected -Grand Prairie. to the North Carolina State Assembly. After CONGRATULATIONS TO ALAN He was an effective leader of the organized being elected to three terms as a State as­ NELMS, COLORADO'S VOCA- labor movement in Texas, serving as vice semblyman, Walter Jones was elected to the TIONAL TEACHER OF THE YEAR president of the United Auto Workers Local State senate in 1965. In 1966 he won a spe­ 848 and chairman of its political action com­ cial election to fill the vacancy caused by the HON. scorr McINNIS mittee. death of former Member Herbert Bonner. OF COLORADO Following in the footsteps of his father and From his first days in Congress, Walter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES namesake, Pancho Medrano, Jr., made poli­ worked hard and long for his constituents. He tics and the labor movement part of his ex­ also became a tireless advocate for the Amer­ Monday, February 6, 1995 tended family. ican worker and the American farmer. He was Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to As Dallas County Democratic Party chair­ reelected to 11 successive Congresses, serv­ take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Alan man Ken Melberg noted, "For years, Pancho ing in the U.S. House of Representatives from Nelms for being named Vocational Teacher of promoted the policies, platform, and can­ February 5, 1966 to January 3, 1989. He was the Year by the Colorado Vocational Associa­ didates of this great party with a passionate a member of the House Agriculture Committee tion. Alan is a marketing teacher at South activism that is unique in our times * * *. He and served as chairman of the Merchant Ma­ High School in Pueblo, CO. gave his all." rine and Fisheries Committee and served as Alan has been recognized for his innovative That commitment and involvement ran deep chairman of the Merchant Marine and Fish­ approach to teaching. Bringing more academ­ in the Medrano family-his father, Pancho eries Committee from the 97th through the ics into his marketing classes, the develop­ Medrano, Sr.; his brothers, Robert, Ricardo, 1OOth Congresses. ment of business partnerships and job place­ and Rolando Medrano; his sister Pauline; his As chairman of the Merchant Marine and ment programs for his students, Mr. Nelms wife, Socorro Medrano; his sons, Adam and Fisheries Committee, Walter Jones committed has exhibited the type of individual we need Frank Medrano Ill; his daughters, Virginia himself to ensuring that the United States e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 6, 1995 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3821 maintained a viable merchant marine fleet and Notwithstanding Time magazine's opinion, dustrial design business in the 1930's and, maritime industry. President Reagan was truly the man of the along with 13 others, met in New York to cre­ After leaving Congress in - 1989, Walter decade during the 1980's. There was no sin­ ate the Society of Industrial Designers. Unlike Jones retired to Farmville, NC where he re­ gle figure more responsible for ending the cold the other designers, he resisted the temptation sided until his untimely death on September war than Ronald Reagan. One sterling exam­ to move to New York, keeping his business, 15, 1992. Walter Jones was not only a dedi­ ple was the 1986 Reykjavik summit. For 2 Brooks Stevens Design Associates, in the Mil­ cated, hard working and accomplished public days the United States and the Soviets nego­ waukee area. servant, he was a good friend and mentor. I tiated the most comprehensive arms-reduction Without us realizing it, Mr. Stevens' accom­ will always remember Walter Jones and I miss treaty in history only to have Mikhail Gorba­ plishments in the world of design affect our him to this day. It is fitting and appropriate to chev throw a big curve at the end-the United lives daily. His ideas have helped make our designate a Federal building and U.S. court­ States would have to give up the strategic de­ lives easier, simpler, and grander. And, no house in his honor. I urge all my colleagues to fense initiative. Ronald Reagan stood before doubt you have used one of his products. support his long overdue legislation. Gorbachev and the world, held his ground, One of Mr. Stevens' earliest successes was and said no deal. More than any single mo­ the prototype clothes dryer to which he added ment of his Presidency that was the nail right a window to draw attention to the function of TRIBUTE TO FORMER PRESIDENT through the heart of the Soviet empire.
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