THE* BERMUDA COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDER. OL LXXX[\T— *o. 106 HAMILTON, BERMUDA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1911. 20s. PER ANNUM Capturing Wild Animals far the they generally grow foad of them, Quaint Customs in The South Sea money or kiad. This suits the chiefs • THE MOUNTAINS UNDER THE and tte affection fe more oftea thaa vey well, as often they are too lazy to SEA. Trainer. aot returned by tte cobs. Islands. find work for the natives to do, aad they Cable News. Fer catching full grown lions large I exact instead enormous quantities of It was at tte captain's table on an traps of various forms are nsed. One Three hundred miles from Samoa, food. Atlantic liner that a young lady idly The firm step in the training and trap fe square; one of tte sides lift­ half-way between it and Tonga, lies the inquired just how far the ship was ing up on a spring like tte old-fash­ LONBOK, Sept. 5.—The Constantinc- taming ci a wild beast is obviously to island of Nine, writes tbe distinguished THE PENAL SYSTEM A JOKE. from the nearest land. Many passen­ ple correspondent of tte Chronicle says capture it. It fe an easy task to shoot ioned mouse trap. This trap fe baited traveller, John Foster Frover. Captain gers would have said offhand, "About with a piece of fresh meat, and, as that Russia has signed a prebminary wild animals for sport, compared to Cook named it Savage Island because I The most humourous thing in Fiji is eight hundred miles." But the captain coatract with a British firm to convert the difficulties connected with their soon as tte lion has entered the trap when te came there tte natives would the penal system and tte great jail at referred tke question to a quiet gentle­ door shuts down, and he fe a prisoner. the fortress of Nicholaicff on the Black capture, not only alive, but uninjured. not allow him to land, and he says,'' they • Suva, is aot thc least of thc many jests man, who looked at his watch and Sea into a perfect modern arsenal. Aa injured animal is rarely aay nse, But lions are shrewd and cunning, like came with tte ferocity of wild boars, j connecte, d wkb it. Tte front of tte jail chart, and amazed his hearers by all tte cat tribe, and many a man has. writes Frank C. Bostock, the famous and threw their darts." As a matter j iISs encloseenClOS.p.fdl bhvy a h'serUhigh wail, witha narrow answering, "Just about seventy yards.' LISBON, Sept. 5.—Senhor Joao Chag- hunter and trainer ef wild beasts. The lost his life by going to look at a baited "Tte laad I speak of," continued trap. of fact, however, the natives are not at } doodoorr , after the approved European as, the new Premier, yesterday read the injuries added to the frenzy ef a wild all savage folk ttey were represented to fashion. But tte wall only extends on the captain's friend, wbo was an ex­ Ministerial declaration in the Chamber animal when first caught, leave very PREFERRED MAN-MEAT TO BAIT. be. When Cook saw them they were three sides, and the back fe completely pert oceaaographer, "is just thirty-six of Deputies. It was received with ap­ little chance of his surviving|the ordeal, naked save for something round tbeir open with nothing whatever to prevent fathoms beneath this ship, ft is- thc plause. Tbe Premier said that the even for a few days; and should he I have knowa a case where a lion waists, aad had their faces, breasts and the Fijian from seeking the freedom of summit of the Laurel Ethel Mountain, Government had placed itself on a do so, the chances are that he will becoming suspicious, resisted the thighs tatooed. Their hair was long, the bills if be so desires. But, tte point which is twenty thousand feet above broad Republican baas. It would not remain in such a miserable state for temptation of the fresh meat, and lay aad so were their beards, which were is, of course, that he does not so desire. the lowest level of tte Atlantic basin. i promote party factions, would continue so long that he will not repay tbe down ia hiding and kept watch. When plaited up iato wisps, which they were ' 1J.°. be in prison is no disgrace to the If it were some two hundred feet to be anti-clerical without being hostile cost of capture, feeding, and transpor­ the rash hunters came to see whether in the habit of chewing. The women Fijian. He is sure to find some of his higher, or the sea were two hundred to any religious community or creed, tation. tte bait had beea touched, tte lioa wore their hair short. mends there, for the majoritv of thc feet lower, you would call it an island." and would not attempt to mislead the The chief danger IKS, not so much sprang on them, preferring fresh man- Owing to tteir geographical position population have been there at some In effect, tte Atlantic is a huge working classes. when face to face with the animals, meat to tte bait inside tte trap. and their rockbound shores, the Nieeans time or other. Very often hfe "hard continent boasting a superficial area but when hunting and tracking them. I a India the natives catch tigers by have remained perhaps the most isolate labor" is nothing more exhausting than of twenty-five million square miles. Thc wariest and most careful hunter a peculiar method. Tte leaves of of all the people of Polynesia. Some sitting with some of his friends and It is nine thousand miles long and two HANKOW, Sept. 5.—The American may be tracking an animal, and at tte scyamore aad tte large plaataia twenty years ago, they petitioned to be leisurely clipping the grass edges of tte thousand seven hundred broad. Tte Mission at WufHu has received a report the same time be tracked by the very are smeared with a sticky^ substance taken under British protection. Noth­ main street, exchanging greetings with depth of the water that covers it fe by that one hundred thousand persons animal he is seeking, who may spring and left in the trail of tte tiger. The ing was done in tte matter untill 1900. his acquaintances and returning of hfe no means so considerable as people have been drowned by the floods caused moment tte animal puts hfe foot on Then tte British flag was hoisted and own free will to the jail in tbe evening. used to imagine. by the water flowing over thc banks of on him at any moment. This hap­ the Yangtse Kiang River. The floods pened in tbe case of a hunter whom I one of these leaves he immediately Nine declared under the protection of Or perhaps he is sent oa some errand The Laural Ethel Mountain, discov­ rubs it over his head in order to get Great Britain. for one of the authorities. Convicts arc are thc worst that have been experi­ bad commissioned to catch some lions ered in 1878, is the uppermost peak enced in many years. for me .some years ago ia tlie Nubian rid of it. This naturally makes his A trial in Niue is a quaint proceed­ even sometimes entrusted with monev of one of tte most celebrated of the deserts. The man was a Canadian head sticky aad uncomfortable, which ing. There fa a judge ia every village, to carry to the bank. It is hardly sur­ submarine elevations in the Atlantic. The ill-fated province of Ahnwei is causes him to roll oa the ground. By who holds his court ia the open air. prising, therefore, that the Fijian calls submerged to a greater depth than ever named Pellet, and a most experienced Mount Chaucer, at the eastward of it, before. It fe estimated that more than hunter. doing thfe he becomes covered with Word fe seat to the accused person, and being in prison being in the King's ser­ was revealed to oceanographers in tte leaves, and when he is mad with if he condescends to turn up the trial is vice. 95 per cent of the crops has been des­ There is no more ticklish or danger­ rage the natives come cautiously up 1850. Sainthill, which is westward of troyed. ous task than tracking lions in the proceeded with. If aot, it fe postponed Skill in dancing and the possession of both, has the honor to be tte first and cover him with strong nets and to the time the man pleases to put in an The report received by the Mission, vast Nubian deserts. The scorching sacking. skulls are thc desiderata in a Torres mountain discovered in the Atlantic. while lacking in details, is believed to sun pours down with such force that appearance. Legal procedure does not Straits young man who wishes to marry. It became known to science in 1832. In catching snakes, various devices trouble the Niuean judge. He simply refer te the devastation by the waters few men can stand it. The effect oa Here it is tte women who propose, and Prior to tbe laying of tte first At­ throughout tte entire submerged dis­ thc eyes is blinding. There is little are used, but all methods are attend­ lets tte two parties wrangle till they are the way in which the girl convevs to tte lantic cable, Lieut.
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