Part B Strategic Actions Hunter Valley Wine Country Tourism Destination Management Plan - Visitor Economy Action Plan (Part B) Table of Contents Page Destination Management Planning Methodology 3 DMP Components 5 Community and Industry consultation sessions 7 Bibliography 8 Hunter Valley Wine Country Destination Management Strategy map 9 Next Steps 9 Key Strategies and Action Plan - Priority Strategies 1. Grow Destination 12 2. Expand Sales Capacity and Delivery 13 3. Integrated Visitor Services 14 4. Develop Destination Experiences 15 Key Strategies and Action Plan - Enabling Strategies 5. Developing the Visitor Economy and Place-making 18 6. Improve the understanding of the market 19 7. Creating Partnerships 21 Product Audit 22 > Cessnock LGA 44 > Singleton LGA Hunter Valley Wine Country Destination Management Plan - Part 2 Strategic Actions Developed by New Earth Tourism Pty Ltd 2 | Page Key Strategies and Actions Destination Management Planning is a dynamic, ongoing planning Destination Management Planning – Methodology process that takes a research based, integrated perspective of destination In response to the changing, dynamic tourism business the Singleton development and marketing. To ensure currency and relevancy, the DMP Council (SC) and Cessnock City Councils (CCC) and the Hunter Valley Wine will be updated regularly with the latest research, destination information Country Wine Tourism Association (HVWCWTA) have embarked on a new and tourism trends. process of strategic planning, Destination Management Planning. For industry partners and key stakeholders, the DMP is intended as a This document represents the outcome of destination management guiding document to be used as a tool to inform decision-making and planning for the Wine Country Tourism region which incorporates guide effective visitor economy development and marketing at the Singleton and Cessnock LGAs. The cornerstone of this program is the destination level, consistent with an informed view of the needs and Council’s commitment to a destination approach to the development, interests of visitors and the community. marketing and visitor services of the region. Part A and B of this document represents the outcome of destination This strategic process considers the interrelation and alignment of the management planning for the Wine Country Tourism region which commercial business sector and the community with the needs of the incorporated the Singleton and Cessnock Local Government Areas (LGAs). tourism industry and key industry stakeholders who all benefit from or participate in the visitor economy. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In practical terms, this visitor economy development strategy is delivered New Earth Tourism, the Hunter Valley Wine Tourism Association, Singleton and Cessnock City Councils through the production of a Destination Management Plan (DMP) which would like to acknowledge the people who attended workshops, individual community members and the is developed in line with predetermined State and National guidelines to businesses who attended the industry and community consultation sessions, completed the online ensure it forms part of a greater growth plan at both a regional and then surveys, people who gave their time to be interviewed, government departments who provided research and background information and Council staff for their input into the Wine Country Tourism Destination State level. Management Plan. Drawing on available research and a broad base of knowledge, skills, DISCLAIMER experience and expertise this DMP has been tailored to meet the Any representation, statement, opinion or advice, expressed or implied, in this publication is made in good faith, but on the basis that New Earth Tourism, Singleton and Cessnock City Council or their development and marketing needs of the destination known as, Wine employees are not liable (whether by reason of negligence, lack of care or otherwise) to any person for Country Tourism, and tuned to meet the needs of the target markets any damage or loss whatsoever, which has occurred or may occur in relation to that person taking (as identified. the case may be) action in respect of any representation, statement or advice referred to above. IMAGES USED THROUGHOUT THIS DMP ARE COURTESY OF HUNTER VALLEY WINE TOURISM ASSOCIATION, DESTINATION NEW SOUTH WALES, CESSNOCK CITY AND SINGLETON COUNCILS. Hunter Valley Wine Country Destination Management Plan - Part 2 Strategic Actions Developed by New Earth Tourism Pty Ltd 3 | Page It is intended as a directional rather than a prescriptive plan, used as a • Strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders in the region to enable guide for the development of strategies and business plans, and as a a more coordinated and strategic approach to destination foundation for further future planning and discussion between partners development and stakeholders. • Ensure the effectiveness of the Hunter Valley Wine Country branding and its alignment with the destination’s positioning It has been developed in the context of each Council’s priorities for the • Continue to develop and undertake cooperative marketing programs delivery of community services, the Council’s Economic Development and to provide cost effective opportunities for industry partners to to specifically focus on the planned growth of the Visitor Economy of the benefit from working with the destination brand LGAs and where appropriate in partnership with both Regional and State • Focus destination branding activities towards high yielding segments bodies and relevant industries. in the domestic geographic markets as identified in the DMP • Cultivate growth opportunities within niche market segments such as The Hunter Valley and Wine Country Tourism area is one of Australia’s education tourism, backpackers, food and wine tourism, golf and premier holiday destinations. It is famous for its wine, food, events and sports tourism, weddings, MICE, events and ecotourism. natural/rural environments which have been attracting Australians and international visitors for decades. Our visitor economy and tourism industry environment is a vibrant sector which is influenced by local, state and national Governments, changing The region has capitalised on its attractive environment, climate and business priorities, growing communities, market trends and global lifestyle in developing a vastly specialised economy that is dominated by circumstances. Therefore the DMP has been developed over a lengthy the vineyard and wine tourism industries. period of research, industry and community consultation, and will be used as the basis to engage regional tourism stakeholders on tourism The Hunter Valley Wine Country Tourism Association will continue to development and marketing issues. strive to enhance the development and marketing of the region in partnership with Visitor Economy Hunter as the representative RTO, The key concepts and strategies in the DMP should be guided by a relevant industry and industry bodies, Government and the community in steering committee made up of key industry and Government helping guide the implementation of the DMP. stakeholders and implemented through the annual business plans of the Council’s, HVWCTA and could include representatives of successful Over the next three years, the Councils and HVWCTA will focus efforts on partnerships with the RTO and key industry partners. the issues and opportunities identified within this plan. Examples of these issues are to; It is envisaged that these concepts and strategies will also inform the action plans of all stakeholders with an interest in a consistent, research • Maintain the destination’s position as an Australian premier holiday based approach to the sustainable and profitable development of the and short break destination and increase market share of targeted visitor economy in the region. high yield domestic and international market segments Hunter Valley Wine Country Destination Management Plan - Part 2 Strategic Actions Developed by New Earth Tourism Pty Ltd 4 | Page set of actionable strategies for the realisation of sustainable tourism The outcomes of the program provides a new perspective on tourism growth and industry profitability over the short to medium term. industry leadership, in keeping with the Singleton and Cessnock City Councils and HVWCA’s goal to facilitate sustainable tourism growth and Destination NSW remains committed to a destination approach to the industry profitability. development and marketing of NSW destinations. The destination approach is a proven and effective management system that enables the This DMP recognises that the two LGAs and greater Hunter Region organisation to best meet its market, industry and Government consists of a number of diverse tourist destinations, each with distinctive obligations. and differing development and marketing needs. This document will also be required in support of any future applications While Part A of the plan outlines the background and purpose of the for tourism development funding via State and Federal Governments Destination Management Plan recommendations and sets the planning agencies. context as an aspect of the Council’s Visitor Economy guiding strategies, Part B expresses all the relevant reference research, knowledge and Destination Management Planning is an evolution of the Destination NSW experience which has been accessed by New Earth Tourism and refined marketing initiatives and represents a more integrated approach to into a straight forward plan of recommended actions.
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