. - V - ’ .................... w ----.i.ijJiVi-■■ ■■■.. V- , ~ , ■■UKiml trnrmrmtm UM V'- The Junior choir of the iSoun&al The b^lsinsse'^ meeting at the The Woman’s HOme Ifsague of the' MIm Flomno* Bmiaon, prmfdMit ■ ^wlTi(mi oC Snumutf Lutheran church will hold Ita first ‘Women's Home League of the Sal­ Salvation Army win meet tomorn at tha Woawn’a Dtvlaloa of th« T J l. -L u tfi^ Z ^ u rc h echooi will have m fW r aaA sHgirtly 1 _ fall fehearsal tonight at 6:11k vation Arm y will be pqelponed from afternoon at 3:80 at the citadel to C A., haa called a maeting of tha important meethiig tonight at 7:80. 5,730 Thnnday tocreaslng eioadlaeM fat- . o’clock. It ia ttrged that all former tomorrow afternoon to Thursday complete p l ^ for the annual peach Council for Monday ovwUng at 7:80, A fuU attendance la b o p ^ for. MeEBlwr ^ tto Aadtt i lowad fey sbowen, M a n ra M ta r'l afternoon at 9 o’clock, and the an­ social on raursday from 4:80 to T^iibrrow Is Double 'Arthur A. Knollai, preddent of memben be in attendshoa and an to eonaider ^qiUcatlona for director Pmraii of OttiiIbfiscs aftesMiMi or algfit ' hCuiebeit«< Qumrry aub, aiks Invitation is extended to those wish­ nual peach social will follow. 9:80. Peach ahorteak% pies, sunt of the Women’a DlvlMon, to auo- a daes, ice cream, sandwiches, tea and MANC'HESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM Db«M to Icwp October 9 open w ing to Join to attend. ceed Mlaa Leora Hibbard who la now Members of the Doroah society o f ooSee will be served at moderate teaching In South Wlndaor. StaiuD Day In Both These •peeiel m ee tl^ of the organlzs^ prioes, and muste will be rendered (Citeeallli d Advarttetag ea Fage IC ) i win be held on that date. The drawing on the trip to the fihtiahuel Liutheran church will con­ Walter N.Leclerc VO L. L V , NO . 303 MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1938 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTH World Series in New Tork for which duct a Swedish baking sale at Hale's by a group from the Salvation Arm x Friehda of CecU Kngland will ba ban<L\ Stores; Extra Savings ^ The Second Oonnegatlonal church tickets have been sold bv the TaU store, Saturday afternoon. The com­ glad to know ha la making rapid re­ Funeral Director fcimeO’ will hold (ta first fall meet- Cedars of Lebanon will be held to­ mittee in charge la Mias Sylvia Cas- covery following e Mriotu maatold *89 (to. Mala S t Phaaa 6J69 Big tomorrow evening at Y:SO at the morrow night. All who have returns person, chairman; Miss Vivian Lar­ The Young People’s Society meet­ operation performaA at the Peter For You By Shopping SuMnage with Dr. and Mra. Ferrla to make should contact Ward Dou son, Miss Am) Undbsig and Mra. H. ing, at the xSiureh of the Naearene, Bent Brtgfam'hoap^tal'ia Boaton. B. Reynolda. gan before that time i M. 'Reed. A ll oontrlbutors to .the scheduled for this evening, has been C.-A* R. in' Last Stand Against Advancing Years sma are requested to see that the MADRID AND TOLEDO postponed. food is at the store as near 1 o^clock — Wednesday These may be among the last GOV. LANDON as posalbls. pictures o f Citvll War veterans at BtlUman Keith, younger son of FACE FASCIST HORDE Drums Up Interest a national encampment of the Uncle Sam’s Double j. The Dance Season Opens Friday Mr. and Mrs. George B. Keith of WATKINS BROS. O. A . R., the Washington gather­ I«w la street, who recently returned ing seeming likely to be the last. ■ LNOUBPORATED fo, his senior year In the School of Below, J. K. Vallance o f Danbury, WORKABLE FARM PLAN Sept 25 With The First Big Forestry, Syracuse University, ia at fiat fe w Miles and Littk present on a sllva culture tour ROBERT K. ANDERSON BUCKLEY TEAMS Conn., slyly whispere to a com­ through the Southern State to Funeral Director rade; and at left, S. S. Dayton, 91. Dance At The Temple Ballroom Florida, In company with a group of ^ Opposition fiefore Rebeb of Marion, O., t>eaU a mean drum; Cash Benefits and Consenra- Funeral service in home­ other atiidrnts In his division. ~ and at right Is .octogenarian Mar­ * ., (N«XT TO POST OFTlCe:—EAST CENTER STREET) like surroundings. WITH WILLARD A marriage license was issued as They Advance; Tom - tin Smith of Scltuat^ R I., al­ tiSn Payments Endorsed; Sponsored.By the Same Group W ho Ran the Popular Rec this week at the Bureau of Vital 142 EAST CENTER ST. most a double for “Uncle Sam.* Des Moines, lo.. Sept 23.— (A P )— ^' "AU tha farmer asks la that hU Dances Last Season, Statlatlce, Hartford, to Alfred J. aftemsyears Pointed paragraphs from Qov. AU income be on a parity with the rest Cheers Greet His States Barth of H a ^ o rd and Miss Anna. Telephone: jos Falls fiefore Moors. of the Nation; that he may enjoy Dancing 8 to 12. Admission 35c. M. London’s speech on farm prob­ M. Pllukaa.-Aughter of . Mrs. Annie Office 5171 House 7494 lems, here last night; , the same standard of life; that hla Pilukas of 40 Buckland street and "You will see tbat everything I. home be made secure; and that he ment That A fter Fonr the late August Pilukas. By ASSOCIATED PRESS Pair Long Parted Laboring have said points to but pne end — be able to build up a reserve for A tbree-pointed Fascist , horde that Is the protection of the family- the future. Given In All Departments of Both These ched out today for Madrid and type farm. Thia philosophy runs -------- Years '*New Deal Is Batdr Together for G. 0. P.; like a thread through tl)e Republi­ ^ Stores All Day Wednesday. oledo, on the 67th day m Spanish ' "1 know tbat these alma cannot A Good Grade of Fig B a r s ..................15c Ib., 2 lbs, 29c war. can platform. It ta in keeping with be realised overnight Miracles are 4he American- tradition, which Is Where It Started Fronu” Farm Crest Cookies.......................... • .3rdoz. box 15c Tired government militiamen, with Creedon Snggested as ho more common In Washington only grapes anc watermelors for based upon preserving individual op- thiln they are in Des Moinea” Small Lemon Flavored Cookies.......................24 for 10c PEGGY LARKIN X>ortunlty. But you will not find It 1.^5: food, blocked the ,38-mile road to Des Moines, la., Sept.'23.— (A P ) The J W . H A U CORP. Madrid. Successor to Roraback. even mentioned in the platform of "XXX Let me make this one point Plnehnrat Bacon Wrapped Aeinforced government armies, tbe opposing party." absolutely clear. I f 1 am elected, I —Gov. A lf M. London stepped per­ € 0 0 1 0 1 1 8 : TEACHER OF DANCING Man chester Conn* with loyal Toledo and the beleaguer­ shall fulfill' all outstandkig obliga­ sonally into Iowa Republican p ^ y "The provision of adequate credit ed insurgent Alcazar at their backs, Hartford, Sept. 23— (A P ) — The tions 'made by the presept adminis­ organisation work today •tier a Apples, 5 lbs. 25c Lam b Patties ANNOUNCES TME OPENING at reasonable rates x x x will en­ sought to stem a second onslrught, political wheel that, grinds some tration with the American farmer.’*' farm address pledging "a free and south from Torrijos, just 18 mUes courage farm ownership. Our pro- RECOMMENDED men Into oblivion and whirls others grair of conservation will enable tbe Independent af^culture." SATUR D AY, 0CTOBER 3 from Toledo. Torrijos fell yester­ "Those of our farmers hard hit Native Potatoes, 4 2 9 ® For Lasting Beauty and Protection cuiouse>soH. Into prominence and power has, in man Uving on his own land to main­ Cash benefit and conservation day to the Fascists and their Moor- ________________ INC. a sweeping revolution covering 18 tain the productivity of that land by the drought wiU be generous^ Of Her New Studio In Tinker Hall ieh spearhead. provided for until they can raise a payments wsre endorsed by tbe can­ peck 39c Small Link Sausage. A third Insurgent column etruck years, reunited Clarence O. WUlard and theieby remain a seU-support- didate last night amid the cheers of For Instruction In McGILL’S BEST PAINTS and Major John Buckley aa a poli­ ing cltlien. Our cash benefit x x x crop. This means the continuation out etraight north of Maqueda, de­ of rhilet checks.’’ an audience at the State -Fair Lean Cuts of Stewing Lamb. tical team. Will be limited to the production grounds estimated by PoUceIce ClaptalaC!ap termined to subdue the hostile re­ The two today are working to­ Green Beans, Small Pot Roasts. TAP TOE CHARACTER SUNFAST AND WATER RESISTANT WALL PAPERS gions west of Madrid. level of the family type farm." ' F. B. 'nmmons at zrbin 16,000 to gether at the Allyn House as they "W e’re going to see to U that the 88,000. 2 qts. 15c AND BAIXROOM DANCING Only sporadic resistance, said the did for the first time 18 years ago, headquarters of General Francisco "The Republican party x x x does farmer.whose crops have to be sold Cheers m eted his declaration ' Freehly Chopped Ptnehurat but under conditions - somewhat not Imlieve in having our farms on a world market gets the equiva­ REGISTRATION Tuesday, September 29, 2:30 to 4:30 Franco, had been encountered so changed.
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