EDITED BY ARTHUR GRIFFITH. Vol. 1. No. 24. (New Series). SA TU R D A Y, JU L Y 28th, 1917. PRICE ONE PENNY. Now, if anybody imagines that this defence them what they ask—even, though'it takes a WBBK BY WBBK. and eulogy of Lloyd George—this exhortation small slice off their profits. Thus may the —*— to Ireland to accept a Home Buie scheme with- Empire be saved by the Matthew McCuskers of The following order lias been issued ut fiscal autonomy, this suggestion that Ulstei Belfast, who, far from the firing line, are mak­ to the Irish Nation by the .Government of or its counties may be accorded a Referendum ing their bit out of the “ munition-workers’ England, now engaged in championing the on any Home Rule proposals, this reiteration beer,” and righteously insist that their Empire freedom Of small nations and upholding the that Ireland must be content to remain a graz­ exists on-a Beer-Profit basis. concept of-’democracy against the principle of ing ranch and must on no account attempt to autocracy:— supply herself with coal of her own mining—if “ It shall not be lawful for any person in anybody imagines that because the editor of the That eminent statesman Sir Edward Carson any newspaper, periodical, circular, or other Cork Examiner” met Lloyd George in Lon­ informed his Ulster supporters last week that printed publication, or in any public speech, to don on July 17th and the article was published Germany must withdraw her armies beyond the publish any report, or statement of, or to pur­ in Cork three days later, that there was any Rhine in order to discuss peace. For Germany port to describe or to refer to, any proceedings connection bteween the two facts, he is mis­ to withdraw beyond the Rhine would be for of the Convention assembled on the invitation taken ; for the editor of the “ Cork Examiner ” Germany to yield up a huge piece of her ter­ of His Majesty’s Government for the purpose will lay his hand on the place where his heart ritory ; but Sir Edward Carson and his Unionist of preparing a constitution for the future ought to be and declare that the only topics admirers were not aware of that. They took government of Ireland, or of any Committee of of discussion were two, and that they related it for granted that the Rhine is the German that Convention, except such report or state­ not to Ireland, but to England and to Russia. frontier. And the Minister who made such an ignorant blunder has been just promoted to ment thereof as may be officially authorised • # * be a member of the Inner War Cabinet. When by the Chairman of the Convention. The English Government has refused pass­ “ If any person contravenes any provision may we hope to hear this intelligent politician ports to the representatives of the Irish Labour of this regulation he shall be guilty of an declare that peace will be made with Austria- Party to attend the Stockholm Conference. Hungary when it retires behind the Vistula ? offence against these regulations.” , England, it is to be remembered, is fighting • * * * e for the rights of small nations and the prin­ The Irish Nation, it appears, will be sent to ciple of democracy. There was one small error in our article on jail if it even refers to the proceedings /of a “ How Ireland is Taxed.” , We stated that body set up to “ prepare a constitution for the margarine paid tax as “ cocoa butter” or future government of Ireland.” This, how­ Two Irish cities have complimented Madame “ copra.” It is on cocoa-nut butter—-the pro­ ever, is not autocracy. .We have Moyd George’s .Markievicz by adding her name to their roll duct of copra—the tax is paid. Margarine of honorary citizens—Kilkenny and Sligo. word for it. thus escapes the tax. Cocoa-nut butter is a * * * flr Madame Markieyicz’s transparent sincerity fat* obtained from the fruit of the cocoa-nut. .It would be difficult ^t^J|t^i;qm •. -and dfevotiqn jtp her gountry have, not. shielded • 'xm, r •' *.“? “* ' D l ^ lii^peiialnt ^eport of H&eTjc^- %er fromHhe^T«ai A reader is -puzaleaby the figures of Irish ford meeting , V invented and spread through the country the^sJanders on Roger-Casement, and on every imports and exports (1915)—£17,039,000 in all. “ Hr. A. Griffith declared th$t Sinn Fein man and woman Of prominence in the National The figures quoted are the figures of the trade of would not.attend*the Convention. At the" Movement ; and we particularly rejoice, in the Ireland with the world at large, outside Great > same time he denied that Sinn Feiners de­ honour Kilkenny and Sligo have done to our Britain, not the figures of inter-traide between clined to go to the Convention.” countrywoman. Ireland and Great Britain. The figure * • * * ' > O ' £1,220,645,000 for England is the figure of Mr. A. Griffith stated that Sinn Fein would The ‘ ‘ Independent” reports that the Mayor England’8 trade with the world, not the figure not decline a Convention whose members''were of Sligo was assaulted by some of the harpies of her inter-trade with Scotland and Ireland. freely elected by aduit suffrage in Ireland, who of'that city on Sunday-evening, and that the « # • were ‘free to deolare for the complete independ­ Constabulary, who witnessed the assault, in­ stead of arresting the law-breakers, looked on Since we are on figures we may contrast the ence of their country,,, and wliose majority de­ revenue of Ireland with that of other coun­ cision, England pledged herself beforehand to and laughed. The two Constabulary men against whom a tries. Ireland’s revenue for the current year the United States and the nations of Europe will be £30,000,000. That sum is equal to the to accept'-and ratify. That is the Sinn Fein coroner,s jury has returned a verdict of “ wilful murder” are still at large, still in the Govern­ | normal revenue of Belgium, which has a popu­ position towards the Convention. England lation nearly double ours to tax and-provide declines to permit the members to be chosen ment service, and still drawing pay from the Castle. I for. It is £6,000,000 greater than the revenue by the people of Ireland/declines to permit of Roumania, £8,000,000 greater than the re­ A meeting called to condemn the conduct of them to consider the compTete independence of venue of Sweden, and £11,000,000 greater than -their country,, and declines to- pledge herself the Constabulary in Killaloe on the night of the Clare election, when, without provocation the revenue of Holland. It is equal to the to accept a majority decision. Therefore, combined revenues of Denmark, Switzerland, the Convention is a sham and humbug, and and without reading the Riot Act, they baton­ ed the people and attempted a bayonet-charge, Norway, and Greece. It is thrice-and-a-half with sham and humbug Sinn Fein will have the revenue of Serbia, nearly thrice the re­ no ctealings. # # has been prohibited by Dublin Castle. -» * * venue of Bulgaria, and nine times the revenue The English Premier met the editors of cer­ of Switzerland. Ireland raises the.largest re­ “ Where is the recruiting-sergeant?” Mr. venue of the small nations of Europe—and tain newspapers one day last week at Downing Matthew McCusker and the other publicans of what does she get for it? St., and discussed with them “ matters of Belfast, who refuse fair treatment to their as­ • • « public importance.” The editor of the “ Cork sistants, want to know. The assistants have Examiner” on'Friday penned a leading article struck work, and Matthew and his colleagues Holland, Sweden, and other countries obtain in whiciiv he declared that the Irish Party had have issued a leaflet bearing this'legend. If and maintain an army and fleet, a diplomatic “ made blunders,” and that the chief, of the assistants won’t.-work for the Belfast pub­ and consular service, and administration of them was due to their acceptance of Mr. As­ licans on the Belfast publicans’ terms, then the Dutch and Swedish affairs by Dutchmen and quith’s pronouncement ‘ that the coercing of Belfast publicans declare it is the clear duty Swedes. Ireland gets none of these things. Ulster is unthinkable. Observe, it is Mr. of the English' Government, to run them into The thirty million goes to defray the expenses Asquith, not Mr. Lloyd George, who misled the the army. This is how Matthew arguee:— of the subjection of Ireland to English in­ innocent Party. ‘The editor of the “ Cork Beer is necessary to win the war. terests, and to put a handsome profit in Eng­ Examiner” emphatically denies that “ break­ land’s pocket. Barmen are necessary to serve the beer. • * • fast at the table of Lloyd George” had any If barmen shirk serving beer they are help­ So much for revenue. Take population. influence on the Party. • The editor of the ing to lose the war. “ Cork Examiner,” fresh from Downing St., Therefore, if barmen go on strike they should In that particular Ireland, despite the artificial declares (1) Ireland ought not to have fiscal be forced into the army. famine, and the steady exodus set up autonomy; (2) Ireland must continue to buy coal thereby, equals Serbia, almost equals Bul­ • * from England, and'since “ it is not yet found garia, and exceeds Norway, Denmark, and in Ireland” must (we trust always) “ rely on a Isn't it clear? It appears that the barmen Switzerland.
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