Fylde Local Plan to 2032: Revised Preferred Option consultation DRAFT RESPONSES REPORT February 2016 1 Summary of comments received and the Council response This report is structured in parallel to the chapters in the Fylde Local Plan to 2032 – Revised Preferred Option consultation document. Contents Page Preface 2 Chapter 1: Introduction 4 Chapter 2: Spatial Portrait of Fylde 17 Chapter 3: The Local Plan’s Vision for Fylde 28 Chapter 4: The Strategic Objectives for Fylde 34 Chapter 5: National and Sub Regional Policy 43 Chapter 6: The Development Strategy 45 Chapter 7: Strategic Locations for Development, Strategic Development 75 Sites and Non-strategic Development Sites Chapter 8: General Development Policies 143 Chapter 9: The Fylde Economy 161 Chapter 10: Provision of Homes in Fylde 189 Chapter 11: Health and Wellbeing 228 Chapter 12: Infrastructure, Service Provision and Transport 236 Chapter 13: Water Resource Management, Flood Risk and Addressing 249 Climate Change Chapter 14: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural, Historic and Built 259 Environment Chapter 15: Next Steps 270 Glossary and Appendices 272 The Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan 286 Sustainability Appraisal 304 Habitats Regulations Assessment – Screening Report 308 Rural Proofing Assessment 311 Health Impact Assessment 312 Fylde Local Plan - Economic Viability Assessment 314 Appendix A: List of consultees who made representations on the Fylde 317 Local Plan Revised Preferred Option (the RPO) Map Specific sites submitted during RPO Local Plan consultation 322 1 2 Preface Preface Number of representations: Comment Support Object Total 0 0 0 0 No representations were received to the Preface Recommendations for change • None Additional recommendations for change The following additional changes are proposed to clarify and update the existing text in the Preface which will appear in the Publication version of the Local Plan. Additional textual changes • Amend text in the second paragraph in the Preface to read: ‘Blackpool Airport and its associated Enterprise Zone’ • Amend text in the third paragraph to read: ‘To accommodate the level of growth development proposed …’ Throughout the Local Plan all references to ‘growth’ are to be replaced by the word ‘development’. • Amend text in the fourth paragraph to read: ‘The Revised Preferred Option document Publication version represents an important process in the preparation of the new Local Plan for Fylde. The document has been prepared following the results of previous public consultations on the Local Plan Issues and Options, and the Preferred Option and the Revised Preferred Option (RPO) documents and by taking account of the information provided by the Ccouncil's evidence base.’ • Amend the final paragraph to read: ‘I very much look forward to hearing your views and receiving your representations on the soundness of the policies and proposals set out within this Revised Preferred Option document Publication version of the Local Plan’. • Amend the text under the sub-heading ‘How to Comment’ to read: ‘At this 2 3 Publication stage, representations on the Local Plan must be submitted in a particular format because all representations will be submitted with the Local Plan for Examination by a Planning Inspector. The Planning Inspector can examine the Local Plan document with regard to two matters: Legal Compliance - whether the document has been prepared in accordance with all the relevant legislation. Soundness - whether the content of the document represents a ‘sound’ document, with regard to whether the document is: Positively prepared; Justified; Effective; and Consistent with national policy. The Council has prepared a Statement of Representations Procedure, a standard form for representations and a guidance note to help all interested parties to make a formal representation and complete the relevant forms. These explain further the matters of legal compliance and soundness. All of these documents are available at the Council Offices and libraries, or on the Council's website www.fylde.gov.uk/localplan/ The Council welcomes your comments on the scope and content of this document as part of this Regulation 18 consultation, together with the following technical assessments of the Local Plan: Sustainability Appraisal Habitat Regulations Assessment - Screening Report Health Impact Assessment Equalities Impact Assessment Rural Proofing Assessment Viability Assessment Where the document is available The Publication version of the Local Plan Revised Preferred Option document is available online at www.fylde.gov.uk/localplan/ or paper copies are available to view at Fylde Direct at St Annes and at libraries across Fylde. The document is also available on CD from the Planning Policy Team (see contact details below). Council officers will also host drop-in sessions around the Borough during the consultation period to provide the opportunity for members of the public to come along and ask questions about the Revised Preferred Option document and for guidance on making a representation. There are a number of ways you can comment on the Revised Preferred Option document Publication version:’ • Amend the ‘Abbreviations’ to include: ‘LAPS – Local Areas for Play’ and ‘LEAPS – Local Equipped Areas for Play.’ 3 4 Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction Number of representations: Comment Support Object Total 35 2 18 55 (Some respondents have submitted more than one representation for this section, therefore the number of representations does not match the number of respondents. This occurs throughout the Responses Report) Representations received from: • Home Builders Federation • Natural England • CPRE – Fylde District • Lancashire County Council • Wyre County Council • Medlar with Wesham Town Council • Newton with Clifton Parish Council • 4 Developers • 2 Action Groups • 5 Residents What you said Paragraph 1.1 A developer is supportive of the council’s approach to identifying a suitable plan period from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2032. If adopted in 2017, the Local Plan would still be drawn up over the required timescale of at least 15 years, in accordance with paragraph 157 of the Framework. An Action Group commented that it was very much in favour of the Local Plan. Paragraph 1.7 - Neighbourhood Development Plans Natural England commented that since some Neighbourhood Development Plans are being prepared in advance of the Local Plan, it would be helpful to include the following text in the Local Plan: ‘Where a Neighbourhood Plan could lead to significant environmental effects it will be necessary to screen the Plan in relation to the Habitats & Species Regulations (as amended) 2010 (the 'Habitats Regulations') and the Environment Assessment of Plans and 4 5 Programmes Regulations 2004. In relation to the Habitats Regulations, a Neighbourhood Plan cannot progress if it would result in a likely significant effect on any European Site (see Schedule 2, The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations, amended 2015). Therefore reduction and/or avoidance measures may need to be incorporated into the Neighbourhood Plan to ensure compliance with the Regulations. A screening exercise should be undertaken if there is any doubt about the effects of the Plan on European protected sites. This will be particularly important if a Neighbourhood Plan is to progress before a Local Plan has been adopted and/or the Neighbourhood Plan proposes development which has not be assessed and/or included in the HRA for the Local Plan. In addition to the HRA process, if environmental effects are predicted a SEA screening exercise should also be undertaken. A SEA may be required where: - a neighbourhood plan allocates sites for development - a neighbourhood plan contains sensitive natural assets that may be affected by the plan - a neighbourhood plan may have significant effects that have not already been considered and dealt with in the Sustainability Appraisal for the Local Plan.’ An Action Group’s preference for taking development in Newton forward and to fairly address residents’ concerns, would be through the creation of a Neighbourhood Forum, development of a neighbourhood plan and a subsequent referendum. Two residents objected claiming that all comments made against the Preferred Option version of the Local Plan in 2013 were a waste of time and effort when it was issued, without any prior consultation with the residents of Warton to inform them of what the council was intending to do to this area, resulted in the village being subjected to a deluge of planning applications from developers, who saw the issuing of the Preferred Option version of the draft Local Plan as giving the green light to begin major development in and around the village. Consequently, this latest attempt to plan for future development in the Fylde is already out of date where it concerns Warton and experience from the previous draft Fylde Local Plan to 2030 has shown that there is little point in providing extensive detailed comments because: the RPO version of the Plan to 2032 is already out of date as a result of the Secretary of State's decision to approve the building of up to 360 new homes at Blackfield End Farm, Church Road, Warton (planning application 13/0674), against the objectives of local residents, Fylde Council and LCC. Any comments that are made against the new draft will not stop the tide of planning applications for new major housing developments in and around Warton that residents are still facing on an almost monthly basis. The Government wants developers to build as many homes as possible, and so in the end the developers will just build what they want where want, because ultimately the Secretary of State will approve their application, no matter what we want. All the effort that Warton villagers out into their Neighbourhood Development Plan has also been a waste of time because the council has still not progressed the formal adoption of the Plan and so it will continue to be afforded very little weight, as stated by the Planning Inspector and Secretary of State when they recommended approval of the building of up to 360 new homes at Blackfield End Farm, Church Road, Warton (planning application 13/0674).
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