OHS B ULLETIN THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY I ss UE 193 D ECEM B ER 2014 Volunteer Team Transforms Aga Khan Museum a Striking Historic Lighthouse Site Symbol of Pluralism in Ontario Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior Toronto’s Newest Cultural Centre Focuses on incorporates through OHS World History, Community, and Enlightenment Paul Morralee, Secretary, CLLS around the dwellings, work sheds, [email protected] and lighthouse tower. The wild grass has been cut, exposing the hen a team of dedicated original grounds, dwellings have Wvolunteers team up to save been cleaned inside and out, exteri- a part of Ontario history that they ors have been painted and primed, are passionate about, it is amazing and many new panes of glass have what can be accomplished! That’s been replaced. exactly what happened recently on Volunteers were treated to a de- Photo AKDM the north shore of Lake Superior lightful surprise when two rusting near Thunder Bay during the Por- 1950s-era automobiles were un- phyry Point Lightstation cleanup. covered from wooded overgrowth. Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Breathing fresh air into the light- Superior (CLLS) incorporated house has offered volunteers a The recently opened Aga Khan Museum, clad in Brazilian granite, is seen through affiliation with the OHS moment to pause and reflect about here reflected in one of the park’s five pools. Light and reflection are im- in February 2014 with a mandate the possibilities for the near future. portant concepts incorporated into the museum’s design and mandate. to preserve, promote, and provide CLLS’s goal for the general public public access to lighthouses and and tourists is for them to enjoy ac- the stories surrounding them. cess to the many amenities on the Andrea Izzo The volunteer-based team has islands. For kayakers and canoe- Heather Anderson for Culture (AKTC); Malik Talib, been active in restoring historic ists, there are places to camp out Sarah Pirani President of the Ismaili Council northwestern Ontario lighthouses. and some shelter offered at the boat [email protected] for Canada; and a representative of A team of eleven donated over yard. For boaters and sailors, there architect Fumihiko Maki of Japan, 330 hours of hard work that has is the opportunity to stay overnight n September, the OHS was we toured the light-filled museum seen Porphyry Point Lightstation in one of the houses, and tourists Igranted a behind-the-scenes first and were treated to an intimate transformed from a site that was can fly in by float plane, charter a look at Toronto’s newest cultural tour of the Ismaili Centre by its characterized by fallen trees, long boat, or even land on the helipad centre, the Aga Khan Museum architect Charles Correa. weeds, and a number of buildings to access the lighthouse tower and and Ismaili Centre. After a brief Located at Wynford Drive and left in disrepair. panel with speakers including: the Don Valley Parkway, the site The area woodlands have been Henry Kim, Director of Aga Khan ‘CLLS’ cont’d page 2 ... tamed and deadfall removed from Museum; Luis Monreal, General ‘Aga Khan’ cont’d page 3 ... Manager of the Aga Khan Trust Our Next Webinar for Heritage Organizations Tuesday, February 3, 2015 | Time TBD Nominate Excellence in Topic: Financial Management for Heritage Organizations Speaker: Heather Young of Young Associates, Your Heritage Community! Arts Administration & Cultural Management at Humber College OHS accepting nominations for Registration will open January 5, 2015 annual heritage awards until January 9, 2015 Register: www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca/webinars Email [email protected] to learn more o you know of a volunteer or stood out to you above the rest? Dprofessional working tireless- Recognize excellence in your In This Issue ly to preserve and promote your heritage community today! local history? This issue of the OHS Bulletin PRESIDENT’S REpoRT............................2 MUSEUM NEWS...............................5-6 Are you inspired by an excellent has a copy of the nomination program, service, or exhibit of- brochure inserted. Please read it NEW MEMBERS AND DONORS............2 fered by a local heritage organiza- for further information. tion, museum, or other institution? Visit www.ontariohistorical Have you recently come across society.ca or call 1.866.955.2755 a book on Ontario’s history that with questions or concerns. Facebook “f” Logo RGB / .eps Facebook “f” Logo RGB / .eps facebook.com/OntarioHistoricalSociety @OntarioHistory EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REpoRT ...........3 CEMETERY NEWS.................................6 The Ontario Historical Society ACRoss THE PROVINCE.......................4 FROM THE BooKshELF....................7-8 34 Parkview Avenue Willowdale, ON M2N 3Y2 CANADA The Ontario Founded Historical Society 1888 Preserving, promoting, and protecting Ontario’s history since 1888, from the grassroots to the scholarly www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca President’s Report T HANK Y O U W E LCOME D ONORS ! N EW M EM B ERS ! Joe Stafford, President American soldiers who fought [email protected] at Lundy’s Lane, were also in Sheryl Adelkind attendance. Keith Jamieson, a rep- S INCE J U LY 2014 t is my great pleasure to pres- resentative of the Haudenosaunee Rosemary Ambrose ent my first report as the newly warriors also spoke, reminding E. J. B. Anderson The Bunker Military I Museum of Cobalt elected president of The Ontario listeners of the important role that Carmela Andraos Historical Society. As I consider the the First Nations played in the Courtney Cameron long and distinguished history of War of 1812. I can only imagine Kenneth Armson the OHS, it is also a great honour. I the amount of time and effort that Robert Banks John Case would first of all like to thank Brad the volunteers spent in prepar- Sonja Bata Coldwater Canadiana Rudachyk, now past president, for ing such a significant event. Bill Jane Beecroft Heritage Museum all of his hard work and dedication. Houston, the president of the He has left large shoes to fill! I also Lundy’s Lane Historical Society Gyuszi Berki Ralph Cunningham Robert Biggs look forward to working with the (LLHS), its executive, and all of the Jack de la Vergne executive director, Rob Leverty, volunteers, epitomized what a well- Glenn Bonnetta OHS staff, and the new board of organized and dedicated historical Fred Bradley Friends of Moreston directors. society can accomplish in terms of Village at Grey Roots I am indeed fortunate to become preserving and celebrating the Pamela Cain president at a time when the OHS heritage of Ontario. Elaine Campbell Hamilton Public Library is expanding its influence with an The Lundy’s Lane Historical George Carere Local History & Archives ever-increasing number of affili- Society was one of the eight origi- John Case Gil Hardy ated societies across the province. nal local historical groups that As Rob constantly reminds the came together to found a provincial Marco Covi Roger Harris Deborah Cushing board, the success of the Society is historical society in 1888, which John Hesse largely because of the tireless work would later become The Ontario Sidney Down of its volunteers. It is because of Historical Society. LLHS incor- Bruce Elliott Historical Society of South Dundas their efforts that there are hundreds porated through affilation with the of successful historical societies OHS in 1993. A. Ernest Epp Kristin Ives and heritage organizations saving As a retired secondary school his- Ross Fair Kawartha Lakes Culture & and celebrating history across the tory teacher, I was also impressed Jane Gibson Heritage Network province. to see that the commemorative Gil Hardy On July 25, 2014, I witnessed event had a strong educational Austin Luhtala Torrance Henderson the results of such efforts. I had component. The formal ceremony Edward Macdonell the honour of representing The concluded with a gripping de- Ruth Hess Ontario Historical Society at the scription of the battle by Sherman Helen & Aarne Juhola Joan Miller Bicentennial Commemoration of Zavitz, the past president of the Ronald Junkin Newmarket Historical Society the Battle of Lundy’s Lane. It was Lundy Lane’s Historical Society, Bruce Kidd here that British forces thwarted who reminded us all of the grue- Nine Mile Point Lighthouse the last American invasion of Ca- some reality of warfare and of the Paul R. King Preservation Society nadian soil during the War of 1812. ultimate sacrifice paid by so many Barry Laver Peter Okonski The commemorative event was in the defence of Canada. J. Douglas Leighton outstanding – a testimony to the Education is an important part of Susan Purdy dedication of the volunteers. Tak- the mandate of the OHS, and one Catherine McEwen ing place on the actual battlefield of the areas of focus for my term Joan Miles Renfrew County Museums Network and beginning at the exact time as president will therefore be edu- Joan Murray Lora Sanford when the battle started, 7:30 p.m., cation, with a special emphasis on Barry Penhale the ceremony was well-organized, the youth of the province, inviting Heather Seguin dignified, and impressive. Dig- them to take a more active interest Penny Potter nitaries included the Mayor of in the history and the heritage of Geoffrey Reaume Settlers’ Village Quilters Quilt Guild Niagara Falls, Jim Diodati, and this great province. Ian Reilly Maximilian Smith the Minister of National Defence, I look forward to my term ahead Lora Sanford Robert Nicholson. In the true spirit and I invite your correspondence. Ginger Stevens Robert & Kathleen Saunders of commemoration, 160 American Contact me by emailing president@ West Nipissing Historical Society veterans, descendants of the ontariohistoricalsociety.ca Amy Scott Alan Shiels Donald Smith D ONOR S (C ONT ’ D ) other historic lighthouses – the James Stanley ‘CLLS’ from page 1 collective efforts made this sum- Ginger Stevens Gail Warner-Metzlaff mer in order to continue to build V.
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