kGPlGP C WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, klGPK 22 HELP AND SITUATIONS?* TIIK EVENTyO STATE, TVASHTKCiTOX. D. M t SALE—AUTOMOBILES. CABAGE BUILDERS. » SALE—AUTOMOBILES. _ RECOMMENDED SERVICE. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. (Continged.) CONSTRUCTION, PRICE. Terms. HELP—FEMALE. PERSONAL. (Continued, (Continued.) BEST LOW (Continued.) Continued. I l GOOD OEO. P BRUNK, i of every description; best TIRES, used. afl“il»es Trade-lns and VALUES. 8531. K wrap IN* ROOF REPAIRING. PAINTING. Buttering, FURNITURE change-overs. Also at low prices Lin. 806 St. N.fc LADY, young, to do cashiering and tttJRBE -COLORED. WILL CARE FOR spouting: prices day prices paid. Write or Phone Main 6638. new tiresHundley 3436 at figures and valid, convalescents, aged. in her suburban reasonable Col. 7317 Eye at. n.w. Trade In your old tires. s. Seal CLOSING packages: must- be accurate L1n._7979. or night. A.tax Roofing Co.. 1839 Kal id. Souarc Deal _Furnlturp_ Co.. 601 Our recent sale of Gold BOOMS—FP BN ISHED. 1 HOURS good penman, also live at home; steady, all- home; referencesjsxchgngwl. prices 14th st. n.w. Apparel UPHOLSTERING, FURNITURE o*f ail kfndFwanted: best used left with many newly position. Apply New York LEAVING FOR lOWA AND MINNESOTA SLIP COVERS. etc.—Have paid. ave. WE BUY AND SELL USED GARB. cars us 334 MD AVE nTe.—Attractive, fur- in coupe Party de- your work done now; expert, service at low Capital Furniture Co.. 490 La. single Seartom. 1113 F st. n.w. July 7th or Bth. Bulck Upholstery 4902. n.w.. pnone 10267. MORGAN, nished rooms: or double: all outside: siring to go along and cut half on expenses, cost. Standard Co.. Main or Franklin FRED L. good buys. Here are a few: light and airy, a ml,; splendid location 7* FOR CLASSIFIED MARKERS AND ASSORTERB, experienced, 7* you have furniture, rugs, Oarage. Ave. department. Bergmann's Laun- see BRADY. 1727 F n.w,. or phone Franklin FURNITURE Ts Thomas Circle 11W Vermont HOTEL”—Telephones' running for starch «* SHADES, antiques, etc., Shannon for best •'ANTLER’S _ screens and pianos, call _ WINDOW metal rooms; dry. 821 O st. n.w. ; 527. _ prices. Adams ® 1926 Buick Coupe $595 water in walking distance; lowest ADVERTISEMENTS MASSEUSE. EXCELLENT TRAINED ASSlBT- weather stripping. Butler A Son. 1351 Good 213 L MOTORS, rates In town by day. week, month; new, PUPILS'to learn hairdressing, male or fe- 9-5; Hope rd s.c. Lincoln 10133. WANTED—We pay highest cash MARMON INC., space O high graduates preferred ants; white clients; baths. Hours. FURNITURE rugs, 1926 Buick Master Sedan.. 775 fireproof Parking 2125 st. n.w. male: school Apt 21 prices of furniture, an- ** closed Sundays. 1626 Swann st.. for all kinds West 1815. _ Natalie Beauty Parlor. 1317 F st. n.w. tiques or any goods. Call Franklin 1733 14th St. N.W. pm. day publication, - other 1924 Chevrolet Sedan 155 NW.—Downtown; low Summer 11 before SALESWOMAN, 25. good VIOLINIST. NON UNION OF VERSATILE BUSINESS OPPORTCNITIES. be convinced. Notes Furniture 800 18th ST. about of appear- to with good 2015 and rates for rooms with private bath; for Sunday. 8:30 p.ra. Saturday ance and pleasant manner, for special sales ability, would like become associated DEI ICATEBSEN doing good business: House. 405 10th st. n.w. 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 265 outside a good orchestra in Washington. Address 8495. 7* ROADSTERS. all-night service: case. work leading to executive position; must be reason for_selllng. Franklin _ buy everything, antique or Agencies, 4306 18th pi n.e. city. 4' FURNITURE I room At the Branch one high school graduate, energetic and ambi- DELICATESSEN wanted In neigborhood. modern, pianos, rugs, bric-a-brac. etc. Cali 1927 Tluick Std. 6 S9OO 1926 Dodge Sport Tour.... 395 THE IOWA. Apt. 74—Desirable for earlier, for daily and tious and entirely unincumbered. Address DANCING- BALLROOM, PRIVATE LES- The only vacant store in a group ol four- Douglas. Lin. 8692, any time for appraise- lady. hour both by lady experience; 5 les- . stores, 4 175 Box 454-E. Star office. _ cultured of teen new in a fast-growing 1,100 1925 Essex Coach « Sunday sona * ¦ northwest ments. 1925 Cadillac BETWEEN CONN. AVE7 A 17th ST. ON R. Viavi Co.. 916 Colo- i sons, 2035 P st. n.w. Up one night. community. opportunity 63 room; semi-private bath; men. SALESWOMAN -Eastern $5. suburban Wonderful FURNITURE of all kinds. I pay big prices Ford Tudor Sedan.... 250 I. -Small II rado Bldg., desires saleswoman for traveling WISH TO HEAR FROM HIGH-CLASS COL- tor a delicatessen. No competition within antiques. Call 1924 Buick Master 6 450 1926 Phone Decatur 3267. 6* family light would 2 Reasonable rent to suitable for office. Household and position: apply in writ.ina.__ ored of complexion who miles. tenant. Mr. Welngartcn M. 6* 395 Single room, large room. Only Exceptions ’pay. in adopting a baby boy, 3 Phone Wisconsin 4034. day or evening. 9278. Chrysler 70 800 1925 Hupp 4 Touring 1818'H ST. N.W— SOUCITORS--TWO. easy sales, good be interested GOLD, silver, watches, diamonds and old 1926 Ist-floor front, bedroom or office; Summer sts. months old Address Box "G." Langhorne. CLEANING, DYEING SHOP'lor "sale, cheap". rates; optional. Franklin Room 206. Stewart Bldg.. 6th and D Jewelry needed in our manufacturing dept. 1926 Stiidebakcr 525 1924 Nash Touring 195 excellent board Death Notice* Lost and to 11 a.m. 6* Pa. 2326 Georgia ave. North 4092. 8* paid. Bellnger's, 818 F st. 10188. Full cash value 1925 195 house; Bound advertlsemenf; |or the daily STENOGRAPHER, well educated, employed REDUCING BATTLE CREEK EXERCISER. CAFETERIA with living quarters for sale NOVELS—OId copies of TtP Top Weekly. 1926 Nash Adv. 6 650 Overland Sedan PETWORTH—Two single rooms, new downtown, who can receive mail and devote Special—lo treatments. $5. Cabinet baths, near Interior Department; very reasonable Weekly State southern exposure; gentlemen only. Call will be accepted Up to noon day Address office. 4* Rough Rider and Buffalo Bill 1924 Rickenbacker Four... 175 4* some little time to carrying on extra corre- bakinr massage. 1539 Eye st. Fr. 429. 7* rout. Box 362-J. Star numbers you have and price. Address Box Adams 3191. _ issue except Seta £*? and Lena N. E Ft. 5040. 5* •• coTjpes. ft I S.. " DRIVING TO MONTREAL AND RETURN; UP-TO-DATE-MEAT" MARKET and grocery. 107-F Star office. 1928 Star Coupe 645 MASSACHUSETTS PARK—Living room, bed- Holidays, when the closing time 6 room bath, family: de- TEACHER- Vacation position for three take 3 passengers at $5O each. Write st. lt.w. 8* _ goods, and with private will 1529 I7th _ and household young who wants . Apt. 5* OFFICE FURNITURE 1927 Buick Master 6 con- Roadster.,.. tached house; accessible, high and is 10? O am Death Notices and months open to teacher F TUCKMAN. 3628 Conn, ave 204 TWO for wholesale and retail business for desirable: also stocks of merchandise, will 1927 Whippet 475 location to earn real money: possibility of perma- required. Ad- pay value For quick results call Main cool. Address Box 379-j, Star office. 4* Lost end Pound for The Sunday during MASSEUSE -GRADUATE OF THE AMBU- Washington: small Investment full vertible $1,350 <J nency if satisfactory Summer. Ad- Massage. Berlin; treat- dress M. J. Berghers, 741 Hamilton st. n.w. 3006 1927 Willys-Knight Sedan. 9S APTS. No. 404—Beauti- accepted up to p.m i latonum for scientific CONGRESSIONAL Star will be 11 dress Box 479-E. Star office; ments. 816 st. opposite the Library, 6* Bring your gold, silver, 6 900 ful front room, excellent board optional. K n.w.. OLD GOLD— in old 1927 Buick Std. And Others, $25 and Up. p.m.. phono Saturday. neat, cor. Apt. , 31*_ fully gro- diamonds, discarded Jewelry. Terms moderate Call after 2 WAITRESS, white: must be attractive 9th. 7. ___ STORE, equipped for meats and platinum, also 400 Lin. 1997. s*_ and experienced. Apply Billing Restaurant. cery. can be changed into delicatessen; good We need them In our manufacturing dept. 1925 Dodge THE AND QUICKEST location; highest prices. A. Inc., & 1918 N ST. N neatly furnished, 1784 F st. n.w. FOR BEST. SAFEST DELLA fixtures can be purchased separate- Will pay Kahn 935 75 STERRETT FLEMING. Inc. W.—Rooms method In reducing, consult DR. LED- ly 628 Bth n.e. from 2 p.m. F St 1924 Ford cool, homelike atmosphere. Summer "WAITRESS wanted. Pa. ave. n.w. 6» ENDECKER. st. n.w. West 1120 Call at st. until 302 3035 0 7 p.m. large: must be 14th St. 3110 M St. ra^tes. WOMAN, white, years as com- 8* WARDROBE WANTED, rea- 74 1,450 1711 over 45 old. SLIP COVERS. OVERSTUFFED SEP CUSH- LEASE, Call 1926 Marmon 831 G ST. N.E - Two rooms, nicely fur. HELP—MALE. general house- $19.75. FURNITURE AND 7 rooms and base- sonable. Atlantic 4399-J. front panion for elderly lady and lons. snap fasteners, incl. material. sale; Champlain St. at Kalornma Ed. for 1.h.k., private family Lin. keeping; In family; no laundry: must s.e. Lin. 5350 ment: low price for quick rooms rented: 1927 Willys-Ivnight con- Phone 3189-W. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN, at Swe: three R L. Isherwood, 1513 28th _ good Franklin 4538, 8* Garage. 5* State education, esperter.ee and (Uvaiy stay nights Interview Mr. Van Dolsen, 404 location. 9394. OLD CLOTHING BOUGHT. ace. * IN- Address Box 373-J. Star ofßQh. Southern Bldg, Main 871. NURSE WILL CARE FOR AND DIET 2 TO 10 SHARES OP STOCK of Aniiite In- MEN'S LADIES', CHILDREN'S vertible.
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