Ambo ST. THEODOSIUS ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 733 Starkweather Ave. SEPTEMBER 11, 2011 Cleveland, Ohio 13TH. SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Mailing: VEN. THEODORA VEN. SERGIUS AND 733 Starkweather Avenue HERMAN OF VALAAM Cleveland, Ohio 44113 T 216 741.1310 GREATMARTYR NICETAS THE GOTH (SEPT. 15) F 216 623 1092 www.sttheodosius.org REMINDER: Please be sure that cell phones are turned off before entering the temple. •Archpriest John Zdinak Dean • Dn. Daniel Boerio •Subdeacon Theodore Lentz • Reader Julius Kovach Ecclesiarch & Choirmaster Divine Services Eve Sundays & Feast Days 5:00 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Great Vespers Sundays and Feast Days 8:40 AM 3rd and 6th Hour 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy * AMBO: Articles for pub- lication should be submitted to: [email protected] by Wednesday of each week before noon. * CALENDAR: Event dates must be submitted by the 15th. of each month. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 1 The Holy Great Martyr Nicetas was a Goth (a Germanic tribe). He was born and lived on the banks of the Danube River, and suffered for Christ in the year 372. The Christian Faith was then already widely spread throughout the territory of the Goths. St Nicetas believed in Christ and accepted Bap- tism from the Gothic bishop Theophilus, a participant in the First Ecumenical Council. Pagan Goths began to oppose the spread of Christianity, which resulted in internecine strife. After the victory of Fritigern, heading a Christian army and inflicting defeat on the pagan Athanaric, the Christian Faith began to spread increasingly among the Goths. The Arian bishop Ulfilas, the suc- cessor to Bishop Theophilus, created a Gothic alphabet and translated into the Gothic language many priestly books. St Nicetas worked intensely among his fellow Goths at spreading Christianity. By his personal example and inspired words he brought many pagans to the Christian Faith. However, after his defeat Athanaric again contrived to gather his own forces, return to his own coun- try and regain his former power. Since he remained a pagan, he continued to hate Christians and per- secute them. St Nicetas endured many tortures, and died after being thrown into a fire. His body remained un- harmed by the fire and was illumined by a miraculous light. By night, a friend of the martyr, a Chris- tian named Marianus, retrieved the body of St Nicetas,and buried it in Cilicia. Afterwards, it was transferred to Constantinople. Part of the relics of the Great Martyr Nicetas were later transferred to the monastery of Vysokie Dechani in Serbia. St Nicetas received an unfading crown of glory from Christ in the year 372. We pray to St Nicetas for the preservation of children from birth defects. PRAYER REQUESTS DEPARTED: Sandee Holod Mary Ann Silberhorn Archbishop Dmitri +8/28/11 Donna Jacak Charles Tamony Nadia Honcharenko +8/21/11 Victor Jacak Barbara Thompson (Phyllis (Grandmother of Paul Zawolowicz) Diane Kearsey ( Janice Tkacz’s sister) Gindlesperger’s Sister-In-Law) Anna Brigadin +8/11/11 Sarah Kersey Shirley Villoni (Ann Mytrohovich’s Marie Kucharski mother) James Walsh Ill Afflicted & Dorothy Laskovich Special Intentions Ruth Yurik Paul Laskovich Wayne Yurik Afanasi Balasz Elise Manella Rob & Alexandra John Baranich Brian and Valerie Marshall & Unborn Child Judy Baughman (Parishioners of Fr. Andrew) Erik & Gwen Hasselquist Amanda Bernes Ernie Maty & Unborn Child Carol Bohurjak Anna Mysiw (Friend and Neighbor of Helen Antonik) Thomas Bohurjak Alex and Jerilyn Oppenheim Grace Parhamovich Albert Casey Sr. & Unborn Child (Karen Felon’s Mother) Christine Crichton Jason & Elizabeth (Zimmerman) John Petkac Laina Dachtyl & Unborn Child and Petkac (Judy Cindy Durkalski Peter Gina Sarah & Kevin (Zimmerman) Gartman’s Brother & Sister-in-law) Melanie Faunce & Unborn Child David Roman (Nephew of Bernice Ferencz Margaret Rusynyk) CONGRATULATIONS: Bernadine Gindlesperger Russell & Tanya Carlton Shepard Julia Grabowski Thomas & Newborn Leah St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 2 Welcome Visitors Our parish welcomes you and thanks you for joining us at today’s Divine Liturgy. While only Orthodox Christians may approach the chalice for Holy Communion, everyone is welcome to partake of the Holy Bread after Liturgy. You are also invited to join us for fellowship in the Parish Hall following Liturgy. COFEE HOUR & GREETERS SCHEDULES Coffee Hour Hosts: Greeters: 09/11/11 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION BANQUET Phyllis Gindlesperger & Virginia Medvec 09/18/11 Al Casey & Judy Schwind Steve & Eileen Bonder 09/25/11 Jason & Emily Grimes Elizabeth & Nina Antonik 10/02/11 To be announced. Zolikoff Family 10/09/11 To be announced. Michael Tabeling & Tammy Ponomarenko TODAY 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC CATHEDRAL 1911 – 2011 Our celebratory weekend comes to a close today September 11, 2011 We wish to thank you for participating. GOD’S GIFTS TO US - OUR GIFTS TO GOD CONGRATULATIONS Weekly expenses: $ 6,538.00 Last week’s collection $ 6,174.00 NATALE EVANS & RICHARD THOOMB Over/Under < $ 364.00 > September 2, 2011 GABE TABELING & SHYANNE SWIGERT Attendance September 4, 2011 Members 87 ~ Visitors 11 ~ Total 98 Dome Lighters Donations to offset the cost of lighting the domes can be made for The Health Of or In Memory Of your loved ones. Contact the Parish Office if you are interested. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 3 FAITH ENRICHMENT CHURCH SCHOOL Faith Enrichment classes will begin DATES 11:00 AM - THIS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24 September 15, at Ridge Manor THROUGH NOVEMBER 19 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM SAVE THIS DATE INTER-ORTHODOX GOLF SCRAMBLE sponsored by: St. Innocent & St. Theodosius NEXT SUNDAY, SEPT. 18, 2011 at Springale Golf Course, North Olmsted $75.00 -18 Holes/Lunch/Steak Dinner Registration 12:00 Noon Tee off time 12:50 PM CONTACT: Lauren Eppele at 216-956-1845 or [email protected] ASSISTANCE NEEDED Do you have any wonderful, exciting or in- teresting ideas for a parish fundraiser or social activity such as bowling, monster golf, steak roast, lamb roast, sledding, wingding, spaghetti dinner, or fish fry? If you have ideas, or contacts, and are able to help at the event in any way, contact Darrell Felon @440-238-3837 or [email protected]. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 4 CATHEDRAL BELLS The Cathedral Bells are in need of repair. For safety reasons the bells are not able to be rung. The cost of making the needed replacement and repairs is $25,000. As in the past, I am presenting a challenge to all of our parishioners to consider a donation for these repairs. Considering that we have about 100 households, I ask you to consider a donation of $200 per household. Some may not be able to meet this challenge and I ask you to do the best you can. Some may be able to do better than the challenge and I thank you in advance for doing so. Together, we can bring the sound of the bells back to St. Theodosius Cathedral. As of September 4, 2011 we have raised $ 18,089.00! Thank you! God bless you all, Fr. John OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVANGELIZATION During the month of September there will be multiple opportunities to evangelize in direct and indirect ways. In addi- tion to our celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the construction of the Temple on the weekend of September 10 & 11, there are three other opportunities: 1. On Saturday, September 10th., Sparx City Hop will be taking place which coincides with our activities for the 100th Ann- versary Celebration. All over the City of Cleveland there will be trolleys providing transportation to visitors to see the City and to stop-off at multiple locations throughout the day. One of the stops will be our Cathedral, and since you will already be there, all that is needed is to be aware that we may have visitors stopping in all day. These will, of course, be in addition to those visitors we are already anticipating. The only difference may be that these visitors will not necessarily be aware of our celebration. Nevertheless we want to show them our hospitality and welcome them into our midst. 2. The following weekend is the 13th Annual Tremont Arts Festival which will be held at Lincoln Park . It takes place on Sat- urday, September 17th (from 11am to 6 pm) and Sunday, September 18th (from noon to 5 pm). We are aware that many of you will be volunteering for the previous-weeks 100th Anniversary Celebration. Again, nevertheless, we want to extend the opportunity for you to volunteer for this year’s event. If you are able to provide even one hour of your time, it will be most welcome. Please contact me or Joyce to volunteer. 3. Finally, on Sunday, September 18th., there will be an Inter-Orthodox Golf Outing which overlaps the second day of the Tremont Arts Festival. Please mark your calendars and consider each of these opportunities to engage in evangelization, hospitality and fellowship. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 5 th St. Matthew’s 14 Sponsored by the Cleveland “R” Club Chapter 4/6 Annual SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2011 Clam Bake 6:00 p.m. Saturday, October 8th Archangel Michael Church “Shanty” 1st Seating 4:00 – 5:30 pm 5025 E. Mill Rd., Broadview Hts., OH 44147 2nd Seating 6:00 – 7:30 pm Adults 17 and over - $25.00 St. Matthew’s Harmony Hall 16 and younger FREE with a paid adult 10383 Albion Road, N. Royalton Advance Ticket Purchase Required North Royalton, Ohio Ticket deadline: September 18, 2011 The Menu hssGwyvjllkzGilulmp{G{olGyluv}h{pvuGlmmvy{zGvmG Steak and Clam Dinner $28.00 ST. VLADIMIR’S CHAPEL Chicken and Clam Dinner $24.00 AT ST. VLADIMIR’S CAMP AND RETREAT CENTER Steak Dinner $22.00 Need Tickets? Contact Donna Tesar at 216-401-2834 or [email protected] Chicken Dinner $17.00 Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, New England Can’t make it? Donations accepted!! Make checks payable to Cleveland “R” Club.
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