Public Document Pack METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF SEFTON COUNCIL SUMMONS To Members of the Metropolitan Borough Council Dear Councillor You are requested to attend a Meeting of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council to be held on Thursday 16th February, 2012 at 6.30 pm at the Town Hall, Southport to transact the business set out on the agenda overleaf. Yours sincerely, Chief Executive Town Hall, Southport 8 February 2012 Please contact Steve Pearce, Head of Committee and Member Services on 0151 934 2046 or e-mail [email protected] 1 This page is intentionally left blank. 2 A G E N D A 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. 3. Minutes of Previous Meetings (Pages 7 - 14) Minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2011 4. Mayor's Communications Public Session 5. Matters Raised by the Public To deal with matters raised by members of the public within the Borough, in accordance with the procedures relating to Petitions, Public Questions.and Motions set out in Rule 11 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules. (Details of any further Petitions notified or Questions submitted to the Legal Director by members of the public in accordance with Rule 11 will be circulated at the meeting). Council Business Session 6. Questions Raised by Members of the Council To receive and consider questions to Cabinet Members, Chairs of Committees or Spokespersons for any of the Joint Authorities upon any matter within their portfolio/area of responsibility, of which notice has been given in accordance with Rule 12 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules. 7. Transformation Programme 2011 - 2014 (Pages 15 - Report of the Chief Executive 224) 8. Declaration of Air Quality Management Areas (Pages 225 - Report of the Director of Built Environment 234) 9. Revision of Employee Code of Conduct (Pages 235 - Report of the Director of Corporate Support Services 238) 3 10. Programme of Meetings - 2012/13 Municipal Year (Pages 239 - Report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning 250) 11. Proper Officer Functions (Pages 251 - Report of the Chief Executive 254) 12. Membership of Committees 2011/12 To consider any changes to the Membership of any committees etc. 13. Matters dealt with in accordance with Rule 17 of the (Pages 255 - Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules (Call-In and 256) Urgency) of the Constitution Report of the Leader of the Council 14. Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Byrom To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Byrom: “This authority supports the Metropolitan Fire Authorities Joint response to the Governments Resource Review. It notes that 62% of cuts in the English Fire Service, outside London, have fallen on the six Metropolitan brigades alone. The number of frontline staff has been reduced by 458, nearly 6% of the establishment. The six Chief Fire Officers have given a professional opinion that the scale of cuts now planned will severely affect frontline services and may result in the number of fire-fighters being “massively reduced, some by compulsory redundancy” Fire appliance numbers will be cut and fire stations closed. It is their professional view that the scale of cuts envisaged would “leave the main regional cities of this country with radically low levels of fire and rescue cover and significantly less ability to manage or assist at a major incident involving terrorism or flooding” The Metropolitan Brigades, including Merseyside, have had the biggest revenue support grant cut. Of the total RSG reductions planned between 2005/06 and 2012/13 of £75.9m - £62m has been in the Mets - 82% of all cuts. In order to protect the life and property of the community of Sefton, the scale of these damaging cuts must be reversed and the strong message from the six Metropolitan Fire Chiefs given credence. 4 This authority resolves to write to the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Fire and Rescue Service, all of Sefton’s MP’s and the Prime Minister voicing our strong support for the joint Metropolitan Fire Services campaign.” 15. Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Parry To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Parry: "The Council warmly welcomes the news that the Port of Liverpool is likely to be expanded, bringing thousands of jobs to Merseyside in general and Sefton in particular, and resolves to work constructively with Peel Holdings plc and other relevant parties to resolve the relevant concerns regarding the environment." 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 THIS SET OF MINUTES IS NOT SUBJECT TO “CALL-IN” COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT THE TOWN HALL, BOOTLE ON THURSDAY 24TH NOVEMBER, 2011 PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor Cummins) (in the Chair) The Deputy Chair (Councillor M. Fearn) (Vice Chair) Councillors Ashton, Atkinson, Ball, Blackburn, Booth, Bradshaw, Brady, Brennan, Byrom, Carr, K. Cluskey, L. Cluskey, Crabtree, Cuthbertson, Dodd, Doran, Dorgan, M. Dowd, P. Dowd, Dutton, Fairclough, Lord Fearn, Fenton, Gibson, Griffiths, Glover, Gustafson, Hands, Hardy, Hill, Hubbard, Jones, Kelly, Kerrigan, Mahon, McGinnity, McGuire, McIvor, McKinley, Moncur, Page, Papworth, Parry, Pearson, Porter, Preece, Rimmer, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Shaw, Sumner, Tweed, Veidman, Sir Ron Watson, Weavers and Webster 72. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Brodie-Browne, Friel, Howe, Maher, Mainey, Tonkiss and Welsh. 73. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were received: Member/Officer Minute No. Reason Action Councillor 79 – Treasury Personal – His Stayed in the Fairclough Management employer is room and took 2011/12 – Half – referred to in the part in the Yearly Update report consideration of the item Councillor 78 - Personal - His Stayed in the Moncur Transformation spouse is room and took Programme employed by part in the 2011-2014 Connexions who consideration of may be affected the item by the options set out in the report Page66 7 Agenda Item 3 COUNCIL- THURSDAY 24TH NOVEMBER, 2011 Councillor Shaw 78 - Personal - His Stayed in the Transformation son is employed room and took Programme by Sefton part in the 2011-2014 Library Service consideration of who may be the item affected by the options set out in the report Councillor Shaw 83 - Notice of Prejudicial – He Left the room Motion by is a Member of during the Councillor Sir the Local consideration of Ron Watson Government the item Association Pensions Committee and other bodies Councillor Sir 78 - Personal – One Stayed in the Ron Watson Transformation of his relatives is room and took Programme employed by the part in the 2011-2014 Council and consideration of may be affected the item by the options set out in the report 74. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 27 October 2011 be approved as a correct record. 75. MAYOR'S COMMUNICATIONS Remembrance Sunday The Mayor reported that it was a great source of pride that all of the Remembrance Services within the Borough were extremely well attended on Sunday 13 November 2011. Mayor’s Annual Christmas Gift Appeal 2011 The Mayor indicated that it was a sad fact that there were some for whom Christmas unfortunately brought no cheer. This was especially heartbreaking when these were children who should have every right to experience the joy and magic of Christmas. Page67 8 Agenda Item 3 COUNCIL- THURSDAY 24TH NOVEMBER, 2011 The annual appeal asked all residents in Sefton to try and provide presents for some of the Borough’s most deserving children and make this Christmas extra special for them. The Mayor encouraged all those who lived or worked in Sefton to donate a present for the annual Mayor’s Christmas Gift Appeal and indicated that each year the generosity of people was overwhelming. The Mayor requested that all gifts be left with the Reception Staff at Bootle and Southport Town Halls until 20 December 2011, after which they would be distributed throughout the Borough. Or if so wished, items could be donated through our partners in this year’s appeal – ASDA (Southport) and Rock FM. Mayoral Ball – 17 February 2012 The Mayor reported that his Charity Ball would be held on 17 February 2012 in the Floral Hall, Southport. The theme for the evening would be ‘ A Vintage 1930s Ball’ to hopefully invoke the evocative elegance of a bygone age. Tickets were on sale from the Mayor's Office at a cost of £45 per person. PUBLIC SESSION 76. MATTERS RAISED BY THE PUBLIC The Mayor reported that members of the public had not submitted any petitions or questions. COUNCIL BUSINESS SESSION 77. QUESTIONS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL The Council considered a schedule setting out a written question submitted by Councillor Hands to the Cabinet Member – Performance, Governance and Commissioning, and the response given. 78. TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME 2011-2014 Further to Minute No. 58 of the Cabinet meeting held on 10 November 2011, the Council considered the report of the Chief Executive which provided an update on the progress of the Transformation Programme in the establishment of the 2012/13 budget, reviews of service and consultation processes being undertaken on the budget savings options. The report also set out a package of savings proposals relating to internal consultation options. This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
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